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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Where is he anyway?

Why hasn't he made an official statement on this. It would have helped the whole thing along. According to the one story I read, he only found out about it 24 hours later when DWS called him and spoke to him.

All he had to do was come out and say someone from his campaign handled this poorly. They were fired. It's not the kind of thing he stands for. He will cooperate fully with the DNC to make sure that any data that was retrieved is in no way used by his campaign. He could then admit that the DNC has to protect the data better, and that he feels the punishment against his campaign is too harsh. That's a valid criticism. He's taking ownership of the problem. Now, though, he's completely silent. He's letting this eat into the 2nd day of the news cycle.


Where is he anyway?

Why hasn't he made an official statement on this. It would have helped the whole thing along. According to the one story I read, he only found out about it 24 hours later when DWS called him and spoke to him.

All he had to do was come out and say someone from his campaign handled this poorly. They were fired. It's not the kind of thing he stands for. He will cooperate fully with the DNC to make sure that any data that was retrieved is in no way used by his campaign. He could then admit that the DNC has to protect the data better, and that he feels the punishment against his campaign is too harsh. That's a valid criticism. He's taking ownership of the problem. Now, though, he's completely silent. He's letting this eat into the 2nd day of the news cycle.

Didn't his second in command put out a statement?


I really don't care to try to sort out what's going on with Cerium and foffy, and it doesn't appear that either of them are actively bothering the other anymore, so let's just drop it. For the future, consider that nobody ever gets anything out of people making a point of noting that they're not seeing someone's posts. Also no one cares whether someone sent an annoyed PM to someone else months ago.
Didn't his second in command put out a statement?

Ya, and that idiotic press conference. And the statement went full conspiracy theory.

Just, the candidate should be out here. I mean, his campaign didn't even tell him this until DWS told him. They are doing a disservice to his candidacy. He should have called a press conference, no questions from the reporters, and just issued a bull shit PR happy free good statement. Instead, they sued. I fundamentally do not think he understands optics.


Ya, and that idiotic press conference. And the statement went full conspiracy theory.

Just, the candidate should be out here. I mean, his campaign didn't even tell him this until DWS told him. They are doing a disservice to his candidacy. He should have called a press conference, no questions from the reporters, and just issued a bull shit PR happy free good statement. Instead, they sued. I fundamentally do not think he understands optics.

I actually wonder how much of this he had a say in. Like, I get the legit feeling all of this happened while he was on vacation or giving a talk. That's how dejected he seems from all of the responses.

None of them come from the reason he tries to emanate. Instead they're all delegated to jesters.
NYT's Nick Corasaniti said:
JUST IN: From Sanders campaign: access to voter files will be restored Saturday morning.

So in the end the Sanders' campaign gets a one day ban from the voter's files. Hardly unfair given what happened.

User 406

There's nothing low road about calling out his campaign for lying, playing the victim and using this event for fundraising.

Setting the overrepresented histrionics of crazed stans aside, the general tone of this primary so far has been pretty constructive. There's been some sharpness during debates, but otherwise it's been pretty clear that the Democratic candidates are all on the same side. Now the Sanders campaign has just stepped on its dick, and Hillary's campaign is trying to shove a foot in there instead of just letting it happen. It adds extra conflict where none is necessary or desired, and will not change the primary calculus anyway because her advantage is overwhelming to begin with. It's not good for the party if this primary devolves from a cordial debate to a street fight, and she can afford to let dumb shit like this slide to prevent that from happening.

So while criticism of the appallingly amateurish way Bernie's campaign has handled this is completely justified, this is politics, and the politically smart thing to do would be to let him self destruct if he's going to self destruct instead of jumping in the mud and throwing haymakers. The deluded purity squad may be a small percentage, but it is still possible to turn other people off if you let things get ugly.


Setting the overrepresented histrionics of crazed stans aside, the general tone of this primary so far has been pretty constructive. There's been some sharpness during debates, but otherwise it's been pretty clear that the Democratic candidates are all on the same side. Now the Sanders campaign has just stepped on its dick, and Hillary's campaign is trying to shove a foot in there instead of just letting it happen. It adds extra conflict where none is necessary or desired, and will not change the primary calculus anyway because her advantage is overwhelming to begin with. It's not good for the party if this primary devolves from a cordial debate to a street fight, and she can afford to let dumb shit like this slide to prevent that from happening.

So while criticism of the appallingly amateurish way Bernie's campaign has handled this is completely justified, this is politics, and the politically smart thing to do would be to let him self destruct if he's going to self destruct instead of jumping in the mud and throwing haymakers. The deluded purity squad may be a small percentage, but it is still possible to turn other people off if you let things get ugly.

On the other hand, calling out whatis a deliberate and blatant theft of data by taking advantage of an opportunity (that the logs prove irrefutably) must be done.

Truthfully, the people heading this campaign and that have behaved in this way when their team were the ones stealing should never be allowed to work in politics or run campaigns again. They are fundamentally damaged and obviously care nothing for the process.

User 406

On the other hand, calling out whatis a deliberate and blatant theft of data by taking advantage of an opportunity (that the logs prove irrefutably) must be done.

Truthfully, the people heading this campaign and that have behaved in this way when their team were the ones stealing should never be allowed to work in politics or run campaigns again. They are fundamentally damaged and obviously care nothing for the process.

That's what surrogates are for. The party can handle punishing that shit. Hillary's job is to get to the general election with a unified base behind her. Negativity never works as well as positivity when you have an overwhelming advantage, even when you're completely in the right.

In any case, it looks like our long national nightmare of not being able to log onto a database for some hours will be over soon, hopefully things can be smoothed over and we can go back to being the adults in the room.


So in the end the Sanders' campaign gets a one day ban from the voter's files. Hardly unfair given what happened.

Especially since there's no real way of knowing that they haven't kept the data. Good deal for Bernie, his strategy was effective. Hillary will just have to figure out a way forward based on the assumption that Bernie has all her shit.

I think we can dispense with any notion that she isn't earning the nomination the hard way.


Cerium can you give me a realistic estimate to when Hillary will officially wrap up the nomination?

This drama is interesting but I'm ready for the general. We looking at April?


Especially since there's no real way of knowing that they haven't kept the data. Good deal for Bernie, his strategy was effective. Hillary will just have to figure out a way forward based on the assumption that Bernie has all her shit.

I think we can dispense with any notion that she isn't earning the nomination the hard way.

Just got back from walking the dog. (It's COLD!)(..for New Orleans). A few snap judgements:

I wanted Hillary to be as magnanimous as possible (and still do, going forward).
I didn't have a very high opinion of DWS or her DNC before this, and this only reinforces things.
I had a suspect opinion on Bernie's campaign staff before this, but I've always been willing to give Bernie himself benefit of the doubt. If this is the kind of operation he's comfortable with, that no longer holds.
I've also wondered what the media field day would look like if the roles here were reversed.
I'm glad/relieved that they're sorting this out without letting it run on ad nauseam.
And now I want a Popeyes biscuit.


Just got back from walking the dog. (It's COLD!)(..for New Orleans). A few snap judgements:

I wanted Hillary to be as magnanimous as possible (and still do, going forward).
I didn't have a very high opinion of DWS or her DNC before this, and this only reinforces things.
I had a suspect opinion on Bernie's campaign staff before this, but I've always been willing to give Bernie himself benefit of the doubt. If this is the kind of operation he's comfortable with, that no longer holds.
I've also wondered what the media field day would look like if the roles here were reversed.
I'm glad/relieved that they're sorting this out without letting it run on ad nauseam.
And now I want a Popeyes biscuit.

Agreed on every point, except maybe the first, but especially the last.


Especially since there's no real way of knowing that they haven't kept the data. Good deal for Bernie, his strategy was effective. Hillary will just have to figure out a way forward based on the assumption that Bernie has all her shit.

I think we can dispense with any notion that she isn't earning the nomination the hard way.

Exactly, I now view every potential vote Bernie gets as a stolen vote based on stolen data. He's a corrupt man.
I'm glad they worked something out, although I'd like to know what is in place to make sure (or try to make sure) nothing was saved off server. If it was just saved inside the database, then that's fine. The only demand I saw from the DNC was when DWS said she wanted an audit by an independent party. If Bernie's campaign agreed to that, then lovely.

And I'm glad his access is restored. If we beat Bernie, I want it to be done in the light of day. I'm sure some will come up with conspiracy theories, but whatever. I want to give Tad Devine another L and send him packing.

I still just cannot get my brains around the meltdown that every little thing causes some in Bernieland to go through. It's just....it's amazing. If this were 2008, I feel that Bernie's core supporters would be in a perpetual state of hysteria. 2008 was bad on both sides, yo.

God, I'm hoping for March.

I think March 15th, especially if Hillary wins Iowa or New Hampshire. Actually, if she wins New Hampshire, it's officially over. If he takes both, then I think we'll could go a little longer.
If Hillary wins Iowa with a command, it's over. She will win New Hampshire after that, surely. Then there's nothing for Sanders.

But if he wins Iowa and NH, Nevada may swing in his favor. That 1-2-3 punch can give him a boost to survive past Super Tuesday.

And woo Bernie won. What a masterful display of demagoguery with his fundraising and all that.


Why am I getting these Bernie ads



Weaver especially looking like a complete fucking moron with the release of the audit. Can't put into words just how much I hate this dude.

Hope Bernie is ready to pay the price at this next debate.


Weaver especially looking like a complete fucking moron with the release of the audit. Can't put into words just how much I hate this dude.

Hope Bernie is ready to pay the price at this next debate.

We'll see how that plays out. Sanders did steer clear of Hillary's e-mails in the debates when he could of gone for the jugular.
Weaver especially looking like a complete fucking moron with the release of the audit. Can't put into words just how much I hate this dude.

Hope Bernie is ready to pay the price at this next debate.

Actually, I'm kinda wondering if Unnamed Man will go for Bernie over it. I mean, I'm not sure what O'Malley's game is here. Maybe he thinks it could give him an opening or something.


I would expect Clinton to basically follow her campaign's line. I'm disappointed/angry that my campaign's data was compromised but this is a matter for the DNC and their investigation there are more pressing issues we're here to debate that the American people care about etc etc.

O'Malley might take a crack though.


I'm predicting that Hillary takes the high road at the debate. Going for the jugular would be bad tactics, while being benign after her staff has expressed a lot of (justified) anger would make her look even more above the fray.

The only doubt I have is that Politico said she would go for the jugular and they are never wrong.


As much as it frustrates me, and I'm sure it frustrates her and her campaign, there's no political upside to nailing Sanders to the wall. She's already winning overwhelmingly; anything that upsets the current trajectory of the race is a risk.


I love how Sanders campaign committing a crime, stealing confidential information from a rival campaign, and then lying about it repeatedly, is somehow a conspiracy of the DNC to lose him the election.

I have so much sympathy for normal Republicans right now who went through this with Ron Paul. How they have turned this round is utterlybeyond me - they somehow manage to ignore the very actual, *real* theft of data by the Sanders campaign and replace it with some weird conspiracy theory where this is all about stopping Bernie winning. Presumably the DNC made their head of digital go into HRCs data, create the extra profiles, pull off all the confidential info, and then not tell anyone?


I seriously can't tell if you're joking or not. I've seen similar comments here and on Reddit...

There is going to be a ton of people saying and echoing that. Lets say half carry through with it, 1/4 don't vote, and 1/4 vote for a real candidate.

Outcome does not change. I do expect this coming election to be a low turnout one, from all sides, but Democrats are usually hit hardest in this regard. Still, the numbers and demographics are just overwhelmingly on Democrats side in generals. GOP will try to do what it's trying to do at all costs, be loud, spend a ton. Won't save them.

East Lake

I love how Sanders campaign committing a crime, stealing confidential information from a rival campaign, and then lying about it repeatedly, is somehow a conspiracy of the DNC to lose him the election.

I have so much sympathy for normal Republicans right now who went through this with Ron Paul. How they have turned this round is utterlybeyond me - they somehow manage to ignore the very actual, *real* theft of data by the Sanders campaign and replace it with some weird conspiracy theory where this is all about stopping Bernie winning. Presumably the DNC made their head of digital go into HRCs data, create the extra profiles, pull off all the confidential info, and then not tell anyone?
You're melting down dude. None of this will matter when Trump skewers Hillary in the GE.
I'll never understand this extreme left-to-right polarity shift with Bernie fans.

#Notallsandersfans, but I do think there's a significant portion that are just anti-establishment, populists. Same group that has jumped from Nader, to Ron Paul, to Sanders, and some to Trump. Again, not all of Sander's supporters, nor even the majority, but this segment certainly exists and is very vocal on a couple of popular websites and forums.


If Hillary wins Iowa with a command, it's over. She will win New Hampshire after that, surely. Then there's nothing for Sanders.

But if he wins Iowa and NH, Nevada may swing in his favor. That 1-2-3 punch can give him a boost to survive past Super Tuesday.

And woo Bernie won. What a masterful display of demagoguery with his fundraising and all that.

Glad you're cheering on a thief. I guess all that moral outrage at Clinton about her being corrupt expressed by Bernie supporters is just feigned since he's obviously just as corrupt.
Really disillusioned about Bernie after all this. Starting to think about voting for Cruz or Trump in the general now.

Yeah, I know you're joking, but the Sanders fans who genuinely feel like that don't care or understand anything about the relevant issues facing the country today.

They just subscribe to a viewpoint that the "system is corrupt," and must be destroyed.
Yeah, I know you're joking, but the Sanders fans who genuinely feel like that don't care or understand anything about the relevant issues facing the country today.

They just subscribe to a viewpoint that the "system is corrupt," and must be destroyed.
A serious Sirpopopop post? *gasp*
#Notallsandersfans, but I do think there's a significant portion that are just anti-establishment, populists. Same group that has jumped from Nader, to Ron Paul, to Sanders, and some to Trump. Again, not all of Sander's supporters, nor even the majority, but this segment certainly exists and is very vocal on a couple of popular websites and forums.

Not even 100k peeps voted for nader.

Significant? o_ô
They just subscribe to a viewpoint that the "system is corrupt," and must be destroyed.
To be fair, one would have a hard time arguing that the system isn't corrupt. The conclusion is the problem.
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