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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Don't Bernie supporters remember what happened with Obama when he tried to pass moderate legislation?

Like why would Beenie be different? It'll just be a repeat of 2010 in 2018 where Bernie supporters will feel "betrayed" because they have shit knowledge of how politics in the U.S. Works

They're going to march on the Supreme Court . . . or something like that.
This quote is why we need to have one definition of liberal. lol

If we want to get even more pedantic, pro-cyclical fiscal policy, such as austerity during a recession, is neither a liberal nor conservative economic position.

It's extremely heterodox in the profession of economics, and all consensus in the profession points towards counter-cyclical fiscal policy.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Thursday that both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) would ruin the Republican Party's chances of winning the general election.

"If you nominate Trump and Cruz, I think you get the same outcome," Graham told reporters, according to the New York Times. "Whether it’s death by being shot or poisoning doesn’t really matter. I don’t think the outcome will be substantially different."

Graham said that Trump's knowledge of foreign policy "scares the hell out of me" and described his proposals as "gibberish."

"Donald Trump, I think, is the most unprepared person I’ve ever met to be commander in chief," he said, as quoted by the Times.

The South Carolina senator said that both Trump and Cruz would secure a win for Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

"Dishonest—which is Hillary Clinton in the eyes of the American people—beats crazy," he said.

"If you take those two off the table, dishonest loses to normal, so let’s just pick somebody out of the phone book if we have to," Graham continued. "We can win this election unless we lose it."


Lyndsey Graham would rather pick someone out of the phone book to lead the United States than Ted Cruz.

This is like 2012 Republican Salt on steroids for me. I love the hate Ted Cruz gets from his own party members in the Senate! Fucking LOVE IT.

Also, that final line is John Madden level of announcing.


but wait:

Geoffrey Skelley ‏@geoffreyvs 8m8 minutes ago Charlottesville, VA
Go gaga over CNN/ORC Iowa poll. But sample of previous caucusgoers: Cruz 30, Trump 28, Rubio 16. Clinton 55, Sanders 38. All about turnout.


remember me
This is some school yard stuff, goddamn. Trump is childish and vicious.
The intensifying battle between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz has kicked up another notch with Cruz trying to make stick an improbable argument that the billionaire businessman is actually part of the "establishment." As for Trump, he's retweeting digitally warped images of a balding Cruz.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/01/trump-ted-cruz-feud-218059#ixzz3xv2K5DfS

The clintonsplaining about the CNN poll is amazing.

Maybe the same level of scrutiny should be held with the Monmouth/KBUR one?

I am delightfully enjoying the establishment dems melting down.

That poll has 55% of the sample over the age of 55, no idea how that correlates with expected turnout though.
Good Bernie numbers. Hopefully he pulls it off and can start dismantling Planned Parenthood and the HRC, those absolutely horrible organizations that have done nothing but pander to the status quo.
Have you forgotten how poorly they performed against Prop 8 in 2008? It baffles me how people defend institutions that have gotten so big that they require the thing they say they are fighting in order for them to continue being power players and attract dollars. I'm not sure about PP, but I've seen these charges leveled at HRC since before 2008.

Lyndsey Graham would rather pick someone out of the phone book to lead the United States than Ted Cruz.

This is like 2012 Republican Salt on steroids for me. I love the hate Ted Cruz gets from his own party members in the Senate! Fucking LOVE IT.

Also, that final line is John Madden level of announcing.

And this is coming from Lindsey Graham who is also bat shit crazy in his own way.


Trump too strong for this field, goddamn so ruthless. If Cruz wasn't such a tremendous asshole I'm sure someone would feel bad for him.

After Cruz slammed Biden even mere days after Beau died, any sympathy I could've had for him evaporated like the water cycle.
Yes, yes you can. It takes a while but you most certainly can. Republicans did bounce back from Nixon.

Would also disagree that people like Priebus and the Turtle are stupid. You do not take control of most things BUT the presidency by being stupid.

It's about choosing how best to eat a shit sandwich, mate. You're long past the point where you could avoid ingesting it, so might as well focus on the dressing.

That hills has a systemic advantage isn't exactly news. What should be interesting is how the media will react if he takes the majority of the votes, and the impact that reaction will have on subsequent votes.

Will be horrendously unlikely to win even if all goes acc keikaku, obv

Yea, maybe after the fact resigned and such. I talking about during the primary and general. The Republicans can't decide that their presidential nominee, the person that represents the GOP, does not represent the party. That is dividing the party in itself and rejecting the face of your own party.

The democrats would have a very easy time to paint the Republicans support Donald Trumps ideas to which you didn't reject the argument. They would actually have a point and can very easily pant the Republicans as ass backwards as Donald Trump. That is why they are being stupid at least some of them, because accepting Trump is being short-minded and somehow thinking that they can control him is naive . Like someone said before they are choosing the devil they don't know over the one they do. If anything Trump can be much worse than Ted Cruz considering how divisive Trump. Like I said before Trump is less liked than Ted Cruz in the general population, but the party officials hate him. They are actually making the same mistake, by electing people that aren't that popular and not understanding the general populace. I bet yet again, a few of them will probably be surprised that Trump ends up losing the general election.



PPP's newest North Carolina poll finds Roy Cooper starting out with a slight lead over Pat McCrory in the race for Governor, 43/40. This continues a trend of the lead going back and forth between Cooper and McCrory over the last year, with the candidates never separated by more than a few points. Cooper has the advantage this month thanks largely to a 40/32 edge with independents. The dominant themes in McCrory and Cooper's numbers remain the same as always. McCrory is unpopular, with only 35% of voters approving of the job he's doing to 48% who disapprove. Cooper meanwhile is largely undefined, with 46% of voters saying they don't know enough about him to have an opinion one way or the other. Among those who do have one, 29% see him favorably to 25% with a negative opinion.

McCrory and Cooper both look to be safe in their primary contests. Our first poll of the GOP primary for Governor finds it's not much of a contest- McCrory gets 68% to only 6% for Charles Moss and 4% for Robert Brawley. McCrory's 57/26 approval spread with Republican primary voters is a little weak, but even voters who aren't happy with him don't find the alternatives very compelling. Cooper leads his primary against challenger Ken Spaulding 55-10- the numbers on that race have consistently been in that general vicinity since we started polling it. Cooper leads 59/9 with white voters and 51/11 with African American voters alike.

In the US Senate race the picture is pretty consistent as well- Richard Burr has mediocre approval numbers, but holds decent sized leads over his potential Democratic opponents nonetheless. 32% of voters approve of the job Burr is doing to 35% who disapprove, and 33% who don't have an opinion about him one way or the other. The Democratic field is largely unknown though, with the candidates ranging from just 22% to 28% name recognition. Burr leads Kevin Griffin 42/35, Deborah Ross 43/33, and Chris Rey 44/32.

Burr's not at any real risk in the Republican primary. He starts out with a 45 point lead, getting 55% to 10% for Greg Brannon, 6% for Paul Wright, and 5% for Larry Holmquist. The support Brannon got running in the primary against Thom Tillis in 2014 doesn't appear to be transferable to a bid against Burr this year. On the Democratic side Deborah Ross remains the favorite with 19% to 14% for Kevin Griffin, 10% for Chris Rey, and 3% for Ernest Reeves. That contest is still pretty wide open with 55% of voters saying they're undecided, but Ross has led every poll we've done.

I wonder what happens when name rec starts to go up in earnest for the Dems.


Public Policy Polling
February 18, 2008
HAGAN: 33%
DOLE: 50%


User 406


It will be a strongly typed language, no weak typing, America needs strong typing to make sure we know just what the hell kind of values are being stored in a variable. I look at all these values and it's like boolean, boolean, char, boolean, where are the 32 bit integers? Where are the floating point numbers? We can't keep letting these bad values overrun our buffers. It will also be object oriented, very classy. With multiple inheritance, because we don't want to put restrictions on inheritance. And all our programs will have top CPU scheduling priority, we don't want to be nice.


Could be all the college going Bronie Sanders crowd...

Erasure's meltdown is going to be epic.

As someone who helped get Franken and Dayton elected by a very slim margin...the Democratic Establishment would be wise not to piss me and other progressives off. Thom Hartmann is right. Her way of doing politics will and is driving Democratic voters away from the party.
It will be a strongly typed language, no weak typing, America needs strong typing to make sure we know just what the hell kind of values are being stored in a variable. I look at all these values and it's like boolean, boolean, char, boolean, where are the 32 bit integers? Where are the floating point numbers? We can't keep letting these bad values overrun our buffers. It will also be object oriented, very classy. With multiple inheritance, because we don't want to put restrictions on inheritance. And all our programs will have top CPU scheduling priority, we don't want to be nice.

These Trump parodies keep getting more and more elaborate.
After the party has shown that they despise Ted Cruz so intensely that they would rather have Trump than him, I wonder how the next three years of Cruz's Senate career are going to go... Will he live through all three years?


remember me
After the party has shown that they despise Ted Cruz so intensely that they would rather have Trump than him, I wonder how the next three years of Cruz's Senate career are going to go... Will he live through all three years?
Someone's going to shank him in the showers. No way he survives.

User 406

well, at least he's still slightly underwater

I fear a Kasich nomination so badly. That arseface motherfucker has some magical ability to make people not notice that he's a racist anti-labor social safety net ruining privatization junkie. If he got elected, he'd be like Reagan minus the charisma. He'd fuck our shit for generations and everyone would be like, yeah, he's a good guy.

I fear a Kasich nomination so badly. That arseface motherfucker has some magical ability to make people not notice that he's a racist anti-labor social safety net ruining privatization junkie. If he got elected, he'd be like Reagan minus the charisma. He'd fuck our shit for generations and everyone would be like, yeah, he's a good guy.

Yep, I was talking to my Democrat father earlier and even he was giving me the spiel about how great Kasich was for Ohio.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I fear a Kasich nomination so badly. That arseface motherfucker has some magical ability to make people not notice that he's a racist anti-labor social safety net ruining privatization junkie. If he got elected, he'd be like Reagan minus the charisma. He'd fuck our shit for generations and everyone would be like, yeah, he's a good guy.

Just want to say I love this post.
Los Angeles (CNN)National Review, the conservative magazine founded by William F. Buckley, will publish a special issue on Friday opposing Donald Trump's bid for the presidency, according to a source with knowledge of the issue's contents.

The issue will feature a blistering editorial that labels Trump a threat to conservatism, as well as essays by 22 prominent conservative thinkers from various ideological factions, in opposition to Trump's candidacy, the source said.

"Donald Trump is a menace to American conservatism who would take the work of generations and trample it underfoot on behalf of a populism as heedless and crude as The Donald himself," the editorial states.

It's so fun to see far-right magazines realizing that people only bought their magazine because of the racism.


Please tell me that shit isn't true, my laughter would kill me if it was.

I'm inferring from the fact that it's come to Cruz and Trump and McCain jumped on the Cruz Birther bandwagon without attacking Trump recently.
Yea, maybe after the fact resigned and such. I talking about during the primary and general. The Republicans can't decide that their presidential nominee, the person that represents the GOP, does not represent the party. That is dividing the party in itself and rejecting the face of your own party.

The democrats would have a very easy time to paint the Republicans support Donald Trumps ideas to which you didn't reject the argument. They would actually have a point and can very easily pant the Republicans as ass backwards as Donald Trump. That is why they are being stupid at least some of them, because accepting Trump is being short-minded and somehow thinking that they can control him is naive . Like someone said before they are choosing the devil they don't know over the one they do. If anything Trump can be much worse than Ted Cruz considering how divisive Trump. Like I said before Trump is less liked than Ted Cruz in the general population, but the party officials hate him. They are actually making the same mistake, by electing people that aren't that popular and not understanding the general populace. I bet yet again, a few of them will probably be surprised that Trump ends up losing the general election.

I apologize, my friend, for i seem to have given the wrong impression. I do not believe that the conservative establishment would turn on The Don once he has been selected. I believe that they'd pay him lip service to give the impression of accepting him, and then they'd do as little as possible for him while they eagerly await his butchering at the hands of Bernllary. They cannot directly oppose him now because... Well..., theyve already tried that as soon as he came out, with even Fox going full BURY THIS MUFUCKA, and their hate only made the Golden One stronger. Meanwhile they should divest what resources they can towards local races.

So yeah, attacking him openly would split the party. So i see the gamble as simple: let him shine bright like a diamond, for they are oh so very brittle things, and then salvage what you can. Benji disagrees with me on this, and you seem to be aligned with him this. Thats ok. We'll see what path they choose.

As for what democrats will do... Trump has already shifted republican talking points so far to the right that most of the harm has already been done. Dog whistling doesnt cut it anymore. As is, even if he drops from the race, democrats would still be able to use him in their favor, for he set the tone. That will happen come hell or high water.
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