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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Whoa! What's this about Hillary going to jail?


Hillary running from her jailers

User 406

He doesn't hate Hillary at all. In fact, he said he really likes her. He just wants to support Bernie to send a message to the DNC about the viability of more far left candidates.He was a Biden guy in 08, then a Hillary guy, then an Obama guy for the GE.

So what you're saying is he's sane.

Quick, someone warn the guy about adam! D:

Not that different from Benghazi. You keep bringing it up until people are so confused that it just reminds them of some negative sentiment around your opponent.

The bulk of the negative sentiment around Hillary is from close to a quarter century of those kinds of bullshit insinuations being repeatedly brought up. Just throw this one on the pile with the others.

Edit: Whoa, what was with the momentary bans? I went to search to see what the recent posts were and now they're unbanned.

I am ready.
Clinton’s allies say if she wins the Iowa caucuses against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in four days, it will be in large part because of her personal efforts.

To show her commitment, Clinton often goes for beers at the end of a long day with her Iowa staff to help boost morale out of view of the press, aides say. She does happy hours with volunteers, and asks them at off-the-record meetings in bars like Parlor City in Cedar Rapids and Exile Brewery in Des Moines to become caucus precinct captains. Aides say this extra effort has yielded more commitments, more involvement and, barring a massive turnout, a solid corps of Iowans to show up on caucus night.


Alcohillary bringing it home.


Unconfirmed Member
I feel like Hillary would drink Barack and Bill under the table. Can't wait for her as Commander-in-Chief.
I like to imagine her negotiating international treaties a la the drinking scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark


FGC Waterboy
I feel like Hillary would drink Barack and Bill under the table. Can't wait for her as Commander-in-Chief.

I've been told second hand that she can absolutely out-drink Obama. One of the folks who I used to work with on Obama's campaign ended up going to DC with Obama and co, and said that there was a drinking challenge, and that HRC pretty much wrecked everyone.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


No Scrubs
I've been told second hand that she can absolutely out-drink Obama. One of the folks who I used to work with on Obama's campaign ended up going to DC with Obama and co, and said that there was a drinking challenge, and that HRC pretty much wrecked everyone.

Holy shit :lol

She could probably solve all our issues with Russia, and the rest of the world, in a simple drinking contest.


Dana Houle ‏@DanaHoule 38m38 minutes ago
My guess in order of probability:
IA Clinton, NH Sanders
IA Sanders, NH Sanders
IA Clinton, NH Clinton
IA Sanders, NH Clinton

Dana Houle ‏@DanaHoule 40m40 minutes ago
I think Bernie probably wins NH no matter what happens in IA, but I suspect team Clinton is going all out to win NH & end it early

Dana Houle ‏@DanaHoule 41m41 minutes ago
If Bernie wins IA, Hillary’s still the nominee, but it goes on a while, at least mid-March or April. If Hillary wins IA & NH, it’s done

Dana Houle ‏@DanaHoule 42m42 minutes ago
I think Hillary will win IA. Wouldn’t be surprised if Bernie did, but also wouldn’t be surprised if Hillary won big, like Gore did.



I've been told second hand that she can absolutely out-drink Obama. One of the folks who I used to work with on Obama's campaign ended up going to DC with Obama and co, and said that there was a drinking challenge, and that HRC pretty much wrecked everyone.

Damn I wish I was at these parties.
That's a partisan rationalization. If it were Rumsfeld in this situation 10 years ago, no liberals would be cutting him slack because the government servers "aren't much safer."

If it were Rumsfeld in this situation 10 years ago, no one would ever have talked about this because it would be a complete non-issue to liberals. Liberals would be talking about things that actually matter, like the Iraq War, economy, Katrina, etc.

It's like how 9/10 liberals didn't even know that the Bush administration had an email controversy.


I like to imagine her negotiating international treaties a la the drinking scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark

Sigh... I always hate that scene, because I don't think that one's built-up alcohol tolerance can possibly compensate for a good hundred pounds and one's gender. The lighter woman is going to go down first.

As for presidential drinking, one of my family members gave me this book for a birthday and I just finished it. It's a bit light in content in some respects but it's really interesting when it illuminates how long the temperance movement was a big force in America, as well as just how much of early American commerce revolved around spirits.


FGC Waterboy
The only first hand story I've seen was when I was in college (2004 ish IIRC?), and she came for a fundraiser. She went with some of us to the local bar; and beat the fraternity drinking champion in a chugging match. I am so glad this was the era before camera phones. The guy she beat is still sarcastically salty about losing to her (we ended up working together later on) and wants his rematch if she becomes president.


No Scrubs
The only first hand story I've seen was when I was in college (2004 ish IIRC?), and she came for a fundraiser. She went with some of us to the local bar; and beat the fraternity drinking champion in a chugging match. I am so glad this was the era before camera phones. The guy she beat is still sarcastically salty about losing to her (we ended up working together later on) and wants his rematch if she becomes president.

Shit, that'd probably help her with the demo she's suffering with.


The only first hand story I've seen was when I was in college (2004 ish IIRC?), and she came for a fundraiser. She went with some of us to the local bar; and beat the fraternity drinking champion in a chugging match. I am so glad this was the era before camera phones. The guy she beat is still sarcastically salty about losing to her (we ended up working together later on) and wants his rematch if she becomes president.

you think she remembers him?


I've been told second hand that she can absolutely out-drink Obama. One of the folks who I used to work with on Obama's campaign ended up going to DC with Obama and co, and said that there was a drinking challenge, and that HRC pretty much wrecked everyone.

She should do this on TV and people would love her tbh.


Sad for a guy from New Orleans: I'd be three sheets to the wind after just a shot or two.

But I still wouldn't mind sharing a bottle of port with her. And maybe some cheesecake.


Team Rubio Shoots Down Talk of Second Place Iowa Finish After Ted Cruz Shift

But Rubio’s top aides also fiercely denied that a good debate performance Thursday, and the new concern from Cruz, could give the Florida senator a shot at second place in the Iowa caucuses, behind Cruz or Trump. “There is no question we are feeling some wind at our back,” said Todd Harris, Rubio’s political strategist. “And there’s no question that we had a great debate night, but it’s very hard to compete with the greatest show on earth and the greatest ground game in Iowa history. And so we feel very confident that what we need to do here is finish a strong third.”

Asked directly if Rubio might finish in first or second place, Harris jokingly told the reporter to buzz off, though he used a different, unprintable word. Then Harris suggested how the reporter might write his comment in an article. “Asked whether second or first was in the cards, Rubio strategist Todd Harris said, and I’m quoting, f— off,” Harris said.



Some people in th OT still parroting the 'FBI press charges' talking point.

I really wish a more comprehensive education of government was standard.


FGC Waterboy
you think she remembers him?

Oh of course not. He just likes playing up his salt factor about the whole thing (he was the undisputed drinking king until that happened)

She should do this on TV and people would love her tbh.

She's so much more funny and personable in real life. People forget that she is married to probably the most charming human being on the planet - she had to get him somehow. She's warm in that nerdy-wonky way, one of those "you will always have an awesome conversation with" people. Think like being around people who are nerdy in the same things you are and are earnest about said nerdiness.

She has an unbelievably wicked sense of humor. Like, a "we will never ever get into a joke war with you" level of humor. The staffers we knew said she was super, duuuuuuper snarky, and could pull off a decent imitation of the Daily Show on the fly watching the news. Basically, that look she gives the Benghazi committee is how she is in real life.

My life's dream is to get smashed with Hillary.

I feel so bad for people who are on the campaign in the cameraphone / TMZ era. There was so much stuff that we've seen in the 2003-2007 ish timeframe that they'd never do, lol. (#1 will always be Obama-karaoke).

The best alcohol story I've ever heard about HRC (and I have NO idea if this is true, but I enjoy it too much not to at least tell myself it is) involves multiple bottles of wine and Trivial Pursuit.


Oh of course not. He just likes playing up his salt factor about the whole thing (he was the undisputed drinking king until that happened)

She's so much more funny and personable in real life. People forget that she is married to probably the most charming human being on the planet - she had to get him somehow. She's warm in that nerdy-wonky way, one of those "you will always have an awesome conversation with" people. Think like being around people who are nerdy in the same things you are and are earnest about said nerdiness.

She has an unbelievably wicked sense of humor. Like, a "we will never ever get into a joke war with you" level of humor. The staffers we knew said she was super, duuuuuuper snarky, and could pull off a decent imitation of the Daily Show on the fly watching the news. Basically, that look she gives the Benghazi committee is how she is in real life.

I feel so bad for people who are on the campaign in the cameraphone / TMZ era. There was so much stuff that we've seen in the 2003-2007 ish timeframe that they'd never do, lol. (#1 will always be Obama-karaoke).

The best alcohol story I've ever heard about HRC (and I have NO idea if this is true, but I enjoy it too much not to at least tell myself it is) involves multiple bottles of wine and Trivial Pursuit.

Man, you can't end a post like that and not tell the story.


More on the busing crisis:

WP said:
“I think college kids want things to be as easy as possible,” said Ryan Thornton, a junior majoring in mechanical engineering at Iowa State who counts himself as a Sanders supporter and plans to caucus on campus.

Like other students interviewed for this story, Thornton, whose home is about 90 miles north of school, was skeptical that his peers would take the Sanders campaign up on its offer.

“On a Monday night, for me personally, that’s a two-and-a-half hour drive I’d have to make,” said Alex Doser, a senior majoring in mathematics, a Sanders supporter and president of the Iowa State University College Democrats. “I think that’s going to be a hard thing to get students to do for the most part.”


As a college professor himself, Goldford said he will cut students some slack on Monday if they miss class. Such reassurances might not be enough for some Sanders supporters, including John Fisher, a senior at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, who is also a student teacher.

“I have a lot of stuff to do at night,” said Fisher, who’s majoring in math education. “If I spend three hours driving, I might not get it all done.”

Anecdotal, but the plural of anecdote is I'm starving for hard data here GOD.

So that's where Brian Williams got the brilliant idea to fabricate a story about his heroic war coverage, that cost him his career:

From the Washington Times opinion piece:

“Ha! I once lied and said I outran sniper fire in Bosnia. They even had videotape of me walking calmly across the tarmac to meet a little girl who gave me a poem — a poem! And I’m probably going to be the next president of the United States!”

So I get it; Hillary is just another "politician", who will say anything to get elected, but that's the whole point, for one of the few times in history, we actually have a genuinely honest person, running for our highest office, who's only motivation would be to do his damnedest, to improve the lives of everyday Americans.

This is what Bernie's many, many years of service has been all about, and HuffPost recently highlighted one example, that could have a positive impact for millions (me included):

Bernie Sanders And Elizabeth Warren May Have Just Saved Consumers $14 Billion

P.S. On the $15 minimum wage; as I've pointed out previously, the proposal is to phase it in over a few years, by 2020, i.e. he's not suggesting it should immediately jump to that level.
More on the busing crisis:

Anecdotal, but the plural of anecdote is I'm starving for hard data here GOD.

So are students really excited enough to leave campus next Monday? Talking with dozens of the senator’s student supporters across Iowa, many told me they were surprised that a Sanders-led campaign to caucus at home would even be a thing. Logistically, students said they’re challenged just trying to squeeze the caucus into their otherwise busy schedules, never mind adding a late-night winter road trip before Tuesday morning classes. Several students also noted that they wanted to caucus where they’re most comfortable, among fellow classmates and where they’ve only just started to shape their own political views. Publicly declaring their political stripes in a caucus back home in front of family and long-time friends, especially in more conservative parts of the state, could be awkward.

“I just kind of like being in a community where there are a lot of people who share the same interests and who I can talk to about all this,” said Holly Prohaska, a 20-year old Sanders supporter and University of Iowa sophomore who said she didn’t have any plans to travel back home for the caucus to Cedar Falls.


FGC Waterboy
I sort of hope we have old Hillary staffers here who know the actual story / full story and can tell it better then I can. I (alas) only got the Cliffs notes version, and it's hard to tell without having the pantomime aspect our friend was doing along with telling the story.

Mind you, I have NO idea if this is true - but it's not that surprising, and the entertainment value of my mind canon having a drunken, snarky, trash-talking HRC is totally worth it to me.

Basically it comes down to drunken Trivial Pursuit games. They're somewhere (might have been traveling via plane?), and someone gets the bright (read: tipsy) idea to break out Trivial Pursuit and challenge HRC. She accepts, they break out a bottle of wine, and the idea is, every time a right answer is gotten, you take a drink of wine. Mind you, it's multiple people vs just HRC.

So, none of them drink any wine, as HRC proceeds to win the game straight without missing a single question, and proceeds to drink the entire bottle. At which point, someone jokes out loud "best two out of three!", which is promptly accepted by a (probably inebriated) HRC, who then proceeds, while probably drunk as hell, to one-turn the entire game (after letting them go first this time) again. After which, she starts (jokingly) trash-talking them for a solid 15 minutes after the fact.
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