VPs and VP candidates are just eye candy and ticket balancing. Who cares? I've always hated the "if the president dies, do you want this person to take over?" argument. It's 2016. Presidents have the best health care in the world.
Sure, but it's not like Castro is some random dude off the street. There's quite a bit of concern trolling going on here right now. He might not have accomplished much but he's not controversial. So he's good. Because the election would be on Clinton and whoever her opponent is, not on the VP's.I think you need someone who's qualified to be president, or else it could come across as pandering.
If its Trump I doubt it will matter if he is ultimately picked. I've said for months its going to be him and I will be serving crow if it happens in six months.
*but certainly can see pandering written all over it.
What should he have done? Or what did he do that wasn't playing nice?
Daniel B·;192992327 said:Until he really knows that he indeed, has an excellent shot at the nomination, say after Super Tuesday, I can't fault him for purely concentrating on his nomination bid, for the time being, but, I would agree, that it sounds like he would need to spread his wings wider, before the nomination process completely winds up.
On your last point, although Bernie is by no means perfect, I fully trust in his many years of experience and political smarts, to make the right choices on that front, that will no doubt, take into account the political climate on the ground.
Trump - 45%
Cruz - 13%
Rubio - 8%
Bush - 6%
Carson - 4%
Fiorina - 3%
Kasich - 3%
Christie - 2%
Paul - 2%
Huckabee - 2%
Santorum - 2%
New Zogby GOP National Poll:
Welp, wrap it up folks.
New Zogby GOP National Poll:
Welp, wrap it up folks.
Sure, but it's not like Castro is some random dude off the street. There's quite a bit of concern trolling going on here right now. He might not have accomplished much but he's not controversial. So he's good. Because the election would be on Clinton and whoever her opponent is, not on the VP's.
Unless you're Sarah Palin and you suck. But Castro is no Palin.
New Reuters poll had the same margins of victory as well. Can't wait for Ben Carson to endorse Trump. I'm so ready to win again.New Zogby GOP National Poll:
Welp, wrap it up folks.
New Zogby GOP National Poll:
Welp, wrap it up folks.
Yeah Bernie's been in the game for a long time. The narrative that he wouldn't compromise seems absurd.
Mr. Bush wore the pained look of a man who has fielded the question before. I try to avoid in these meetings to have a Trump therapy session, he said. But then he played therapist anyway, consoling the Trump-averse crowd.
Holy shit, I didn't realize that. That's awful.
So these 3 Iowa polls come out on the same day/next day. Sanders +8, Clinton +9, Clinton +29....wat
Sanders +8 assumed historic turnout of new, male voters. Clinton +29 assumes no people go to caucus other than people who voted in 2012 or 2014. The assumptions of pollsters are wildly different which is the overwhelming difference in the results.
National GOP poll @foxnews
Trump 34% (-1)
Cruz 20% ()
Rubio 11% (-2)
Carson 8% (-2)
Bush 4% ()
Kasich 4% (+2)
Christie 3% (+1)
The political science research I've read suggests that "voted in prior years" is a much stronger indicator of being a likely voter than saying you're likely to vote so the media is setting Bernie up here almost. They're only talking about the positive polls when Clinton +29 is more likely than the positive polls based on past history. If Bernie comes in with the media expectation of winning Iowa (or having a 50/50 shot) and gets slaughtered by 20 points, that's going to kill his momentum.
Joe Garcia was the only one when he lost his seat. Annette Taddeo(two-time loser) is running for his old seat but I honestly doubt she's going to win. The FDP is incompetent all around, it's sad.
And if you combine everyone else's support, it comes out to 49%. Bad news for TrumpTrump can't win. His ceiling maxes out at 51%.
The minute he compromises is the minute his fervent supporters abandon him as a sellout.
I can't with the Clinton email thread. Every time you think you've dealt with one, another pops up.
I had no idea Fox News talking points were so popular on NeoGAF.
The new poll, released Friday, finds that Jeb Bush and John Kasich each receive 4 percent, Chris Christie 3 percent, Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul 2 percent, Carly Fiorina and Jim Gilmore tie at 1 percent support, and Rick Santorum receives less than one percent.
Not just the email thread. Any Bernie/Hillary thread devolves into conspiracy theories, soft sexism, persecution complexes, ignorance on politics etc
I'm both really excited for and can't wait for the end of primary season.
More crossover support than Obama got, if it held.15% of Republicans in that Fox poll say they'll refuse to vote for Trump against the Democratic nominee.
Jeb! is at 10%, Christie at 8%.
15% of Republicans in that Fox poll say they'll refuse to vote for Trump against the Democratic nominee.
Jeb! is at 10%, Christie at 8%.
He's also scaling back his Iowa/NH spending.
I believe Rubio is going to drop out a lot sooner than people think.
By election time, I think that number will shrink considerably. While it would be amazing to see 15% of republicans stay home, I just can't see it happening. The idea of 12 years of democratic presidency will eat away at them.
I can't with the Clinton email thread. Every time you think you've dealt with one, another pops up.
I had no idea Fox News talking points were so popular on NeoGAF.
You need to say who is running away from what!
By election time, I think that number will shrink considerably. While it would be amazing to see 15% of republicans stay home, I just can't see it happening. The idea of 12 years of democratic presidency will eat away at them.
Agreed. I'm still in awe at how this has unfolded.If you were to ask me who the front-runners would be one year ago, I would have said Walker, Rubio, and Bush. Strange how things play out in the end.
15% of Republicans in that Fox poll say they'll refuse to vote for Trump against the Democratic nominee.
Jeb! is at 10%, Christie at 8%.
John Heileman running away from actual political journalism
Agreed. I'm still in awe at how this has unfolded.
If I ever get the chance to meet Bill Clinton, I'm going to thank him for that infamous phone call to Trump, whether all of this was his intention or not.