I was thinking "Who the hell is Teggy?" until I saw the username lol
"Teggy" is like the new "Bro" that all the kids use.
I was thinking "Who the hell is Teggy?" until I saw the username lol
Why ugh? This was going to make at most a 1 or 2 delegate difference. Bernie still gets almost half the state.
i'mokwiththis.jpgUMass Lowell/7News NH poll from this weekend just came out. Sanders up 63-30 lol
Trump up 38-14-10 over Cruz and Rubio.
How do you get hundredths of a delegate?
UMass Lowell/7News NH poll from this weekend just came out. Sanders up 63-30 lol
Trump up 38-14-10 over Cruz and Rubio.
I trust nothing anymore.
Why ugh? This was going to make at most a 1 or 2 delegate difference. Bernie still gets almost half the state.
Sanders needed a one-two punch going into NV and SC, and then Super Tuesday. The fact that Nevada is a closed caucus (Clinton won Democrats by 17% in Iowa) and will not be overwhelmingly white will hurt Sanders.
NV is a closed Caucus. Hillary won Democrats by 17 in Iowa. She should do well there.
Minnesota poll is probably bonkers. Its going to be close there. Open like Iowa, Idaho and Utah
Mmhmm. Going forward after NH, Sanders will win VT, and has a shot at MN, maybe CO and MA, ME, UT, ID... don't see much else for him after last night.already mentioned by me
wellI'm going to go with Kos' prediction for Super Tuesday - Bernie carries MN (ErasureAcer brofist), VT and MA, Killary wins everything else. Colorado could be competitive and I know fuck-all about American Samoa.
Ethnic groups
88.9% Samoan
2.9% Tongan
2.7% Multiracial
2.2% Filipino
2.2% Other
1.2% Caucasian
Sanders needed a one-two punch going into NV and SC, and then Super Tuesday. The fact that Nevada is a closed caucus (Clinton won Democrats by 17% in Iowa) and will not be overwhelmingly white will hurt Sanders.
Messy.Edward Snowden
It turns out money decides elections after all. #IowaCaucus
Trump keeps playing the victim. I have to feel people are going to start getting sick of that coming from a supposed "winner".
To be fair he's going to struggle to find a millennial who hasn't already been fucked by his brother.
That's what I heard between the Steve King tweet and people at the caucus.Scarborough accusing Cruz campaign of dirty tricks. Allegedly fooled people into thinking Ben Carson had dropped out.
I'm going to go with Kos' prediction for Super Tuesday - Bernie carries MN (ErasureAcer brofist), VT and MA, Killary wins everything else. Colorado could be competitive and I know fuck-all about American Samoa.
And there’s Massachusetts, which of course is Vermont’s neighbor. But beyond Cambridge it’s not really a Sanders kind of state. It’s a very Democratic machine state—Clinton slaughtered Barack Obama there in 2008. The other states, mostly Southern, are almost surely Clinton states.
He was just going to change his clothes. In Florida. Jeez.I don't see the deception. One could reasonably Believe that Ben Carson had in fact dropped out.
Trump could hypothetically get a major win in NH with the help of his fellow candidates. The aggregates have the next four candidates all at 10-12%.
NH has a threshold at 10%. If Christie, Carly, best friend Rand and Carson could move up just enough to knock Cruz, Kasich, Jeb and Rubio under 10%, Trump would win every delegate.
If Ben Carson wasn't such a piece of crap, I'd feel bad about it
One asshole screwing over another does not elicit sympathy but is funny. I'll be thrilled if Carson starts going after Cruz publicly.
He kind of won, though?
I LOVE these dramatic CNN headlines.
They were. Coleman's term didn't end until January 3rd.I mean you can spin it all you want but a loss is still a loss? There is no "they both won" in electoral politics. Otherwise both Al Franken and Norm Coleman would've been senators from Minnesota in 2009.
I mean you can spin it all you want but a loss is still a loss? There is no "they both won" in electoral politics. Otherwise both Al Franken and Norm Coleman would've been senators from Minnesota in 2009.
UMass Lowell/7News NH poll from this weekend just came out. Sanders up 63-30 lol
Trump up 38-14-10 over Cruz and Rubio.
That's how I feel too.I don't see the deception. One could reasonably Believe that Ben Carson had in fact dropped out.
No you won't.Its not a a spin. She had a Bush-win. Theres no winning narrative for her, even if she won. People dont think in absolutes, so this is a pretty good boost for Sanders.
It could have been bigger, of course. I am expecting a big boost in general polls. If theres not any of that I will concede that this was a failure for him.
Scarborough accusing Cruz campaign of dirty tricks. Allegedly fooled people into thinking Ben Carson had dropped out.
I don't see the deception. One could reasonably Believe that Ben Carson had in fact dropped out.
Also, no, the narrative is she won. Sanders was close. But she beat him.
Also, no, the narrative is she won. Sanders was close. But she beat him.
Ha. Well! Put that in the Clinton column then, I guess.well
A half-assed victory that only pulls further cracks in her "inevitable" narrative. I dont see it for ha, sorry.