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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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The repeated disillusionment of conservatives with the GOP, then the Tea Party, now Ryan and the Freedom Caucus (and I suspect if he were ever elected, Trump) reminds me of something.

I recently just watched Show Me A Hero and how Yonkers mayoral politics in the late 80s/early 90s was basically a revolving door of candidates promising to oppose expansion of public housing into middle class suburban areas, even though the candidates often knew full well they wouldn't be able to do shit to stop it because of the order of a Federal judge.

But each time they'd get in, hit reality, the residents would continue to flip out, and someone else would promise they'd be the one to truly offer change and get in on anti incumbent sentiment. Rinse and repeat.

It's a testament to just how clueless people are on how their government works, even on the local level.




Trump has to be aware that there's a certain amount goading going-on from the Left in this cycle, right?



And reaction to Putin thus far on Breit and FR seems to be generally positive. Of course, many posters are evaluating Trump and Putin not by themselves, but on a curve - with respect to how much they dislike Obama and Hillary.


You act like it would even matter to him.
Nah, it wouldn't. He'd probably find it entertaining, if anything.

(I'm supremely amused by the gnashing of teeth coming from the Kristol-types in the party. They're going to be really fun to watch if he pulls this off)

User 406

Fuck, if Bill Kristol thinks that Trump is the only beatable Republican candidate, we need to make damn sure he doesn't get nominated.


Fuck, if Bill Kristol thinks that Trump is the only beatable Republican candidate, we need to make damn sure he doesn't get nominated.
Good point. Kristol is terrible at making predictions.

Really, time to Diablos: I think we are all underestimating Trump. I do not think by him getting the nomination that Hillary will have a cakewalk to the White House.

As I said in another thread just now, Trump brings out some of the worst things in America and successfully capitalizes on that. He's the legitimate anti-Obama. He inspires hatred, fear and paranoia like Obama inspired hope, dreams and change. It's working. We were supposed to move beyond this, but we're not. Instead the typical GOP is awash in their own ineffectiveness and utter stupidity while this eccentric asshole billionaire came in and took the lead for them. It's really paying off. That is why you won't see elders like Mitch McConnell writing him off. They will back him.

More and more people seem to be supporting if not getting used to/tolerating the kind of stuff Trump is doing. That is scary. If he wins the nomination I think he could prove to be hard to beat.
Hey, if I've learned anything from the current crop of American seniors, it's how to callously dismiss whole classes of people.

Maybe it's because I know liberal old people, or maybe it's because I'm within sight of 50, but this kinda pisses me off.

I know you aren't serious, but this is the kind of factionalism/generalization that serves nobody.


I see this same guy in every Trump thread rooting for his demise but worried that he wins. This must be like disaster porn to him.
Maybe it's because I know liberal old people, or maybe it's because I'm within sight of 50, but this kinda pisses me off.

I know you aren't serious, but this is the kind of factionalism/generalization that serves nobody.

Sometimes we generalize in political discussions. It happens.

But it's hard to deny that there are a lot of American seniors out there who are perfectly fine voting for politicians eager to cut benefits for future retirees. And many of them are probably cool with it as long as theirs aren't in jeopardy.

Of course that doesn't mean it's ALL senior citizens who feel this way. I really don't think it's necessary for me to spell that out explicitly any time I make a snarky comment about the voting behaviors of American seniors. We're generally intelligent people here.


Professional Schmuck
A cynical reading of Politico's implicit support of Rubio might suggest something nefarious, but a more generous reading might show legitimate points they're making with a number of other outlets.

The one thing we should all be more cynical about is Luntz's work, which was dismissed in the first debate because it was so obviously loaded -- but for some reason this is the foundation of most of the Trump Won narrative. I still don't agree and I think the entire reading is suspect.

See: basically nobody acknowledging the gigantic round of cheers when Jeb said 'you can't insult your way to the Presidency' the first time.

Trump showed real cracks and Jeb definitely got under his skin. Trump put him down but looked weak and fearful doing so. Trump and Cruz no doubt have an alliance, but Trump is clearly afraid of his youth and appeal to evangelicals. And Rubio is playing the long game and still seems the wisest one -- and the one Dems should fear -- of all of them.

Nobody else matters and they should all quit immediately.
if only poor patton knew what he was getting into with the legendary author of "how to debate leftists and destroy them."

it's a good thing he doesn't browse poligaf or the thread would fold in an hour to his peerless arguments

Mike M

Nick N
Legitimately impressed at Cruz's ascent outside Iowa. The guy is a smarmy, duplicitous, nasal-voiced sack of shit with a terrifying messiah complex, but his strategy is paying dividends.



Sure, if Donald Trump is the GOP nominee (or possibly a few others in the current lineup), the country might temporarily break out of its hardened Electoral College map. However, we’d bet that any Republican — even Trump — would fare far better than Barry Goldwater did in 1964. Our polarization is such that the GOP nominee will probably start around (at a minimum) John McCain’s 2008 percentage, 46%, not Goldwater’s 38%. (This assumes there are no 2016 third-party candidates that complicate the picture.)

Without a major independent ticket and assuming a close election, there’s a high probability that about 40 states can effectively be called by Labor Day. The campaigning will thus concentrate on the closest swing states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Virginia. Republicans will make some effort yet again to win over Pennsylvania and Wisconsin (and possibly a few others) while Democrats will try to replicate Obama’s 2008 win in North Carolina. Maybe the VP nominees will add a state or two to the competitive category.

Still, if you live in dark red or deep blue America, plan on watching the White House contest from afar.


Reactions coming in from the budget deal. Pretty delicious.

Paul Ryan Betrays America: $1.1 Trillion, 2,000-Plus Page Omnibus Bill Funds ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’

Here's the shortened version:

There have been a handful of FreeRepublic threads on this, and one running theme is that this pushes voters to Trump since "the establishment" is yet again stabbing conservatives in the back. After all of the tough talk over the year coming from various reps and party officials about defunding this & that, they feel supremely betrayed.

If I were Obama, I'd do a victory lap. Just to goose them a bit. He has to know that they hate to see him happy, "he-can't-keep-getting-away.gif," etc. Show up on TV, claim that this is great for America, smile big, etc. Hell, he should see if he can do a big, dramatic signing ceremony with Congressional leaders present.

Paul Ryan is playing Tip O'Neill right now. This is an excellent budget deal for Democrats. Lots of extensions to anti-poverty programs, no significant policy wins for the GOP. The best thing they get is delaying some Obamacare taxes, but that doesn't affect the actual effectiveness of the law, just the budget.
Paul Ryan is playing Tip O'Neill right now. This is an excellent budget deal for Democrats. Lots of extensions to anti-poverty programs, no significant policy wins for the GOP. The best thing they get is delaying some Obamacare taxes, but that doesn't affect the actual effectiveness of the law, just the budget.
Yup. Ryan's turning out to be a capable Speaker.
Leave it to dan b to figure out how to make a gif of himself playing frisbee give off serial killer vibes ;)

And yet, the whole ensemble (quality life saver jacket, Corvette emblazoned top and those pants, excluding Timberland boots) only cost me around $10, from a charity shop, and is ideal for winter disc golf (as demonstrated by that awesome drive). I later donated a mint (in gold sleeve) Lawrence Of Arabia DVD, as upgraded to restored version on Blu-ray (highly recommended), so everyone's a winner :).

Back on topic; Bernie's supporters have come through, once again, for Bernie, including me, and he has now received 2, 022, 351 individual contributions! Let's say the average contribution is a pony, that's an impressive haul of $50.5+ million.
Paul Ryan is playing Tip O'Neill right now. This is an excellent budget deal for Democrats. Lots of extensions to anti-poverty programs, no significant policy wins for the GOP. The best thing they get is delaying some Obamacare taxes, but that doesn't affect the actual effectiveness of the law, just the budget.

If anyone actually bought the 'liberals should want Hillary to lose' argument this should shut them up once and for all. This budget isn't wonderful for progressives but with President Romney there would have be riders defunding PP, stripping environmental protections, etc. Keeping the Presidency next year is indescribably important for liberals.
Y'know, i'm kinda happy that Walker bowed out of the race so soon. Wouldn't be surprised if he SURGED again as FotM 2.0, were the man still around.


If Iowa is Cruz, New Hampshire is Trump.. oww. If these types of numbers hold, I'm not sure if field-clearing can help the establishment guys after first two contests. Sad for them, but every one vying in that lane has plausible excuses for hanging-on until at least New Hampshire.

That logic fell by the wayside when trump voter intention, by itself, started soloing the establishment collective.

Then you add up all the anti-establishment votes and my oh my, what a lovely picture that forms.

If anyone actually bought the 'liberals should want Hillary to lose' argument this should shut them up once and for all. This budget isn't wonderful for progressives but with President Romney there would have be riders defunding PP, stripping environmental protections, etc. Keeping the Presidency next year is indescribably important for liberals.

Yes, but president trump would have put a classy car in every luxurious garage. With a tank filled with premium gas.

But really, the people that though that were 1. most likely a very tiny minority, and 2. batshit crazy, so of course that won't shut them up. Look for idiots and you'll always find some.


Daniel B·;189644438 said:
And yet, the whole ensemble (quality life saver jacket, Corvette emblazoned top and those pants, excluding Timberland boots) only cost me around $10, from a charity shop, and is ideal for winter disc golf (as demonstrated by that awesome drive).
I've had those same boots for about 6 years. They're tough as nails. :)
Daniel B·;189644438 said:
And yet, the whole ensemble (quality life saver jacket, Corvette emblazoned top and those pants, excluding Timberland boots) only cost me around $10, from a charity shop, and is ideal for winter disc golf (as demonstrated by that awesome drive). I later donated a mint (in gold sleeve) Lawrence Of Arabia DVD, as upgraded to restored version on Blu-ray (highly recommended), so everyone's a winner :).

Back on topic; Bernie's supporters have come through, once again, for Bernie, including me, and he has now received 2, 022, 351 individual contributions! Let's say the average contribution is a pony, that's an impressive haul of $50.5+ million.

Just so you're clear, mailing Bernie Sanders a mint-condition DVD of Lawrence of Arabia doesn't count as a contribution.


Ben Carson cancelled his Africa and Israel trips.

Hopefully the announcement where he suspends his campaign follows.

"Being a surgeon, its tough letting go. But when your patient is dead, you have to face facts. Its sad but hard. I am the patient and my campaign is dead, so with a sad heart and after prayerful discussions with Candy, I have to say goodbye."
Daniel B·;189644438 said:
Back on topic; Bernie's supporters have come through, once again, for Bernie, including me, and he has now received 2, 022, 351 individual contributions! Let's say the average contribution is a pony, that's an impressive haul of $50.5+ million.
Nice. All the more money in Hillary Clinton's general election warchest.


"Being a surgeon, its tough letting go. But when your patient is dead, you have to face facts. Its sad but hard. I am the patient and my campaign is dead, so with a sad heart and after prayerful discussions with Candy, I have to say goodbye."
"I support and want all my votes to go to Senator Marco Rubio."
Ben Carson cancelled his Africa and Israel trips.

Hopefully the announcement where he suspends his campaign follows.

Just the other day he said something about only being a one term president if he were elected. Talk about shooting for the moon.

I think he's about done.
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