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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Is this an actual proposal? Stick a fork in him.

Lowest brackets should be going DOWN. Especially the payroll tax. Dumb

That is his proposal yes, though Vox took the liberty of assigning the employer payroll tax to individuals because history shows that is what employers will do

I would actually be happy to pay more taxes for a number of reasons, but I am not sure I want to bet on a candidate stupid enough to propose it before the election. I am not even sure why Democrats still engage in 'how are you going to pay for it?' how do Republicans pay for anything? deficit spending and revenue tax cuts. Oh, and the country will be so rich you won't believe, help make america great again and we can afford anything -- or make mexico pay for it.
or---it doesn't actually have that much money.
I'm not sure I follow? The last reported figures from these SuperPACs was a while ago, but at the time Priorities had raised a similar amount to the one supporting Rubio, and only exceeded by the now defunct Walker SuperPAC, Jeb's gargantuan but seemingly useless SuperPAC haul and the combined amounts of Cruz's multiple SuperPACs.

I do recall reading reports that some donors were reluctant to get out the chequebooks until things turned towards the general.

EDIT: From a quick look by the end of the 2012 cycle Priorities had raised about 5x as much for Obama as their reported haul to June for Clinton. Romney's ended up raising almost twice as much as Priorities, so really the idea of running without one in the general seems frankly nutso.


Unconfirmed Member
That is his proposal yes, though Vox took the liberty of assigning the employer payroll tax to individuals because history shows that is what employers will do

I would actually be happy to pay more taxes for a number of reasons, but I am not sure I want to bet on a candidate stupid enough to propose it before the election. I am not even sure why Democrats still engage in 'how are you going to pay for it?' how do Republicans pay for anything? deficit spending and revenue tax cuts

Pretty much this, I would be fine eliminating payroll taxes and ending the fiction that they aren't currently regressive income taxes on working people.
Bernie ad is good but juxtaposed to Hillary it screams WHITE PEOPLE ONLY!

Hell, it looks like only regular white people. Hillary ad is way better.


Hopefully without the usual bickering, I was wondering what y'all think about the respective 60-second ads that Bernie and Hillary are running in Iowa as their "closing statement" so to speak.



I found it really annoying that the text in Hillary's says 'Stand With Hillary' and the narrator says 'Stand up for Hillary'. More because of the inconsistency, but they're also very different messages

Bernie's made me feel good, but I am past that in the post-Obama age. I want substance and none was offered

I really have no idea which will play better in this cycle


I read this earlier today. It's a little weird, endorsing someone for VP instead of someone who's actually running for President. I think ultimately Castro will be Hillary's pick, but their team is really giving him the hard sell today.

It was really annoying.

And now Cory Booker is going to Iowa for Hillary.

Cory Booker is a stronger choice if you ask me. He has an air of authenticity that Castro lacks and appeals to the more progressive end of the party that Hillary has trouble reaching.

My guess is that it'll be Booker if she must play kingmaker.


Cory Booker is a stronger choice if you ask me. He has an air of authenticity that Castro lacks and appeals to the more progressive end of the party that Hillary has trouble reaching.

She could do worse, but I would be surprised if she picked someone from here in NJ -- or anywhere in the NE
I don't really get the point of an optics focused VP pick, as opposed to - you know - someone who could capably assume the role if necessary. Because shit happens.

If she ends up the Democratic nominee, she'll already have a historic candidacy.
I don't see Booker as a particularly good pick compared to Castro. He's from NJ, which is basically in the bag already, so there's no territorial gains.* Also, I doubt he'd accept. He'd probably like to be president himself at some point, and frankly the Senate is probably a better place to rev up for 2024 than the Vice Presidency.

*This should not be interpreted as me saying that picking Castro puts Texas on the table, because it doesn't, but it might at least make the Republicans spend some money there.


Hopefully without the usual bickering, I was wondering what y'all think about the respective 60-second ads that Bernie and Hillary are running in Iowa as their "closing statement" so to speak.


Chatted with someone about the Bernie ad yesterday.

I thought it was a well-produced ad, but lacked impact. Ted Cruz's Invasion ad was hilariously depressing but it had impact and people can see the message very clearly. Not to mention the "TRUST TED" turning into "TRUSTED" was actually pretty slick. Impact and message are the things I feel are missing from the Bernie ad. When they started showing clips of farmer life and playing country music with the word America in the lyrics (is there a country song that doesn't have the word America in the lyrics?), I was feeling a bit awkward about how the Bernie ad was like a Republican ad without the fearmongering aspect lol. Ad shows a lot of screaming crowds, but not much of anything else. The message is nowhere near as clear visually as Ted Cruz's "Invasion".

If I were to guess at what Bernie's America ad is trying to say, the message is probably "Look at how many people support this guy!" But that message is kind of meaningless on its own.

Hillary's ad opts to just straight up tell instead of show. It's super cliche with the narrator and all but quite blunt and straightforward about her superior experience and range of capability. I think probably the most important point is the hook at the end where the "with your support" is plopped in as a reminder to the voter. It's pretty old fashioned, but maybe in that market old fashioned works best. The message is clear, but I'd say it also lacks impact.

Then again maybe Cruz and Trump going full tilt crazy with their ads makes everything else look limp.
It is Evo 2016. Ultra Presidential fighter 4 is the last game. The semifinals are about to begin after a bout of exhibitions.

It's a team kill. Demo vs Demo.

Clinton had been playing PF since the PF2 days. She had lost Evo previously to Obama. But she had practiced and UPF4 was hers to win this year. The bracket had been rigged, the judges paid off. The prize pot of $20k was hers.

On the other side of the semifinal Team Repub was in disarray. Accusations of cheating and purity had torn the team asunder. Still Donald and Cruz were frontrunners.

Her challenger was a little known streamer by the name of Bernie Sanders. Recently he had just joined team Demo, despite talking shit about the circuit for years. He had been talking a big game on his stream, claiming how tournament organizers bowed too much to the whims of the top players, demanding a fairer payout for the "playaz". But he played Gief, a low tier character. Even though he was a crowd favorite, he had no chance.

She was annoyed. All the rest of the challengers had forfeited on her command. Don't they know $20k was at stake? Only she could stop the Repub from winning EVO this year. Team Repub had swept Guilty Gear, Tekken 7 and Smash. If they won EVO this year they would have Mr Wizard and the Cannons in their pocket as well.

The cursor hovered over the selection screen. Which top tier would she pick? Evil Ryu. Yun. Elena. Elena was it.The healing was too op, and she could just jab him to death.

Round One. Fight!

She wasn't expecting the walk up SPD. The hard knockdown threw her for a loop. His mixup game was on point, crossup splash, empty jump SPD. Before she knew it she was down a game.

Elena didn't work. Healing was useless. The crowd was on Bernie's side now. Cries of "Feel the Bern!" rang through the air, along with a few jeering "Let's go Hillary!"s from the crowd.

Alright. Evil Ryu it was. The crowd booes. "Top tier whore!"

But she was confidant. Twenty years of fundamentals and footsies backed her up. The exhibition ended in a tie.

"Semifinals are starting! Team Demo Hillary vs Team Demo Bernie!" The crowd roars. It would be a clash for the ages, a fitting end to UPF4.

If it ever came down to the final game, there was always Sagat...

"The fight has finally begun. Which of these two will emerge on top?"


I don't really get the point of an optics focused VP pick, as opposed to - you know - someone who could capably assume the role if necessary. Because shit happens.

If she ends up the Democratic nominee, she'll already have a historic candidacy.

I don't think she'll pick either and go safe with Kaine.


I don't see Booker as a particularly good pick compared to Castro. He's from NJ, which is basically in the bag already, so there's no territorial gains.* Also, I doubt he'd accept. He'd probably like to be president himself at some point, and frankly the Senate is probably a better place to rev up for 2024 than the Vice Presidency.

*This should not be interpreted as me saying that picking Castro puts Texas on the table, because it doesn't, but it might at least make the Republicans spend some money there.
Castro doesn't help win Texas, but he can help there in the downballot. He can help the ticket in Florida, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, as well as the downballot there too (especially the Senate races in Florida, and in Colorado and Nevada -- and with a Ward victory in the primary, Arizona). Maybe it also helps Democrats get the last two or so congressional seats in California that are in their grasp but they've fallen short of just slightly every year.


If Hillary wins the nomination, she will have to offset the ticket with someone relatively young. More so than a person of color, she needs youth as part of the visible face of her campaign. Maybe Castro is the right pick, or maybe not. But it will be someone young (comparatively). It would be the same if Bernie wins. The image of two old people standing on a platform together at the DNC just won't land right.


Castro doesn't help win Texas, but he can help there in the downballot. He can help the ticket in Florida, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, as well as the downballot there too (especially the Senate races in Florida, and in Colorado and Nevada -- and with a Ward victory in the primary, Arizona). Maybe it also helps Democrats get the last two or so congressional seats in California that are in their grasp but they've fallen short of just slightly every year.

yup. Kaine is just another white guy.


Hillary needs to beat Bernie at his own game. She needs to counterpick Hugo. Or else...

Castro doesn't help win Texas, but he can help there in the downballot. He can help the ticket in Florida, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, as well as the downballot there too (especially the Senate races in Florida, and in Colorado and Nevada -- and with a Ward victory in the primary, Arizona). Maybe it also helps Democrats get the last two or so congressional seats in California that are in their grasp but they've fallen short of just slightly every year.

I'm wary of the "a hispanic VP will win hispanic votes" strategy. Especially given that Julian Castro doesn't speak spanish. Idunno, maybe I'm just not really impressed with the guy.

This pick is out of left field, but I think Eric Garcetti (mayor of Los Angeles) isn't a bad option. He's young and has been a pretty solid mayor for the city, as far as I can tell. His wikipedia page doesn't seem to bring up any real scandals and my experience in the city suggests that he's been pretty proactive and forward thinking. Plus, he's responsible for this gem:

On June 16, 2014, while speaking at the championship celebration for the Los Angeles Kings hockey team, Garcetti cautioned, "There are two rules in politics – never be pictured with a drink in your hand, and never swear." He then held up an empty beer bottle and said, "But this is a big fucking day," prompting a standing ovation from the Kings players and the crowd.


I'm not sure I follow? The last reported figures from these SuperPACs was a while ago, but at the time Priorities had raised a similar amount to the one supporting Rubio, and only exceeded by the now defunct Walker SuperPAC, Jeb's gargantuan but seemingly useless SuperPAC haul and the combined amounts of Cruz's multiple SuperPACs.

I do recall reading reports that some donors were reluctant to get out the chequebooks until things turned towards the general.

There's nothing to follow; I didn't have access to the amounts that Priorities USA raised. If it was a substantial amount then you must be right, they're saving it for the general.


remember me
On June 16, 2014, while speaking at the championship celebration for the Los Angeles Kings hockey team, Garcetti cautioned, "There are two rules in politics – never be pictured with a drink in your hand, and never swear." He then held up an empty beer bottle and said, "But this is a big fucking day," prompting a standing ovation from the Kings players and the crowd.:





Trump = Losers
45 = 13 + 8 + 6 + 4+ 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2

This is the same pollster who claimed Trump was done after the first debate lol
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