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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Unconfirmed Member
"We have to kill the terrorists families. They may not care about their own lives, but they'll care if we go after their families." -Donald J. Trump.

.... I think he wants to kill brown people tbh.
Naw he's just projecting his own insecurities. Don't fuck with ivanaka
he'd get jealous


Krugman sides with Hillarycare
The question for progressives — a question that is now central to the Democratic primary — is whether these failings mean that they should re-litigate their own biggest political success in almost half a century, and try for something better.

My answer, as you might guess, is that they shouldn’t, that they should seek incremental change on health care (Bring back the public option!) and focus their main efforts on other issues — that is, that Bernie Sanders is wrong about this and Hillary Clinton is right. But the main point is that we should think clearly about why health reform looks the way it does.

If we could start from scratch, many, perhaps most, health economists would recommend single-payer, a Medicare-type program covering everyone. But single-payer wasn’t a politically feasible goal in America, for three big reasons that aren’t going away.

First, like it or not, incumbent players have a lot of power. Private insurers played a major part in killing health reform in the early 1990s, so this time around reformers went for a system that preserved their role and gave them plenty of new business.

Second, single-payer would require a lot of additional tax revenue — and we would be talking about taxes on the middle class, not just the wealthy. It’s true that higher taxes would be offset by a sharp reduction or even elimination of private insurance premiums, but it would be difficult to make that case to the broad public, especially given the chorus of misinformation you know would dominate the airwaves.

Finally, and I suspect most important, switching to single-payer would impose a lot of disruption on tens of millions of families who currently have good coverage through their employers. You might say that they would end up just as well off, and it might well be true for most people — although not those with especially good policies. But getting voters to believe that would be a very steep climb.

álvaro malo Tucson, AZ 15 hours ago
Have foulest your heart, professor Krugman?

Is there no room in your view of the US to catch up with the rest of the nations of a more civilized world, where health is care is a universal right for all their citizens?

Are you satisfied with a 'kludge" or minor repairs which will make it more onerous and only delay its obsolescence?

Please show that you are more socially ambitious and capable of helping to formulate a better present for America — the future is now!
An American Anthropogist in Germany Goettingen 1 day ago
It is one thing to defend ACA as the better than nothing at all. But to portray Bernie Sander's plan as an attempt to "re-litagate" it is fundamentally dishonest. That is not his plan at all. He want to expand on ACA by essentially making Medicare available to all. Those who want to keep their private insurance can, though I don't know why anyone would want to. This is a no-lose situation. Either Medicare gets expanded or we stay with the status quo. To portray it an attack on ACA, which would undo the gains Obama has already made is simply false. I am very disappointed to see Paul Krugman repeating false Clinton talking points.
Al M Norfolk 23 hours ago
I am 60 years old and left behind by the economy. Almost no one I know under 65 has or can afford insurance under ACA. Of those that have it, none can afford medical care due to high deductibles. ACA, for all the good it does, is a product of Insurance and pharmaceutical industry influence. Sanders is right, we can move to a fully funded Medicare for all system that would be less costly, more efficient and cover every American. Insurance is a good thing for protecting property but it is a disaster for health care.
Socrates is a trusted commenter Downtown Verona, NJ 23 hours ago
Professor, the USA still spends about 18% of GDP for healthcare and gets mediocre results, compared to single-payer countries that spend 10 - 12 % of GDP for healthcare and get better overall health results, even with increased coverage by the ACA --- that equates to a $1 trillion surcharge for our greedy, inefficient healthcare system.

Why exactly should we be satisfied with the great American healthcare rip-off bowling ball ?

Because we're exceptional ?

Because we're corrupt ?

Because less for more is a great deal ?

The ACA was a great step forward, but America's healthcare system remains an economic extortion racket fundamentally propped up by greed.

The prices of branded prescription drugs in the US are double those in other countries.

The fees of specialist physicians are two to three times as high as in other countries.

Lower medical prices and drug costs abroad are achieved by careful negotiation and controls by governments fighting for its citizens.

But American government is kept from fighting for its citizens by legislation and by Congressional bribery.

The answer is not to accept the greedy, psychopathic status quo but to stand up and fight and Feel The Bern.

You need to eat your liberal spinach, Professor, and follow the words of a real liberal like the Lion of the US Senate, the late, great Teddy Kennedy:

"For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die."
Enri is a trusted commenter Massachusetts 1 day ago
"First, like it or not, incumbent players have a lot of power. Private insurers played a major part in killing health reform in the early 1990s, so this time around reformers went for a system that preserved their role and gave them plenty of new business." So it is ok to pay ransom?

A very disappointing anti-Sanders column.
JMC Lost and confused 1 day ago
What a disappointing column from an otherwise respected person.

Obamacare has made an incremental dent in the number of uninsured but there are still tens of millions uninsured Americans. Even those with insurance have skimpy coverage and huge out of pocket expenses.

The USA is the only first world country without single payer.

And what do we get in response from the "Conscience of a Neo- Liberal"? Republican talking point about higher taxes from an economist who can't even bother to do the math offsetting higher taxes versus no insurance premiums and deductibles to pay.

So according to Krugman, we should be grateful for the crumbs we received because "First" rich people and corporations have a lot of power, "Second" we will scare you with higher taxes without factoring in the benefits and "Finally" it might upset us well off people who have good coverage through our employers. Obviously reasons why nothing will ever change about anything that may upset the rich and a willingness to scare people with unsupported claims of higher taxes.

The "Conscience of a Neo-Liberal" indeed.
Rima Regas is a trusted commenter Mission Viejo, CA 1 day ago
Reality is what we make it. That is the essence of Bernie Sanders' political revolution message and, with 29 lives without the benefit of what the rest of the nation has, it is a reality that we must change. Keeping the status quo, which is what Hillary Clinton called for tonight, and asking Mississipians, Alabamans and millions of uninsured and underinsured Americans across the nation to do without for years on end just isn't right, nor is it preordained by some conventional wisdom that, if anything, this primary election season continues to prove is not conventional or wise.

Our nation needs fundamental changes to just about everything we do, from racial justice, to criminal justice, to education and student debt, to jobs, to banking, and the way money and politics interact.

All of the areas that need changed have reached critical mass. The voters, their anger, demonstrates that, they too, have reached critical mass and want change.

Incremental changes, going forward and back, have brought us to where we are today: not a good place. Incremental compromises of our ethics, via the relaxation of rules that were put in place as a result of painful events (the Great Depression is one) are what brought us to the corruption all around us.

We had a great DemDebate tonight and by all accounts, Sanders dominated it. Sanders is right. We need to progress and not content ourselves with incremental. We deserve better.


I always figured Clinton was the more conservative end of the Democratic spectrum and the majority were closer to Sanders' positions.

On the Democratic spectrum she's center to center left. Sanders is basically the farthest left politician elected to a national office in the US.

I mean, I and the polling could be wrong, in which case there is some huge silent majority of leftists hiding out there and Sanders will win. Really I want there to be, but I highly doubt it.


One of the final, devastating images in the Benghazi film “13 Hours” is of an American flag lying in a pool of filthy water and debris after the jihadi raid on two American outposts in Libya.

As the movie was shown to New York critics Tuesday night, President Obama was giving his “Everything Is Awesome” State of the Union speech, droning the words, “Anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction . . . The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth, period. Period. It’s not even close. It’s not even close. It’s not even close.”

So we’ve reached the point where a president has to insist that we’re still No. 1, at least in military strength, then say “It’s not even close” three times. Someone is trying too hard.

To tens of million of Americans, that American flag in the muck is a little closer to the truth. For a large and restless segment of the public, a line that rings far truer than anything in the State of the Union is the one delivered by another political orator of our time: “They’re laughing at us.”


We thought “13 Hours” was going to be a movie about Hillary Clinton. Instead, it’s about Donald Trump. Because “13 Hours” dramatizes in the most searing way imaginable what’s going on in the country: bureaucratic indifference on the one side, things going up in flames on the other.

The movie is a study in the difference between thinkers and doers, between the theoretical and the practical, between Harvard graduates and guys who drew hot rods in their notebooks during algebra class.


It’s the old story of nerds vs. jocks. Donald Trump has left little doubt which one he is. He has spent this presidential campaign giving locker room wedgies to Jeb Bush and President Obama.

Nerds may be adequate leaders when everything is going smoothly. But when there are jihadis gathering with rocket launchers outside the gate, send for a jock.


Donald Trump gets all this. Whoever is elected president will have to learn it.

I have no respect for Trump, but we must respect the people who respect him. They want to be heard, and Trump is speaking for them.

Trump fans and Trump haters “talk past each other,” noted Yuval Levin in National Review this week, “because the former group mostly emphasizes his diagnoses and the latter his prescriptions.”

To Scared America, you’re not worth listening to if you can’t even identify what’s wrong. “If you press a Trump supporter on the merits or plausibility or decency of a specific Trump proposal, the response is usually that at least Trump is willing to talk about the issue while others are afraid to,” notes Levin.

Obama’s solution to our ills, as captured in a Politico headline, is laughably obtuse: “Obama: I’ll travel the country to push campaign finance, redistricting reform.”

They’re talking jihad. He’s talking gerrymandering.


I love the fact the the American Right fundamentally doesn't understand how the rest of the world views America.

It is impossible to understate the dislike of Bush amongst your allies. He was an absolute disaster of a president who wrecked Americas standing globally. Obama won the peace prize purely out of relief that America was reversing course from the insanity and bloodshed of the Bush years.

Their misreading of allies, their misunderstanding of how 'strength' works on the global stage, and their failure to understand the limitations of power continues to be a really worrying trend in American politics and the right. You'd think after so many failed, exhausting wars that ultimately only work against us in the last 60 years the lessons would start to sink in now...


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Christie really blaming Michelle Obama for the school food choices?

i know he was responding to a kids question but still

Christie blames Obama for the indigestion he gets after downing an entire pizza.
I love the fact the the American Right fundamentally doesn't understand how the rest of the world views America.

I get the feeling that It's not that the right doesn't understand. It is that the right doesn't much care. American exceptionalism seems to be at the heart of the matter.

Wouldn't say that it's a phenomenon that's exclusive to the right, evidently. Just more prevalent.


Politicos argument on how Trump beats Hillary by winning black and female voters is hilarious. I have honestly never read something so laughably bad. My favourite bit was the following:

"Though Nunberg left Trump’s campaign in August, in a recent poll conducted for another client, Nunberg asked women in Connecticut who opposed marijuana legalization who they respected more: a politician who is also charitable and a world-renowned businessman, father and grandfather or an “Elderly woman who not only openly allows her husband to have affairs but tries to silence the women.” The figure with the favorable abstract framing of Trump beat the figure with the negative abstract framing of Clinton by more than 20 points, according to Nunberg."

See, Trump beats Hillary on women!


They don't misread the allies they just don't care. The rest of the world is simply a cautionary tale (ie: if Paris had guns maybe the terrorists wouldn't have run amok).

There probably isn't even anything they could do to fix that problem because so much of their rhetoric is viewed as incendiary and insane among US allies. Remember Romney's European tour?

And that was Romney. Imagine Donald Trump or Ted Cruz visiting American allies in London, Ottawa, Istanbul, Jakarta, Canberra or Kabul. Some of those countries might not even let Trump in.

The only country the American right shows any real interest in wooing outside the US is Israel.


They frame every argument against Obama as letting our allies down, failing to protect our allies, showing weakness on the world stage etc etc. So whilst they might not care, they constantly talk about caring - and yet their arguments are so fundamentally brolen and blind.
They frame every argument against Obama as letting our allies down, failing to protect our allies, showing weakness on the world stage etc etc. So whilst they might not care, they constantly talk about caring - and yet their arguments are so fundamentally brolen and blind.

Yeah, i shouldve probably rephrased to "they dont care if theyre seen as a psychotic bully". Its big stick poli all day erry day.


Politicos argument on how Trump beats Hillary by winning black and female voters is hilarious. I have honestly never read something so laughably bad. My favourite bit was the following:

"Though Nunberg left Trump’s campaign in August, in a recent poll conducted for another client, Nunberg asked women in Connecticut who opposed marijuana legalization who they respected more: a politician who is also charitable and a world-renowned businessman, father and grandfather or an “Elderly woman who not only openly allows her husband to have affairs but tries to silence the women.” The figure with the favorable abstract framing of Trump beat the figure with the negative abstract framing of Clinton by more than 20 points, according to Nunberg."

See, Trump beats Hillary on women!
this is amazing, so i made a thread lol:


Obama about to get smacked down by the courts again, just like on gay marriage:
The Supreme Court announced Tuesday that it will take up a case challenging the legality of President Barack Obama's executive actions aimed at granting quasi-legal status and work permits to up to five million people who entered the U.S. illegally as children or who have children who are American citizens.

The high court's widely-expected move gives Obama a chance to revive a key legacy item that has been in limbo for nearly a year, since a federal judge in Texas issued an order halting immigration moves the president announced just after the 2014 midterm elections.
Also, Trump is in full-on erection mode.


SCOTUS is going to hear the immigration appeal. I've wondered about the constitutionality of this order as soon as it was issued, and now we'll have our answer.

And now we have a major political football that'll be thrown onto the field in the middle of the year.


lol at some of those delegate numbers to keep Rubio in the race: 157/172 in California, 63/95 in NY, 63/69 in Illinois...good luck.


But mathematically more plausible than the strategy released by Rubio this morning: win outright in South Carolina.

This article was more compelling: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/429423/left-betrayal-america
Is the Left Even on America’s Side Anymore?

The progressives have undermined American security and damaged race relations.

The Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky once described Stalinism as “the perfect theory for glueing up the brain.” What he meant was that a regime as monstrous as Stalin’s, which murdered 40 million people and enslaved many times more, was nonetheless able to persuade progressives and “social justice” advocates all over the world to act as its supporters and defenders. These enlightened enablers of Stalin’s crimes included leading intellectuals of the day, even Nobel Prize winners in the sciences and the arts such as Frederic Joliot-Curie and Andre Gide. But brilliant as they were, they were blind to the realities of the Stalinist regime and, therefore, to the virtues of the free societies they lived in.

What glued up their brains was the belief that a brave new world of social justice — a world governed by progressive principles — existed in embryo in Soviet Russia and had to be defended by any means necessary. As a result of this illusion, they put their talents and prestige at the service of the totalitarian enemies of democracy, acting, in Trotsky’s words, as “frontier guards” for the Stalinist empire. And they continued their efforts even after the Soviets conquered Eastern Europe, acquired nuclear weapons, and initiated a “cold war” with the West. To the progressives seduced by Stalinism, democratic America represented a greater evil than the barbaric police states of the Soviet bloc. Even half a century later a progressive culture still refers to the formative phase of the Cold War as the “Red Scare” — as though the fifth column of American progressives whose loyalties were to the Soviet enemy, whose members included Soviet spies, was not a matter of serious concern, and as though a nuclear-armed, rapacious Soviet empire did not pose a credible threat.

How were these delusions of otherwise intelligent and well-intentioned people possible? How were otherwise informed individuals able to deny the obvious and support one of the most brutal and oppressive dictatorships in history? How did they come to view a relatively humane, decent, and democratic society like the United States as evil, while regarding the barbarous Communist regime as the victim of America? The answer lies in the identification of Marxism with the promise of social justice and the institution of progressive values ( to take place in a magical socialist future). Defense of the progressive idea trumped recognition of the reactionary fact.

To Western progressives, once the Stalinist regime was identified with the imaginary progressive future, everything followed — its status as a persecuted victim and America’s role as a reactionary force standing in the way of the noble leftist aspiration. Every fault of Stalin’s regime, every crime it committed — if not denied outright by progressives — was attributed to the nefarious actions of its enemies, most glaringly the United States. And once the promise of progressive redemption was juxtaposed to an imperfect real-world actor, all of their responses became virtually inevitable. Hence, the glueing of the brain.

The Soviet Union is gone, and history has moved on. But the Stalin-apologist dynamic endures as the heritage of a post-Communist Left, which remains wedded to fantasies of an impossibly beautiful future that collides with the flawed American present. The Left is now the dominant force in the American Democratic party. Its extreme disconnect from realities is encapsulated in the support for the transparently racist movement called “Black Lives Matter,” which attacks law enforcement and defends street predators, excusing their crimes with the alibi that “white supremacists” created the circumstances that make some commit criminal acts. This extremist movement has the “strong support” of the entire spectrum of the “progressive” Left (including 46 percent of the Democratic party, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC news poll).


Unfortunately, progressives’ sordid history of supporting criminals at home is accompanied by an equally dishonorable record of sympathy for America’s enemies abroad. The Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, was one of the monsters of the 20th century, launching two aggressive wars, dropping poison gas on the Kurdish minority, and murdering 300,000 Iraqi citizens. But when America proposed deposing him, more than a million progressives poured into the streets in protest. At first, the Democratic leadership supported the Iraq invasion as a just and necessary war. But three months later, with American men and women still in harm’s way — and under pressure from the progressive Left — they turned against the very war they had voted to authorize and, for the next five years, conducted a malicious propaganda campaign, worthy of the enemy, to discredit America’s intentions and to obstruct our military mission.

Because the Bush administration chose not to defend itself by confronting the Left’s subversive actions — including the exposure of three national-security programs — leftist myths about the Iraq War persist to this day, even in some conservative circles. To set the record straight: Bush did not lie to seduce Democrats into supporting the war, and could not have done so, since the Democrats had access to the same intelligence reports he did. The war was not about extant stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, as Democrats dishonestly claimed: It was about Saddam’s violation of 17 U.N. Security Council resolutions designed to prevent him from pursuing the WMD programs he was developing. The Democrats’ betrayal of their country’s war effort crippled its progress and, with the election to the presidency of an anti-war leftist in 2008, led directly to the explosion of terrorism and bloodshed that has since engulfed the Middle East.

But it wasn’t just the surrender mentality of the Obama administration that fueled these catastrophes. With the full support of the Democratic party, President Obama embraced the Muslim Brotherhood and America’s mortal enemy, Iran, providing its ayatollahs with a path to nuclear weapons and dominance of the region — causing Sunni Arab states to prepare for a Middle Eastern civil war.
HRC *Human Rights Campaign* Endorses Hillary for President


Secretary Clinton has made LGBT equality a pillar of her campaign and recently unveiled the most robust and ambitious LGBT plan any candidate for president has ever laid out. She has vowed to fight for the Equality Act -- a bill that would finally offer explicit, clear, and permanent non-discrimination protections for LGBT people at the federal level -- and her detailed LGBT policy platform specifically calls for dropping the ban on open transgender military service, outlawing dangerous “conversion therapy” for minors, ending the epidemic of transgender violence, and supporting HIV prevention and affordable treatment, among other proposals that would advance equality and support the LGBT community.


Hillary Rodham Clinton endorses Hillary for President? They're really Feeling The Bern and scraping the bottom of the barrel now.
That's where you're getting the shame? Out of all the things I give you guys to work with?

Well, free market responses are generally faster than those of the State, so you beating me for that reason just makes sense.

Having a cat avatar just means that you've taken a serious misstep in life tho

Dogs >>>

(I get that it's Chairman Meow, leave me alone I'm tired and not particularly funny yet)
Don't....don't go onto the Human Right's Campaign Facebook page today....unless you want to get Bernsplained and gaysplained why LGBT people shouldn't support Hillary. Ugh. Gross.


Don't....don't go onto the Human Right's Campaign Facebook page today....unless you want to get Bernsplained and gaysplained why LGBT people shouldn't support Hillary. Ugh. Gross.
yesssss thanks for the heads up
Monica MacNeille I too am disappointed. Bernie Sanders is a passionate defender of human rights and has been for his entire life. I expected the Human Rights Campaign to be more forward thinking!
Tim Atchison I will vote for Bernie Sanders but will not under any circumstances vote for Hillary - she is a bought and paid for corporate and Wall Street shill and a crooked liar. It is unfortunate that HRC is proving to be just another establishment hack organization backing the establishment candidate.
Lindsey Moreno Wow, HRC. Disappointing endorsement, considering her past voting record and past opinions on LGBT rights. I'm going with the candidate who has supported my LGBT brothers and sisters from the beginning. That person is not her. It's Bernie Sanders.
Eric J Martinez I am unfollowing HRC. Bernie sanders is the only presidential candidate who truly supports equality his entire life. HRC is so phony for this.
Joshua Bennett I'd rather support someone who has been for equal rights since the beginning of their political career than the person who changed their mind when it became convenient.
Jordan Fong Not this gay👬! We, me and bf campaign for Bernie Sanders, who was sticking up for queer people a long long time before the polls told Hillary to do so. You can find examples on youtube of him coming to our defense while Hillary was writing and passing laws to set us back! This announcement is fuuuucked! That's all.
Heather Tumath You would think these major organizations would learn. First Planned Parenthood got spanked by their own supporters, now HRC. Listen to the people you claim to represent. No one is voting for Hilary. We know who we want! #FeelTheBern #berniesanders
Jeffrey Ryan Harris HRC won't get any more money out of me. Hillary Clinton was trashing queer people until about two years ago. Bernie Sanders has been defending our rights since he first entered politics. Shame on you, HRC.
Danielle Tustin And this is what will make me stop my monthly contribution to HRC. Nice to see your organization is purely corporate and has no interest in the candidate's integrity or history when it comes to LGBT issues.
Scott Lichtman Lost my support. But then, HRC has become as much a corporate schill as Hillary. Very disappointed in this. Hillary supported DADT. When the AIDS Quilt was assembled that final time and over a million people were in town the Clintons left without a world. When 5000 people marched for MLK Clinton made a radio address. Hillary is no friend to us. Never has been. Hillary WalMart Clinton is friends only to money. Kind of like the HRC, apparently. How much did she pay you for the endorsement?

Actual best one:
Martina Martinez HRC you clearly only chose her because you share initials. She is in no way a human rights activist, she's a flip flopper and says what she thinks the people want to hear.
Disappointed in you HRC.
yesssss thanks for the heads up

Actual best one:

You enjoy making me feel pain don't you?

Quick, everyone under the bus. So, it's every union that didn't Feel the Bern, Planned Parenthood, the Human Rights Campaign, everyone who works or knows someone who works on Wall Street, Democrats....it's getting a little crowded under here.


Seriously, don't go onto this page with a Berniestan drinking game active:
Jeffrey Skidmore
Seems as though this is much like the planned parenthood fiasco. What an effective way to disenfranchise those that support you by endorsing someone we overwhelmingly don't approve of. I've left the group as well as my donation in favor of an increased donation to the Bernie Sanders campaign. They will enjoy the extra money required to break the system.
Karen Peak I cannot support you because Hillary changed her views when it suited her candidacy. She did not support LGBT rights before she ran. She also has a questionable record on human rights in general. AND research her connections to Trump. Is this the candidate you want? She is not the one I want as an LGBT supporter.
Jeffrey Johnson Yeah. Just another disappointing move by HRC. Back the Diva who will make you money not the candidate who has been fighting for equal rights for decades. Pathetic.
Christopher Ryan Lovern I'm unfollowing and dropping my membership. My donations will not go towards a company who supports such a habitual liar. Do your homework HRC. You want a champion for LGBT equality and you chose Hillary? After it took her forever to warm up to the idea of equality? After every scandal? You chose a corporate puppet not a champion for equality. #feeltheBern
Research the Corporate Diva's connections to Trump!
It's only 11:00am whee I am. I can't start drinking yet. Plus, I have a meeting with an "editorial board" over my collection of stories that is supposed to be published. (Quotes used because it's two people probably working out of a dumpster somewhere...but in my mind, it's important.)

Ugh, maybe a few drinks....


Two people (that I've seen so far) have this as their avatar:
Impossible. Sanders marched with a gay once.

I heard he was at Stonewall. /s

The thing that pisses me off most...sure he's voted just fine on LGBT issues. That doesn't make him an advocate. I've voted right in every Presidential election, but it doesn't make me an expert on the electoral process. Ugh.


Should go on there responding to everyone with "sure, Sanders supported LGBT since the 1970's, but Hillary's lived her life as one of us!"
I heard he was at Stonewall. /s

The thing that pisses me off most...sure he's voted just fine on LGBT issues. That doesn't make him an advocate. I've voted right in every Presidential election, but it doesn't make me an expert on the electoral process. Ugh.
That line of reasoning is horrible, for it can be applied to any politician that has supported any position.

"Sure he voted for it, but..."

Cmon son, berniestans do that to hills all the time.
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