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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Eh - that seems a little harsh. Though I'll admit that his writing pointed me towards Baldwin, and he does seem like a Baldwin cover band. That's still high praise considering Baldwin's work though. The reparations thing feels like...it feels like now his articles are all written with reparations as the pre-determined solution to said given problem or his argument. The logical fallacy about Coates' "if you say you are radical, you must be radical in all things, and I am going to define what the radical views are" - that's a load of crap.

I think this is a very lazy view of Coates writing. If you look at his recent articles, almost none of them bring up reparations as the solution. He's specifically using the concept of reparations in relation to Sanders' repeated argument that liberals should propose radical solutions even if they aren't likely to be passed. In Coates' view these supposedly radical solutions are too class based and did provide specific remedies for the plight of black Americans. Thus, why shouldn't Sanders support reparations? Fixating upon one possible solution overlooks the substance of his argument.

East Lake

I think this is a very lazy view of Coates writing. If you look at his recent articles, almost none of them bring up reparations as the solution. He's specifically using the concept of reparations in relation to Sanders' repeated argument that liberals should propose radical solutions even if they aren't likely to be passed. In Coates' view these supposedly radical solutions are too class based and did provide specific remedies for the plight of black Americans. Thus, why shouldn't Sanders support reparations? Fixating upon one possible solution overlooks the substance of his argument.
It's not a lazy view. It's literally what he says. "Reparations is the indispensable tool against white supremacy." And then in later articles states that anyone who doesn't support reparations as he defines it is a white supremacist. And in his long article it's not particularly well defined.
Miscellaneous observation from FOX poll.
Clinton's "definitely" decided is slightly firmer, but these can probably still turn. Exit polling of the 2008 caucuses had 20% of caucus goers deciding within the last three days, 11% deciding on the day. (Curious how much the process affects this in terms of peer pressure.)

"Would you say you feel betrayed by politicians from your political party, or not?"
Democrats majority do not by over 2:1. Republicans do by a small majority.

Somewhat reinforcing the idea that the majority of Democrats don't actually dislike their "establishment" in the same way that Republicans are very angry at theirs.
So establishment shill and Wall Street puppet President Obama's becoming more prominent and less tacit in his support of Clinton to carry his torch probably isn't worthless.
That's why I find the constant concern trolling of "wacko Bernie supporters betraying the party" a little overbearing in this thread and outside.

Did we forget 2008 election?
Gallup 3-28-08: If McCain vs. Obama, 28% of Clinton Backers Go for McCain

CNN 8-26-08: Angry Clinton supporters toast McCain, roast Obama

Obama went on to demolish.

You will always have your staunch crazies who claim hell and high water that they'll go for the other party or not vote at all. But once the polls close on election day, they don't matter because they're such an insignificant portion of the Dem electorate even if they do go through with the temper-tantrum (many

I think some of the younger more vocal supporters are the most likely ones that won't go Hillary, but some will end up voting for her in the end. I think this crowd is the one that typically doesn't vote at all, most likely to be independent, and not invested in politics all that much until very recently. Bernie support does seem mostly white liberal and huge chunk of it is between 18- 25, but it is still partially diverse age wise. I say most or if not all the older supporters will go Hillary and most of the younger ones will too, but a fraction of them will either not vote, vote for someone else, or vote for her in the end.


FGC Waterboy
I think this is a very lazy view of Coates writing. If you look at his recent articles, almost none of them bring up reparations as the solution. He's specifically using the concept of reparations in relation to Sanders' repeated argument that liberals should propose radical solutions even if they aren't likely to be passed. In Coates' view these supposedly radical solutions are too class based and did provide specific remedies for the plight of black Americans. Thus, why shouldn't Sanders support reparations? Fixating upon one possible solution overlooks the substance of his argument.

To be fair, most of his recent articles about about Star Wars and Black Panther - which I totally approve of.

Though looking back at his history - you're right, there does seem to be more articles than I thought. I thought most of his articles would automatically get top of the page links - but it looks like there were quite a few that didn't. Hrm. :( My bad on that.

But going back to the "radical solutions" - I think it's extremely disingenuous for Coates to define "radical solutions" as he sees fit - and believe that "radical" is a binary argument rather than a sliding scale. I mean, Sanders' explanation about it being "divisive" is the actual answer that deals with Coates' argument - but Coates tries to parry it away with saying "socialist is also divisive!" (once again, eschewing all nuance and looking at it binarily). He's willfully ignoring the fact that both radical and divisive are on a spectrum; and his final lines are why he has to ignore them.

Reparations is not one possible tool against white supremacy. It is the indispensable tool against white supremacy. One cannot propose to plunder a people, incur a moral and monetary debt, propose to never pay it back, and then claim to be seriously engaging in the fight against white supremacy.

Which is the point. He has to ignore the idea that radical and divisive are not binary flags because those facts get in the way of his already identified solution. I mean - I'm a South Asian who thinks Coates' overall plan (though I support HR 40 100%) is short-sighted, selfish, economically destructive to America (which would hurt blacks just as much as everyone else), changes nothing about the laws, policies, and attitudes that pervade this country, and feels like, when the actual data on what the long-term effects of previous reparations of that scale have done is taken into account, a really, really bad idea.

On top of it, the invoking of Lincoln and Grant solidifies his complete cherry picking of history. Lincoln was ready to put slavery INTO the Constitution. Also...where do you put Native Americans on this? Or the Chinese who more or less built the railroad system that allowed the country to expand exponentially?

I guess I'm for white supremacy?

EDIT: Took out some overly harsh criticism.


I love her so fucking much:

‏@clairecmc 9h9 hours ago
Yep. Just reported for jury duty.On my bucket list to serve. Betting lawyers boot me...use peremptory challenge.

@clairecmc 9h9 hours ago
Claire McCaskill Retweeted Chuck Raasch
I'm just part of the big juror pool right now,assuming I'll get moved to a courtroom for voir dire eventually.

@clairecmc 9h9 hours ago
As usual Callow has succinct advice. "@publiceyestl Sit near an outlet." Check.

@clairecmc 9h9 hours ago
Hiding in corner as judge explains to large juror pool that we get paid only $10 a day. That's #moleg not DC folks.

@clairecmc 8h8 hours ago
Just called the names of first panel to go to courtroom for jury selection. #notme

@clairecmc 8h8 hours ago
By rough calculation I count 2 knitters, with rest of the about 150 potential jurors divided equally between reading paper & reading screens

‏@clairecmc 8h8 hours ago
Drumroll. Another 60 being called for another courtroom. Hoping I get picked. #feelslikejrhigh

@clairecmc 8h8 hours ago
Claire McCaskill Retweeted MARCIA J. CORBETT
Are you kidding? Comfortable. Definitely. Love you Marcia. Claire McCaskill added,
MARCIA J. CORBETT @marciajcorb
@clairecmc How did you dress for this? Comfortable for the long day of sitting? Or do you have to "look professional"?

@clairecmc 8h8 hours ago
One knitter gone. But not me. Question for Twitter: are they skipping me on purpose?

@clairecmc 8h8 hours ago
Claire McCaskill Retweeted Jason Rosenbaum
Possible. Definitely possible. Claire McCaskill added,
Jason Rosenbaum @jrosenbaum
I hear STL County likes to play pranks on former Jackson County prosecutors... https://twitter.com/clairecmc/status/691658661589032960 …

@clairecmc 8h8 hours ago
This is gonna get http://interesting.TV in the room where we're waiting.Someone for the remote. Now what channel? #pleasegodnotfoxnews

@clairecmc 8h8 hours ago
Claire McCaskill Retweeted Ben Friedman
Are you crazy? No way I want the remote. I work for these people... Claire McCaskill added,
Ben Friedman @BenFriedman
@clairecmc the people are waiting for your leadership. Take the remote. Become the foreperson. #claire2016

@clairecmc 8h8 hours ago
Boredom is settling over the room. Traffic to vending machines trending up.

@clairecmc 7h7 hours ago
Remote person settled on Comedy Central. Not bad, kinda safe choice. But noticed one woman grimacing over off color jokes. #juryroomdrama

Claire McCaskill ‏@clairecmc 7h7 hours ago
Claire McCaskill Retweeted Neff in Texas
Uh, no. He's in Texas. I'm in Missouri. He had a movie about jury duty, no movie here. #wekeepitsimple Claire McCaskill added,
Neff in Texas @nffcnnr
do you see @sachsedad? https://twitter.com/clairecmc/status/691665137124638721 …

@clairecmc 7h7 hours ago
Panel #3 being called. Just not gonna get my hopes up.

@clairecmc 7h7 hours ago
OMG. I got called. On my way to courtroom. Yes!

@clairecmc 6h6 hours ago
Waiting outside courtroom. Not optimistic but happy to at least be on this side of voir dire. It will be interesting.

@clairecmc 6h6 hours ago
I will go silent once in courtroom. Will update later.

@clairecmc 6h6 hours ago
Still waiting in hallway. Appears this is a criminal, not civil, division.

@clairecmc 6h6 hours ago
Claire McCaskill Retweeted Slothy McSloth Sloth
Every once in awhile I need to repeat Why I Don't Follow You. http://clairecmc.tumblr.com/post/7703120135/going-to-repeat-this-blog-again-why-i-dont … Claire McCaskill added,
Slothy McSloth Sloth @fd2190
@DaviSusan New angle. How come @clairecmc doesn't follow anyone on Twitter?

‏@clairecmc 6h6 hours ago
Claire McCaskill Retweeted Slothy McSloth Sloth
Ninja. Yes. Take that @CoryBooker
Claire McCaskill added,
Slothy McSloth Sloth @fd2190
@DaviSusan New new angle: @clairecmc is apparently ever vigilant on here. Like a ninja.

@clairecmc 6h6 hours ago
A lawyer I know just walked by me in hallway, did double take, said hello and "they don't want lawyers" 😩

@clairecmc 6h6 hours ago
Gonna seat us in courtroom, then dismiss us for lunch. Tease.

‏@clairecmc 5h5 hours ago
It's a civil case.Voir dire,questioning of jury for selection purposes,after lunch.Question:no matter what can you be fair to both sides?

@clairecmc 5h5 hours ago
Claire McCaskill Retweeted Aviva Glaser
I brought some salad and hard boiled eggs from home. #prepared Claire McCaskill added,
Aviva Glaser @aviva_g
@clairecmc We are all in suspense...what's for lunch? Are there a lot of options for under $10?

@clairecmc 5h5 hours ago
Claire McCaskill Retweeted Grace Shemwell
I recommend dark casual slacks and gray cardigan. #whatimwearing Claire McCaskill added,
Grace Shemwell @Gracelaine2
@clairecmc any pro tips on how to dress like you're a completely impartial citizen and not a one sided legal mind? #whatnottoweartovoirdire

‏@clairecmc 5h5 hours ago
Claire McCaskill Retweeted Rachel Maddow MSNBC
A little. But no worries. I will let you know. Claire McCaskill added,
Rachel Maddow MSNBC @maddow
Is it weird that I'm desperate to know if @clairecmc is going to get picked for that jury?

@clairecmc 5h5 hours ago
Claire McCaskill Retweeted WILDMAN
Put down? No way. I'm here because it's an honor & duty to participate. Claire McCaskill added,
@clairecmc Great read Democratic Senator put down peoples duty to a Court system that best in world. Sorry your duty is boring like ur votes

@clairecmc 5h5 hours ago
Claire McCaskill Retweeted fairlygrim
I love Perry Mason! I never missed it when I was a kid. Made me want to be a lawyer. Claire McCaskill added,
fairlygrim @fairlygrim
@clairecmc Quite the buzz when you got called. Is it weird that I am watching old Perry Mason TV shows while I wait?

‏@clairecmc 2h2 hours ago
Short recess from jury qualification questioning. Can't and won't talk about case. Should know today if I'm chosen.

‏@clairecmc 45m45 minutes ago
HOLY X@#*! I am on the jury. Now must go social media silent re:trial. Don't worry, I'll share after verdict.
My favorite anti-racism plan is massive immigration of people that become naturalized citizens until 50% of the voting population is non-white.

I think this would actually be feasible too because the moneyed interests would go along with it. Paul Ryan would definitely be for it.


FGC Waterboy
My favorite anti-racism plan is massive immigration of people that become naturalized citizens until 50% of the voting population is non-white.

I think this would actually be feasible too because the moneyed interests would go along with it. Paul Ryan would definitely be for it.

Eh - then the non-whites would turn on each other. :p


My favorite anti-racism plan is massive immigration of people that become naturalized citizens until 50% of the voting population is non-white.

I think this would actually be feasible too because the moneyed interests would go along with it. Paul Ryan would definitely be for it.

Best anti-racism plan is to just mix all the races together for several generations. Of course, then people will fight over money or looks or something else stupid, but at least it won't be racism. Unfortunately humans crave feeling superior to other humans.


Of course the one time Dems have a debate on a weeknight instead of the dead of the weekend they are up against the huge San Antonio Spurs vs. Golden State Warriors game that everyone else will be watching. Got to love it.


Of course the one time Dems have a debate on a weeknight instead of the dead of the weekend they schedule it against the huge San Antonio Spurs vs. Golden State Warriors game that everyone else will be watching. Got to love it.

Is it an actual debate? What does the town hall format imply?


This is a legitimately interesting way to see Hillary describe herself:

“Maybe it’s just something I’ve gotten used to,” she says, toward the end of the interview, at this point speaking without any edge. “And so I don’t have a personal… sense of disappointment, or being misunderstood, because I’m aware that I present personally a kind of Rorschach test to so many people.” That’s been true since the 1969 commencement, when, as Clinton writes in her memoir, “my mother reported that opinion about my speech seemed to be divided between the overly effuse — ‘she spoke for a generation’ — to the exceedingly negative — ‘who does she think she is?’”


I mean without following this stuff obsessively I would never know about those Saturday night debates either. Those things felt like they had zero lead up or push from any media at all.


I mean without following this stuff obsessively I would never know about those Saturday night debates either. Those things felt like they had zero lead up or push from any media at all.

Seriously. They didn't even really get covered in their aftermath.





I mean without following this stuff obsessively I would never know about those Saturday night debates either. Those things felt like they had zero lead up or push from any media at all.

And yet, 10 million people watched the last one.

edit: ^^ haha


College kids.

Let's remember that his dumb tweets have over 20,000 RTs and Hillary has never done anything as bad as Phone Bank and Chill when "NETFLIX & HILL" is RIGHT THERE:

@robfee 13 Oct 2015
Bernie Sanders: Let's talk about the economy.
Hillary Clinton: *riding by on Heelys* Yo yo bae who loves to vape yolo hashtags? Yaassss fam!

Bernie Sanders: Let's raise minimum wage.

Hillary Clinton: *tries to kickflip & tumbles offstage* Lets raise that whip & nae nae! It fleek!

@robfee Jan 12
Bernie Sanders: College should be affordable for all.

Hillary Clinton: Ay fam, who down wit Facebooks? Yaaas queen!

‏@robfee Jan 15
Bernie Sanders: Lets strengthen social security

Hillary Clinton: *sipping lean through a bendy straw* Ay ma its 💯 Ja Rules to vote! Im lit!

@robfee 13 Oct 2015
Bernie Sanders: We need gun control.
Hillary Clinton: *doing the worm across the stage in a pantsuit* Bae wants a gun? Yo dats a thirst trap
Let's remember that his dumb tweets have over 20,000 RTs and Hillary has never done anything as bad as Phone Bank and Chill when "NETFLIX & HILL" is RIGHT THERE:
This is a dumb argument all around, but there's a huge difference between Sanders' supporters naming an event "phone bank and chill" and Hillary's more personal attempts at Hellofellowkids.gif

If you think it's just a matter of double standards I'd say you're missing key observations about the respective candidates' personas.
But going back to the "radical solutions" - I think it's extremely disingenuous for Coates to define "radical solutions" as he sees fit - and believe that "radical" is a binary argument rather than a sliding scale. I mean, Sanders' explanation about it being "divisive" is the actual answer that deals with Coates' argument - but Coates tries to parry it away with saying "socialist is also divisive!" (once again, eschewing all nuance and looking at it binarily). He's willfully ignoring the fact that both radical and divisive are on a spectrum; and his final lines are why he has to ignore them.

Which is the point. He has to ignore the idea that radical and divisive are not binary flags because those facts get in the way of his already identified solution. I mean - I'm a South Asian who thinks Coates' overall plan (though I support HR 40 100%) is short-sighted, selfish, economically destructive to America (which would hurt blacks just as much as everyone else), changes nothing about the laws, policies, and attitudes that pervade this country, and feels like, when the actual data on what the long-term effects of previous reparations of that scale have done is taken into account, a really, really bad idea.

Certainly Coates is being somewhat reductionistic to make a point, but I don't think that negates the point itself. Reparations are certainly divisive, we can all agree on that, but Sanders is the candidate saying that in other situations its okay to be radical and adopt unpopular positions. As a candidate, its his right to choose to do this on class instead racial grounds. By not granting the same credence to the issues that Coates, and other black people are invested in, he becomes like HRC to them. That directly undercuts the appeal of Sanders campaign to black voters, who everyone agree he needs.


Gold Member
This is a dumb argument all around, but there's a huge difference between Sanders' supporters naming an event "phone bank and chill" and Hillary's more personal attempts at Hellofellowkids.gif

If you think it's just a matter of double standards I'd say you're missing key observations about the respective candidates' personas.

Does Bernie hanging out with Killer Mike get approached in the same way?


This is a dumb argument all around, but there's a huge difference between Sanders' supporters naming an event "phone bank and chill" and Hillary's more personal attempts at Hellofellowkids.gif

If you think it's just a matter of double standards I'd say you're missing key observations about the respective candidates' personas.

It is double standards! I think Sanders fans who find Hillary to be a professional shill who does lame pandering to kids won't be able to admit that this is as dumb and as pandering as anything Hillary has done -- and none of it is even that bad! Yet for some reason, this won't even register because it's cool and Sanders is hip with the kids or something.

It's dumb. It's all dumb. But the way that we confine Hillary to a very small box and basically don't let her move without doubting her motives is one of the strangest phenomena of her candidacies. She really is a human Rorschach test.
Certainly Coates is being somewhat reductionistic to make a point, but I don't think that negates the point itself. Reparations are certainly divisive, we can all agree on that, but Sanders is the candidate saying that in other situations its okay to be radical and adopt unpopular positions. As a candidate, its his right to choose to do this on class instead racial grounds. By not granting the same credence to the issues that Coates, and other black people are invested in, he becomes like HRC to them. That directly undercuts the appeal of Sanders campaign to black voters, who everyone agree he needs.

The difference is a majority of people like Bernie's ideas when polled where as reparations is very low.

Also I would definitely say Hillary tries much harder to pander than Bernie himself, weird phone bank titles or not. I don't really know why she does it either, she isn't a bad candidate and it seems rather forced but it doesn't really change my opinion of her, just give some good laughs. So maybe she should do more.


Miscellaneous observation from FOX poll.
Clinton's "definitely" decided is slightly firmer, but these can probably still turn. Exit polling of the 2008 caucuses had 20% of caucus goers deciding within the last three days, 11% deciding on the day. (Curious how much the process affects this in terms of peer pressure.)
I think the process definitely affects it. Especially for the Democrats, anyway, since voting isn't done through secret ballots, and everyone has to be on their candidate's side of the room, so if a certain precinct goes decidedly in favor of one candidate, the other candidate's soft support might peel off more easily in their favor because people don't want to be seen as on the (overwhelmingly) losing side. Not only that, but every side tries hard to convince the soft/undecided caucus goers throughout the process, so that also changes things.
Unless I have my young people vernacular mixed up, isn't "Netflix and chill" supposed to mean "come over ostensibly to watch Netflix, but really we're just going to have sex?"

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Forgot to mention I saw many Jeb! signs on the highway yesterday. Also seen Kasich, Fiorina, Carson and obviously Trump signs. None for the rest in my area. I imagine there's signs everywhere the closer you get to Mass, where more people live.
Unless I have my young people vernacular mixed up, isn't "Netflix and chill" supposed to mean "come over ostensibly to watch Netflix, but really we're just going to have sex?"

Yes, but I think the joke is that calling up random people for the service of Lord Bernie is equivalent to intercourse for the volunteers (im about 90% kidding).
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