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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Oh to be Romney.
To struggle during the primary, pretending to be something that you so clearly are not.
To scour the halls of the republican party, looking in every nook and cranny for suitable vp picks.
To then orca their asses, and realize that most of them are pure drek.
To be content with a man clearly suffering from a severe case of fellow kids.
To see that man brought low by a lecherous grandpa, and all it took was a smile.
To only realize at the most tense moment in your life how badly you were fucked by your most trusted advisors.

man. If mitt weren't so freaking rich i'd legit pity him.
So before politics, he was a gogo dancer at gay bars.

I mean, it doesn't look like him! And I REALLY don't think Marco Rubio has that type of body, or has ever had that type of body!

I guess we shouldn't be surprised given what the Bush campaign did to McCain in 2000 in South Carolina - they play hard and incredibly dirty. These are not nice people by any stretch of the imagination.

Rubio went to college on a football scholarship according to Wikipedia, you never know.


Am I the only one who hopes Rubio is secretly gay? Maybe if he is secretly gay he also isn't secretly a wacko religious nutjob.

Lmao what is happening this election cycle

How is this the first time that I've seen this?
Think of it this way, maybe trump will notice the thread and use it on him.

I do like the idea of this getting more exposure, just to see him comment on it.

Makai should be doing oppo research for a living. Just pulling out those skeletons.

If he can find one more picture I'd say it's threadworthy. We need an acceptable one of his face to make up for the bubble bath pic.

User 406

So I'm looking at some entrance polls.

Mostly it all alligns with what we know or believe.

But this one perplexes me.

So on a question about Obama's legacy, it asks if you believe we should expand on his policies, go more liberal, or go less liberal.

As expected, those who support expanding on Obama's policies voted overwhelming for Clinton. And those who want a more liberal push voted for Bernie.

But, for those who want less liberal policies also supported Bernie. this was only 7% of voters so it was really a small amount of people but those few people sure are stupid.

That one's easy. You know those nutty Bernie revolution or Trump because he's at least anti-Establishment™ types? Well, the right wing has some of those too. There's almost certainly some very confused crossover Ron Paul weirdos. And Bernie supports legalization of marijuana, so he was bound to get some libertarians.


Rubio has rumors he knocked up a different Dophins cheerleader other than his wife as well as a FL lobbyist.

And gay rumors.

If this is brought up at the next debate...

Trump: "Look, Marco's a good guy, a great guy. He's gay or he was or he is, I don't know. Really, I don't care. I like gay people, gay people like me. So whatever. But Marco's been lying. He flip flops. He says immigration this then does immigration that. We don't know if he likes men or women. I mean, can we trust a guy that doesn't hold to anything? One moment he'll be for defending the US, another for being like Obama. I mean, Marco would be a disaster. I hope he and Jeb! have a happy marriage, though."


I want it to be, but I don't think there's anything there yet. Maybe after Christie tries to hit him with it.
I think it'll be worth a thread soon, but not yet - I assume Jeb has more than just two pictures if he's going down this line of attack and others will pick up on it soon as well.

Wait for another picture or something else to leak - we know the skeletons are there judging by Romney, just have to find them now.


No Scrubs
If this is brought up at the next debate...

Trump: "Look, Marco's a good guy, a great guy. He's gay or he was or he is, I don't know. Really, I don't care. I like gay people, gay people like me. So whatever. But Marco's been lying. He flip flops. He says immigration this then does immigration that. We don't know if he likes men or women. I mean, can we trust a guy that doesn't hold to anything? One moment he'll be for defending the US, another for being like Obama. I mean, Marco would be a disaster. I hope he and Jeb! have a happy marriage, though."

Oh my god, I need this more than I've ever needed anything in my life.

Trump needs to make this happen.


I actually think its totally fair game to hammer Rubio if he is actually gay.

dude wants to make gay marriage illegal.


I mean, at some point you have to rise above the bullshit of the people you are trying to beat, or what's the point? Rubio doing something that could be construed as gay in college is not news, unless it somehow becomes relevant to the race.


This just isn't true.

18-24 Whites are just breaking to him so heavily that it skews the entire demo when you look at it through the lens of age alone. Hillary is winning Obama voters and is doing much better outside of the 18-24 age group.

I didn't claim it was a majority, but down the line the graph you posted agrees with my point, Bernie does better with young voters across the board, even if it isn't a majority, as a voter's age decreases the probability of being a Bernie supporter increases; of course I'll agree that if the voter is a minority it's a lower probability.
I mean, at some point you have to rise above the bullshit of the people you are trying to beat, or what's the point? Rubio doing something that could be construed as gay in college is not news, unless it somehow becomes relevant to the race.

You have to.

SuperPacs, however, most certainly do not.

User 406

You have to.

If you're stuck in a testicle kicking contest, and you can't get out of it, and the winner is the only one who can change the rules, you better start kicking the fuck out of them nuts, because the high road doesn't get you anywhere while you're writhing on the ground with an inside-out scrotum.


Nickelodeon sure got different from when I was watching it.
It's shocking how shaky the people betting on Trump were on every betting market. The first sign of him not blowing everyone out in Iowa and all his markets tanked. It's only now beginning to recover slightly despite being favored in the next three states.

I held strong. The idiots who panic sold Trump should never play any kind of market. It was absolutely disgraceful. Nothing about what happened last night indicates that Trump had a 50% chance to win and now has a 25% chance to win.

He came way under expectation and the establishment might finally coalesce behind Rubio.

He underperformed by like 2%.

I feel bad for all the people bidding up Rubio shares, particularly the ones who bought in around 50c. Rubio is going to finish 3rd or worse in NH, and he'll be back down into the 30c range.


If you're stuck in a testicle kicking contest, and you can't get out of it, and the winner is the only one who can change the rules, you better start kicking the fuck out of them nuts, because the high road doesn't get you anywhere while you're writhing on the ground with an inside-out scrotum.

Politics 101 right here.


OK you voyeurs, let's get back to the important stuff:

In an unknown number of Iowa Democratic caucus precincts Monday, a county delegate was awarded after the flip of a coin.

Why is the number unknown? Because officials who reported county delegate totals without using the party's smartphone app weren't required to signify if the win was the result of a coin toss, said Sam Lau, a spokesman for the Iowa Democratic Party.

Lau said seven coin flips were reported statewide, and Bernie Sanders won six of them.
If you're stuck in a testicle kicking contest, and you can't get out of it, and the winner is the only one who can change the rules, you better start kicking the fuck out of them nuts, because the high road doesn't get you anywhere while you're writhing on the ground with an inside-out scrotum.
From your lips to Rahm's ears.
Which is why i defend that you get other people to do it for ya while keeping the squeaky clean façade up. Never put your own scrotum (or uterus) on the line, pay some idiot to put theirs in there for you. Heck, its politics. Pay them with the money they gave you.
Is that a real thing or are you fucking with me?

I can't tell sometimes
Quite true.


OK you voyeurs, let's get back to the important stuff:

Well I hope this gets around. This however, sounds a little messed up:

A total of 484 eligible caucus attendees were initially recorded at the site. But when each candidate’s preference group was counted, Clinton had 240 supporters, Sanders had 179 and Martin O’Malley had five (causing him to be declared non-viable).
Those figures add up to just 424 participants, leaving 60 apparently missing. When those numbers were plugged into the formula that determines delegate allocations, Clinton received four delegates and Sanders received three — leaving one delegate unassigned.
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