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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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The image the Yahoo article used is so good.


New avatar material?

"I am not a crook"


I'm coming to the conclusion that Rubio is just lazy and dumb. At this point I don't know how else you explain it.

The three other senators in the GOP race were all there to vote on it. Granted, only one of those three is actually relevant in the race, but that one relevant guy happens to be a Harvard Law debate champion. I don't know how the fuck you explain away this shit when Cruz hounds you for it in the next debate.

This was obvious months ago, when people were reporting that Rubio simply wasn't doing as much campaigning as the other candidates. The simplest conclusion is that he flat out doesn't want to be a politician anymore or is too lazy to be a good one.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
This was obvious months ago, when people were reporting that Rubio simply wasn't doing as much campaigning as the other candidates. The simplest conclusion is that he flat out doesn't want to be a politician anymore or is too lazy to be a good one.
There was an article, I'd have to research to find it, that pointed to Rubio's frustration with the Senate. I got the impression that if he doesn't win the presidency his career as a politician is over.

While I think people have been too hard on Rubio for missing votes, since other senators have missed a lot too (especially Kerry), missing the budget vote to me shows apathy.

If the Sanders campaign remains cut off, it's pretty much time to start migrating to the Clintonmobile.


Yeah... Oh well.

Looking at it this way.. we would have ate our own heads to get a candidate like Hillary in the 70s/80s.

May as well jump on the hype train. I'd wish she would drop the hip act and just embrace her evil empress princess lady of darkness role, but maybe in due time.


The Sanders campaign is a joke and handled this about as poorly as they could have. First they lie about it being a single low level staffer, then they lie about not downloading anything, as if that shit wasn't going to come out in a matter of hours? Then they threaten to sue the DNC and fuel stupid conspiracy theories instead of accepting any sort of responsibility. I mean damn. Get your people under control Bernie. Get all your shit together and tie it up with a little bow. He's really going to end up hurting the party at this rate.

In other news if I cashed on out Predictit right now I'd make about $90 but I'm aiming much higher. Am I crazy? I really think Trump can win it all.


The one moment where I found Rubio semi-likeable/relatable was when a report emerged that, instead of going out for a Saturday full of retail campaigning, he stayed in all day with a few friends/campaign staffers and watched college football.

I'd wish she would drop the hip act and just embrace her evil empress princess lady of darkness role, but maybe in due time.

She has to be Sweet Mom for the campaign. She'll take off the hoop skirt once she's safely re-elected.


No Scrubs
The Sanders campaign is a joke and handled this about as poorly as they could have. First they lie about it being a single low level staffer, then they lie about not downloading anything, as if that shit wasn't going to come out in a matter of hours? Then they threaten to sue the DNC and fuel stupid conspiracy theories instead of accepting any sort of responsibility. I mean damn. Get your people under control Bernie. Get all your shit together and tie it up with a little bow. He's really going to end up hurting the party at this rate.

In other news if I cashed on out Predictit right now I'd make about $90 but I'm aiming much higher. Am I crazy? I really think Trump can win it all.

What's he at right now? I should check how I'm doing...

EDIT: Damn, I can make about the same but I'm gonna hold it for now. There's no sign that he's going to lose yet. I'll cash out depending on how the Iowa and NH polls go in the next month.
The Sanders campaign is a joke and handled this about as poorly as they could have. First they lie about it being a single low level staffer, then they lie about not downloading anything, as if that shit wasn't going to come out in a matter of hours? Then they threaten to sue the DNC and fuel stupid conspiracy theories instead of accepting any sort of responsibility. I mean damn. Get your people under control Bernie. Get all your shit together and tie it up with a little bow. He's really going to end up hurting the party at this rate.

In other news if I cashed on out Predictit right now I'd make about $90 but I'm aiming much higher. Am I crazy? I really think Trump can win it all.

Damage already done. Now its just a big conspiracy because the Dems are all bought out 1%ers, afraid of Bernie and the type of 2000 election talk "both parties are the same and I'm going to vote Bush over gore because he likes baseball what does it matter we're all going to die anyway, excuse me I'm going to go listen to System of a Down now", sort of talk is already catching on again.
Regardless of how desperate/not desperate the DNC actually is, you can't run a campaign when you can't contact anyone new. Unless Sanders gets access back within a few days, his campaign is effectively dead. No point in jeopardizing resources that can go against the Republicans at the point. I mean, I'd hang around for a few days to wait and see, but I doubt that anyone in charge is in a rush to complete the audit.

Even if the DNC doesn't ever re-instate access, the campaign would simply adapt, as, it's not as if campaign ads won't be seen by people, and Bernie still has his huge email list, and ever growing war chest etc :).
Even if you grant the conditional assumption that the DNC refused to accept the existence of the bug, the correct step to take is not "prove the exploit exists by actually stealing data", but simply call the Clinton campaign and tell them what's up. The DNC might have some vested interest in protecting their vendor, but the Clinton campaign has no reason not to believe you.
Daniel B·;189810308 said:
Even if the DNC doesn't ever re-instate access, the campaign would simply adapt, as, it's not as if campaign ads won't be seen by people, and Bernie still has his huge email list, and ever growing war chest etc :).

You have no idea what this data is do you?

You do not adapt to losing your demo information on where your voters are with 6 weeks to go. This data IS the campaign. Anyone staffer, especially a senior level one, is a complete and total idiot to do anything that even gives the appearance of compromising this data.


Sandernistas are like Trump stans. No matter how big the campaign fucks up, it only energizes and motivates them more to support the train wreck.
Just for the heck of it, Quotes from people on Sander's own facebook on a post about donating to tell the DNC the primary needs to be a fair process
-"Level playing field is never, was never going to happen. The DNC is owned by the same oligarchs that own Clinton and the Repubs. They all have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. To win, Bernie is going to have to defeat the oligarchs and ALL their lackeys, whether those lackey's call themselves Republicans or Democrats.

-"I will leave the party after 30 years if they don't start behaving like true Democrats and not Republican Lite. Really quite disgusted with the DNC and especially Schultz."

-"Ron Paul never had a level playing field. Or he'd be president."

-"I will NEVER vote for Clinton. Never. And the RNC is counting on the DNC to blow it. So be it. Bernie is the last chance to take the country back. Then if can can end Citizens United maybe we will have a chance. Sick of corporate parties. Both of them. Bernie is in my monthly budget."

-"The DNC is F-ing Bernie, run Third Party and teach them!"

-"You were set up Bernie. I'm a programmer. Security features don't just get disabled randomly in computer code. A series of events has to happen, and it's apparent that they deliberately and repeadedly did this. It is called a honeypot, and security people use them all the time to find security flaws. Total setup, and if you are not nominated, I may not vote at all."

-"Time for a third party. The DNC has shown its true stripes. They can go whore themselves to their corporate overlords. They'll get none of my money. If Bernie doesn't get the nomination after this crap, I'll be writing in Bernie in the general election."

-" I've received MANY texts today from hardcore Hillary and Bill fans that say they switched their support today to Bernie Sanders. Several immediately went to his website and entered donations. My suggestion is that she fixes this ASAP or she'll see her entire house of cards collapse. #ThankYouDNC for finally exposing the dirty tricks to the public.

-"This website will be shut down..thanks for playing. Check in with Hillary and Debbie, they will instruct you on what to do next...."

Ridiculous that due to a screw up his own end he's allowing people in his camp to continue the persecution that will enable his support to react like this
The Sanders campaign is a joke and handled this about as poorly as they could have. First they lie about it being a single low level staffer, then they lie about not downloading anything, as if that shit wasn't going to come out in a matter of hours? Then they threaten to sue the DNC and fuel stupid conspiracy theories instead of accepting any sort of responsibility. I mean damn. Get your people under control Bernie. Get all your shit together and tie it up with a little bow. He's really going to end up hurting the party at this rate.

You do all know that, no matter how many times you say "Sanders campaign is a joke", "Hillary's nomination is a foregone conclusion", etc, etc, when Bernie keeps breaking all sorts of Presidential campaign records, and getting endorsements that are really worth a damn (e.g. not unilateraly from a union executive), that it doesn't make it so, and smacks of desperation?


Just for the heck of it, Quotes from people on Sander's own facebook on a post about donating to tell the DNC the primary needs to be a fair process

Ridiculous that due to a screw up his own end he's allowing people in his camp to continue the persecution that will enable his support to react like this

It's really irresponsible of him at this point. Is this how he would handle shit as President? Not a good look.

Daniel B·;189812312 said:
You do all know that, no matter how many times you say "Sanders campaign is a joke", "Hillary's nomination is a foregone conclusion", etc, etc, when Bernie keeps breaking all sorts of Presidential campaign records, and getting endorsements that are really worth a damn (e.g. not unilateraly from a union executive), that it doesn't make it so, and smacks of desperation?
You're more entertaining as a climate denying Trump fan. Play that character more.


Daniel B·;189812312 said:
You do all know that, no matter how many times you say "Sanders campaign is a joke", "Hillary's nomination is a foregone conclusion", etc, etc, when Bernie keeps breaking all sorts of Presidential campaign records

and breaking into them, too


This was my favorite one from your selection:

-"You were set up Bernie. I'm a programmer. Security features don't just get disabled randomly in computer code. A series of events has to happen, and it's apparent that they deliberately and repeadedly did this. It is called a honeypot, and security people use them all the time to find security flaws. Total setup, and if you are not nominated, I may not vote at all."

This dude is essentially saying there has never been a defect that has messed up user permissions or security when adding new shit to software. VAN certainly has a lot to answer to, but this guy must be an absolutely perfect programmer to think that
It's really irresponsible of him at this point. Is this how he would handle shit as President? Not a good look.

This. A million, billion times this.

The Sander's campaign has showed, time and time again, they cannot adapt at all. To anything. A major terrorist attack in France. Everyone's talking foreign policy. Bernie decides to give his big "Rah! Rah! Socialism speech." Without bothering to get the media there. Without attempting to react to actual events. At the debate, 30 seconds on France, and immediately jump back to his stump speech.

I have to judge the candidate, in part, based on how s/he runs their campaign. Sanders campaign is a complete and total disaster. It has been since day one. There are a lot of reasons for it, chiefly Divine is an absolute moron.

Also, I'm just...I mean, I knew that bad news never permeated the Bernie bubble, but come on....
It's really irresponsible of him at this point. Is this how he would handle shit as President? Not a good look.

Yeah. Even though I side with him on the issues a lot more.. Just ugh.. there is so much more to being president rather than policy. He can't let his staff off the leash like this. Would a " We are inviting the DNC and their process to review any misconduct on our end, we do not endorse in any way the actions of certain staff members that have gone completely against what we stand for, and it does not represent how we or Mr. Sanders campaign", sort of statement been so hard?

East Lake

You guys are almost as embarrassing as the reddit people you're quoting. You sound like right wingers puffing up stories about Obama's secret service or something.
This. A million, billion times this.

The Sander's campaign has showed, time and time again, they cannot adapt at all. To anything. A major terrorist attack in France. Everyone's talking foreign policy. Bernie decides to give his big "Rah! Rah! Socialism speech." Without bothering to get the media there. Without attempting to react to actual events. At the debate, 30 seconds on France, and immediately jump back to his stump speech.

I have to judge the candidate, in part, based on how s/he runs their campaign. Sanders campaign is a complete and total disaster. It has been since day one. There are a lot of reasons for it, chiefly Divine is an absolute moron.

Also, I'm just...I mean, I knew that bad news never permeated the Bernie bubble, but come on....

Adam, just stop. If you look at a several of Bernie's campaign metrics, he is doing better than Obama, at this stage in the campaign, so repeatedly saying that he's running a terrible campaign, is a joke.
I wonder if behavioral psychologists have studied hardcore leftist and hardcore right wing behavior and noticed a lot of similarities. Because looking at this thread you can pretty much just swap the right words around and it would be like breitbart.
I wonder if behavioral psychologists have studied hardcore leftist and hardcore right wing behavior and noticed a lot of similarities. Because looking at this thread you can pretty much just swap the right words around and it would be like breitbart.

I hope that isn't in anyway including me in that, because, for example, is there anything factually wrong in what I just said?

Daniel B·;189812312 said:
Bernie keeps breaking all sorts of Presidential campaign records, and getting endorsements that are really worth a damn (e.g. not unilateraly from a union executive)

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
The Sanders campaign is a joke and handled this about as poorly as they could have. First they lie about it being a single low level staffer, then they lie about not downloading anything, as if that shit wasn't going to come out in a matter of hours? Then they threaten to sue the DNC and fuel stupid conspiracy theories instead of accepting any sort of responsibility. I mean damn. Get your people under control Bernie. Get all your shit together and tie it up with a little bow. He's really going to end up hurting the party at this rate.
I don't know if they lied (I've been out most of the day), but they definitely handled it poorly. They've claimed responsibility for it, albeit in a less than straightforward way, the issue now seems to be what a suitable punishment is. The Bernie campaign says they have the right to access their data and from my impression think they've done everything to show that they have no Clinton data (which I don't know is true).

I don't know if this would hurt the Democratic party. Does it show ineptitude in their data security? Sure, but beyond that I don't think anyone can say for certain.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Just for the heck of it, Quotes from people on Sander's own facebook on a post about donating to tell the DNC the primary needs to be a fair process

Ridiculous that due to a screw up his own end he's allowing people in his camp to continue the persecution that will enable his support to react like this
It's really irresponsible of him at this point. Is this how he would handle shit as President? Not a good look.
How is Bernie responsible for what people on his Facebook do? Are you saying because of how confrontational his manager is?
Oh, they're actually filing suit. Breach data improperly. Have access rescinded. Sue owner. This feels like an only in America thing.

Query: Do they not also maintain their own lists of data in addition to using the DNC service? If not why not?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Oh, they're actually filing suit. Breach data improperly. Have access rescinded. Sue owner. This feels like an only in America thing.

Query: Do they not also maintain their own lists of data in addition to using the DNC service? If not why not?

They have a list of people they've already contacted, but not a list of people registered as Democrats. You can't get a copy of the latter without permission from the DNC anyway, to my knowledge, it's a private organization.
How is Bernie responsible for what people on his Facebook do? Are you saying because of how confrontational his manager is?

He hires his social media people, who posted an article that would insight those sorts of reactions. I'm not holding him to what the people said but what his staff is doing. Wouldn't have been a big deal if it wasn't indicative of what other people were also doing. His PR guy in the press conference came was completely outraged, threatening a lawsuit, crying corruption and unfair treatment. He's allowing his staff to make a situation way worse than it needs to be. Especially in light of a debate tomorrow.


Like I said in the OT thread, I'm honestly not even sure Sanders is in charge of his staff anymore, or is so weak-willed he's allowing decisions to be made that are not in his best interest.

He can say he's not running third-party all he wants, but it wouldn't surprise me if there's a whole group of staffers doing the paperwork to get him on ballots for an independent run completely without his knowledge.


Like I said in the OT thread, I'm honestly not even sure Sanders is in charge of his staff anymore, or is so weak-willed he's allowing decisions to be made that are not in his best interest.

He can say he's not running third-party all he wants, but it wouldn't surprise me if there's a whole group of staffers doing the paperwork to get him on ballots for an independent run completely without his knowledge.

Regarding this, I am expecting him to downplay this issue at the debate, as he seems to be consistently on a different page from his staff. What I don't understand is the lack of message discipline in his campaign. I also question why, if he is running a better campaign than even Obama--who if you may recall, defeated the vaunted Clinton "oligarchy"--why they freak out at the first real setback. Are they going to throw a fit every time something doesn't go their way?


Like I said in the OT thread, I'm honestly not even sure Sanders is in charge of his staff anymore, or is so weak-willed he's allowing decisions to be made that are not in his best interest.

He can say he's not running third-party all he wants, but it wouldn't surprise me if there's a whole group of staffers doing the paperwork to get him on ballots for an independent run completely without his knowledge.
I think some Ron Paul supporters did this in 2008? They were even able to get him on the ballot in Montana without his consent.
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