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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Daniel B·;189813749 said:
Adam, just stop. If you look at a several of Bernie's campaign metrics, he is doing better than Obama, at this stage in the campaign, so repeatedly saying that he's running a terrible campaign, is a joke.

bruh, do you want to borrow my tag? i'll loan it you, cuz this is a+ worthy stuff. we'll see how much better at the "metrics" the bernie campaign is when the only metric that counts, votes, start to be tallied.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
13) Either party may terminate this Agreement in the event that the other party breaches this Agreement; the non-breaching party sends written notice to the breaching party describing the breach; and the breaching party does not cure the breach to the satisfaction of the non-breaching party within ten (10) calendar days following its receipt of such notice.

14) The Agreement does not permit either Party to suspend its performance of the Agreement prior to terminating the Agreement in accordance with the provision above.

15) The Agreement does not permit either Party to terminate or suspend the Agreement without notice, or without providing the breaching Party with the requisite opportunity to cure.

I'm actually plausibly sure Sanders will win the case. It seems pretty clear to me the DNC breached the terms of the contract.


This is insane. Why the hell won't Bernie get hold of his freaking campaign staff and stop them behaving like utter idiots who are going to guarantee a republican election?

They stole confidential voter data from Clinton's campaign - confirmed. By the guy who did it.

They didn't accidentally find a letter. They deliberately created numerous accounts and ran multiple searches on the first 10 states to access Clinton's voter registration data. This is a big thing! It's a crime!

The fact the DNC has blocked them from the voter details after doing this is completely unsurprising, and absolutely of course what you would do when you find a campaign has been breaching data protection in this way. The fact they are suing over it is fucking nuts given it's been less than 24 hours since it happened, and is just going to cause further trouble and keep the issue in the news cycle when his campaign should want it long gone.
The BBC's News coverage (on their web site) of Bernie's campaign is non-existent (nothing on his good news, yesterday, in the US & Canada section), except, apparently, when it's bad news...

Bernie Sanders campaign punished over Clinton snooping

However Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), said multiple Sanders staff members accessed Clinton campaign data and downloaded it.

I see they draw the line at rejecting a Bernie advert (clickable NeoGAF equivalent), so Bernie is still getting the word out ;):

The DNC fucked it up since they scheduled the debates. They are pretty much buying into a conspiracy narrative with their behavior.

Tomorrow's debate is just a magnificent example: Why would the DNC schedule a debate in Saturday (yet again), the weekend prior Christmas? Why would you restrict yourself from as most viewers as possible to expose the ideas of your candidates? I doubt it has to do with networks not willing to give great time slots to them.

It is kind of stupid since Clinton is such a proven amazing debater that even Obama struggled against her.


We now interrupt your not-regularly-scheduled.. something.. for new national GOP numbers from Fox:

Trump 39% (+11)
Cruz 18% (+4)
Rubio 11% (-3)
Carson 9% (-9)
Bush 3% (-2)

That is all. {*PalinWink.gif*}
Without knowing the text of whatever contractual arrangement is being referred to and if any steps were taken prior to rescinding access, I don't know if I'd draw any particular conclusion. Does it specify that similar period of notice needs to be given for a suspension rather than termination of access, for instance.

Although, it would make for a pretty interesting general election campaign, in the event that he were to win the nomination of the party after litigating against its organisation.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
This is insane. Why the hell won't Bernie get hold of his freaking campaign staff and stop them behaving like utter idiots who are going to guarantee a republican election?

They stole confidential voter data from Clinton's campaign - confirmed. By the guy who did it.

They didn't accidentally find a letter. They deliberately created numerous accounts and ran multiple searches on the first 10 states to access Clinton's voter registration data. This is a big thing! It's a crime!

The fact the DNC has blocked them from the voter details after doing this is completely unsurprising, and absolutely of course what you would do when you find a campaign has been breaching data protection in this way. The fact they are suing over it is fucking nuts given it's been less than 24 hours since it happened, and is just going to cause further trouble and keep the issue in the news cycle when his campaign should want it long gone.

The DNC has also breached the law. By the terms of their contract, any party suspected of breaching must be given 10 days notice before access is revoked. Sanders got less than a day. That's the terms of the lawsuit. So, actually, I'd say that DNC blocking them *is* pretty surprising - it's putting them at liability for $600,000 damages per day for lack of access plus an "incalculable" (which from my experience means "calculable if your calculator can display lots of digits") amount for damages to campaign perception. We could be talking multiple millions by the time this is sorted out.
So is Joe Scarborough going to go on another wonderful soliloquy about this new Fox poll now that it isn't showing ridiculous matchups where Clinton loses? She ties or beats everyone but Rubio who is at +2.


The DNC has also breached the law. By the terms of their contract, any party suspected of breaching must be given 10 days notice before access is revoked. Sanders got less than a day. That's the terms of the lawsuit. So, actually, I'd say that DNC blocking them *is* pretty surprising - it's putting them at liability for $600,000 damages per day for lack of access plus an "incalculable" (which from my experience means "calculable if your calculator can display lots of digits") amount for damages to campaign perception. We could be talking multiple millions by the time this is sorted out.

What does Bernie pay for damage to the Democratic brand though

I guess we'll see at the debate whether this is serious, although given that they filed a lawsuit, I suppose he is aware of and condones it.

e: The optics of this are terrible for both the DNC and Sanders now. Thanks, Obama.



Daniel B·;189822323 said:
The BBC's News coverage (on their web site) of Bernie's campaign is non-existent (nothing on his good news, yesterday, in the US & Canada section), except, apparently, when it's bad news...
Yeah, I asked my mom in Canada a while back about the Democratic primary and she didn't know who Sanders was. lol


We now interrupt your not-regularly-scheduled.. something.. for new national GOP numbers from Fox:

Trump 39% (+11)
Cruz 18% (+4)
Rubio 11% (-3)
Carson 9% (-9)
Bush 3% (-2)

That is all. {*PalinWink.gif*}

Oh baby, I'm going to make so much money off Predictit.


The DNC has also breached the law. By the terms of their contract, any party suspected of breaching must be given 10 days notice before access is revoked. Sanders got less than a day. That's the terms of the lawsuit. So, actually, I'd say that DNC blocking them *is* pretty surprising - it's putting them at liability for $600,000 damages per day for lack of access plus an "incalculable" (which from my experience means "calculable if your calculator can display lots of digits") amount for damages to campaign perception. We could be talking multiple millions by the time this is sorted out.

When you are guilty of doing something really, really bad (and stealing opposition voter details is really freaking bad in American politics) you don't sue because they took away your access. I'm sorry, you just don't. It's idiotic and stupid, it keeps the issue in the news cycle and it makes you look bad and kills any freaking hope you had whilst also damaging the overall democratic brand.

You don't hold a press conference where you rant and rave at the DNC and the vendor and *lie* about what happened, and then sue. You act humble, you apologise, you fire all the people involved and co-operate and you get your access back as soon as it's resolved. You don't, for the love of god, sue on the SAME DAY THIS HAPPENED.

It is utter stupidity. It is political malpractice the likes of which I can only compare to the advice Romney was given the evening Benghazi happened and he stumbled out into the green room and gave an incoherent speech that turned out to be wrong and unleashed the Benghazi conspiracy amongst us. This will have exactly the same effect.

Bernie needs to get a hold of his damn campaign.

(Just to remind folks - they lied at their own damn press conference about what had happened).
We now interrupt your not-regularly-scheduled.. something.. for new national GOP numbers from Fox:

Trump 39% (+11)
Cruz 18% (+4)
Rubio 11% (-3)
Carson 9% (-9)
Bush 3% (-2)

That is all. {*PalinWink.gif*}

This is the third straight poll showing basically the same numbers. Its pretty clear that Trump is still in first by a mile but that Cruz has passed Rubio for second after the last debate. If the Rubio camp can't turn things around they're going to be left out of the spotlight.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
When you are guilty of doing something really, really bad (and stealing opposition voter details is really freaking bad in American politics) you don't sue because they took away your access. I'm sorry, you just don't. It's idiotic and stupid, it keeps the issue in the news cycle and it makes you look bad and kills any freaking hope you had whilst also damaging the overall democratic brand.

You don't hold a press conference where you rant and rave at the DNC and the vendor and *lie* about what happened, and then sue. You act humble, you apologise, you fire all the people involved and co-operate and you get your access back as soon as it's resolved. You don't, for the love of god, sue on the SAME DAY THIS HAPPENED.

It is utter stupidity. It is political malpractice the likes of which I can only compare to the advice Romney was given the evening Benghazi happened and he stumbled out into the green room and gave an incoherent speech that turned out to be wrong and unleashed the Benghazi conspiracy amongst us. This will have exactly the same effect.

Bernie needs to get a hold of his damn campaign.

(Just to remind folks - they lied at their own damn press conference about what had happened).

A few things.

1. Without this data, there is no campaign. Sanders cannot contact a single new Democratic primary voter that he has not already contacted. Without access to this data, you may as well just put your campaign on hold. Sanders' hand was forced by the DNC; if he accepted this, he may as well have just quit the race altogether. Every day Sanders does not have access to this costs his campaign $600,000. Even 2 or 3 days is absolutely ruinous.

2. The Sanders campaign did not lie. They are not able to conduct their own audit of the data because, surprise, they have had their access revoked. In assessing what had happened, they had to go by VAN's statement that no data had been saved, printed, or exported. They also fired the sole staffer involved to their knowledge. They can't read minds.

3. If we're talking political stupidity, then the DNC breaching the terms of a legally established contract in a way that could put into millions of dollars of liability and simultaneously alienating a third of the Democratic voter base probably ranks just a little higher on the scale. I had thought the vast majority of Sanders supporters would turn up to vote Clinton come the nomination. Now, I am less sure.
Hey guys, I did some casual 'analysis' (i.e., an Art Major looking at info with no stats ability) about the NH primary after someone pointed out that since 1960, all presidential candidates finished no lower than second place there.

In 2012, Romney led all polls in NH since July by a decent margin. Trump has had a bigger lead from slightly later in NH.

So my 'guess' is Trump has a non-scientific 50/50 chance of being the GOP nominee (assuming that the worst he can do with his lead is finish second in NH).

Rejoice or despair on that thought process.

I think ultimately Trump will lose NH and the field will be wide open.
Uncanny timing for me to post my speculation


They literally lied. They said, to quote "This wouldn't have happened if the vendor hadn't made the mistake".

The vendors mistake did not create 4 separate accounts and conduct 24 searches on Clintons voter details, and then transfer the data off the system.

That is a lie. They are trying to act like this was a software glitch, and avoid the fact their head of digital deliberately used a glitch to steal confidential information from a rival.

The interview the guy gave on MSNBC contradicted what Sanders own press conference had said literally an hour before.


One of my absolute favorite dynamics from this cycle so far:
- a new poll comes out showing Trump with a huge lead
- I can go to FreeRepublic/Breitbart/etc and see tons of celebrating
- then I can come here - and see tons of celebrating

He's a uniter!
DWS better not prolong this shit.

Get the Sanders campaign to say sorry and give them their access back ASAP.

Hillary is winning; Bernie is losing. We all know how this ends. No need to make this an ugly-ass shitshow, even if it's clear that Bernie's campaign was being grossly unethical.


Without knowing the text of whatever contractual arrangement is being referred to and if any steps were taken prior to rescinding access, I don't know if I'd draw any particular conclusion. Does it specify that similar period of notice needs to be given for a suspension rather than termination of access, for instance.

Although, it would make for a pretty interesting general election campaign, in the event that he were to win the nomination of the party after litigating against its organisation.

I don't see any language concerning a suspension but I'm pretty sure that section 6 permits the DNC to act as they did.

The DNC agrees that it shall take all measures necessary to protect the secrecy of, and to avoid disclosure and unauthorized use of the Confidential Information. Without limiting the foregoing, the DNC shall take at least those measures that the DNC takes to protect its own most highly confidential information...

"Confidential Information" means all information disclosed by the Campaign to the DNC ... and all information generated by the DNC, whether by itself or through or in conjunction with third parties ... Confidential information may also include information disclosed to the DNC by third parties.
From CNN's Story...

Two senior Democrats familiar with the program and the investigation told CNN that the Sanders campaign accessed turnout projections for Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, a key piece of strategy the Clinton campaign has been working on with modeling and analytics.

The Sanders team, which consisted of four people, ran multiple searches in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina and about 10 March states, including Florida and Colorado. In Iowa and New Hampshire, the Clinton campaign has ranked voters on a scale of 1-100 for turnout, enthusiasm and support, the senior Democrats said. The Sanders campaign ran two searches: "Show me all the Clinton people rated higher than 60" and "Show me all the people rated less than 30." This would be a key way of knowing who Sanders should target in the final weeks before voting: Ignore those above 60, while focus on those below 30, because they are looking for a Clinton alternative and might be open to Sanders.

Ya, this is looking freaking ridiculous. Like...he accidentally found out he had access to this information. He accidentally targeted the early primary states. He accidentally narrowed the search to potential Sander's targets....
Statement from NGP Van

Second, there has been independent confirmation that NGP VAN has not received previous notice of a data breach regarding NGP VAN. Josh Uretsky, the former National Data Director for the Sanders campaign confirmed on MSNBC (at 5:47), and also on CNN, regarding the previous incident: “it wasn’t actually within the VAN VoteBuilder system, it was another system.”

Here’s what happened.

On Wednesday morning, there was a release of VAN code. Unfortunately, it contained a bug. For a brief window, the voter data that is always searchable across campaigns in VoteBuilder included client scores it should not have, on a specific part of the VAN system. So for voters that a user already had access to, that user was able to search by and view (but not export or save or act on) some attributes that came from another campaign.

As soon as we realized that there was an issue, we immediately mobilized our engineers to investigate the source of the issue. While we investigated the issue, we restricted access to affected areas of the VAN product for all users and limited access to data exports. Engineers quickly discovered the problem, and developed a fix.

We immediately began an audit to determine if any users had intentionally or unintentionally gained access to data they normally would not have access to within the limited timeframe when the bug was live. Our team removed access to the affected data, and determined that only one campaign took actions that could possibly have led to it retaining data to which it should not have had access.
We now interrupt your not-regularly-scheduled.. something.. for new national GOP numbers from Fox:

Trump 39% (+11)
Cruz 18% (+4)
Rubio 11% (-3)
Carson 9% (-9)
Bush 3% (-2)

That is all. {*PalinWink.gif*}

this is what, the third or fourth poll that has Trump flirting with 40%? Can't wait for Nate to spin these numbers away too


Cerium took my place it seems.

You weren't that bad, actually. You had the Hilldawg avatar, so I assume some homies gave you shit, but you seemed to focus only on the crazy of crazies without a sense of ego about it. Like the folks who think no Bernie = this country is done kinds of folk, which is crazy to see.

We have a long way to go before we hit a bottom, even if Republicans win every election for the next twenty years. People act like the breaking point is today. Maybe it is on social awareness for directions we must prepare for, sure, but those will have to happen anyway. Labor, health care, wages, college, infrastructure, and climate all will have to be totally revised, but no matter the state something will be done because of how bad they'll simply get if they're left as what they are now.

Reason or futility are the drivers of change.
This is truly some genius level thinking, by the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, to limit Bernie's exposure in the debates, by going for graveyard Saturday time slots, and then creating a big scandal, just before a debate, so no one will tune in to see the potential fireworks. Oh wait, that's the complete opposite of what they wanted, and Bernie will likely shine once again, and Hillary may well top her idiotic "9/11" or embarrassing "Cut it out!" lines - I can't wait :).
All Rubio has done is replace Bush at the 10-13% spot he was holding.

its interesting because at this point it's blindingly obvious there aren't actually very many "establishment republicans" left within the party.

Trump at about 39, Cruz at 18, Carson at 9 means a full 66% of the party is backing lunatics, and this is fairly late in the game.

Even if every establishment candidate dropped out and backed rubio, it still wouldn't be enough to overcome Trump's support. This might be over and you can blame Paris/San Bernardino


Daniel B·;189829550 said:
This is truly some genius level thinking, by the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, to limit Bernie's exposure in the debates, by going for graveyard Saturday time slots, and then creating a big scandal, just before a debate, so no one will tune in to see the potential fireworks. Oh wait, that's the complete opposite of what they wanted, and Bernie will likely shine once again, and Hillary may well top her idiotic "9/11" or embarrassing "Cut it out!" lines - I can't wait :).

Those lines, while stupidly offensive, were actually cheered for it. It's gross.

That said, I doubt it's full conspiracy theory. The scandal was on snoopers of Bernie's side. You can argue the rest, but that mistake he's dealing with now involves people representing him, like it or not.
Daniel B·;189829550 said:
This is truly some genius level thinking, by the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, to limit Bernie's exposure in the debates, by going for graveyard Saturday time slots, and then creating a big scandal, just before a debate, so no one will tune in to see the potential fireworks. Oh wait, that's the complete opposite of what they wanted, and Bernie will likely shine once again, and Hillary may well top her idiotic "9/11" or embarrassing "Cut it out!" lines - I can't wait :).

Debbie is petty and vindictive as hell, but she did not create this scandal, bud. Not at fucking all.
Daniel B·;189829550 said:
This is truly some genius level thinking, by the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, to limit Bernie's exposure in the debates, by going for graveyard Saturday time slots, and then creating a big scandal, just before a debate, so no one will tune in to see the potential fireworks. Oh wait, that's the complete opposite of what they wanted, and Bernie will likely shine once again, and Hillary may well top her idiotic "9/11" or embarrassing "Cut it out!" lines - I can't wait :).

Holy hell.

The average voter doesn't have any clue who DWS or what the DNC does. There is, literally, no reason whatsoever for Hillary to deliberately honeypot some idiotic staffer into deliberately targeting specifically coded potential Hillary voters.

And, for the record, I loathe DWS as the DNC chair. She's horrible and needs to be replaced, but this is so not even close to her fault. My critique is, and continues to be, how shitty Bernie's campaign is at dealing with this type of shit.
That said, I doubt it's full conspiracy theory. The scandal was on snoopers of Bernie's side. You can argue the rest, but that mistake he's dealing with now involves people representing him, like it or not.

Come on dawg, its obvious. The Clinton campaign employed Bernie's digital director as a triple agent to hack their voter data. This created the pre-text for the DNC to shut them out of the system. Anyone can see that.
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