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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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The screams and hoots and hollers from the audience: I can't tell if the people yelling are being ironic, or if they're really enthused.

And I love his heroin line: "that heroin thing.. we've gotta get it under control."
Not surprised racist idiots will eat whatever garbage he throws up. And lmao.
They say Rubio has the best shot of winning in a narrower field, but Trump still leads in their example which narrows it down to 3 candidates.

So yes.

Also remember that the RNC doesn't want Cruz to be the nominee either. Cruz and Trump total at 56%. Rubio is just at half of that. It's pitiful.

I think what they mean is that, of all of Rubio's shots, a three-candidate field is the best. Which is a "duh" thing to say.


like maps?




I hate political maps like that because they're so misleading. Use a color spectrum relative to the proportion, weight size by population, and you have a much more informative graphic. Maps like this emphasize all the wrong information based on our winner take all system.


Now those are some data representations I can get behind (minus the legend/titles which wasn't included, border lines for states, etc). Visual complexity is related to latent information, so while I understand the allure of the binary color coding I think it trains us to think in all the wrong ways.


The second graph looks like Idaho literally collapsed in a black hole and is sucking everything else inside of it.

Also, the first graph makes the Native America populations in the Dakotas so easily spottable!

User 406

Well, if Tim McGinty doesn't get beaten in the primary, I might be voting for a Republican for the first time ever. Son of a bitch.


Now those are some data representations I can get behind (minus the legend/titles which wasn't included, border lines for states, etc). Visual complexity is related to latent information, so while I understand the allure of the binary color coding I think it trains us to think in all the wrong ways.

This is really cool.

Worth noting that the second map looks a lot more purple, at least if you blur your eyes. Basic map makes the country look more red than it really is, conceptually speaking.

The second graph looks like Idaho literally collapsed in a black hole and is sucking everything else inside of it.

Also, the first graph makes the Native America populations in the Dakotas so easily spottable!

Florida is swelling like it's got gangrene, which is extremely on-point.
Exactly. People who think the Democrats can't lose due to "demographics" are probably too young to remember the elections of 88-92. Trump can absolutely win the general. People forget how fickle the electoral college can be, especially after one party has been in power for a while.
No, he can't under normal circumstances. Republicans winning in 1988 has nothing to do with Trump's chances in 2016. A republican can win, but not Trump. The end.


Carson is basically tied with Rubio and Cruz is in striking distance after a precipitous fall. You still have a chance, Retromelon! Just need one fluke poll in the next two days.


Trump got excited because the camera men panned the room


There was a pretty long lead up up to that.
Like it started off with a protester, and then Trump said that he loved protesters because otherwise the cameras would never pan the room. That they would focus only on the one or two protesters among thousands of people and how the media was unfair. He said something to the extent of talking to Melania about the rally, and how she didn't know how many people were there despite watching it on TV.
And then he asked the camera people to pan it like 10 times before one of them finally did.
And hence that video.


Trump is really going after bill.

Look forward to the boss convention speech of 2 hours of pure economic awesomeness

Diamond Joe, Bill, Hillary, VP possibly Castro and Obama? gives me goosebumps just thinking about the convention this july. Its going to be one to remember.

In other news:

Maggie Haberman ‏@maggieNYT 34m34 minutes ago
Have heard this from several dc R operatives - fear of Cruz down ballot worse than fear of Trump


Diamond Joe, Bill, Hillary, VP possibly Castro and Obama? gives me goosebumps just thinking about the convention this july. Its going to be one to remember.

In other news:


Unseating Toomey is seen as a most daunting task, and unpredictable, since Sestak hasn't really made any moves recently.

Ultimately, your chances of flipping the seats are in the following order:

----------------- (No matter what happens, the two are most likely to win)
Feingold (WI)
Duckwork (IL)
----------------- (If Hillary wins, these will probably win)
Hassan (NH)
Strickland (OH)
*If Murphy (FL)
*If McGinty (PA)
*If Sestak (PA)
----------------- (If Trump or Cruz wins the nomination, the bets are fucking off)
Ross (NC)
*If Grayson (FL)
Kirkpatrick (AZ) If McCain loses his primary, move her up to the top column.
Kander (MO)
Hill (IN)
Eldridge (AR)


No Scrubs
Diamond Joe, Bill, Hillary, VP possibly Castro and Obama? gives me goosebumps just thinking about the convention this july. Its going to be one to remember.

No doubt, it's gonna be legendary shit.

I knew they were more terrified of Cruz than they were of Trump, but goddamn. We might see the establishment go all in one Cruz because while it would never work on Trump since he doesn't give a rat's ass, Cruz has a record to answer for.


Is Bashear not a superdelegate anymore?

No, unless the DNC nominates him or the KY chair puts him as an add-on later:

[20] Distinguished Party Leaders (current and former Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Congressional leaders, and DNC Chairs)
[20] Democratic governors (including territorial governors and the Mayor of the District of Columbia)
[47] Democratic members of the United States Senate (including Washington, DC Shadow Senators)
[193] Democratic members of the United States House of Representatives (including non-voting Delegates)
[436] Elected members of the Democratic National Committee (including the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of each state's Democratic Party)[2]


One thing that helps TRUMP over the other candidates is that he's been focusing on the non-February states too, like Michigan, Georgia, Ohio, Florida, while everyone is still trying to get voters in New Hampshire or Iowa to notice them. He's definitely solidifying his base where he needs to while other candidates are still trying to establish a base.
Obama might not be invited to the convention depending on what happens in the next few months. Terrorism, scandal, economic crash, etc. Never count your chickens before they hatch.
Wonder if Senator Scott Brown or Todd Akin will be at the RNC.

ivysaur12 said:
----------------- (No matter what happens, the two are most likely to win)
Feingold (WI)
Duckwork (IL)
----------------- (If Hillary wins, these will probably win)
Hassan (NH)
Strickland (OH)
*If Murphy (FL)
*If McGinty (PA)
*If Sestak (PA)
----------------- (If Trump or Cruz wins the nomination, the bets are fucking off)
Ross (NC)
*If Grayson (FL)
Kirkpatrick (AZ) If McCain loses his primary, move her up to the top column.
Kander (MO)
Hill (IN)
Eldridge (AR)


I agree with WI/IL, they seem basically interchangeable in fact. WI isn't as blue as IL, but Johnson is a worse incumbent plus he's going up against a former senator.

I'm also tempted to say FL is more likely to flip than OH on the virtue that FL is an open seat and OH is not.


Figure maybe some of you guys might like this Q and A about some issues with Robert Reich. I of course read it for the basic income bit, but I don't agree with Reich's bluntness about it..

Some highlights

Q: What do you make of the groundswell for Bernie Sanders?

Reich: Bernie Sanders was a huge surprise, even to himself. I know Bernie, and he entered the fray, I think, without expecting that he would make it through the primaries. I think he wanted to be the voice that he has become—representing the deep concern about the misallocation of power and wealth in society.

Times have changed. We are at a turning point. We are just about at a tipping point. If it hadn’t been Bernie, it would have been Elizabeth Warren. If it hadn’t been Elizabeth Warren, it would have been somebody. Because there is a pent-up demand for politicians to address this terrible issue of an unbalanced society.

Q: What gives you reason to be optimistic?

Reich: I’ve gone around the country for the last year, talking to groups of people: small business people in Kansas City, who are very concerned about the big box retailers and Amazon; small farmers in Missouri who are organizing against big agriculture and the factory farms; the Fight for $15 people, who are making great headway. I even talked to some of the last regional bankers who are trying to hold on, notwithstanding the extraordinary resources of Wall Street. All you have to do is connect some of these people up and you have the beginnings of something quite significant.

It’s not something we might want or wish for. It’s inevitable. Because the current path we’re on is unsustainable. It’s not sustainable economically, because the poor and middle class don’t have enough purchasing power to keep the economy going. It’s not sustainable politically, because you either are getting a leftwing anti-establishment candidate, or a rightwing anti-establishment backlash. The Republican Party is in a civil war.

Hillary and Bernie Sanders won’t be in that kind of a civil war
, but the forces behind Bernie are not going to go away.

Republicans, I think, are desperately holding on. That’s why they’re doing so much gerrymandering and voter suppression. There is a kind of desperation about the Republican Party right now, given the demographic shifts in the electorate, and the fact that the old white swing vote is no longer determinative.

It’s going to be very interesting to see.
Toomey is fucking done. McConnell's majority is fucking done. The next Senate is going to nuke the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees and confirm probably 2-3 appointees for Hillary with 51 votes.


Toomey is fucking done. McConnell's majority is fucking done. The next Senate is going to nuke the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees and confirm probably 2-3 appointees for Hillary with 51 votes.

Obama was really good at picking nominees who sailed through confirmation without fierce Republican opposition, and yet proved to be reliable liberals on the court.

It would be interesting if the Dems nuked the SC filibuster though. Hillary could just nominate Goodwin Liu and watch their heads explode.
Jerry Seinfeld couldn't even keep a girlfriend after she caught him picking his nose. Jeb's chances at the presidency are fucking done. No way he lives this down. Perception plays an unfairly large role, but it's important as all fuck. Trump has reduced Jeb to a joke candidate.
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