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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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In 2004, when Kerry lost the Presidential race to George W. Bush, who is widely considered the worst President of the modern era, he refused to challenge the results, despite his suspicion that in certain states, particularly Ohio, where the Electoral College count hinged, proxies for Bush had rigged many voting machines.


“For a long period, after 2004, every time he even half fell asleep all he saw was voting machines in the state of Ohio,” Mike Barnicle, a close friend of Kerry’s and a former columnist for the Boston Globe, told me.


I asked Kerry how long he carried around a sense of anger and resentment.

“I didn’t carry it,” he insisted. “I didn’t. I didn’t. My wife was mad at me that I didn’t carry it longer.”

From across the table, Teresa Heinz said, “I’m still carrying it.”

The Secretary of State looked up from his halibut. An ill wind of panic swept the oblong plain of his face. From the thick thatch of gray hair to the improbably long and thrusting chin, Kerry’s visage is immense and, in its implacable resting expression, resembles one of the monolithic heads that rise from the loam of Easter Island.

“Well, I’m not,” Kerry said.

His gaze turned to his wife, wordlessly imploring her to keep quiet. Heinz is seventy-seven, five years older than her husband, and, in 2013, she suffered a seizure that she has attributed to an earlier concussion “that was not properly treated at all.” It’s not easy for her to get around, and she appears infrequently at public events, but she spoke clearly and ardently throughout the evening, much as she had during the 2004 campaign.

She was not quite done. “I knew from looking at the . . .”

Kerry uses many terms of endearment for his wife; now he called her by the telegraphic “T.”

“T, let’s not go . . .” he said gently.

As she tried to speak again, he shut it down.

“T, T, we’re not . . . I didn’t want to spend time there,” he said. “I just consciously did not spend time there, and I moved on, and I moved on as rapidly as . . . It’s over. It’s behind me. . . . I could have done some things a little bit differently. We didn’t. But I’m not going to feel regret the rest of my life.”


Kerry said, “I will share with you a very personal experience: When I ran for President of the United States, in 2004, against George Bush, in the end, on Election Day, we had problems in the state of Ohio on how the votes were taking place. I even went to court in America to keep polling places open to make sure my people could vote. I knew that even in my country, the United States, where we had hundreds of years of practicing democracy, we still had problems carrying out that election. The next afternoon, I had a meeting with my people, and I told them that I did not think it appropriate of me to take the country through three or four months of not knowing who the President was. So that afternoon in Boston I conceded to the President and talked about the need to bring the country together.
at least they had salt at that dinner

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
He's gonna crash any day now.

Maddow just said that Trump has led for longer than any other GOP primary candidate in history, with one exception (Bush in 2000). Holy moly. I knew that he's been leading for a while, but damn, that's impressive.
Remember this?

By a vote of 153-9, the Republican National Committee approved rules changes Friday designed to start the 2016 primary season in February and end it as early as mid-May. What had been a month-long period where contests had to award delegates proportionally rather than winner-take-all was cut in half to two weeks. And states that violate the rules – either by moving ahead of the four official early states (Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina), or by holding a winner-take-all contest prior to the March 15 official start date – would be left with no more than a dozen delegates at the convention.

"We don't want a six-month slice-and-dice festival in our party. It's not good for picking a president. It's not good for our party," Chairman Reince Priebus told NPR.

Priebus and others in part sold the changes as a way to take back the nominating process from the "liberal media." Yet the slicing and dicing Priebus referred to actually came from other Republican candidates. On the stump and during the long string of debates, they argued that Mitt Romney wasn't a conservative enough Republican – a charge that Romney had to spend many months and tens of millions of dollars working to refute.

If the 2016 plan had been in place in 2012, Romney's immense financial advantage might have let him put Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum away a lot earlier. With more contests concentrated in a compressed span of time, having the money necessary for TV ads and staff on the ground in multiple states simultaneously is vital.

The RNC pushed back the schedule to limit the craziness and aide the establishment candidate. But every additional week with Trump leading the polls before voting in Iowa begins only makes his voters more steadfast in their support, only pushes the Overton Window in the race further to the right (so much so that we're discussing Cruz as the compromise candidate), and makes Trump seem more inevitable to primary voters. It could also make it nearly impossible to stop Trump if he sweeps the early states.

And the RNC's plan to reduce the number of debates so as to limit exposing the clown car to the general electorate has only allowed Trump to thrive between debates when he can have the news cycle to himself.

The backfire is delicious.

538 sounds like the slowpoke meme. Everyone pretty much knows Rubio is not serious about Iowa. They're again gonna be johnny come latelys when Trump steamrolls SEC.

Rubio simply does not see Iowa happening, like at all. So he's not spending any resources there. It's a crazy cob country filled with evangelical corn farmers. He cant do anything there. Yeah it will probably affect his momentum. But he's hoping for the Rudy Strategy. I think we discussed this.
At least Rudy hinged his strategy on a state he consistently led. There have been 11 polls taken in Florida in the past three months - not only has Rubio never led, he's placed in third or lower in 9 of them.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
538 sounds like the slowpoke meme. Everyone pretty much knows Rubio is not serious about Iowa. They're again gonna be johnny come latelys when Trump steamrolls SEC.

Rubio simply does not see Iowa happening, like at all. So he's not spending any resources there. It's a crazy cob country filled with evangelical corn farmers. He cant do anything there. Yeah it will probably affect his momentum. But he's hoping for the Rudy Strategy. I think we discussed this.
When it comes to Iowa, McCain is the only presidential nominee since '72 not to place third place or above. In NH for that time period, the first or second place winner always went on to be the nominee. With how things stand now (and will undoubtedly change), that would narrow the field down to Trump and Rubio. With just Iowa that adds in Cruz. If I was Rubio, I would make sure to at least beat Ben Carson in Iowa. Fourth place IMO would send a bad message, especially if he than goes on to lose New Hampshire.
When it comes to Iowa, McCain is the only presidential nominee since '72 not to place third place or above. In NH for that time period, the first or second place winner always went on to be the nominee. With how things stand now (and will undoubtedly change), that would narrow the field down to Trump and Rubio. With just Iowa that adds in Cruz. If I was Rubio, I would make sure to at least beat Ben Carson in Iowa. Fourth place IMO would send a bad message, especially if he than goes on to lose New Hampshire.
Yes, but if you remember McCain was "tied for third" with Thompson.

It was great news for John McCain.
When it comes to Iowa, McCain is the only presidential nominee since '72 not to place third place or above. In NH for that time period, the first or second place winner always went on to be the nominee. With how things stand now (and will undoubtedly change), that would narrow the field down to Trump and Rubio. With just Iowa that adds in Cruz. If I was Rubio, I would make sure to at least beat Ben Carson in Iowa. Fourth place IMO would send a bad message, especially if he than goes on to lose New Hampshire.
I didn't know about that top 3 pattern. Thanks. But like I said before, I have severe doubts about Rubio strategy myself. But I've also said this; Rubio campaign is either going to be revolutionary (IF he pulls it off), with pundits scratching their heads for years to come or they will be seen as children trying to play men's game with their starbucks bullshit.
At least Rudy hinged his strategy on a state he consistently led. There have been 11 polls taken in Florida in the past three months - not only has Rubio never led, he's placed in third or lower in 9 of them.
Right but the thing is it's still early to be talking about Florida. It's just Iowa, NH and maybe SC for now. Who knows, maybe he will unload all his money in Florida a month before the primary. When did Rudy started blanketing Florida, if at all? I think that will be a good indicator.

User 406

Very little separates the GOP candidates policy wise right now. Maybe trump, but that's only because his policy basically boils down to "build a wall" and "monitor all Muslims" with random sprinklings of populist economics. It feels like the far right base ends up making the distinction between who's anti establishment and who's not based on the money backing the individual.

Thing is, that's how the far left is doing it too. There's not a very significant difference between Bernie and Hillary as far as policy platforms and voting records go, but the far left acts like it's a battle between good and evil. Because Hillary has establishment backing, she is mistrusted and vilified, while Bernie is treated like a savior even though they're largely pushing the same platform.

A segment of our far left has been like this for a while, where they don't trust the Democratic establishment, and tend to vote Green or abstain. What we may be seeing is the far right starting to behave more like this, with a growing portion deciding that the GOP establishment is just as big an enemy as the Democrats, even when they're pandering just as much as the extreme right anti-establishment wingnut candidates.

My hope is that the "Republicans fall in line" trope is on the verge of breaking, and that a chunk of the extremist Dixiecrat right will just give up on voting altogether due to a lack of promised "progress", in much the same way part of the far left has. Would be nice if a lot of the most xenophobic anti-government voters decide that even voting for anti-government candidates is futile, and abandon the entire system to focus on fondling their guns in their prepper dungeons.



Bernie Sanders Campaign Accessed Confidential Clinton Data
In response, the Democratic Party has suspended the Sanders campaign from the party’s voter file — a move that could cripple the senator weeks before the start of the primary. The Sanders campaign staffer who accessed the data has been fired.
The Democratic National Committee has suspended Bernie Sanders’ access to the party’s 50-state voter file in response to a software glitch that “inadvertently” allowed the Sanders campaign to access Hillary Clinton’s internal voter data.

The DNC move effectively freezes Sanders’ field organizing program six weeks from the first caucuses and primaries.
The incident could pose a devastating setback for Sanders so close to the start of the Democratic primary: Until access is restored to the NGP VAN, the candidate’s organizers will have to perform the basic functions of the field program — phone banks, voter contact, visibility — without an electronic
Head of State I'd Like to Fornicate.....

Don't delve into the constitutional issues with the acronym. I still think he is my OTP

How dare you use such a vulgar word to belittle our love.

Kidding. He doesn't even have to look at me during.

You know Adam.. Sometimes you make me shake my head and then part of me wants to just be in your head for a day lol.

The DNC is trying to bring him down man..

seriously though, what the hell is going on in the Bernie campaign. I mean.. Smh


It sure would have been nice for Mulcair not to blow perhaps the only chance the NDP will ever have at forming government federally, agreed.
Depends on who the Tories choose as their next leader, and how Trudeau governs. Although that last point might not even matter because his publicist releases so many feel-good stories about him every once in a while that people might not even care.
All tops are greedy anyway and don't care, they just jam it in hard and deep regardless.


I wonder if I could run an entire Presidential campaign with drag queen gifs.

I mean, it'd make more sense than whatever Carson comes up with. Hell, queen's already got his people doing jazz hands. We're halfway there.
Thing is, that's how the far left is doing it too. There's not a very significant difference between Bernie and Hillary as far as policy platforms and voting records go, but the far left acts like it's a battle between good and evil. Because Hillary has establishment backing, she is mistrusted and vilified, while Bernie is treated like a savior even though they're largely pushing the same platform.

A segment of our far left has been like this for a while, where they don't trust the Democratic establishment, and tend to vote Green or abstain. What we may be seeing is the far right starting to behave more like this, with a growing portion deciding that the GOP establishment is just as big an enemy as the Democrats, even when they're pandering just as much as the extreme right anti-establishment wingnut candidates.

My hope is that the "Republicans fall in line" trope is on the verge of breaking, and that a chunk of the extremist Dixiecrat right will just give up on voting altogether due to a lack of promised "progress", in much the same way part of the far left has. Would be nice if a lot of the most xenophobic anti-government voters decide that even voting for anti-government candidates is futile, and abandon the entire system to focus on fondling their guns in their prepper dungeons.

This is a good point. I would hope for the same


What we may be seeing is the far right starting to behave more like this, with a growing portion deciding that the GOP establishment is just as big an enemy as the Democrats
"starting to"? This has been their schtick for 70 years.

A good recent example. There's a reason there were so many gay marriage referendums on the ballot in red states in 2004. Evangelicals didn't turn out as expected in 2000 or 2002.


The final boss in Metal Gear Rising literally says "Make America Great Again"

I thought this was relevant.

Also his diabolical monologues aren't far from Republican/Libertarian talking points.

Apparently Kojima and Platinum could see the future.


The final boss in Metal Gear Rising literally says "Make America Great Again"

I thought this was relevant.

Also his diabolical monologues aren't far from Republican/Libertarian talking points.

Apparently Kojima and Platinum could see the future.

That was all an act so that he could get votes and bring an end to the military industrial complex. Don't slander Senator Armstrong!



Probably got posted in the debate thread but fuck if I'm going to read that shit. Didn't see it in here, apologies if it was.

Probably got posted in the debate thread but fuck if I'm going to read that shit. Didn't see it in here, apologies if it was.


IDK, dude sitting in the second row.....I mean, I'm sure I'd hate every vile political view he had, but you know, we could grab Starbucks and mutually help to destroy Christmas or something.

Also, the picture of Jeb! with Mama Bush is a nice touch. I mean, clearly, if you want to make yourself more likable, just stand next to Barbara Bush. You instantly get my sympathy.


Forgot to note that Carly said she's buried a child yet again.

I heard a bunch of warrior generals Obama fired like Grant, Pershing, Washington, Patton and Eisenhower were present.
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