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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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User 406

Ignoring that the solid liberals also goes for any dem (and the same can probably be said.of the exec orders, but fuck if that wouldnt be a bad look for Mr Red October), why would that improve turnout during midterms?

It won't.

The thing is, nothing will.

I know you've been espousing a kind of Green Lantern theory of turnout for a while, where if the Democratic party would just try hard enough they'd get the turnout they need, but seriously, everyone knows about this. The party and candidates have always sought higher turnout, shit, the success of the party depends on getting people out to vote. They are trying. It's good that they're trying, because that does get us votes on the margins. But the idea that there's some kind of magic formula that's going to entice everyone who is naturally in the Democratic constituency to show up for every election and vote the entire ballot is just wishful thinking.

A big part of it is that Democrats skew younger, and young people don't vote nearly as much because they aren't as politically engaged. Most young adults are busy getting their life sorted out, they've barely started dealing with many of the issues of adult life that state and local politics directly impact, so it's not even on their radar. At best they'll notice the Presidential election every four years because it's such a huge overextended media event. If we're lucky, there will be a charismatic enough candidate to drive up things on the margins. But midterms? Forget it.

This is democracy butting up against some of the limits of basic human nature. See also: impoverished people who are so fucking busy just trying to hold things together that they've got absolutely nothing left in the tank for political engagement. The Democrats being the party of the young, poor, and oppressed means that politics is simply going to rank lower on the list of things they have the time, energy, and will for than it does for the other side.

If we want everyone engaged, we'll need mandatory voting. That's all there is to it. Until then, politics has to compete with everything else in our overstimulating and exhausting society. And on the left side of things, that's a bigger problem that's not going to go away.

User 406

That view of him at :13...I had no idea he was that frail. The guy has the physique of Don Knotts.

All the better to avoid touching the sides so he can get that tasty ice cream out.



Bernie just made the critical mistake of heavily implying that he's skeptical of God.

This is American Politics 101 and he's fucking up.

User 406

Bernie just made the critical mistake of heavily implying that he's skeptical of God.

This is American Politics 101 and he's fucking up.

Hey, who isn't skeptical of God? He's let a lot of things slide lately. Global warming, gay people getting married, unadorned Starbucks cups, it's a mess. Maybe it's time we went with an anti-establishment god. I'm voting for Chinnamasta, because who doesn't love free blood?


It's been great reading Poligaf. You're all so knowledgeable and helping me understand the primary process a bit more. Thanks!
Easy to say that shit when you're the least likely to be at risk/affected by Trump's disgusting, racist platform. Empathy...


I just popped over to r/politics. The circlejerk over there has somehow got even worse than it was a few weeks back.
On the same day that Clinton met with 50 pastors and faith leaders from across the country in Philadelphia.

on the same day? He said that 3 days ago. The media didnt made a fuzz about it because he clearly said he believed in God.

Anyway, the Monmouth Iowa poll has 50+ voters at 71%. Under 44 voters in 2008 made for 40% of the total turnout. So yeah, its going to be waay closer.


It's been great reading Poligaf. You're all so knowledgeable and helping me understand the primary process a bit more. Thanks!

Easy to say that shit when you're the least likely to be at risk/affected by Trump's disgusting, racist platform. Empathy...

use that anger and apply for citizenship like those guys in Nevada.


I just popped over to r/politics. The circlejerk over there has somehow got even worse than it was a few weeks back.

r/politics gets constantly brigaded by the sanders subreddit. You can easily tell when the same articles get posted and upvoted at the same time on both.


r/politics gets constantly brigaded by the sanders subreddit. You can easily tell when the same articles get posted and upvoted at the same time on both.

Didn't know that, but it's not exactly an earth-shattering surprise to discover that that's the case.
It's been great reading Poligaf. You're all so knowledgeable and helping me understand the primary process a bit more. Thanks!

Easy to say that shit when you're the least likely to be at risk/affected by Trump's disgusting, racist platform. Empathy...
Yup. Bunch of sheltered mama boys that never faced any challenges in life other than making ramen or ordering dominoes while living in dorms. Saying you will vote for Trump because Bernie lost is simply showing to the world you are sore losers and would rather burn the thing down than give Clinton and her supporters the satisfaction of victory when in reality its more than that. Elections have consequences. I will vote for Bernie if he becomes the nominee and I'm probably one of his more vocal critics.
It won't.

The thing is, nothing will.

I know you've been espousing a kind of Green Lantern theory of turnout for a while, where if the Democratic party would just try hard enough they'd get the turnout they need, but seriously, everyone knows about this. The party and candidates have always sought higher turnout, shit, the success of the party depends on getting people out to vote. They are trying. It's good that they're trying, because that does get us votes on the margins. But the idea that there's some kind of magic formula that's going to entice everyone who is naturally in the Democratic constituency to show up for every election and vote the entire ballot is just wishful thinking.

A big part of it is that Democrats skew younger, and young people don't vote nearly as much because they aren't as politically engaged. Most young adults are busy getting their life sorted out, they've barely started dealing with many of the issues of adult life that state and local politics directly impact, so it's not even on their radar. At best they'll notice the Presidential election every four years because it's such a huge overextended media event. If we're lucky, there will be a charismatic enough candidate to drive up things on the margins. But midterms? Forget it.

This is democracy butting up against some of the limits of basic human nature. See also: impoverished people who are so fucking busy just trying to hold things together that they've got absolutely nothing left in the tank for political engagement. The Democrats being the party of the young, poor, and oppressed means that politics is simply going to rank lower on the list of things they have the time, energy, and will for than it does for the other side.

If we want everyone engaged, we'll need mandatory voting. That's all there is to it. Until then, politics has to compete with everything else in our overstimulating and exhausting society. And on the left side of things, that's a bigger problem that's not going to go away.
I'm sorry, but you're just wrong here. They didn't focus on statehouse and lost the gerrymandering battle and they abandoned Howard Dean's '50 State Strategy' as quickly as they could.


Yup. Bunch of sheltered mama boys that never faced any challenges in life other than making ramen or ordering dominoes while living in dorms. Saying you will vote for Trump because Bernie lost is simply showing to the world you are sore losers and would rather burn the thing down than give Clinton and her supporters the satisfaction of victory when in reality its more than that. Elections have consequences. I will vote for Bernie if he becomes the nominee and I'm probably one of his more vocal critics.

Agreed. I respect Bernie, but am personally more centrist writ large with my views and disagree with Bernie on a lot. That said, he will have my vote come November if he is the Democratic nominee because the GOP is so unbelievably toxic to the country and the world right now that we cannot allow any of their candidates anywhere near the White House this year.


Agreed. I respect Bernie, but am personally more centrist writ large with my views and disagree with Bernie on a lot. That said, he will have my vote come November if he is the Democratic nominee because the GOP is so unbelievably toxic to the country and the world right now that we cannot allow any of their candidates anywhere near the White House this year.
This year? Until the party reforms they need to be away from the White House indefinitely
Yup. Bunch of sheltered mama boys that never faced any challenges in life other than making ramen or ordering dominoes while living in dorms. Saying you will vote for Trump because Bernie lost is simply showing to the world you are sore losers and would rather burn the thing down than give Clinton and her supporters the satisfaction of victory when in reality its more than that. Elections have consequences. I will vote for Bernie if he becomes the nominee and I'm probably one of his more vocal critics.
Yeah, because you know these people intimately enough to say that.

They're on the ass end of 35 years of corrosive policies that have them earning less and paying more for college, but they aren't allowed to be angry because they're not minorities or women.

Identity politics backlash coming in...10...9...8...


r/politics gets constantly brigaded by the sanders subreddit. You can easily tell when the same articles get posted and upvoted at the same time on both.
I love how the sanders subreddit and kotakuinaction have cross over in moderation. They don't even try to hide that gamergaters runs the Sanders subreddit.


Lol, Santorum is also joining Huckabee at Trump's rally according to CNN. Trump is fucking dominating this. I can't wait until Jim Gilmore runs to Trump's rally as well.


Lol, Santorum is also joining Huckabee at Trump's rally according to CNN. Trump is fucking dominating this. I can't wait until Jim Gilmore runs to Trump's rally as well.


Yesssssssssssssssssssssss Trump racking up an Iowa all star team


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Good news, men. It seems I officially got approved for Medi-CAL (this is the California version of medicaid)!

Now I no longer have any incentive to not get sick anymore!

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
on the same day? He said that 3 days ago. The media didnt made a fuzz about it because he clearly said he believed in God.

Anyway, the Monmouth Iowa poll has 50+ voters at 71%. Under 44 voters in 2008 made for 40% of the total turnout. So yeah, its going to be waay closer.

It has also only polled registered Dems, but the Iowa caucuses have same day registration. Probably explains their low turnout forecast.

Why can't all pollsters be Selzer. ;_;


Bernie "I'm not running a negative campaign" Sanders

MASON CITY, Iowa — Bill Clinton made a forceful pitch for his wife Wednesday night as a “change maker” who has “made something good ... of everything she’s ever touched.”

A few miles away, Bernie Sanders had a harsher take on Hillary Clinton. “My opponent is not in Iowa tonight,” he pointed out, drawing loud boos from the crowd. “She is raising money from a Philadelphia investment firm. Frankly, I'd rather be here with you."

The dueling events in Iowa’s working-class Cerro Gordo County —an area both campaigns have identified as a winnable swing region with delegates still up for grabs — showed one campaign softening its final pitch to voters, while the other is ramping up its attacks in an effort to energize its populist base.

In a packed hall designed to look like the set of “The Music Man,” Sanders drew his typically large and youthful crowd of 1,100 and was joined by one of his highest-profile surrogates, actress Susan Sarandon. There, he criticized Clinton as being beholden to Wall Street, while Sarandon wagged her finger at Clinton for being late to the game on gay marriage. “It’s one thing to be for gay rights and gay marriage once everybody else is for it,” the famously liberal actress said.

also lol smh kids:

Indeed, if there was one downfall of Bill Clinton standing in for his wife Wednesday night, it was that the younger attendees at the rally admitted didn’t know much about the former president. “I actually learned about Bill Clinton in school today,” said Claire McAllister, 17. What did she learn about him? She smiled sheepishly: “Why he was impeached.” But by the end of the event, she seemed swayed by Clinton’s smooth performance. “I want to ask him to prom!” she squealed, approaching him on the rope line, where he deftly ignored the request.
Yeah, because you know these people intimately enough to say that.

They're on the ass end of 35 years of corrosive policies that have them earning less and paying more for college, but they aren't allowed to be angry because they're not minorities or women.

Identity politics backlash coming in...10...9...8...
Yes, because voting Trump will not extend the "corrosiveness". Just tell us both Hillary and Trump are both equivalently bad and Bernie is the lord savior.
Yes, because voting Trump will not extend the "corrosiveness". Just tell us both Hillary and Trump are both equivalently bad and Bernie is the lord savior.
I'm not saying that it's not stupid, I was objecting to your characterizations of their lives and motivations.

Let me guess, you've never been angry enough to strike out blindly? If you have been, has it ever helped to have someone tell you that you don't have the right to be angry?
Are people actually mad Bernie can point out points of comparison between the candidates? He said he won't attack her character and I thought he's done a good job.


Are people actually mad Bernie can point out points of comparison between the candidates? He said he won't attack her character and I thought he's done a good job.

For some, Bernie can do no right except lose. And it's fine. I'm not exactly rooting for Hillary at the moment and cheering her on either (nor am I actively attacking her every move, but still).


Sometimes you have to wonder how much of Trump is Trump and how much of Trump is The Apprentice Trump. Dude knows what he has to do to get ratings. He had producers and writers all over that shit. He knows what makes good TV and he knows all about trying to get attention given that he hosted several seasons of D-list stars trying to gain back some semblance of recognition.


No Scrubs
Sometimes you have to wonder how much of Trump is Trump and how much of Trump is The Apprentice Trump. Dude knows what he has to do to get ratings. He had producers and writers all over that shit. He knows what makes good TV and he knows all about trying to get attention given that he hosted several seasons of D-list stars trying to gain back some semblance of recognition.

From what I've heard from people who have done interviews and profiles of Trump, what you see is what you get. There's been more than a few articles from journalists saying that this cycle.


From what I've heard from people who have done interviews and profiles of Trump, what you see is what you get. There's been more than a few articles from journalists saying that this cycle.

Another way to state this is that ALL of Trump is Apprentice Trump.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
At what point is the media going to play Trump clips from the howard stern show? There is a gold mine of stuff when he fought with AJ benza lol


daveweigel ‏@daveweigel 1h1 hour ago
Spent while after the Bernie speech talking to high schoolers. Whole lotta contempt for Hillary, even if they were Dems. Polls are right!

daveweigel ‏@daveweigel 1h1 hour ago
daveweigel Retweeted Tina McGugan
1) Hillary is a special interest puppet, 2) too tied to Washington, 3) she lied about email

at 17-18? come on young people.
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