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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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lol @ Jeb!'s dead cat bounce.

I know a Bernie Stan who's freaking out over this database breach. Says it's the final straw for how the DNC is treating him and he needs to run third party. He's convinced that Hillary's campaign accessed the Sanders' campaign data months ago.

The Bernie/Trump golden ticket will destroy the political duopoly. #realchange

DWS sucks tho. She needs to be locked away from power positions inside the Dem party.


No wonder this RINO lost.

Trump on Putin said:
"He's actually got popularity within his country. They respect him as a leader," he said. "Certainly over the last couple of years they've respected him as their leader. I think he's up in the 80s which is, you know, you see where Obama's in the 30s and low 40s, and he's up in the 80s. So I guess, and I don't know who does the polls, maybe he does the polls, but I think they're done by American companies, actually."



It seems to me that Fox News has turned against Cruz. Almost every prime time show has been critical of him post debate. Baier had a panel last night discussing the video and all but one were highly critical. Even ubercon Krauthammer was negative about Cruz. I have no problem with this.

Shouldn't the bottle have a hat?


Yeb actually seems to be doing slightly better in these post debate polls. Guess him actually showing some emotion for once helped him.



That's better.


He may be a big underdog against Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, but Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) hasn't let the challenging odds stop him from drafting what would be his first speech as president.

During an interview this week on a jam-packed day of campaign events around the New Hampshire Seacoast region, HuffPost asked the 2016 Democratic White House contender if he’s been preparing himself mentally for the possibility that he could become president.

“Have I started writing my inauguration speech, as opposed to the speech I have to give tomorrow?” Sanders replied. “Look, the answer is yes. It is a very sobering thing to be thinking about oneself as president of the United States and the enormous responsibilities that go with that.”
He probably was thinking he'd get away with super illegally stealing Hillary's vital data.


has calmed down a bit.
Look at that divided establishment in New Hampshire. I said daaaamn.

{*silently pauses for two beats*}

If Trump wins NH, the establishment will have no one to blame but itself. Trump is the clear beneficiary of the candidates who refuse to quit. They all feel they can win NH, but if Trump wins NH and then South Carolina, he is going to be even more insufferable than usual.


He is not ultra Trump, he's ultra Cruz. Both are senators and this line pretty much can be from MGS "We'll find out if desert glows at night. Muhahahaha!"

Yea, I think you're right.

Senator Armstrong seems much more charismatic than Cruz though, "I DON'T WRITE MY OWN SPEECHES."
I don't seem to understand where Carson voters are going in that PPP poll. Are they just going even steven across every candidate, including Christie? Weird people.


Q15 Given the choices of just Ben Carson, Donald
Trump, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz who would
you support for the Republican nomination for
Ben Carson 10% .....................................................
Donald Trump 40% .................................................
Marco Rubio 20% ...................................................
Ted Cruz 22% .........................................................
Not sure 9%

Q16 Given the choices of just Donald Trump, Jeb
Bush, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz who would
you support for the Republican nomination for
Donald Trump 40% .................................................
Jeb Bush 12% .........................................................
Marco Rubio 19% ...................................................
Ted Cruz 21% .........................................................
Not sure 7% ..........................................................

Q17 Given the choices of just Donald Trump, Marco
Rubio, and Ted Cruz who would you support
for the Republican nomination for President?
Donald Trump 42% .................................................
Marco Rubio 22% ...................................................
Ted Cruz 26% .........................................................
Not sure 10% ..........................................................

Q18 Given the choices of just Jeb Bush, Marco
Rubio, and Ted Cruz who would you support
for the Republican nomination for President?
Jeb Bush 19% .........................................................
Marco Rubio 24% ...................................................
Ted Cruz 45% .........................................................
Not sure 13% ..........................................................

Q19 Who would you prefer as the Republican
candidate if you had to choose between just
Jeb Bush and Donald Trump?
Jeb Bush 34% .........................................................
Donald Trump 58% .................................................
Not sure 9% ..........................................................

Q20 Who would you prefer as the Republican
candidate if you had to choose between just
Ben Carson and Ted Cruz?
Ben Carson 26% .....................................................
Ted Cruz 58% .........................................................
Not sure 16% ..........................................................

Q21 Who would you prefer as the Republican
candidate if you had to choose between just
Ben Carson and Marco Rubio?
Ben Carson 39% .....................................................
Marco Rubio 46% ...................................................
Not sure 16% ..........................................................

Q22 Who would you prefer as the Republican
candidate if you had to choose between just
Ben Carson and Donald Trump?
Ben Carson 34% .....................................................
Donald Trump 57% .................................................
Not sure 9% ..........................................................

Q23 Who would you prefer as the Republican
candidate if you had to choose between just
Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio?
Ted Cruz 48% .........................................................
Marco Rubio 34% ...................................................
Not sure 19% ..........................................................

Q24 Who would you prefer as the Republican
candidate if you had to choose between just
Ted Cruz and Donald Trump?
Ted Cruz 44% .........................................................
Donald Trump 45% .................................................
Not sure 11% ..........................................................

Q25 Who would you prefer as the Republican
candidate if you had to choose between just
Marco Rubio and Donald Trump?
Marco Rubio 38% ...................................................
Donald Trump 54% .................................................
Not sure 8%
Q32 Would you support or oppose banning Muslims
from entering the United States?
54% Support banning Muslims from entering the
United States ..................................................
25% Oppose banning Muslims from entering the
United States ..................................................
Not sure 21%

Q35 Would you support or oppose creating a
national database of Muslims in the United
46% Support a national database of Muslims in
the United States ............................................
37% Oppose a national database of Muslims in
the United States ............................................
Not sure 17% ..........................................................

Q36 Do you think the religion of Islam should be
legal or illegal in the United States?
53% Islam should be legal in the United States ......
26% Islam should be illegal in the United States ....
Not sure 21%


I don't seem to understand where Carson voters are going in that PPP poll. Are they just going even steven across every candidate, including Christie? Weird people.
His voters second choices are Trump (22%), Carly (21%), Kasich (19%), Rubio (10%).

In the Nov. PPP poll, his voters second choices were Cruz (25%), Trump (17%), Rubio (16%), Carly (12%).


The Sanders data breach thing is, in a dark way, slightly amusing. If the TIME reports are true and Bernies campaign now has Clintons voter ID lists and contacts for the first 10 states in the primary process then it is beyond doubt that his campaign did something incredibly shit - and exactly the type of shady, underhand politics that Bernie is against.

Again, I blame his staffers and not him - but I wonder how his fans will cope with the internal dissonance when it's their guy who did something flat out wrong.


No Scrubs
The Sanders data breach thing is, in a dark way, slightly amusing. If the TIME reports are true and Bernies campaign now has Clintons voter ID lists and contacts for the first 10 states in the primary process then it is beyond doubt that his campaign did something incredibly shit - and exactly the type of shady, underhand politics that Bernie is against.

Again, I blame his staffers and not him - but I wonder how his fans will cope with the internal dissonance when it's their guy who did something flat out wrong.

The Bloomberg report is even worse. I mean I made a joke in the thread, but goddamn this really is some crazy shit.


The Sanders data breach thing is, in a dark way, slightly amusing. If the TIME reports are true and Bernies campaign now has Clintons voter ID lists and contacts for the first 10 states in the primary process then it is beyond doubt that his campaign did something incredibly shit - and exactly the type of shady, underhand politics that Bernie is against.

Again, I blame his staffers and not him - but I wonder how his fans will cope with the internal dissonance when it's their guy who did something flat out wrong.

In the official thread, they're not taking it that well, a LOT of deflecting.


The Sanders data breach thing is, in a dark way, slightly amusing. If the TIME reports are true and Bernies campaign now has Clintons voter ID lists and contacts for the first 10 states in the primary process then it is beyond doubt that his campaign did something incredibly shit - and exactly the type of shady, underhand politics that Bernie is against.

Again, I blame his staffers and not him - but I wonder how his fans will cope with the internal dissonance when it's their guy who did something flat out wrong.

depending on how this goes, I might vote Rubio.

This changes everything.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Well, there went Iowa. ;_; If TIME's report is true, that's definitely something Sanders need to take immediate action about. Uretsky claims that he was the sole person to access the breach and just used 4 accounts to check, but to be on the safe side, the Sanders campaign should fire the other 3 people considered the primary users of the accounts in question. Not nice for them, but the campaign has to take every precaution at this point. I'm somewhat skeptical of TIME's claim in full because according to NGP-VAN, nothing was exported or saved during the breach, so assuming the worst of the Sanders staff all they'd have been able to do is desperately try and print stuff during the window of opening, but either way, the DNC is right to temporarily suspend access. I think they'll set some ridiculous requirement of proof just to keep the Sanders campaign hurting as long as possible, unfortunately, but them's the breaks.


No Scrubs
Well, there went Iowa. ;_; If TIME's report is true, that's definitely something Sanders need to take immediate action about. Uretsky claims that he was the sole person to access the breach and just used 4 accounts to check, but to be on the safe side, the Sanders campaign should fire the other 3 people considered the primary users of the accounts in question. Not nice for them, but the campaign has to take every precaution at this point. I'm somewhat skeptical of TIME's claim in full because according to NGP-VAN, nothing was exported or saved during the breach, so assuming the worst of the Sanders staff all they'd have been able to do is desperately try and print stuff during the window of opening, but either way, the DNC is right to temporarily suspend access. I think they'll set some ridiculous requirement of proof just to keep the Sanders campaign hurting as long as possible, unfortunately, but them's the breaks.

I'd go read the Bloomberg article dude. It paints a far darker picture, based off of NGP-VAN's internal audit


I'd love to hear your logic for voting for Rubio over Clinton.

Carson's become weak, and Rubio seems to have the greatest chance of defeating Trump in the primaries, and if Rubio beats him, then I would HAVE to vote Rubio in the general should Clinton beat sanders. I don't like him much, but Rubio isn't that bad. I vote on issues and what helps me the most, while hurting others least.

Yeah, I'm getting a lot more Rubio research done, we will see if he's what I need.
Carson's become weak, and Rubio seems to have the greatest chance of defeating Trump in the primaries, and if Rubio beats him, then I would HAVE to vote Rubio in the general should Clinton beat sanders. I don't like him much, but Rubio isn't that bad. I vote on issues and what helps me the most, while hurting others least.

Yeah, I'm getting a lot more Rubio research done, we will see if he's what I need.

This is the part that I want clarification on.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Welp, Sanders campaign threatening legal challenge and saying that the Clinton campaign got sent their data in the past as well.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Sanders campaign saying that NGP-VAN has personally confirmed to them that nothing was saved, exported or printed - and actively refutes the Bloomberg/TIME story. They do want to check if the three accounts aside from Uretsky's main account were being used by Uretsky or not, but they can't conduct their own audit without access to the data, which they no longer have access to, and aren't going to fire staff until that point.

They're going to take the DNC to court if the DNC doesn't allow them access to the data by this afternoon.


They are utter idiots if they go to court this fast. Ultimately, they did something wrong, they got caught doing it. Even if the TIME story is completely hogwash it's unreasonable to invoke the courts less than 24 hours into something.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that Sander's only has the failed dregs of democratic politics left to advise him, because some of the moves they pull and the advise they give is so patently bad. You don't instantly run to the courts when you fucked up.


This is the part that I want clarification on.

When there are 2 main candidates in a general election and there is gonna be one of those 2 guarantee do to win, you have to vote for the one you like the most or hate the least to have done your part, the little part that you can actually do, against the one you like the least or hate the most.

It's not that hard.

East Lake

They are utter idiots if they go to court this fast. Ultimately, they did something wrong, they got caught doing it. Even if the TIME story is completely hogwash it's unreasonable to invoke the courts less than 24 hours into something.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that Sander's only has the failed dregs of democratic politics left to advise him, because some of the moves they pull and the advise they give is so patently bad. You don't instantly run to the courts when you fucked up.
You have a lot of legal experience?

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
When there are 2 main candidates in a general election and there is gonna be one of those 2 guarantee do to win, you have to vote for the one you like the most or hate the least to have done your part, the little part that you can actually do, against the one you like the least or hate the most.

It's not that hard.
None of Rubio's policies will help you though Hue. Do we need to post a link or a chart?
When there are 2 main candidates in a general election and there is gonna be one of those 2 guarantee do to win, you have to vote for the one you like the most or hate the least to have done your part, the little part that you can actually do, against the one you like the least or hate the most.

It's not that hard.

That wasn't a clarification.

I'm wondering specifically which of Rubio's policies you like/dislike vs Clinton's policies you like/dislike.
Welp, Sanders campaign threatening legal challenge and saying that the Clinton campaign got sent their data in the past as well.

Yeah, uncalled for to antagonize the DNC like that, even when DWS is trash.

But they know the campaign hit a plataeu that hasnt been broken since debate 1, so maybe this is their desperate Trump moment to see if they can regain the fire, or something.


You have a lot of legal experience?

Who said anything about legal experience?

He's running a political campaign to be elected. This press conference and the response they are taking is not good politics. The overall optics are bad, and reflect badly on his campaign.


Yeah it's really unfortunate. Clinton was going to win regardless but still, it's just a bad situation and you got to feel for Bernie. If I was him I'd get out there and speak for myself because his staffers aren't helping right now.

East Lake

Who said anything about legal experience?

He's running a political campaign to be elected. This press conference and the response they are taking is not good politics. The overall optics are bad, and reflect badly on his campaign.
So you were saying it's a bad decision to go to court this quickly not for legal reasons but because Democrats might not vote for him if he does?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm astonished at that press conference honestly. It came way too soon. It should have been a minute tops of "we take this very seriously and co-operating with the DNC and the vendor to get to the bottom of what happened", tempers are clearly running too high over there at the moment
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