Wait, where is Fiorina getting that money from? Does she actually have campaign funds?
She's rich AF.
Wait, where is Fiorina getting that money from? Does she actually have campaign funds?
And yes, he shouldn't be raising taxes on people earning below $250k. Even if it means "it pays for healthcare," or whatever else. It's nice that people would be getting more bang for their buck but you know how we get more bang for our buck? Not raising taxes.
I'm all for more progressive taxation but the math don't work.Yeah, but he's probably using some weird math like the GOP does with dynamic scoring to make it work.
Like, he's probably assuming that by raising taxes, nobody's behavior is affected at all. And that would be a poor assumption.
And yes, he shouldn't be raising taxes on people earning below $250k. Even if it means "it pays for healthcare," or whatever else. It's nice that people would be getting more bang for their buck but you know how we get more bang for our buck? Not raising taxes.
How about raising taxes on the wealthy, cutting taxes on the middle class, and still offering the same benefits! Why are we proposing to raise taxes on people whose wages haven't gone up in years but costs still go up?
Go full progressive, Bernie. Not this half assed shit. And not something so open to attack.
As long as it's hot, crispy, and I can dip it in hot mustard sauce, I don't give a fuck!I would love to ask some people to define the word "establishment." Because, at the moment, I think the only definition a lot of people have is "Not Bernie Sanders." It's now become so devoid of meaning it's the linguistic/political equivalent of McDonald's Chicken Nuggets. Everyone has a vague idea of what it's supposed to be, but no one really knows what it is anymore.
As long as it's hot, crispy, and I can dip it in hot mustard sauce, I don't give a fuck! the meantime the people of Flint, MI has lead contaminated water because of Republican Rick Snyder. After 2 years they still have contaminated water. After this story finally became an national story..NOTHING is being done to change the root of the problem. The lead in the water dissolved and contaminated the pipes. No plans are being made to change the pipes! Hell, they're not even giving out facet filters to the residents! State and Federal levels continue to fail Flint! This is something you hear about in an 3rd world country like Ethiopia, about contaminated water. This is happening in the so called richest country in the world. This problem was CAUSED by Snyder, and he's still refuse to fix it! THIS should be the political story of the year, instead of all the stupid ass shit Donald Trump says for media attention!
Elections have consequences. Bernie will beat any of the Republicans. Vote Bernie.
This persecution complex is just too much. Bill Gates is in the tank for Hillary!
Sanders camp suspicious of Microsofts influence in Iowa Caucus
The campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is raising questions about the involvement of Microsoft in the Iowa Caucuses, now just five days away, and has built a independent system to check the official results.
For the first time this year, Microsoft partnered with the Iowa Democratic and Republican Parties to provide a technology platform with which the parties will run their caucuses. The software giant created separate mobile apps for each party, which officials at hundreds of caucuses across the state will use to report out results from individual precincts to party headquarters for tabulation.
The arrangement has aroused the suspicions of aides to Sanders, whose regularly warns that corporate power and the billionaire class are trying to hijack democracy. Pete DAlessandro, who is running the Iowa portion of Sanders campaign, questioned the motives of the major multinational corporation in an interview with MSNBC: Youd have to ask yourself why theyd want to give something like that away for free.
I have an ex-girlfriend with an IQ that almost qualifies her for MENSA (this is true - her father was actually in MENSA as well) who shocked me once by confessing that she didn't think that the moon landing was real. She also had an irrational fear of little people.These are the same type of people susceptible to Alex Jones and 9/11 truthers, to GMO foods is mind control, moon landing is fake, etc.
They aren't folks capable of proper reasoning skills.
I thought it was well-known that most people familiar with France's health care system would kill if we could have its equivalent here in 'Murica.Gonna call huge levels of shenanigans with their description of medicare for all (which definitely has a lot of details left out but the rationing healthcare and cry for savings is not very accurate). Also not sure if I believe the financial system is fully reformed and awesome yet.
To expand, insurance companies already ration a ton, and the rationing the author speaks of in europe is actually super generous, very few treatments would be denied and they would have to have a horrific cost/benefit (like 6 figures for maybe a few months of life or something around that). Doctor reimbursements in america are the highest in the world so some correction would happen but the move away from fee for service and ability to negotiate for pricing of drugs/supplies would also be big.
I think raising taxes over $100k is just fine. If it eliminates employer-provided healthcare via insurance companies, nearly everyone would experience a net gain increase in their biweekly paychecks. Combine that with better social security increases and reduced college expenses and people still come out far, far ahead. Any reduction in anxiety regarding retirement and college education access would also be a net gain.Yeah, but he's probably using some weird math like the GOP does with dynamic scoring to make it work.
Like, he's probably assuming that by raising taxes, nobody's behavior is affected at all. And that would be a poor assumption.
And yes, he shouldn't be raising taxes on people earning below $250k. Even if it means "it pays for healthcare," or whatever else. It's nice that people would be getting more bang for their buck but you know how we get more bang for our buck? Not raising taxes.
How about raising taxes on the wealthy, cutting taxes on the middle class, and still offering the same benefits! Why are we proposing to raise taxes on people whose wages haven't gone up in years but costs still go up?
Go full progressive, Bernie. Not this half assed shit. And not something so open to attack.
It's pink slime, Adam. The Establishment is pink slime.I would love to ask some people to define the word "establishment." Because, at the moment, I think the only definition a lot of people have is "Not Bernie Sanders." It's now become so devoid of meaning it's the linguistic/political equivalent of McDonald's Chicken Nuggets. Everyone has a vague idea of what it's supposed to be, but no one really knows what it is anymore.
What? Yeah, the corporate sponsorship of Democracy(tm) (Brought to you by MicroSoft) is shady as fuck.This persecution complex is just too much. Bill Gates is in the tank for Hillary!
Sanders camp suspicious of Microsofts influence in Iowa Caucus
The campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is raising questions about the involvement of Microsoft in the Iowa Caucuses, now just five days away, and has built a independent system to check the official results.
For the first time this year, Microsoft partnered with the Iowa Democratic and Republican Parties to provide a technology platform with which the parties will run their caucuses. The software giant created separate mobile apps for each party, which officials at hundreds of caucuses across the state will use to report out results from individual precincts to party headquarters for tabulation.
The arrangement has aroused the suspicions of aides to Sanders, whose regularly warns that corporate power and the billionaire class are trying to hijack democracy. Pete DAlessandro, who is running the Iowa portion of Sanders campaign, questioned the motives of the major multinational corporation in an interview with MSNBC: Youd have to ask yourself why theyd want to give something like that away for free.
It's pink slime, Adam. The Establishment is pink slime.
This persecution complex is just too much. Bill Gates is in the tank for Hillary!
Sanders camp suspicious of Microsoft’s influence in Iowa Caucus
The campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is raising questions about the involvement of Microsoft in the Iowa Caucuses, now just five days away, and has built a independent system to check the official results.
For the first time this year, Microsoft partnered with the Iowa Democratic and Republican Parties to provide a technology platform with which the parties will run their caucuses. The software giant created separate mobile apps for each party, which officials at hundreds of caucuses across the state will use to report out results from individual precincts to party headquarters for tabulation.
The arrangement has aroused the suspicions of aides to Sanders, whose regularly warns that corporate power and the billionaire class are trying to hijack democracy. Pete D’Alessandro, who is running the Iowa portion of Sanders’ campaign, questioned the motives of the major multinational corporation in an interview with MSNBC: “You’d have to ask yourself why they’d want to give something like that away for free.”
This is such nonsense. If he is going to create a massive new government benefit, then yes, we are actually going to have to pay for it. And no, we can just have the super wealthy pay for absolutely everything. Compared to the amount the middle class spends on healthcare, they are still coming out very much ahead in his plan, to a likely unrealistic degree.
I'm all for more progressive taxation but the math don't work.
Also, if your raise in taxes is less than what you pay for a private, for profit insurance, that means you're left with more money at hand, so why does it matter?
I have an ex-girlfriend with an IQ that almost qualifies her for MENSA (this is true - her father was actually in MENSA as well) who shocked me once by confessing that she didn't think that the moon landing was real. She also had an irrational fear of little people.
I was legit shook.
I think raising taxes over $100k is just fine. If it eliminates employer-provided healthcare via insurance companies, nearly everyone would experience a net gain increase in their biweekly paychecks. Combine that with better social security increases and reduced college expenses and people still come out far, far ahead. Any reduction in anxiety regarding retirement and college education access would also be a net gain.
I meant there aren't enough people who makes over 250k to get to the revenue numbers that is required to fund that program* even if you introduce a >90% confiscatory tax bracket (which is something I support for different reasons).I don't understand to what your first paragraph references specifically.
As to the second, not everyone currently has insurance or pays for coverage. Those people will be seeing a hike. And while I agree their benefits will be greater than the taxes, it still reduces disposable income for them.
Like, on its face it's fine but I don't want to drop the disposable income of most folks right now. I'm not convinced the consumer expenditures side of the economy is strong enough at this moment for it.
Just provide the benefit and tax those whose taxes are too low and that's it.
I think disposable income is what matters, you can't accept the framing that taxes=bad even if you end up with more money at hand and expect to get progress on such issues.Sure I'm fine with that. Honestly I never should have said $250k. That's too high and probably just me stick on current politics. $100k is closer to reality.
I just don't think we should be raising taxes on households making $40k, for instance.
I want to expand all these things and not tax anyone but the relatively well off. We can do this.
And bernie should not be running on that. He should be promising it for free for these households. By promoting tax raises on these folks, he guarantees a loss in the general.
It's bad enough he'll be painted as an atheist jewish socialist, but to throw in middle class tax raiser too? Adios comrade!
Sure I'm fine with that. Honestly I never should have said $250k. That's too high and probably just me stick on current politics. $100k is closer to reality.
I just don't think we should be raising taxes on households making $40k, for instance.
I want to expand all these things and not tax anyone but the relatively well off. We can do this.
And bernie should not be running on that. He should be promising it for free for these households. By promoting tax raises on these folks, he guarantees a loss in the general.
It's bad enough he'll be painted as an atheist jewish socialist, but to throw in middle class tax raiser too? Adios comrade!
I respect your sensitivity to realpolitik, I really do - but I have problems when it's the primary concern and not the motivation or secondary concern.Sure I'm fine with that. Honestly I never should have said $250k. That's too high and probably just me stick on current politics. $100k is closer to reality.
I just don't think we should be raising taxes on households making $40k, for instance.
I want to expand all these things and not tax anyone but the relatively well off. We can do this.
And bernie should not be running on that. He should be promising it for free for these households. By promoting tax raises on these folks, he guarantees a loss in the general.
It's bad enough he'll be painted as an atheist jewish socialist, but to throw in middle class tax raiser too? Adios comrade!
Is it that hard to use multi-quote?
Factors like turnout will play a role.
But the path would pretty much to spend spend spend on defining Sanders negatively and scaring moderates I imagine. Trump will tack and the RNC is already starting to turn towards him.
I've this pet theory that Hillary isThe thing that gets me about the Clinton's are so evil and cunning and smart...they plan everything in advance.....but she does something stupid with an email server to jeopardize the whole thing?
It just baffles me.
Dude struggles to explain democratic socialism to people, and then he'd also have to explain a fiat currency economy? fuuuck is that a tall orderOr, you know, we can just run a deficit like we've pretty much always done.
It doesn't have to be revenue neutral. In fact, taxes shouldn't matter.
As a society, we should spend what we want and then use taxes to help with inequality. Taxes and government revenue are not a balance sheet.
I've this pet theory that Hillary is.Thanos
Dude struggles to explain democratic socialism to people, and then he'd also have to explain a fiat currency economy? fuuuck is that a tall order
but yeah, inserting (and pushing) that kinda narrative into the debates would be such an immense step. Also massively depressing when one sees the (likely) dem backlash against it, but hey, omelettes and eggs.
Nate's grasping for indicators. Interesting, nonetheless. 2008 dwarfs 2016 thus far.
Remember that the 2008 Iowa caucus was a month earlier. In December 2007, relative interest was 17, in Jan 2016, relative interest is 19 and can only go higher (although admittedly not much) - in other words in the month proceeding the caucus, Google searches for caucuses are 12% higher in '16 than '08. The massive spike to 100 in January '08 takes place after Obama had beaten Clinton, not before. This, of course, tells you again why it is so hugely important to get a win in Iowa. Wins get awareness.
Also, Nate Silver is good at stats but he's proved to be a fairly dreadful pundit so far this race. Kind of disappointed.
I've this pet theory that Hillary is.Thanos
Dude struggles to explain democratic socialism to people, and then he'd also have to explain a fiat currency economy? fuuuck is that a tall order
but yeah, inserting (and pushing) that kinda narrative into the debates would be such an immense step. Also massively depressing when one sees the (likely) dem backlash against it, but hey, omelettes and eggs.
You guys keep pushing MMT, termed here as a fist currency economy, like it's so irrevocably proven and obvious.
It is neither of those things, and in fact incredibly heterodox in the field of economics.
We can and fucking should run from austerity, but let's not leap to something just as crazy.
Deficits matter. Run them during recessions because the benefits out weight the costs. Don't run them during booms because why the fuck should you?
You guys keep pushing MMT, termed here as a fiat currency economics, like it's so irrevocable proven and obvious.
It is neither of those things, and in fact incredibly heterodox in the field of economics. Heterodox meaning rejected by most that have studied these things immensely more than you. Analogous to homeopathy and medical science really, in that neither have models that make sense or adequately explain the theory they purport.
We can and fucking should run from austerity, but let's not leap to something just as crazy.
Deficits matter. Run them during recessions because the benefits out weight the costs. Don't run them during booms because why the fuck should you?
On the topic of busing people places - did Obama do or have to do anything of the sort to spread his vote around, or was his organisation just that much better?
Are we in a boom now? I don't feel it. I don't think that I'm alone. And that's the fucking point.
Are you genuinely trying to compare MMT to a fiat currency? Certainly you know that those are quite different things. And where, pray tell, have i mentioned that deficits don't matter?
But by all means, keep jabbing at that MMT windmill.
Maybe you can remind me, how does interest in Sanders line up with interest in Obama back in '08 at this point in the process? I was (embarrassed) an Edwards fan at this point in the cycle in '08.
The post you were responding to was literally saying that deficits don't matter. Spend what we want, use taxes solely as redistribution. That is not a mainstream idea.
But by all means, keep using the language of a theory, while trying to mask it as an inherent part of a fiat currency.
Do you know what a fiat currency is? A fiat currency does not give you license to spend whatever you want, unless you're talking about under an MMT paradigm.
Unless you werent agreeing with Black Mamba when you quoted him, in which case clarify what you were saying.
By a lot of estimates we're just out of a recovery, and your anecdote doesn't really change that.
Not a boom, and we shouldn't be jeopardizing that recovery by attempting to run a surplus, but talking about indefinitely financing a single payer healthcare system off the backs of indefinite deficits, that is MMT nuttery.
The post you were responding to was literally saying that deficits don't matter. Spend what we want, use taxes solely as redistribution. That is not a mainstream idea.
But by all means, keep using the language of a theory, while trying to mask it as an inherent part of a fiat currency.
Do you know what a fiat currency is? A fiat currency does not give you license to spend whatever you want, unless you're talking about under an MMT paradigm.
Unless you werent agreeing with Black Mamba when you quoted him, in which case clarify what you were saying.
In order to even get to the deficits dont matter bit, first you'd have to make people understand fiat currency, and that's a hard sell by itself. I pointed out the latter. If you disagree with his bit, quote him.
In order to even get to the deficits dont matter bit, first you'd have to make people understand fiat currency, and that's a hard sell by itself. I pointed out the latter. If you disagree with his bit, quote him.
Deficits do matter, though. You can't run a deficit indefinitely unless the deficit is such that the rate at which national debt increases is smaller than the rate at which national GDP increases (such that the interest burden in relative terms remains constant); and even though that's possible, it's probably not a good idea. A more accurate statement is that deficits don't matter in the short run.
In the latter part of your post you literally go on to say that it'd be disappointing to see the dem backlash to attempting to explain a fiat currency and deficits not mattering. Disappointing implying that you agree with the idea.
That is the idea I'm attacking because it is simply not true. Deficits matter.
Deficits do matter, though. You can't run a deficit indefinitely unless the deficit is such that the rate at which national debt increases is smaller than the rate at which national GDP increases (such that the interest burden in relative terms remains constant); and even though that's possible, it's probably not a good idea. A more accurate statement is that deficits don't matter in the short run.
Remember that the 2008 Iowa caucus was a month earlier. In December 2007, relative interest was 17, in Jan 2016, relative interest is 19 and can only go higher (although admittedly not much) - in other words in the month proceeding the caucus, Google searches for caucuses are 12% higher in '16 than '08. The massive spike to 100 in January '08 takes place after Obama had beaten Clinton, not before. This, of course, tells you again why it is so hugely important to get a win in Iowa. Wins get awareness.
Also, Nate Silver is good at stats but he's proved to be a fairly dreadful pundit so far this race. Kind of disappointed.