You know I was reading old PoliGAF threads and man B-Dubs and other posters you were praying hard for trump just to make it to the first debate in August.
Little did we know
Donnie douche and joe Scarborough still said this morning that bush will get a boost and it will be trump and Jeb in the end and Jeb gets a lot of respect for grinding this one out!!!
Our effective rates are lower than the OCED average, at least the last time I looked. I'm not sure why you're bringing upper rates in OCED countries or austerity measures in parts of Europe anyway. My comparison was from America in the past to America today. One president using stimulus doesn't invalidate my comparison using tax rates. Wealth redistribution is an ugly word, but only when it redistributes down. We've been happily redistributing money back up since the 80's due to slashing upper rates.
There's another gigantic Sanders math problem the Post failed to mention: thanks to Clinton's early dominance of superdelegates, he effectively begins the race eight points behind in the delegate count, before any votes are even cast.
Unlike on the GOP side, 713 of Democrats' 4,764 convention delegates (15 percent) are unpledged superdelegates. By the AP's count last November, Clinton had the support of 359 superdelegates. Since then, according to FiveThirtyEight's endorsement tracker, Clinton has picked up 21 congressional endorsements, for an estimated total of 380. The most recent count has Sanders at 11.
The key takeaway from our model below: in order for Sanders to be "on track" to break even in pledged delegates nationally, he wouldn't just need to win Iowa and New Hampshire by a hair. He would need to win 70 percent of Iowa's delegates and 63 percent of New Hampshire's delegates.
Early primary results can be misleading, but presidential primaries tend to follow clear patterns. In 2008, Super Tuesday produced a virtual tie for Democrats; Barack Obama edged Clinton 847 to 834 in delegates that day. But thanks to Obama's heavy backing from African-Americans and liberal whites, savvy number crunchers could discern that he was "on track" to build an insurmountable delegate lead in upcoming primaries like Maryland and Virginia. In other words, the race was already over. This time around, close finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire would be good news for Clinton.
You know I was reading old PoliGAF threads and man B-Dubs and other posters you were praying hard for trump just to make it to the first debate in August.
Little did we know
I feel as if Cruz's new campaign slogan should be "I'm Not Here To Make Friends".
I feel as if Cruz's new campaign slogan should be "I'm Not Here To Make Friends".
Fuck it. I've never donated to a campaign before but I'm going to donate to Hillary's.
How much spam do normal campaigns send out to the email and phone provided?
Rubio scales back Iowa advertising
The Florida senator is airing fewer 60-second ads, but is still hoping for a third-place finish in the caucuses.
Also, isn't sanders support concentrated in a few counties which is making his numbers look better than they are? Or am I thinking of something else?
Also, isn't sanders support concentrated in a few counties which is making his numbers look better than they are? Or am I thinking of something else?
Do we have O'Malley's targets?
Do we have O'Malley's targets?
Imagine her winning NH.I'm just warning you all now:
If Hillary wins Iowa, I'm going off with every Cher, drag queen, and yaaaaaassssss! gif I can find.
You have been warned.
Imagine her winning NH.
I'd be on reddit all day just to read the salty reactions
I'm not in any way arguing that this is where tax rates should be. I agree with you on the effect of their drop as well.
I brought up the OECD countries mainly to illustrate that this trend towards lower tax rates is a global one, that wasn't stopped by many left parties in their native countries.
Any other drift of the democratic parties economic policies has been toward more economically sound policies, not more right wing. See free trade, the repeal of glass-steagall, the latter often being scapegoated as the cause of the recession when it was actually the non commercial banks that held most mortgage backed securities, not the hybrid banks allowed by glass steagalls repeal.
Also, I'd characterize Obamacare not as a right wing idea, but as an acknowledgement of the already entrenched interests in the Healthcare sector in America. What is wrong with attempting healthcare similar to Switzerlands system when it becomes obvious that we can't simply start over and institute single payer? Both offer universal coverage and greatly reduced costs for those that can't afford it.
Imagine her winning NH.
I'd be on reddit all day just to read the salty reactions
I'm just warning you all now:
If Hillary wins Iowa, I'm going off with every Cher, drag queen, and yaaaaaassssss! gif I can find.
You have been warned.
In Iowa, yes, since it's a caucus. 27% of his support comes from 3 counties. He can run up the numbers in the college towns all he wants, since popular vote means little.
I eagerly await the "Caucus system is biased against Bernie" memes.
You can't say that when he is the actual nominee that represents the Republican party. It would be very easy to pant the entire GOP party including the senators and house members. That will hurt their image more so than anything. Plus, these guys are stupid. Trump has very reason to listen to any of them when he has the GOP by the balls.
Still, Cruz has become such a pariah that one of his colleagues, Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, told supporters at a campaign fundraiser for his own re-election that he would vote for liberal Sen. Bernie Sanders for president before Cruz, according to one person who attended the event. Burr did not appear to be joking, said the person, who demanded anonymity to discuss the private gathering.
Yep, can't go back to the "he wasn't a a real conservative" well after a Cruz loss. Might have to do some self reflection, can't have that.Trunp is less damaging because a narrative that Trump is not the Republican Party is a far easier sell than a narrative that Cruz doesn't represent the party. One is a politician and the other isn't.
They're most likely correct in their assesment. Now all they need is to say that they'll just let him do his thing and focus their resources on local races instead and i can fire up the u mad benji? post. (
what did he do opt out of his senate plan? lol
Feeling the BurrThat's not a smart thing to say during the election season. I really hope Ross has a shot this upcoming November.
I have no ill-will towards the party decide guys, and I genuinely appreciate their point of view. But I will be mildly annoyed if they refuse to eat crow when Trump wins. I will certainly feast if Jeb wins this somehow.
Come on now. Just think of why their base is supporting either of them.If the party still has the power to decide, and that is what will launch trump over cruz --- then uh... why couldn't they "decide" on someone they actually want and not the lesser of 2 evils?
If the party still has the power to decide, and that is what will launch trump over cruz --- then uh... why couldn't they "decide" on someone they actually want and not the lesser of 2 evils?
By a similarly reductive argument, our liberal party is more liberal economically than Europe, because some social democratic parties in Europe rode the austerity wave while Obama stick with Keynesian stimulus.
And Hillary has about half of them, ergo half the total delegates she needs.Huh I read somewhere superdelegates made up 20% in the Democratic Primary. Well, it's still a higher percent than Republicans.
I think the establishment still has a chance of defeating Trump and Cruz once they have one candidate to get behind. Not a big chance, but a chance.