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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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I thought for sure that if I read the full presentation there would be some caveat, but alas...


Yeah, that's a pretty extreme position for Planned Parenthood to take. I mean, I can understand not wanting to require disclosure of HIV status to just everybody, but disclosure to sexual partners seems a pretty reasonable request. Why would you prioritize someone's orgasm over another person's right to be notified of the risk of potentially contracting a lifelong disease? Don't want to disclose HIV status? Don't have sex with people you aren't willing to tell.


Yeah, that's a pretty extreme position for Planned Parenthood to take. I mean, I can understand not wanting to require disclosure of HIV status to just everybody, but disclosure to sexual partners seems a pretty reasonable request. Why would you prioritize someone's orgasm over another person's right to be notified of the risk of potentially contracting a lifelong disease? Don't want to disclose HIV status? Don't have sex with people you aren't willing to tell.

I'm not even sure I'm against criminal charges if you pass HIV without disclosure.
I'm not even sure I'm against criminal charges if you pass HIV without disclosure.

I'd add in the word "knowingly;" I'm not going to begrudge someone who doesn't realize they have HIV accidentally transmitting it. But I agree, knowingly putting someone at risk for contracting an incurable disease that requires costly medication for the rest of their lives deserves some form of punishment.


I'd add in the word "knowingly;" I'm not going to begrudge someone who doesn't realize they have HIV accidentally transmitting it. But I agree, knowingly putting someone at risk for contracting an incurable disease that requires costly medication for the rest of their lives deserves some form of punishment.

Of course. (I'd throw in knowingly or negligently/recklessly - ie if you knowingly have frequent unprotected sex with an HIV positive person, and then don't get tested, but continue to have unprotected sex and don't disclose that as well).


So how much will this PP stuff hurt Bernie?
If Iowa is as tight as a tick, even a small nudge can make the difference. If he loses Iowa, the one-two punch gambit is gone. Looks like MSNBC is going to continue covering it; anyone know if it's shown-up on CNN yet?

Now that we have a newly-announced town hall coming up, I expect Hillary to bring it up, although I really wish she'd hold back on the attacks.


And I'm about amused that Republican voters think Trump would fare better against Hillary than Rubio.

(Heads-up: Trump and Palin are about to appear on cable news. Fun!)


LOL what?

What a disaster that campaign is.

Team Rubio must be sweating:

Frank the Great 8/19/15
Farmboy 8/19/15
ItWasMeantToBe19 8/20/15
KMS 8/20/15
BertramCooper 8/31/15
NYCmetsfan 9/16/15
Black Republican 9/22/15
PantherLotus 9/23/15
Giant Panda 9/23/15
HylianHistorian 9/23/15
Diablos 9/23/15
neurosisxeno 9/24/15
GnawtyDog 9/24/15
*RDreamer 9/27/15
*Cheebo 9/27/15
*Ignatz Mouse 9/27/15
*Ivysaur12 9/27/15
Snake 9/27/15
Bronx-Man 9/27/15
Maledict 9/28/15
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*Bowdz 10/2/15
AnotherNilks 10/2/15
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cartoon_soldier 10/2/15
pigeon 10/2/15
Yellowtail 10/2/15


I mean, I understand the startegy - Iowa and NH are a write-off, so his plan is to come out of them as the establishment, moderate front runner (I think I threw up a bit saying that).

But the fact its South Carolina he's relying on is insane. It's the state that chose Newt Gingrich last time around! This is NOT the sane hill to fight your last stand on, this is another outpost of crazy town!


Trump looks like his lead in Florida is only getting more durable, too, if those numbers are to be believed. That'd be the killshot right there.

March 15th is the killshot. There will be immense pressure on Jeb or Rubio depending on who is ahead of the other at that point to drop out. Both on ballot in FL dooms them to lose FL to Trump.


Yeah, that's a pretty extreme position for Planned Parenthood to take. I mean, I can understand not wanting to require disclosure of HIV status to just everybody, but disclosure to sexual partners seems a pretty reasonable request. Why would you prioritize someone's orgasm over another person's right to be notified of the risk of potentially contracting a lifelong disease? Don't want to disclose HIV status? Don't have sex with people you aren't willing to tell.

So, I have not thought too much about this yet, but, like, the argument here isn't whether they SHOULD tell their partners. They probably should. The argument is whether they should face criminal charges for not doing so, which is a stronger claim.


FGC Waterboy
I'd say Trump has no chance in the general - but I am not assuming anything anymore. Also, the DNC can botch things fairly fantastically.
I mean, I understand the startegy - Iowa and NH are a write-off, so his plan is to come out of them as the establishment, moderate front runner (I think I threw up a bit saying that).

But the fact its South Carolina he's relying on is insane. It's the state that chose Newt Gingrich last time around! This is NOT the sane hill to fight your last stand on, this is another outpost of crazy town!

At this point Rubio needs some kind of strategy that he can share with fundraisers to keep the money in. No one really cares about Nevada because its a caucus and not Iowa and Super Tuesday is too late. So its South Carolina or bust.


I am not so sure it is that clear cut. Many in this thread are likely married homeowners in the suburbs yet have "new age" values.

There are always exceptions, but on average it is much more common that those that are married, especially if they are young, likely also subscribe to traditional values more than new age ones.

I REALLY have to think of better terms, sorry.

Name one thing that either organization does that is worthy of the scorn that Bernie throws at the establishment which as a group he claims he is running against and lumps these two into?

Being establishment is not inhereitnyly a bad thing. And running against them is bizarre since they are better at liberal causes than Bernie (or Hillary for that matter) could ever dream of being. He says he is running against the establishment and claims Planned Parenthood and HRC are part of this establishment. Running against them is running against two of the best liberal organizations in the entire country.
You are putting way to much thought into this. He is simply disappointed that the organization decided to be "safe" rather than taking the risk and backing him.

So how much will this PP stuff hurt Bernie?
Not at all. As sad as it is, most people don't give a shit about Planned Parenthood.

Since people were talking about how liberal past presidents were, figure I'd pull this out:

Pretty much as I've said int he past. Sanders is far more left than Clinton, which makes the "one of the most liberal person in the Senate" point moot to a lot of his supporters.


Wow my dislike for Bernie is growing day by day. That PP comment was very sloppy. GOP will probably have a pretty easy time dismantling him if he wins the nom. I really hope he doesn't win the nom.

East Lake

No shit. It was begrudging because Israel had to demand the reparations by making the case that the harm done had yet to be repaired. Sound familiar? Nevertheless, it was the right thing to do, and they did it. We have not.

Just because you want to keep on handwaving away not just the positive effects of the monetary reparations, but the non-monetary reparations in the form of the changes the Germans made in their society doesn't make them any less real. Did you even read Coates' article? The reparations he describes are not solely monetary, he's talking about a legal and policy engagement directed towards helping the black community to start repairing the harm that was done. This is exactly what activists are demanding right now. It isn't just a "feel good" thing, it's a demand to fix the problem, and even acknowledging the problem is a vital first step, since we've been living in a colorblind delusion since the 60's. Dismissing the demands being made as some kind of white liberal guilt is frankly an attempt to erase the efforts of BLM and the rest of the movement and remain in that delusion.
You either haven't read the article or don't know what you're talking about. The holocaust "reparations" fail on nearly every level that Coates has set them up to be. That Israel built a merchant fleet or has plenty of atom bombs doesn't make up for the fact that the actual survivors didn't receive the money they were due and still live in poverty. Since you have given up substantively disputing this your last leg is that the Germans have now seriously reformed their society or something, a point which is negated by the article itself or a few seconds google searching.


No Scrubs
Trump at 49% on Predictit

I'm a half cent increase on predictit away from doubling my Trump money. My god!

Not at all. As sad as it is, most people don't give a shit about Planned Parenthood.

It'll hurt him among the groups he needs to be making inroads with: women and minorities. It won't affect his core support, nothing would, but it sure as hell won't help him grow beyond that and will only stifle those efforts.


It'll hurt him among the groups he needs to be making inroads with: women and minorities. It won't affect his core support, nothing would, but it sure as hell won't help him grow beyond that and will only stifle those efforts.

Let me reword things.

This event won't do a single thing. At worst it will just be in an attack ad or seen by some on their facebook post in which most people will just shrug. However, it isn't the right attitude to have.

He's learning, and his supporters as well, that you can't just magically capture demographics in a few months. It takes years of experience.


So PoliGAF I am new to the site and wanted to just start posting here regularly as politics is a past time of mine. Any unwritten rules of the thread I need to be aware of?
Let me reword things.

This event won't do a single thing. At worst it will just be in an attack ad or seen by some on their facebook post in which most people will just shrug. However, it isn't the right attitude to have.

He's learning, and his supporters as well, that you can't just magically capture demographics in a few months. It takes years of experience.

He may be learning, but he needs to get some of his supporters under control. I've been very willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on some of this. However, when the candidate basically throws everyone under the bus just as fast as his most vocal supporters....that's indicative of a fundamental problem with him as a candidate.

I think it reinforces his colleagues perception of him. I think it's why no one endorsed him in the Senate. He's shown he's 100% in your corner until you dare slightly go against him, then under the bus you go.

Among his core, this won't hurt him. Literally, nothing in the world could hurt him there. It reinforces the idea that this movement, though, is about him. Everyone else in the party can just get on the bus or get thrown under it.
So PoliGAF I am new to the site and wanted to just start posting here regularly as politics is a past time of mine. Any unwritten rules of the thread I need to be aware of?

We all love Hillary. We're all neo-corporate-liberal-oligarchs.

Except for the Marxists among us.

Kidding. :p


No Scrubs
Nope. Sexism and racism are the primary reasons for bans.

Don't forget homo- and transphobia. Mods had to crack down on the later pretty hard this time last year in certain communities. But all that falls under "don't be a dick."

Just be nice and you'll be fine.


He's shown he's 100% in your corner until you dare slightly go against him, then under the bus you go.

This is the story of the hard left in the UK since the 60s. If you don't, exactly, in every way, meet their standards then you are as bad as Hitler and part of the problem.

Same obsession we see the Tea Party have with purity, and single votes - extremists always tend towards purity over compromise, because it's easier from an opposition viewpoint and they never have to govern,.


He may be learning, but he needs to get some of his supporters under control. I've been very willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on some of this. However, when the candidate basically throws everyone under the bus just as fast as his most vocal supporters....that's indicative of a fundamental problem with him as a candidate.

I think it reinforces his colleagues perception of him. I think it's why no one endorsed him in the Senate. He's shown he's 100% in your corner until you dare slightly go against him, then under the bus you go.

Among his core, this won't hurt him. Literally, nothing in the world could hurt him there. It reinforces the idea that this movement, though, is about him. Everyone else in the party can just get on the bus or get thrown under it.
I feel that you are over-reacting a bit. This is the first time I've heard him throwing such an organization under a bus. I mean BLM doesn't support him nor do other groups and organizations and he doesn't throw them under the bus.

What this does show is how much of an amateur he is. This is his first big boy campaign. Vermont is only a little more populated than Milwaukee and not even remotely as diverse. Him, and his supporters, are rookies while everyone int he Hillary camp are pros. You also have to keep in mind that he is the most radical candidate. And the law of politics say the further your supporters are in a spectrum, the more nuts they are. You are bound to get a few nutters out there. But to be honest this isn't that prevelant if you leave message boards. I mean sure there is facebook, but facebook is filled with crazy political images and quotes.
I feel that you are over-reacting a bit. This is the first time I've heard him throwing such an organization under a bus. I mean BLM doesn't support him nor do other groups and organizations and he doesn't throw them under the bus.

What this does show is how much of an amateur he is. This is his first big boy campaign. Vermont is only a little more populated than Milwaukee and not even remotely as diverse. Him, and his supporters, are rookies while everyone int he Hillary camp are pros. You also have to keep in mind that he is the most radical candidate. And the law of politics say the further your supporters are in a spectrum, the more nuts they are. You are bound to get a few nutters out there. But to be honest this isn't that prevelant if you leave message boards. I mean sure there is facebook, but facebook is filled with crazy political images and quotes.

Well, I'm basing my throwing people under the bus based on his supporters, who we always hear don't reflect Bernie. Here, though, is a perfect example of how they do, in fact, reflect on him as a candidate. We've seen it over and over and over again. The Unions that endorse Hillary are nothing but sellouts. It's only the pure, liberal unions who endorse Bernie. Bernie has never once come out in support of any organization that his most vocal supporters have attacked. In politics, you have to do the "Planned Parenthood is a great organization. I can't wait to work with them as President" even if they don't endorse you. It's just common sense, let alone good politics.

As to the "it's only online," naw. Few months ago, my ex and I went around door to door canvassing for the mayoral race. I had a Hillary shirt and pin on. We asked for soft support for primary candidates. I was Bernsplained to more than once. One very lovely man berated us for not realizing that as gay men we should 100% Feel the Bern. We have a girl who is a hardcore Bernie fan who is completely....she's very passionate. We've never seen her before this year. I'm guessing we'll never see her again.

So my frustrations are not just based on real life. I'm used to internet activists. It's all good. The reason I want to see it stop is not because there's a chance, a very small chance, that Bernie could be our nominee. If this shit goes on in the GE, we're even more screwed than we'd already be.
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