netflix and hill is when u invite someone over to help wipe servers
netflix and hill is when u invite someone over to help wipe servers
Lolnetflix and hill is when u invite someone over to help wipe servers
netflix and hill is when u invite someone over to help wipe servers
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Plinko 8/19/15
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thepotatoman 9/22/15
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titiklabingapat 8/19/15
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What's the millennial version of "when keeping it real goes wrong"?*blinks*
Lmaonetflix and hill is when u invite someone over to help wipe servers
Unless I have my young people vernacular mixed up, isn't "Netflix and chill" supposed to mean "come over ostensibly to watch Netflix, but really we're just going to have sex?"
netflix and hill is when u invite someone over to help wipe servers
It seems from the comments section that Buzzfeed is also establishment
Loooooong piece, but really interesting.
Watch Chris Christie's campaign end in flames:
President Obama on Monday announced a ban on solitary confinement for juvenile offenders in the federal prison system, saying the practice is overused and has the potential for devastating psychological consequences.
In an op-ed that appears in Tuesday editions of The Washington Post, the president outlines a series of executive actions that also prohibit federal corrections officials from punishing prisoners who commit low-level infractions with solitary confinement. The new rules also call for expanding treatment for mentally ill prisoners.
The presidents reforms are expected to affect about 10,000 inmates.
The reforms come six months after Obama, as part of a broader criminal-justice reform push, ordered the Justice Department to study how solitary confinement was being used by the federal Bureau of Prisons.
His team is going to have him practice using dog whistle terms but he totally says 'bitch' at some point.I'm honestly not sure how Trump is going to be able to go a single day in the general without calling Hillary by a gendered insult.
Trump hasn't called anybody a bitch yet. I'm sure he can avoid doing it to her.
He hasn't called anyone an "asshole" or anything like that. He doesn't use pejorative insults.The only women he's come into contact with in this campaign so far are Megyn Kelly and Carly Fiorina and he came pretty fucking close with those women even though Kelly is a news anchor and Fiorina is a nobody. He's going up against the female Richard Nixon (in terms of political ruthlessness and effectiveness) in the general.
they couldn't find better photos?
I dunno if it's realThere's no way Trump makes it through the general without insinuating Hillary couldn't please bill (or has he already done it?)
He hasn't called anyone an "asshole" or anything like that. He doesn't use pejorative insults.
Loooooong piece, but really interesting.
Very tame and that's just his branding for him. I think he is going to be even tamer in the general. There is no way that he brands her as "bitchy Hillary" or whatever.Tell that to Ted "Nasty Guy" Cruz.
What are the chances Cruz can turn this around by next week? I don't think he's gonna stumble into a 9/11 trap again.
If I had the power, I would pull the plug on humanity.
Very tame and that's just his branding for him. There is no way that Trump brands her as "bitchy Hillary" or whatever.
I think Trump is going to be even tamer in the general.
It's just going to be stuff like, "not enough stamina" and "untrustworthy"I think he'll avoid something as blatant as "bitch," but I can certainly see him falling into the trap of using some sort of gendered insult.
You and adam really need to hose down your crotches.Chris Cuomo is hot.
Does Bernie hanging out with Killer Mike get approached in the same way?
Killer Mike reached out to Bernie, not the other way around. I'm really not trying to go to bat for him over this, but it seems obvious to me that there's a quantitative difference in the effort Hillary puts in to be "hip" compared to Bernie.
Killer Mike reached out to Bernie, not the other way around. I'm really not trying to go to bat for him over this, but it seems obvious to me that there's a quantitative difference in the effort Hillary puts in to be "hip" compared to Bernie.
You and adam really need to hose down your crotches.
Who is hot
Plinko 8/19/15
B-Dubs 8/19/15
Poodlestrike 8/19/15
Jack Remington 8/19/15
Makai 8/19/15
SourShoes 8/19/15
Fenderputty 8/31/15
HylianTom 8/31/15
RastaMentality 9/10/15
brainchild 9/13/15
Melkr_ 9/20/15
RustyNails 9/21/15
Avon Barksdale 9/27/15
tanod 9/28/15
eBay Huckster 9/30/15
Coriolanus 10/2/15
zou 10/2/15
NsQuote 10/2/15
Samarecarm 10/2/15
Ecotic 10/2/15
SL128 10/2/15
Brookshi 10/2/15
*Aaron Strife 8/31/15
who is warm
Frank the Great 8/19/15
Farmboy 8/19/15
ItWasMeantToBe19 8/20/15
KMS 8/20/15
BertramCooper 8/31/15
NYCmetsfan 9/16/15
Black Republican 9/22/15
PantherLotus 9/23/15
Giant Panda 9/23/15
HylianHistoria 9/23/15
Diablos 9/23/15
neurosisxeno 9/24/15
Gnawtydog 9/24/15
RDreamer 9/25/15
Cheebo 9/27/15
Ignatz Mouse 9/27/15
Ivysaur12 9/27/15
Snake 9/27/15
Bronx-Man 9/27/15
Maledict 9/28/15
Roland_Gunner 10/2/15
Officerrob 10/2/15
Bowdz 10/2/15
AnotherNilks 10/2/15
Hopfrog 10/2/15
cartoon_soilder 10/2/15
pigeon 10/2/15
Yellowtall 10/2/15
who is feverish
JesseEwiak 8/19/15
Manmademan 8/20/15
PhoenixDark 9/27/15
Roland_Gunner 10/2/15
who is cold
thepotatoman 9/22/15
gasping for air
NeoXChaos 8/19/15
kingkitty 8/19/15
ErasureAcer 8/19/15
titiklabingapat 8/19/15
Y2Kev 8/19/15
Trouble 8/19/15
j_k_redtail 9/22/15
SexyFish 10/2/15
Joey Fox 9/27/15
FiggyCal 10/2/15
Maggie Haberman ‏@maggieNYT 5m5 minutes ago
"yes, we will raise taxes. Yes we will." Bernie, on CNN and likely soon in an ad
Could you imagine if she had done an event called "Netflix & Hill"? There'd be a GAF thread about it with people tearing her apart how she's a pandering, untrustworthy -- well, they might not say bitch out loud, but the dog whistles are there.
In terms of pandering, we have:
-- The Vine of Hillary "chilling" in Cedar Rapids.
-- The Rosa Parks "H" logo change.
-- Abuela Hillary
-- Dancing on Ellen
Can you think of any that spring to mind outside of this? This feels like exactly what we're talking about when we say Hillary is pandering. Yet, "Phone Bank and Chill" and "Talk Bernie To Me" are just as dumb and tone deaf, especially since "Netflix & Chill" is just "let's fuck" and it comically misunderstands the entire meaning.
None of this actually matters, since none of these candidates are actually writing or coming up with any of these ideas (Hillary did not write the abuela listicle. Bernie did not decide to name an event Phone Bank and Chill). Yet they all try to accomplish the same thing and fall on their face doing so.
I don't understand, nor is it obvious, what Bernie is doing here that is different than Hillary's pandering. You have not stated what that difference is besides their "personas", but that just comes down to your own personal preferences of if you like Hillary or Bernie. Which is a bullshit lens to look through.
It's a matter of personal effort, not campaign effort. Hillary made the "chillin'" vine and was dabbing on Ellen, and gives a sense that she is personally concerned with being aware of what's trendy among younger voters. While Bernie's campaign has done some silly things like "phone bank & chill" you don't see a video of Bernie promoting the event himself, for instance. I just don't get the sense that he, personally, is worried about appealing to younger voters the way Hillary often seems.
Again, though, I think the whole argument is pretty silly. I don't have much concern for either campaign or candidate doing this because it's a standard part of presidential campaigns. I just find it hard to believe the argument that Bernie has been equally bad at it, especially when neoxchaos posted a poll earlier today showing that Bernie is like +61 among 18-24 year olds. The argument that they've been equally tone deaf or alienating just seems to contradict the numbers. Similarly, whatever Hillary has done works well among the 65+ crowd and I'm sure much of this is just policy. Nonetheless, these differences in demographic strengths exist.