User 463088
Okay then. But you would agree there is nothing wrong to wanting to boast about polls. I'll admit Hilary is a juggernaut... so Bernie is going to take what he can get and if that means pointing out polls... So be it.
I actually agree. I love Bernie, like a ton... But he does need to work on getting outside of what he typically runs on if he wants to get elected.
But I don't think that's the ultimate outcome for him... I think getting people to think more liberally and push the Dem nom to the left a bit more is what he wants at the very least.
EDIT: Also... I'm older than you... 31 here.
Now you I like.
Typically, only those who are losing love to go on and on about poll numbers. The person who is doing well typically gives an air of "who cares" about the whole thing. Interesting, a pollster was one of the last members to join Bernie's team. His campaign had to fight him to agree to hire one. So, it was a little funny to me when he brought it up...especially when everyone lampoons Trump for pulling the same card.
I was being critical of his response to the question being asked. He had a chance to lay out a case as to how his agenda would benefit the AA community. Instead, he talked about poll numbers. Yes, he's improved since he announced, what kind of loser would possibly stay that low in the polls after being in the race for months and months was I talking about again?