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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Both parties are just long organic compound chains interacting. They're the same.

Which is why Bernie is our only hope! Or Mr. Trump !
I think of them as a soap molecule: hydrophobic on one end, hydrophilic on the other end. They complement each other to get a job done. (Or, that's how they should work in theory)

Yeah.. that's the ticket!


I'm laughing at Joe Trippi on Twitter this morning.

Scott Paterno posts this Politico article:
Insiders: Trump independent bid would ruin GOP chances

..to which Paterno tweets: "His bid for the GOP nom isn't helping either."

Trippi's response?
"Both assume GOP had a chance..."

Wowza. And I thought I was optimistic..


Meanwhile, Trump is being relatively gentle with Cruz. He could go a lot harder.
The only reason Cruz could even have the opportunity to rise in the polls is because Trump was being nice to him. Once the gloves come off Cruz's numbers will drop. Same exact thing happened with Carson.
The only reason Cruz could even have the opportunity to rise in the polls is because Trump was being nice to him. Once the gloves come off Cruz's numbers will drop. Same exact thing happened with Carson.

Cruz cant even remotely be compared to Carson.
Difference between a cynic and a true believer.

Cruz also appears to know where the Tropic Thunder line is with his base.
Frankly I don't think 95% of people in this thread have a clue despite following politics super closely, and that includes myself on a lot of the stuff I posted. I don't mean that as a knock on you either, just feel that's the way it is.

I think the judgment you've made is basically backwards. Trump's appeal is not entirely based on illogical issues, and instead of blaming some low info working class people who don't have a clue and don't read the nyt oped section you should be angry with the parties who either haven't dealt with or exacerbated their problems.

I partial don't that is don't engage in many subjects, but I think a lot of people here know their stuff.

I wasn't blaming low info voters or anyone for anything really at least not voters. Some of those points like 3 is really wrong and only someone who barely or choose to ignore somethings think that. I also wasn't entire talking about Trump either; I was saying both of the parties tried to change stuff, but the right-wing side in congress plus some other Republicans prevented that.


I'm paying attention to see if Trump says anything that would entirely sever his chances with Cruz as a running mate. He's said some particularly nasty things about many of the others - things that would be difficult to walk-back. So far, it seems more like Trump is referring to the game of politics that Cruz is playing - something that is to be expected of someone running for the nomination.

If he goes nasty, though.. hoo..
Cruz cant even remotely be compared to Carson.
Difference between a cynic and a true believer.

Cruz also appears to know where the Tropic Thunder line is with his base.

That's true. I shouldn't say drop since he hasn't hit Carson's high level of support yet. He's still in that same middle tier as Carson and Rubio.

I think Carson was able to poll that high by siphoning off Trump supporters. He was able to get that support by being an anti-establishment alternative to Trump, not by attacking him. Cruz can be seen the same way, but if he and Trump start attacking each other their supporters will probably just stay where they are. He'll be able to maintain the support he has, but he won't be able to gain any more (not from Trump supporters anyway).

Edit: Speaking of Carson, he just sent this out in response to the Washington Post article from yesterday.



So I found out the other day that my 90-year-old grandmother who has voted democrat for decades and is overly liberal in most areas supports banning Muslims from entering the country and thinks she'll vote for Trump.

The xenophobia and fear is real among older Americans.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Fuck. But even if he wins NH, he has literally no infrastructure anywhere else.

This is great tho. Because Christie doing well will stop Rubio from potentially winning. Meaning MORE THE DONALD


Fuck. But even if he wins NH, he has literally no infrastructure anywhere else.

This is great tho. Because Christie doing well will stop Rubio from potentially winning. Meaning MORE THE DONALD
Are you coming around to a Trump nomination? It finally seems like every journalist and GAFer see him as the frontrunner, Stump and KVHarvey outstanding.


Fuck. But even if he wins NH, he has literally no infrastructure anywhere else.

This is great tho. Because Christie doing well will stop Rubio from potentially winning. Meaning MORE THE DONALD

Carson's health plan is something else. Basically it's a savings that has been renamed from HSA to HEA (Health Empowerment Account). Any other benefits (more like benefit, a tax-free savings account) are outweighed by the fact that you'd be on a high deductible plan and, somehow, as a low income individual be able to build up a substantial savings in your HEA account to deal with your healthcare costs. Oh, and every American gets the account with their SSN.

It also neuters Medicaid and increases the Medicare eligibility age to 70.

I really hate the words 'empowerment' and 'ownership' thanks to conservatives. Empowerment of being a dirty poor, ownership of a miserable life thanks to a party that does not care about you.
Christie is the lesser evil out of that list of clowns; I don't mind his surge.
As long as the neocon warmongers like Rubio and Jeb lose

Christie is just as much of a warmonger as the others. His "safe zone" idea for Syrian refugees basically requires the US going to all out war in the region. Not much different than what Rubio and Jeb are proposing.
So I found out the other day that my 90-year-old grandmother who has voted democrat for decades and is overly liberal in most areas supports banning Muslims from entering the country and thinks she'll vote for Trump.

The xenophobia and fear is real among older Americans.

Here, let me restore your faith in humanity:

Trump's Islamophobia Upset This Patient, So She Gave Her Muslim Doctor A Sweet Gift


Fahim Rahim, a kidney doctor at Idaho Kidney Center, shared a photo on Facebook of himself and his 91-year-old patient who has dementia, posing with some crocheted stuffed animals earlier this week. The doctor explained in his post that the patient gave him the animals, which she made herself, for a very sweet reason.
So My 91 yrs old patient heard how ‪#‎Trump‬ has been attacking "me The American Muslim" so here she brings me these little stuffed animals that she Crochet her self to cheer me up! And she ‪#‎MadeMyDay‬

"Power of Love is Bigger than the love for Power" Mr Trump. U will not win by diving the American people.

Her and I are one Team and we belong to The Land of The Free and The Home of The Brave!! God Bless America!!!
Time for pump and dump on betting markets :O

My gain/loss looks awful right now since I have a huge amount invested in shorting Christie, both at the national level and in New Hampshire. All my No shares will eventually resolve to $1, of course, but for the time being they're down in price.

The bright side is I can get more of them for cheap.


Uhhh what the fuck is going on with Rubio? Dude can't seem to build on all of his "chosen one"-ness and endorsements. When is the bump going to come for him?
As i'm sure he would tell you, he doesn't agree with every position the thirsty cuban running for president advocates, but that overall he will be a net positive for the betterment of america.

That muslim doctor thing was heartwarming.

Other than less inflammatory rhetoric, I struggle to see what differentiates him from the rest.
Uhhh what the fuck is going on with Rubio? Dude can't seem to build on all of his "chosen one"-ness and endorsements. When is the bump going to come for him?

He might push hard next month or he could just be waiting it out because he knows that he is the only establishment candidate that has a shot, support will eventually go to him-maybe his line of thinking. I also think he probably doesn't have tons of money to spend on now.

Other than less inflammatory rhetoric, I struggle to see what differentiates him from the rest.

I don't see how many Republican presidents can be the good for the nation unless they are really really moderate and pragmatic. A lot of them don't really have plans for anything that isn't typical or crazy of them. Also it appears they are far more against things than actually governing .


I'd love to see this all descend into:
"you get out."
"No, you get out!"
"Really, you guys both need to drop out. Like, NOW."

Meanwhile, Scott Walker's up in Wisconsin, shaking his head..
I don't see how many Republican presidents can be the good for the nation unless they are really really moderate and pragmatic. A lot of them don't really have plans for anything that isn't typical or crazy of them. Also it appears they are far more against things than actually governing .

Sourshoes linked to his website as though people would read reasonable policy and it contains the same drivel as the rest. Right down to the softly worded voucher system for medicare.

Transitioning Medicare to a premium support system, which would give seniors a generous but fixed amount with which to purchase health insurance. Seniors would have the option of either Medicare or a private provider.

He's awful.
PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls 3h3 hours ago

First night of our Iowa poll- Trump and Cruz at the top with no one else remotely close to them

PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls 3h3 hours ago

Trump also polling 20-25% when tested in general election match ups as an independent in Iowa

It's all part of the plan. Don't question it.

Phase 2 ignores that establishment candidates still have to work for the nomination. McCain grinded it out for months in New Hampshire town halls (like Christie today); Romney spent years fundraising and networking in preparation for 2012. Giuliani tried to coast by and ended up with one delegate.

I don't know what Rubio does. His senate attendance record is dire, and yet he's neither campaigning much in early states nor successfully fundraising. His campaign seems to revolve around Fox & Friends and Sunday talk show appearances. Trump, Cruz and Christie by contrast are genuinely putting in the work and it's paying off in the polls. Maybe Rubio never intended to end up as a serious contender this cycle, but his whole campaign seems to lazily buy into the entitled assumption that as the establishment choice his nomination is inevitable (just as Jeb expected to clear the field on a similar premise earlier this year). Maybe he's right but it's a big gamble in a year like this.
Uhhh what the fuck is going on with Rubio? Dude can't seem to build on all of his "chosen one"-ness and endorsements. When is the bump going to come for him?

Well the plan was always

1) The establishment picks Rubio
2) ???
3) Rubio wins the nomination

We're still in step 1. Rubio will start winning once they move to step 2.

Edit: fucking beaten.
Uhhh what the fuck is going on with Rubio? Dude can't seem to build on all of his "chosen one"-ness and endorsements. When is the bump going to come for him?

Its really starting to look like Rubio is Walker 2.0. Not able to convert establishment support into excitement with the base. If he can't get a first or strong second place showing in one of the early states its hard to see him getting any traction.


No Scrubs
Phase 2 ignores that establishment candidates still have to work for the nomination. McCain grinded it out for months in New Hampshire town halls (like Christie today); Romney spent years fundraising and networking in preparation for 2012. Giuliani tried to coast by and ended up with one delegate.

I don't know what Rubio does. His senate attendance record is dire, and yet he's neither campaigning much in early states nor successfully fundraising. His campaign seems to revolve around Fox & Friends and Sunday talk show appearances. Trump, Cruz and Christie by contrast are genuinely putting in the work and it's paying off in the polls. Maybe Rubio never intended to end up as a serious contender this cycle, but his whole campaign seems to lazily buy into the entitled assumption that as the establishment choice his nomination is inevitable (just as Jeb expected to clear the field on a similar premise earlier this year). Maybe he's right but it's a big gamble in a year like this.

When Rubio jumped in he was never supposed to be the establishment pick, it was supposed to be Jeb's turn. Then Trump happened. Rubio got in this to either raise his profile or go for a VP spot, maybe both. His campaign seems to be built around that and it's too late for him to transform it into something that's actually able to contend for the top spot.
Phase 2 ignores that establishment candidates still have to work for the nomination. McCain grinded it out for months in New Hampshire town halls (like Christie today); Romney spent years fundraising and networking in preparation for 2012. Giuliani tried to coast by and ended up with one delegate.

I don't know what Rubio does. His senate attendance record is dire, and yet he's neither campaigning much in early states nor successfully fundraising. His campaign seems to revolve around Fox & Friends and Sunday talk show appearances. Trump, Cruz and Christie by contrast are genuinely putting in the work and it's paying off in the polls. Maybe Rubio never intended to end up as a serious contender this cycle, but his whole campaign seems to lazily buy into the entitled assumption that as the establishment choice his nomination is inevitable (just as Jeb expected to clear the field on a similar premise earlier this year). Maybe he's right but it's a big gamble in a year like this.

Yep, that's the joke behind that question mark. Some pundits are set on the idea that the party decides but the party's choice doesn't have the infrastructure right now to win the nomination. They never say how Rubio will win the nomination, they just say he will because he's the establishment choice.

I'm not sure how he'll do it either. It seems to be a big worry in the party too based on recent comments from donors and that GOP meeting they had on Monday.


When Rubio jumped in he was never supposed to be the establishment pick, it was supposed to be Jeb's turn. Then Trump happened. Rubio got in this to either raise his profile or go for a VP spot, maybe both. His campaign seems to be built around that and it's too late for him to transform it into something that's actually able to contend for the top spot.

Forget too late, he doesn't seem to want to transform it. For a while I thought his campaign was being coy with his ground game and running it out of a Starbucks but it's increasingly clear they are really operating like that and think it will win for them.
Remember like two weeks ago when Carson was up? This race still is fluid.
Carson was up, but so was Trump. Trump is still up.

This race is fluid only insofar as Trump has always had an adversary close by while maintaining a solid lead in his own right. I think Cruz is a lot better at politicking than Carson to the point he'll be able to hold on.


Professional Schmuck
aside to whichever mods see this: time to come up with a better way to embed tweets. we already have embedded youtubes (at least on the mobile site) but we're missing out on a lot because of the way social is working right now. just a thought!
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