It's time to d-d-d-d-d-dddddddddd-donate.Rubioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
It's time to d-d-d-d-d-dddddddddd-donate.Rubioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
It's very possible Trump winning Iowa is bad for him. Hear me out.
If Trump wins Iowa and Cruz falls to like 4/5 in NH, his election campaign may be over. I doubt he drops out, but he may become insignificant. Where do his voters go? It's actually likely to Rubio if he manages to be 2nd in NH. And now it can become a Trump vs Rubio battle in which case cooler heads may prevail and nominate Rubio in the end. I'm not saying this will happen but it seems very plausible, to me.
LOL Rubio
That goes for everybody.I also think Kasich is pretty much done if he doesn't come in 2nd in New Hampshire. The blue states he'd do well in are too late in the game and if he can't beat Trump in New Hampshire, where would he win? Besides Ohio.
Right, but as I said, he may become insignificant.A weakened Cruz that loses in Iowa doesn't mean that he will drop out. He'll lose support, some to Rubio, some to Trump, but he's going to stay in the race with some support long enough to prevent consolidation behind an establishment candidate. This scenario isn't poor for Trump at all, it puts him in a commanding position considering the primary schedule where he will easily take South Carolina and most of the March 1st states. It's far better for Trump for Cruz to wither and let Trump build an edge in the South.
Santorum Rails Against The Media After It Suggests His Campaign Is Dead[IMG][/QUOTE]
Oh, Santorum.
What's everyone's favorite moment from America's most beloved frothy mixture? Mine's when he went out of his way to stop a boy from picking up a pink bowling ball.
You Done Fucked Up, Son.
Conor Sen ‏@conorsen 14m14 minutes ago
From the FPU/Boston Herald poll, "very favorable" % for age 18-24:
Hillary 23%
Bernie 82%
FPU/Herald vote margin by age:
18-24: Bernie +61%
25-34: Bernie +48%
35-44: Bernie +24%
45-54: Bernie +3%
55-64: HRC +5%
65+: HRC +18%
Rumor is Rand made the debate.
Rumor is Rand made the debate.
GrossI thought Santorum had already dropped out for some reason.
Bu bu but Hillary deleted 30,000 emails, so shouldn't she be looking at 300,000 (or 600,000) years in prison?
Posting this because I KNOW for a fact this will come up in a right-wing op-ed by tomorrow.
LOL Rubio
I hope we pass that law requiring governors to resign if they want to run for President. The dude has completely abandoned his post.
How long before GOP candidates make pardoning these idiots a litus test?
I'm noticing how Trump really does brand his opponents. He consistently uses certain adjectives against them.
Low-energy Jeb
Nasty Cruz
Sleepy Ben
Wacky Bernie
Everyone else is a loser or a nice/good guy.
She is definitely going to try. If Trump held his own town hall, he would just need to do his stump speech and say maybe one or two semi controversial things and suck all media coverage from the debate.I'm worried Trump will get badly burned by Megyn at the debate.
Hillary is weak and lacks stamina.
Fox News IA
Hillary 48
Sanders 42
Sanders 56
Hillary 34
For the Dems, what is interesting is about 80% of Bernie supporters said they'd vote for Hillary in a GE. Bernie's wasn't much higher.
The democrats are going to be united.
But there is some bad news for Obama. The poll showed that 66 percent of Clinton supporters -- registered Democrats who want Clinton as the nominee -- are now backing Obama. That's down from 75 percent in the end of June. Twenty-seven percent of them now say they'll support McCain, up from 16 percent in late June.
And nowhere was that statistic more prevalent than at the RNC-sponsored happy hour for Hillary.
I can't help but think Coates' rise highlights a deficit or dismissal of intellectualism. He's a great writer, even if he sometimes reminds me of the literary version of a James Baldwin cover band, but his reparation work strikes me as not-serious. And he's rarely challenged - and when he is, there doesn't seem to be much interest in a debate being sparked. I found the general gist of his Sanders criticism to be a giant logical fallacy ("if you support radical positions it follows that you must accept y radical position too").
I'm not a Sanders supporter but I don't believe it's accurate to compare him to a traditional "liberal" candidate, or dismiss his views as old "rising tide" views on economics. His adherence to redistribution is a lot more drastic than any modern democrat. And if we compare it to the New Deal we have to acknowledge those policies initially restricted black people from accessing them; surely that's not the case with Sanders' policies.
For the Dems, what is interesting is about 80% of Bernie supporters said they'd vote for Hillary in a GE. Bernie's wasn't much higher.
The democrats are going to be united.
Meanwhile, 20% of GOPers said no to Trump, 14% to Jeb. Now, you might think this is not much different, but GOP voters skew older and more reliable as a voter. The people who won't vote Hillary are young voters that don't vote much anyway, so nothing is lost. But for the GOP, if even 10% of normal caucus voters don't vote for Trump/Bush and stay home, what does that tell you!?
What does Jeb have to gain for staying that long? Trump is killing it in Florida anyway. There's no way Jeb can win it.WACKY BERNIE is my favorite. Just because he finally went and cut his hair.
Also how is it best if Jeb places third? Jeb is not dropping out ever until at least Florida. So we need Christie to stay in and kasich to stay in to continue to allow room for trump to roll.
Jebra is fucking delusional in case you haven't noticed. He's not dropping after NH. He will stay in. We need lots of of establishment poo swimming in the sewer to make this interesting. That's why as much as it pains me, I think Rubio needs to place third and Christie 4th.
You mean to tell me there are 20% of Dems who wouldn't get in line? Are you serious right now?
I'm a big Noam fan, but even if you don't agree with most of his arguments afaik he has always been fairly realistic about voting that way. Said same about Obama.Chomsky: "I'd vote for Clinton"(in a general)
Jebra is fucking delusional in case you haven't noticed. He's not dropping after NH. He will stay in. We need lots of of establishment poo swimming in the sewer to make this interesting. That's why as much as it pains me, I think Rubio needs to place third and Christie 4th.
Wouldn't it be spelled Jeborah?
Jebra is fucking delusional in case you haven't noticed. He's not dropping after NH. He will stay in. We need lots of of establishment poo swimming in the sewer to make this interesting. That's why as much as it pains me, I think Rubio needs to place third and Christie 4th.
I'm so bummed the damn Constituion had to get in the way of my Mitt scheme. That would have been fun.
Please let this be real. Rand is the truthRumor is Rand made the debate.
In the early days of her husbands administration, Hillary Clinton tried to start a national conversation about basic human decency, only to be mocked. In the midst of the most mean-spirited presidential campaign in memory, she talks with BuzzFeed News about the unchanged way she sees herself and if shell ever be able to communicate it.