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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Screaming tbh.

I am also shipping adam387 X random Ohio sandernista. Get that diq gurl.


but Weaver, who admitted he wasn’t familiar with the rules, claimed it indicated the Clinton campaign is “infiltrating the caucuses with out-of-state paid staffers.”

How does a campaign manager not familiarize himself with the rules of the IOWA CAUCUS?
Partially in Weaver's defense, he probably delegates that type of task. It would still be good to know the rules.

Even then, he should talk to Devine once in a while. This ain't his first time at the rodeo. It seems like they're just throwing a bunch of stuff out there in case they lose. Whatever sticks, that'll be what they go with.

Supposedly, Emerson College Polling has a poll that'll be released in the morning for the Iowa Caucus

Hillary 51%
Bernie 43%
Sexy 4%

Trump 27%
Cruz 26%
Rubio 22%


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Trump's favorability in that Iowa poll - among Republicans! - is only +3

Guys stop this I can't take anymore

I legit think Hillary could win 45% of the white vote



Just saw this bullshit on the dkos rec lost in a diary about Michael Moore endorsing Bernie. No comments calling out how full of shit it is. Wtf happened to that site?

Is the bullshit something about Hillary? I actually can't tell, so I'd like to be wrong.

Or is it Bernie being a lifetime supporter for gays? The earliest I recall of his support was the 1970s, and that of course is not his lifetime!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Is the bullshit something about Hillary? I actually can't tell, so I'd like to be wrong.

Or is it Bernie being a lifetime supporter for gays? The earliest I recall of his support was the 1970s, and that of course is not his lifetime!

The gist of it; Bernie voted fort gay rights under the guise that it was "States Rights" which is amusing considering who he is. He uses that excuse to say he was always for it.

Read More

Explaining his vote in 1996, Sanders’ chief of staff declared that it was motivated by a concern for states’ rights, not equality Explaining that he wasn’t “legislating values,” she noted that Sanders believed DOMA violated the Constitution’s Full Faith and Credit Clause by allowing one state to refuse to recognize a same-sex marriage performed in another. “You’re opening up Pandora’s box here,” she said at the time. “You’re saying that any state can refuse to … recognize the laws of another state if they don’t like them.”


The gist of it; Bernie voted against gay rights under the guise that it was "States Rights" which is amusing considering who he is. He uses that excuse to say he was always for it.

When did he have a public stance for gays after that? Surely before the 21st century, yes? I can waggle my finger at him playing bullshit politics, but let us be fair: we're waggling that at every person in ascribed power eventually. Humanism and reason do not go with politics.

I cannot wrap my head around any person who's come around to gay marriage after 2000. It's such an intellectual black swan-esque event that I pity the minds caught up in it.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
When did he have a public stance for gays after that? Surely before the 21st century, yes? I can waggle my finger at him playing bullshit politics, but let us be fair: we're waggling that at every person in ascribed power eventually. Humanism and reason do not go with politics.

I cannot wrap my head around any person who's come around to gay marriage after 2000. It's such an intellectual black swan-esque event that I pity the minds caught up in it.

He was for Gay rights before most people in the democrat party. I will give him that. I just dislike claims that are untrue. It almost sounds as good to say, he was ahead of the curve with gay rights, so just SAY that. It's true after all.


Probably old news in a thread that moves this fast, but I just saw this Trump attack ad from a conservative super pac.

Damn, I've never liked the guy more!

I don't think he really cares strongly about anything (other than attention and winning), but I gotta believe what actual opinions he has are closer to the quotes in this video than anything he's saying now. He knew he could win the Repubs by playing crazy easier than he could win any other way. This election is crazy.


Bernie is surrounded by poorly organized fools. Ugh, so frustrating.

Anyway...there is still hope! Coffee Bean Caucus results are in:

that translates to roughly 66% vs 30%

Panic in Clinton´s Hill.


Probably more effective than the caucus system.


I really see nothing different in how he talks about Clinton now than he before. Greenwald has always made his disdain clear. Looking through his twitter and I have no idea what you're talking about, especially with the Bernie Bro crap (it's sort of hilarious you using this line of attack when he just wrote an article about how dumb the term was).

Well, exactly -- his defense of how dumb the term BernieBro is, along with trying to handwave any attacks that Bernie supporters do is bizarre, and it's only because it's his "team" and how much he hates Hillary Clinton. It's gone from a discussion on policy to him trying to defend his candidate of choice and even his more unseemly fans.

It's hilarious I'm using this as a line of attack because it's the type of "lol doesn't matter"ness from Glenn that is actually kind of disturbing.

Same shit as posting an interview with Elizabeth Warren over a decade ago where they touch on Hillary as some sort of example of Hillary's faux-progressive credentials. It's the same video making rounds on r/politics. It's so uniformly stupid that it's personal antagonism taking hold over a legitimate policy discussion, as well as handwaving any actual issues that might exist on his "side", if we're going to be dumb with those terms.


I love all the complexities of the caucus rules. It makes it feel like Ye Oldde Presydential Election is happening.
Watching a replay of the Kelly File on Fox News, and there is a Frank Luntz focus group of Republican Iowa voters who have all changed their minds on who they will caucus for in the last 48 hours...lol


Apparently Trump's campaign staff has admitted that it doesn't have much of a get out the vote ground game in Iowa but believes that the natural enthusiasm for him among voters will win him the primary. I'm starting to think Cruz will take first. i imagine a lot of Trump supporters are unlikely voters who maybe don't even caucus or haven't in the past.


Apparently Trump's campaign staff has admitted that it doesn't have much of a get out the vote ground game in Iowa but believes that the natural enthusiasm for him among voters will win him the primary. I'm starting to think Cruz will take first. i imagine a lot of Trump supporters are unlikely voters who maybe don't even caucus or haven't in the past.


Apparently Trump's campaign staff has admitted that it doesn't have much of a get out the vote ground game in Iowa but believes that the natural enthusiasm for him among voters will win him the primary. I'm starting to think Cruz will take first. i imagine a lot of Trump supporters are unlikely voters who maybe don't even caucus or haven't in the past.



The difference between these two campaigns is is numbers versus local. So the Trump campaign, I think, has done a better job of finding local people in these areas—so they’re activating other people’s networks to turn them out and using that Iowan to Iowan type of effort versus Cruz who I think has a tremendous amount of passionate supporters who have all dropped what they’re doing, come to Iowa, and helped this guy out. So I think at the end of the day, I think they’re going to balance out. I think the Iowan-to-Iowan stuff is a little bit more valuable.

former Iowa GOP head

I still think Trump has the potential to do worse than Cruz in the general.
And Trump won't veto the government.
I don't know if the concern would be so much that Cruz wins the nomination, as it is that denting Trump's path could lead to a halfway palatable general election candidate coming through the middle. And yeah, I don't really know who would perform worse anyway, Trump or Cruz.

I thought Trump's vote was the firmest of the GOP candidates.


It's transfer deadline day in the football here today. I mention it because I was suddenly struck by the similarities between 24 hours of badly performing managers running around desperately trying to rescue the next few months by feverishly trying to attract attention and last-minute help, and the transfer deadline day :p
Well, exactly -- his defense of how dumb the term BernieBro is, along with trying to handwave any attacks that Bernie supporters do is bizarre, and it's only because it's his "team" and how much he hates Hillary Clinton. It's gone from a discussion on policy to him trying to defend his candidate of choice and even his more unseemly fans.

It's hilarious I'm using this as a line of attack because it's the type of "lol doesn't matter"ness from Glenn that is actually kind of disturbing.

Same shit as posting an interview with Elizabeth Warren over a decade ago where they touch on Hillary as some sort of example of Hillary's faux-progressive credentials. It's the same video making rounds on r/politics. It's so uniformly stupid that it's personal antagonism taking hold over a legitimate policy discussion, as well as handwaving any actual issues that might exist on his "side", if we're going to be dumb with those terms.

Have you considered that Greenwald hasn't changed, but your defensiveness of Clinton has


Greenwald and Taibbi are always getting shots for having changed and falling in with one team or another, betraying their past allies. But they're arguably two of the most consistent writers. Greenwald has always been significantly to the "left" of the Democratic Party. It's why the Journolist and young adult website Vox have never felt comfortable with either of them or Mickey Kaus or anyone who writes for Jacobin. I think it was Joe Klein who was whining to the Journolist about Greenwald's insistence on maintaining his ideological principles over the best interests of the Democratic Party. (IIRC, demanding a public option vs. Obamacare.)

I hope Greenwald still sockpuppets on his article comments.

Anyway, the reason I'm actually posting is where do I go to the find the start of this whole discussion about destroying capitalism and the nexus of capital herself Hillary Clinton in order to end scarcity and bring about economic democracy whatever the fuck that means. I was told I'd find it very convincing and eye opening.


Which channel do you guys recommend for watching the results come in on?
FOX obviously.

GOP fuckery/defeats = FOX
GOP victories = MSNBC

I love all the complexities of the caucus rules. It makes it feel like Ye Oldde Presydential Election is happening.
The best part, is that in the GOP caucus, it doesn't even decide the delegates! It's a glorified straw poll.


FOX obviously.

GOP fuckery/defeats = FOX
GOP victories = MSNBC

The best part, is that in the GOP caucus, it doesn't even decide the delegates! It's a glorified straw poll.

I still remember Rove's meltdown in 2012. Never have I enjoyed the anger of another human being so much. Also, that is possibly the most ridiculous system I have ever heard of in my life.


I don't know if the concern would be so much that Cruz wins the nomination, as it is that denting Trump's path could lead to a halfway palatable general election candidate coming through the middle. And yeah, I don't really know who would perform worse anyway, Trump or Cruz.

Exactly this. I think Cruz could very well do worse than Trump, but having either of them is key.

So what happened? Wasn't Trump supposed to have the most glorious ground game ever? Or is he underselling it?
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