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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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I dont understand what you mean that its technically not true. Hispanic was a term invented for the census. It is not a race. I think I would know, myself being white hispanic.

And I guess your anecdote is meant to trump the fact that there are literally white hispanics, and black hispanics, because the nations of the Dominican Republic and Argentina or Uruguay exist?

It's technically not true that being Hispanic is it's own race but the distinction is made anyway. I'm saying most people think being Hispanic or middle eastern is a race. Most people don't understand the difference between race and ethnicity. The people I was helping feel the forms out were not black.
I'm just going to say this.

In california, most racial/ethnic forms have:

1. White non-hispanic
2. White hispanic (or just hispanic)

on them among the choices.
Btw, latino ain't a race either.

Since yall discussing that thing.

And brazilians generally do not identify as latino or hispanic. Because we mad racist and hate our neighbours.
I'm a white hispanic.

Its a thing.

We do exist. And frankly the whole "white-looking" thing like all we're really doing is passing as white, that Melkr said is insulting.

Is the pope white? Is he hispanic? He's from Argentina. And he was touted as the first hispanic pope, but he's got no Spanish ancestry.


Btw, latino ain't a race either.

Since yall discussing that thing.

And brazilians generally do not identify as latino or hispanic. Because we mad racist and hate our neighbours.

You should build a giant wall to keep them out. It's what all the cool countries do.
I feel like you are completely missing the point I'm making.

I'm not saying all hispanics are white, I'm saying hispanic is not a race. Because it's fucking not.

I never said they were a race. But they are a minority ethnic group with a characteristic set of shared cultural traits that influence their voting tendencies.
You understand that race is social and not biological, right?

The fact that I'm arguing against seeing it as race, which I understand many people do, implicitly shows that I understand race is a social construct.

Are black people from the Dominican Republic biracial under your paradigm? Because they're hispanic and black, even though many have no Spanish ancestry.

I never said they were a race. But they are a minority ethnic group with a characteristic set of shared cultural traits that influence their voting tendencies.

I agree with that.
It's more about the anti-establishment (anyone but Rubio) voter bloc that exists in the party and how they stack up at this point. That fight, whether that'll be with Cruz or Trump v. Rubio, is one that you'd think the establishment guy would win, but I'm not so sure. You can say that Rubio is gonna be another Romney, but if Romney didn't have the money to sink into his own campaign last time he would've been in more trouble against Santorum/Newt who had no money put together. I don't think Rubio has that same advantage, even if the money will be behind him.

Someone like Trump won't have that problem (if he's in it for the long haul, which is debatable now that he's lost) and Cruz will have a lot of anti-establishment support behind him too and will probably win a shitload of southern states (you know, where the actual base of the party resides).

It's gonna be fascinating to see play out. Because a lot of conservatives really hate Rubio.
It's strange that they would hate Rubio but not Trump when Trump has no conservative values he's just saying whatever to get votes.
We do exist. And frankly the whole "white-looking" thing like all we're really doing is passing as white, that Melkr said is insulting.

Is the pope white? Is he hispanic? He's from Argentina. And he was touted as the first hispanic pope, but he's got no Spanish ancestry.

no no wait a fucking minute. I may have worded that terribly, but thats not what I meant. I apologize for that.

What I am trying to say is that If you are a white hispanic, some if not most non white-hispanics will assume you are "white". That doesnt mean you are not part of a minority group.
Starting to wonder if hills will reconsider her (potential) VP pick if bern displays considerable staying power. Kinda unlikely, given that he should be able to connect with younger votes, but.... eh.

You should build a giant wall to keep them out. It's what all the cool countries do.
Our borders are almost always delimited by somewhat wide rivers or mountains, even between states, so kinda tricky.

And kitchen appliances ;)

Mom is a special case. Or not, since we do classify those as "white line products" as far as taxes are concerned. They get cheaper tariffs and all.

So I'm looking at some entrance polls.

Mostly it all alligns with what we know or believe.

But this one perplexes me.

So on a question about Obama's legacy, it asks if you believe we should expand on his policies, go more liberal, or go less liberal.

As expected, those who support expanding on Obama's policies voted overwhelming for Clinton. And those who want a more liberal push voted for Bernie.

But, for those who want less liberal policies also supported Bernie. this was only 7% of voters so it was really a small amount of people but those few people sure are stupid.

Anyway, Clinton dominated with the minority vote last night, as small as it was (9%).

In another important note, Clinton won the health care argument. In fact, Bernie only wins the income inequality argument.

Bernie's supporters seems to be one-issue supporters. Another reason why his prospects going forward are dim. He can't build a coalition.
no no wait a fucking minute. I may have worded that terribly, but thats not what I meant. I apologize for that.

What I am trying to say is that If you are a white hispanic, some if not most non white-hispanics will assume you are "white". That doesnt mean you are not part of a minority group.

Sorry for reading you wrong man. Its just that I get that all the time, claiming I'm hispanic and people being like bullshit.

And it's crazy because both my parents are immigrants. My mom is from colombia! So it's a little bit of a sore subject.

We cool?


No Scrubs
So I'm looking at some entrance polls.

Mostly it all alligns with what we know or believe.

But this one perplexes me.

So on a question about Obama's legacy, it asks if you believe we should expand on his policies, go more liberal, or go less liberal.

As expected, those who support expanding on Obama's policies voted overwhelming for Clinton. And those who want a more liberal push voted for Bernie.

But, for those who want less liberal policies also supported Bernie. this was only 7% of voters so it was really a small amount of people but those few people sure are stupid.

Anyway, Clinton dominated with the minority vote last night, as small as it was (9%).

In another important note, Clinton won the health care argument. In fact, Bernie only wins the income inequality argument.

Bernie's supporters seems to be one-issue supporters. Another reason why his prospects going forward are dim. He can't build a coalition.

Well that's interesting. That 7% is pretty lulz-y, but I can't say I expected her to win on healthcare. I mean, I agree with her, but I still can't say I expected it.


Alright, Jeb's oppo team has finally found indisputable proof that Marco Rubio is gay


Wrap it up, evangelicals. That is clearly Marco Rubio's face behind that other guy's head.
So I'm looking at some entrance polls.

Mostly it all alligns with what we know or believe.

But this one perplexes me.

So on a question about Obama's legacy, it asks if you believe we should expand on his policies, go more liberal, or go less liberal.

As expected, those who support expanding on Obama's policies voted overwhelming for Clinton. And those who want a more liberal push voted for Bernie.

But, for those who want less liberal policies also supported Bernie. this was only 7% of voters so it was really a small amount of people but those few people sure are stupid.

Anyway, Clinton dominated with the minority vote last night, as small as it was (9%).

In another important note, Clinton won the health care argument. In fact, Bernie only wins the income inequality argument.

Bernie's supporters seems to be one-issue supporters. Another reason why his prospects going forward are dim. He can't build a coalition.

That is really really bad to me if he can't win the minority vote there then he won't win nearly no where else after NH.
Well that's interesting. That 7% is pretty lulz-y, but I can't say I expected her to win on healthcare. I mean, I agree with her, but I still can't say I expected it.

She won 59-38 on healthcare being #1 priority (30% of electorate).

On who is trusted most on healthcare, they did about the same among those who trusted one over the other and that was about the same size (slightest advantage to clinton).

But among those who said they trust both of them on healthcare, nearly 50% of the electorate, Hillary won 49-44.

This is a problem for Bernie because, and this is something I currently suspect, even among Democrats there is more support the current health care system (with tweaks) that a move to single payer.

Forget the math, the taxes, the logistics. The truth is, Americans don't want single payer, they don't want Bernie's health care system. Wrong or rightly, it's not in favor.
Woohoo, Trump has recovered from his depression

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Anybody who watched all of Ted Cruz's far too long, rambling, overly flamboyant speech last nite would say that was his Howard Dean moment!
Alright, Jeb's oppo team has finally found indisputable proof that Marco Rubio is gay


Wrap it up, evangelicals. That is clearly Marco Rubio's face behind that other guy's head.

In a race with Trump and Cruz, Jeb is really running the most despicable campaign.

Sanders got crushed in.... households that had a union member in them???



Bernie won independents by 43 points, but Hillary really benefited from there being way more women than men last night.
Alright, Jeb's oppo team has finally found indisputable proof that Marco Rubio is gay


Wrap it up, evangelicals. That is clearly Marco Rubio's face behind that other guy's head.

Not saying there's anything to this, but wasn't there a deal breaker that caused Romney not to pick Rubio in 2012?


Alright, Jeb's oppo team has finally found indisputable proof that Marco Rubio is gay


Wrap it up, evangelicals. That is clearly Marco Rubio's face behind that other guy's head.

Lmao, are they actually claiming that? Holy shit if they are.


For years, researchers warned that laws requiring voters to show certain forms of photo identification at the poll would discriminate against racial minorities and other groups. Now, the first study has been released showing that the proliferation of voter ID laws in recent years has indeed driven down minority voter turnout, and by a significant amount.
In a new paper entitled “Voter Identification Laws and the Suppression of Minority Votes”, researchers at the University of California, San Diego — Zoltan Hajnal, Nazita Lajevardi — and Bucknell University — Lindsay Nielson — used data from the annual Cooperative Congressional Election Study to compare states with strict voter ID laws to those that allow voters without photo ID to cast a ballot. They found a clear and significant dampening effect on minority turnout in strict voter ID states.
“Democratic turnout drops by an estimated 8.8 percentage points in general elections when strict photo identification laws are in place,” compared to just 3.6 percentage points for Republicans.

Nine states currently have strict photo ID laws, including populous states like Texas, Georgia, and Virginia. Republicans in other states like Missouri are pushing to adopt the measure.

Stand and be counted if you are shocked by this
They asked exit voters which of these four issues was most important to them:

1. Can win in November
2. Cares about people like me
3. Honest and Trustworthy
4. Has the right experience

People that picked 1 or 4 went for Hillary nearly 85% of the time. Sanders got around 75% of the people that picked 2 or 3.


No Scrubs

Lmao what is happening this election cycle

Just when you think this cycle couldn't get any funnier. The GOP establishment candidates are acting like live lobsters in a boiling pot: when one starts to climb out the others pull him back into the boiling water.


So before politics, he was a gogo dancer at gay bars.

I mean, it doesn't look like him! And I REALLY don't think Marco Rubio has that type of body, or has ever had that type of body!

I guess we shouldn't be surprised given what the Bush campaign did to McCain in 2000 in South Carolina - they play hard and incredibly dirty. These are not nice people by any stretch of the imagination.


Oh shit, it's real

Rubio: "The truth is, when I was in college I bought some boots like that, and remember the old foam parties? Remember that? You don’t remember that…I bought some of those and when I left the foam party they were white. Because the foam washed the dye out of it.”

Fallon: “You used to go to those dance parties?”

Rubio: “I went one time"
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