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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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My man.

It's really hard to predict who Trump might go for as his VP, just because of how against the rulebook his entire campaign has been so far. He might go for a sensible pick, or he might go for his daughter or something. Who knows? Certainly not me.

You a Panic! fan too? BRAH!


I'm getting a Panic! tattoo in a few weeks/month. As soon as I have the coin from my new job. Got it all planned out.

I mean, I feel like a sensible choice would be someone with foreign policy experience who has nothing better to do than tie a rock around their neck and hope for sweet release of death to sweep them away.

Of course, Trump has never been sensible, so he'll probably select Oprah or something.

Is it sad I'm impressed Trump knows there are 50 states?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
He knows Gary Busey pretty well, so I'd be all up for that as VP. At least we'd be entertained.


You a Panic! fan too? BRAH!


I'm getting a Panic! tattoo in a few weeks/month. As soon as I have the coin from my new job. Got it all planned out.

I mean, I feel like a sensible choice would be someone with foreign policy experience who has nothing better to do than tie a rock around their neck and hope for sweet release of death to sweep them away.

Of course, Donald "Please don't feel so stupid or insecure" Trump has never been sensible, so he'll probably select Oprah or something.


Sweet, what's it going to look like? :)

I'd kind of like to see a Trump/Oprah ticket.


Voters would never accept Busey after that episode of Celebrity Apprentice where it looked like he had stolen Meatloaf's mural paint and Trump had to be King Solomon.
It's transfer deadline day in the football here today. I mention it because I was suddenly struck by the similarities between 24 hours of badly performing managers running around desperately trying to rescue the next few months by feverishly trying to attract attention and last-minute help, and the transfer deadline day :p

Just wanted to say that I appreciate this post as a fellow football fan.
I've seen him talk about Bridgegate and say that if you truly believe that Christie had no idea what his aides were doing that day he has a bridge
to sell you.

My mom is an expert on Bridgegate. I have no idea why, but she pretty much can recite anything that's been on MSNBC about it. She hates Christie with a passion that I don't understand. There's so many more people in the GOP to hate, but she latched onto him for some reason.

Sweet, what's it going to look like? :)


To start with, something like that I think. I'm not 100% on the font, but I want lyrics from "Northern Downpour"

I wanted to get "A wonderful caricature of intimacy" also, but not like next to that one. Recently, I'm obsessed with the lyric "I lost a bet to a man in a chiffon skirt, but I make these high heels work." However, in 20 years, I doubt I want that on my body! :p


My mom is an expert on Bridgegate. I have no idea why, but she pretty much can recite anything that's been on MSNBC about it. She hates Christie with a passion that I don't understand. There's so many more people in the GOP to hate, but she latched onto him for some reason.

Does she live in New Jersey? Because otherwise it seems like a strange focus of ire.


Just wanted to say that I appreciate this post as a fellow football fan.

Cheers :)


To start with, something like that I think. I'm not 100% on the font, but I want lyrics from "Northern Downpour"

I wanted to get "A wonderful caricature of intimacy" also, but not like next to that one. Recently, I'm obsessed with the lyric "I lost a bet to a man in a chiffon skirt, but I make these high heels work." However, in 20 years, I doubt I want that on my body! :p

Great choice of song!

Haha yeah that is sort of the problem, finding lyrics which will stand the test of time. "A wonderful caricature of intimacy" would be sweet though.

I should get a tattoo.
Does she live in New Jersey? Because otherwise it seems like a strange focus of ire.

No. She's never been to New Jersey. She lives in Ohio like a chump. Like a god damn chump. But, she really went through a period where she was obsessed with it. I have no idea why. And then, when she watched the debates, she constantly yells at the TV, as people approaching 70 are known to do, asking him if he has a bridge he could sell her. She can name the people that investigated it too...and can tell us which ones are probably lying.



To start with, something like that I think. I'm not 100% on the font, but I want lyrics from "Northern Downpour"

I wanted to get "A wonderful caricature of intimacy" also, but not like next to that one. Recently, I'm obsessed with the lyric "I lost a bet to a man in a chiffon skirt, but I make these high heels work." However, in 20 years, I doubt I want that on my body! :p
i'm not as think as you drunk i am


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Lil Jon was no Bret Michaels, who was the only contender to come in first and then last (and in that order).

Bret Michaels got screwed. There was zero reason for him to get fired.


Morgning Joe has probably been the most pro-Trump morning show I've seen. It's weird considering that Donald Trump used to call in regularly to Fox and Friends and yet Joe and Mika seem overwhelmingly positive towards him (and to a lesser degree Chris Christie) compared to the other republican candidates.


No. She's never been to New Jersey. She lives in Ohio like a chump. Like a god damn chump. But, she really went through a period where she was obsessed with it. I have no idea why. And then, when she watched the debates, she constantly yells at the TV, as people approaching 70 are known to do, asking him if he has a bridge he could sell her. She can name the people that investigated it too...and can tell us which ones are probably lying.

Maybe he reminds her of someone consciously or subconsciously in her own life then that she hates? I dunno I find that's enough to set off my parents sometimes.

Or maybe she secretly loves weed and due process.
Cheers :)

Great choice of song!

Haha yeah that is sort of the problem, finding lyrics which will stand the test of time. "A wonderful caricature of intimacy" would be sweet though.

I should get a tattoo.

Thanks. I actually want to eventually do my entire arm in Panic! lyrics. I want it all to flow together, somehow. There's a guy a few towns away that my sister goes to. He's going to be doing mine for me. Panic basically saved my life when I was younger and in a really, really bad place. I sat out in the rain a few months ago just to hear them when they came to Cleveland. Got soaked. Got sick. Regret nothing.

i'm not as think as you drunk i am

Hahaha, that was on the list, to be honest. Actually, that entire song is my life at the moment.


Thanks. I actually want to eventually do my entire arm in Panic! lyrics. I want it all to flow together, somehow. There's a guy a few towns away that my sister goes to. He's going to be doing mine for me. Panic basically saved my life when I was younger and in a really, really bad place. I sat out in the rain a few months ago just to hear them when they came to Cleveland. Got soaked. Got sick. Regret nothing.

Hahaha, that was on the list, to be honest. Actually, that entire song is my life at the moment.

That's really great, honestly. If they've been that important to you then definitely go for it. Having an entire arm of them flowing together would look incredible, hope you manage to work out with him how to do it!
Maybe he reminds her of someone consciously or subconsciously in her own life then that she hates? I dunno I find that's enough to set off my parents sometimes.

Or maybe she secretly loves weed and due process.

"He's a g-damn asshole, is why. Nothing but a big mouth, small brained, good for nothing asshole. And he's a liar. But he's a republican, so of course he's a liar. But he closed the g-damn bridge on people. People with kids. And Kelly and Baroni were no better. Bunch of g-damn crooks keeping kids off that damn bridge."

This is a legitimate, 99% accurate transcription of why she hates Christie. Make of it what you will. She's also gesticulating with a doughnut and a cup of coffee. I guess the kids really wanted to be on that damn bridge...


That's really great, honestly. If they've been that important to you then definitely go for it. Having an entire arm of them flowing together would look incredible, hope you manage to work out with him how to do it!

Thanks! :) I also love football. My teams are anyone but Chelsea (although I prefer Manchester United) and in MLS it's The Crew. Another Ohio sports team that managed to break my damn heart...)


Apparently Trump's campaign staff has admitted that it doesn't have much of a get out the vote ground game in Iowa but believes that the natural enthusiasm for him among voters will win him the primary. I'm starting to think Cruz will take first. i imagine a lot of Trump supporters are unlikely voters who maybe don't even caucus or haven't in the past.
I think they are just trying to lower expectations. The political press is obsessed with the expectations game.

It will be be fascinating to watch the results come in though.
Ugh. I haven't slept. And I'm having to deal with someone from my new job's IT department complaining at me before I even start. Ugh.

I want it to be 7:00pm CST so bad. But I don't want it to be 7:00pm CST so bad. I'm in love and in fear. Someone hold me. Tell me it's going to be okay.


Ugh. I haven't slept. And I'm having to deal with someone from my new job's IT department complain. Ugh.

I want it to be 7:00pm CST so bad. But I don't want it to be 7:00pm CST so bad. I'm in love and in fear. Someone hold me. Tell me it's going to be okay. I know the world's a broken bone, so melt your headaches call it home.



New Polls everyone:

Sanders 57
Clinton 34
O'Malley 1

NH Boston Herald/FPU
Sanders 57
Clinton 37
O'Malley 2

Iowa Emerson
Clinton 51
Sanders 43
O'Malley 4

Iowa Quinnipiac
Clinton 46
Sanders 49
O'Malley 3

User 406

Ugh. I haven't slept. And I'm having to deal with someone from my new job's IT department complain. Ugh.

I want it to be 7:00pm CST so bad. But I don't want it to be 7:00pm CST so bad. I'm in love and in fear. Someone hold me. Tell me it's going to be okay. I know the world's a broken bone, so melt your headaches call it home.

Well, humans can't empathize well outside of small groups, are terrible at calculating risk, ignore facts that contradict their preconceptions, and they believe anything if you repeat it often enough. Enjoy the election! ;D


Ugh. I haven't slept. And I'm having to deal with someone from my new job's IT department complaining at me before I even start. Ugh.

I want it to be 7:00pm CST so bad. But I don't want it to be 7:00pm CST so bad. I'm in love and in fear. Someone hold me. Tell me it's going to be okay.

No one can stop Hillary, never fear. Fire cannot kill a dragon.
Another Random Digit Dialing poll that gives Sanders a slight lead. Interesting to me, though, was that it shows a similar amount of first time caucus goers as did Selzer. I think she was showing, what 34% and Quinn is saying 38% on the Democratic side. If that's accurate, then I think a good night for Hillary. Her ground game seems to be far superior to Sanders, and she knows how to play the caucus game.

Ugh. I just want it to be over, you know? One way or the other.

pretty much 50/50 like everwhere else at Garden Nightclub

Carly Fiorina got a mention!

I'm as gay as a fruitcake, but if there is one place in the world I would never discuss politics its at a gay bar. They're really lucky a drag queen didn't just lay into them about some weird ass shit. I love drag queens. I am a drag queen (without the dress, makeup and heels), but at my local gay club, you try and talk to a queen about politics, she's gonna stop her song and tell you to eff off. Granted, queens in my area aren't great....but they're trying! Most of 'em cover their beards now. Usually. Just don't look to close.
Hillary raised $38 million last three months. Bernie raised $33. She has $10 million more cash on hand than he does. She's only spent $1 million more than he has too.


Hillary raised $38 million last three months. Bernie raised $33. She has $10 million more cash on hand than he does. She's only spent $1 million more than he has too.

Yeah, but it's bad, evil, dirty, dark money. Bernie only takes money in coins that people take out of their piggy bank they've been keeping since they were 5.


Hillary raised $38 million last three months. Bernie raised $33. She has $10 million more cash on hand than he does. She's only spent $1 million more than he has too.

And Sanders is expected to announce that he raised $20 million in January, Clinton needs to step up her game. It's bad semantics that Wall Street and the Establishment is loosing the battle for donations to a bunch of people donating $20-30 per pop.


Holy shit. Trump is actually letting Palin speak at another one of his rallies today in Cedar Rapids at 1:30.

Politico, but...

Democratic insiders weren’t nearly as divided as their GOP counterparts: They said by a wide margin that Clinton will defeat Bernie Sanders on Monday night, crediting what they say is her vastly superior organization.

“Hands down, Clinton has the best operation,” one Iowa Democrat said. “It doesn't matter who I speak to — whether it's in a big county or small, on the western side of the state or eastern — they all say the same thing: They see no evidence of Sanders organizing. They have a lot of people, but none of them are trained or prepared for what will happen on Monday. The lesson they took from Obama’s 2008 win was that big crowds equate [to] support in a caucus room. They seem to [forget] that Obama also had the best caucus campaign Iowa had seen up to that point. Unfortunately for them, Clinton has a stronger operation than even Obama did then, and her supporters are more committed than theirs.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/...-clinton-will-carry-iowa-218492#ixzz3yvhsHVQE
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