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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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I've been wondering. Are the primary threads going to be largely about the primaries themselves and reporting on the numbers as they roll in, or are they going to include general explanations for the primary systems?

Today I saw a Norwegian post NH numbers favoring Bernie as if they meant something, so I figure that people probably need an explanation of why certain states favor XYZ candidate, the value of XYZ state in the primary, the demographics, the history, and so on.


Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 2m2 minutes ago
IMO, GOP party elites are wrong here, but fact they think like this makes me way less skeptical of Trump's chances.


I've been wondering. Are the primary threads going to be largely about the primaries themselves and reporting on the numbers as they roll in, or are they going to include general explanations for the primary systems?

Today I saw a Norwegian post NH numbers favoring Bernie as if they meant something, so I figure that people probably need an explanation of why certain states favor XYZ candidate, the value of XYZ state in the primary, the demographics, the history, and so on.

should be both although a primary is self explanatory. You walk into a booth press a button and done. IA D and R caucuses are run differently that I know.


No Scrubs
I've been wondering. Are the primary threads going to be largely about the primaries themselves and reporting on the numbers as they roll in, or are they going to include general explanations for the primary systems?

Today I saw a Norwegian post NH numbers favoring Bernie as if they meant something, so I figure that people probably need an explanation of why certain states favor XYZ candidate, the value of XYZ state in the primary, the demographics, the history, and so on.

I was going to throw in an explanation of the Iowa caucus system, as well as the state's demographics, and how you could win the vote but still lose in delegate count. Also the polling numbers for each candidate in the state and nationally, so we all know where they stand.

I think his colleagues genuinely hate him more than Obama. Even the GOP wanted autographs and pictures with him after the SOTU address

This isn't surprising. Cruz has screwed all of them at every turn, at least Obama has treated them with respect.

Low volume markets are irrational. "Will federal charges be filed?" is a really bad market to invest into, because you have to wait an entire year to get 20 cents of profit. There are much better opportunities.

If hundreds of people were trading on that market, you'd see Yes priced under 10c.
It's times like this I really miss having an Andrew Sullivan rant or two on Palin and the GOP to read. I really wish he'd start the Dish back up again.

I even whipped this up and emailed it to him, which is obviously just the thing he needs to return to blogging.

I almost feel bad for Kelli Prather who is running for Senator against Strickland. But then she calls the ACA "world renowned initiative" and I'm like....naw. Sorry girl.

And Sittenfeld is kinda cute. He's good on the issues that are important to me. Plus, when he gets is whiteboard out it's adorkable.....but, gotta stick with my boy Strickland.

Edit: actually, I might see if I can volunteer for Sittenfeld until the primary is over. Not being thirsty, but I could get in on the groundfloor of that for a future race. Dude's smart and charismatic enough.

Edit 2: On the other hand, he's a Bengals fan....
Trump is nice to you if you're nice to him. You're highly respected, very nice, very very smart, the greatest. Cross him and he'll destroy you, but if you stay on his good side you can do business with him.

Cruz on the other hand is an unrepentant asshole to everyone. There's no benefits to being his ally. He'll still fuck you over.
It's times like this I really miss having an Andrew Sullivan rant or two on Palin and the GOP to read. I really wish he'd start the Dish back up again.

I even whipped this up and emailed it to him, which is obviously just the thing he needs to return to blogging.

Are you me? I miss his blog so much. Going through this election year without Stewart or Sullivan is torture.


I almost feel bad for Kelli Prather who is running for Senator against Strickland. But then she calls the ACA "world renowned initiative" and I'm like....naw. Sorry girl.

And Sittenfeld is kinda cute. He's good on the issues that are important to me. Plus, when he gets is whiteboard out it's adorkable.....but, gotta stick with my boy Strickland.

Edit: actually, I might see if I can volunteer for Sittenfeld until the primary is over. Not being thirsty, but I could get in on the groundfloor of that for a future race. Dude's smart and charismatic enough.
I think you're a little thirsty.


Everyone hates Cruz more than Trump.

i can listen to a trump rally, i can't make it through Cruz speaking for any decent amount of time. The Washington Cartel has gotten to me.

i need to make a list of candidates i can't stand, right now it goes Cruz and then a tie between Fiorina and Rubio.


nothing pleases me more than to see people coming out of the woodwork to shit on cruz

fuck that guy

it's amazing how the far-right media has protected him from any criticism for so long
Conservatives mad that no one cares about Clinton's emails.


Tuesday night offered a classic study of the liberal media and what draws their attention as the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC all censored from their evening newscasts any mention of a massive development in the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal in favor of ten minutes and 31 seconds of coverage across five segments on Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential race.

In contrast, FNC’s Special Report led with this story (before going to the campaign trail) with chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge highlighting how Clinton received material on her private, unsecured e-mail server that contained some of the country’s “most secretive and highly classified organization operations.”

Naturally, the networks saw no interest in even mentioning it to their viewers in their coverage of the 2016 campaign. As this writer noted above, the networks reserved a whopping five segments (one on ABC, one on CBS, and three on NBC) for the Iowa rally in which the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee endorsed the billionaire frontrunner.

Leaving even that aside, all three networks spent a separate three minutes and 46 seconds across two reports and one news brief on the Democratic race but did not use that opportunity to even once allude to the cloud surrounding the former secretary of state (as socialist Senator Bernie Sanders opened up a 27-point lead against her in a new poll from New Hampshire).

As the race goes forward and more developments break concerning either the Clinton e-mail server or Clinton Foundation scandals, it will be worth watching to see if the networks flock to the latest happenings concerning Trump as an excuse for not covering these scandals. Based on recent history, there’s no reason to doubt that this will not be the case.


No Scrubs
He's married...and it looks happily, unfortunately. But, you never know. What happens in the voting booth stays in the voting booth, amirite?
You can't have all the lookers Adam. You have Herman, Harbaugh ;), O'Malley, Chaffee..

You need to pick one or two or stick with them friend.

Anyway.. The Bernie/PP comments.. Another optics issue .. He keeps making gaffes that show his greenness again.

Does this hurt him in Iowa somehow or even New Hampshire even a little?


Even if he were to somehow not get the nomination, Trump has run some amazing interference for the Clintons.

Overshadowing the email drama, displacing coverage that Bernie would've likely gotten.. should she win the general, she really needs to thank him publicly. He's been a perfect storm that has breached both political hemispheres.

Let's be real here: if there were something that could potentially damaged her beyond repair she wouldn't have run.
I honestly think that Obama and Biden know that there's no "there" there, which is why Biden didn't jump in.
You can't have all the lookers Adam. You have Herman, Harbaugh ;), O'Malley, Chaffee..

You need to pick one or two or stick with them friend.

Anyway.. The Bernie/PP comments.. Another optics issue .. He keeps making gaffes that show his greenness again.

Does this hurt him in Iowa somehow or even New Hampshire even a little?

Well, I think Hillary is taking the PP endorsement in Iowa next week sometime. Maybe I made that up. I'd be shocked if they didn't hit him with it there. I think that it would hurt him among undecideds in Iowa, specifically among women. Remember, the movement hasn't been from Hillary to Bernie, but from Hillary to "I'ma take another look."

New Hampshire, I don't even care about. I'd redeploy the people from NH to Iowa. I mean, you can't do that optically, but really...just keep it close enough in NH. I just want that win in Iowa, then we're golden.

But, let me just say this, a win in Iowa isn't a deathblow to Hillary. It just means we'll have to deal with the primary a little longer than I thought we would have.


Even if he were to somehow not get the nomination, Trump has run some amazing interference for the Clintons.

Overshadowing the email drama, displacing coverage that Bernie would've likely gotten.. should she win the general, she really needs to thank him publicly. He's been a perfect storm that has breached both political hemispheres.

I honestly think that Obama and Biden know that there's no "there" there, which is why Biden didn't jump in.

The FBI recommends but its up to the Justice Department to prosecute. Obama's not going to do that his likely successor especially when he believes she did nothing deserving of it.


The FBI recommends but its up to the Justice Department to prosecute. Obama's not going to do that his likely successor especially when he believes she did nothing deserving of it.
You know on a side note I often forget that the FBI is under the control of Loretta Lynch, technically. considering the FBI usually operates like its a separate federal agency.

Oh.. Amazing.

Well, I think Hillary is taking the PP endorsement in Iowa next week sometime. Maybe I made that up. I'd be shocked if they didn't hit him with it there. I think that it would hurt him among undecideds in Iowa, specifically among women. Remember, the movement hasn't been from Hillary to Bernie, but from Hillary to "I'ma take another look."

New Hampshire, I don't even care about. I'd redeploy the people from NH to Iowa. I mean, you can't do that optically, but really...just keep it close enough in NH. I just want that win in Iowa, then we're golden.

But, let me just say this, a win in Iowa isn't a deathblow to Hillary. It just means we'll have to deal with the primary a little longer than I thought we would have.

Agreed. If she can steal Iowa.. Would it be fair to say it's over?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The FBI recommends but its up to the Justice Department to prosecute. Obama's not going to do that his likely successor especially when he believes she did nothing deserving of it.

Speaking of which, conservatives love comparing it to what happened with Petraeus. But he never got any criminal indictments either, he just resigned. It would be crazy to criminally prosecute Hillary if they didn't do so for Patraeus.

Oh.. Amazing.

Agreed. If she can steal Iowa.. Would it be fair to say it's over?

A few weeks ago, no. However, with the polls being a bit tighter, and Bernie actually trumpeting how close he's gotten in Iowa...ya, I think so. The narrative is now she won a competitive race as opposed to walking through Iowa on her way to the coronation. NH is going to mean nothing to the narrative when Bernie wins because we all know that's coming. Unless, of course, he managed to win it by like 20 points or something, which I don't think is going to happen. If she manages to string wins in NV and SC, on top of Iowa, it's definitely over. Super Tuesday is going to be gross for him. Really, really bad.


Speaking of which, conservatives love comparing it to what happened with Petraeus. But he never got any criminal indictments either, he just resigned. It would be crazy to criminally prosecute Hillary if they didn't do so for Patraeus.

Patraeus was indicted, he copped a plea and is serving probation


Agreed. If she can steal Iowa.. Would it be fair to say it's over?

I think it would be effectively over if she wins Iowa. If she loses Iowa, it may be worse than a lot of people are willing to admit. For all the talk of a national ground game, nearly all her resources are deployed in the first 4 states, and a prolonged primary fight would be extremely costly and eventually get bloody. But, I think she wins in the end no matter what.
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