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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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I think poor people wouldn't want Bill in the White House. Since he royally fucked them last time.
Do you think the average American cares about stuff like NAFTA? They're more likely to look at sub-4% unemployment and think "Yeah that guy was pretty good!"

Plus any negative fallout of Clinton's policies helpfully waited until the Bush administration so he gets the blame. Except for that mild recession in 2000 I suppose.

If I had to guess I would say poor people love Bill. As far as campaigning he'll be Team Hillary's greatest asset.


Top Bernie Sanders Aide Rankles Those In and Out of Campaign [NYT]
Bill Clinton has privately told friends he was astonished by the Sanders’ team’s handling of the data breach, and that it risked depicting the Vermont senator as a typical politician and not the political outsider he is seen to be.
Mr. Sanders’ aides were genuinely incensed when Mrs. Clinton invoked sexism after Mr. Sanders spoke generally about people “shouting” on the issue of gun control, and believed she was twisting his words.

But the question of sexist language came back to haunt the Sanders campaign internally after the first debate, when Mr. Weaver appeared to be condescending toward Mrs. Clinton in an October interview with Bloomberg Politics.

The blowback outside the campaign was fierce. But there was also blowback within the Sanders campaign as well, as some aides said the language crossed a line.
The Sanders campaign’s New Hampshire state director, Julia Barnes, asked Mr. Weaver to apologize for the comments, and voiced her displeasure to him in clear terms. He never did, telling unhappy staffers on a conference call after the report aired that their team needed to be mindful that the Clinton campaign was about to unleash attacks on Mr. Sanders, according to three people with direct knowledge of the episode.
As for the Sanders campaign’s approach to the party committee, people briefed on the flap about the number of debates believe that Mr. Sanders has fed on outrage against the D.N.C. that was created by others, not his own team, in efforts to deal with the data issue. These people described Mr. Sanders’ team as decidedly less emphatic in private discussions about having more primary debates than they have been in public, realizing that debates are not his strength.
I remember back then the hype around Bernie's amazing debate skills.

Yep. It's going to be hilarious watching him attempt to crack Hillary next year if he's the nominee.

Especially when he has statements like this in his past:

Trump in 2008: Hillary Clinton would make a "great" president

Buzzfeed unearthed an archived webpage of the blog post posted on www.trumpuniversity.com from March 2008 when he said the Democratic presidential nomination was still far from decided.

"Hillary Clinton said she'd consider naming Barack Obama as her vice-president when she gets the nomination, but she's nowhere near a shoo-in. For his part, Obama said he's just focused on winning the nomination, although at least one member of his team said Clinton would make a good vice-president. (I know Hillary and I think she'd make a great president or vice-president.)," Trump wrote.
If I had to guess I would say poor people love Bill. As far as campaigning he'll be Team Hillary's greatest asset.

Not me. I have to be at least 300 feet from O'Malley at all times. If I was that close, my future Commander in Chief
would need to show me those abs for freedom. And Jesus.

Yes, we're good at something! Suck it Michigan! O-H-I-O!
Since I'm all partisan anyway, I would recommend "Hard Choices" by Hillary. It was a good book, especially if you're into foreign policy wonkiness. Warren's book is good too, "A Fighting Chance." I've only read a few pages of it though.
I can't imagine a Hillary Clinton book on foreign policy being good on any level, given her record.

Aww, you tryin to come for me.... :p It's actually a good read, irrespective of how you feel about her. It gives you a good look into how she approaches situations.

I preferred "Living History," especially if you don't really know much about Hillary the person.


Hillary won't be truly candid in her books until after she retires, for obvious reasons.

What we want from her writing: Juicy details about her relationships with 42 and 44.

What we get from her writing: Dry sanitized policy stuff.
Hillary won't be truly candid in her books until after she retires, for obvious reasons.

What we want from her writing: Juicy details about her relationships with 42 and 44.

What we get from her writing: Dry sanitized policy stuff.

That's my fetish!

I agree. SHe's not stupid and won't be entirely open on things while she's in the public eye. I still think "Living History" was an interesting read.

And if anyone writes a Obama x Hillary, and they refuse to use the word "scholog" I would be disappoint.'

Also, the DCCC is sending me the super scary emails earlier than usual this cycle.


What a record. Wow.
Ohio is the only state that has voted for the winning Presidential candidate in each election since 1964, and in 33 of the 37 held since the Civil War. No Republican has ever won the presidency without winning Ohio.
The same is also true of Wisconsin for the Democrats.

Edit: Nevermind, WI apparently went to Nixon in '60, Dewey in '44, Hughes in '16, Blain in 1884, and Frémont in 1856. I can't remember where I heard that, but they were dumb.

Any must read books on modern politics?



Any must read books on modern politics?
This is like asking "any must read books on modern sports?"

In any case, the only book anyone needs to read is:
The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey by Michael Huemer

Here's some that aren't dry as fuck:
This Town: Two Parties and a Funeral-Plus, Plenty of Valet Parking!-in America's Gilded Capital by Mark Leibovich
Citizens of the Green Room: Profiles in Courage and Self-Delusion by Mark Leibovich

The Great Derangement: A Terrifying True Story of War, Politics & Religion at the Twilight of the American Empire by Matt Taibbi
Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America by Matt Taibbi
The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap by Matt Taibbi
I thought Pataki was gonna be the next one out. I am really enjoying seeing people drop out. Once we get higher up the food chain, it should get more entertaining.

How the fuck is Gilmore still in this?


Welp, my excuses to sing Pataki to the tune of Shipoopi are running out.

Bye, George.

Reminder, with Pataki out, Christie is now the most moderate AND establishment candidate according to 538. And yet, we are supposed to believe he has a serious chance.



so Tom how excited are you about a week from monday?
I am psyched. New Orleans will finally have a say in the governing process in Louisiana again, instead of being a muted piggy bank for the rest of the state.

(Bonus: another wave of salt. So delicious. Mmm. I'm gonna need a heart monitor.)


I am psyched. New Orleans will finally have a say in the governing process in Louisiana again, instead of being a muted piggy bank for the rest of the state.

(Bonus: another wave of salt. So delicious. Mmm. I'm gonna need a heart monitor.)

You probably have not felt this excited since Bush left office and the Obama reelect. Extra salt for Vitter leaving too.


You probably have not felt this excited since Bush left office and the Obama reelect. Extra salt for Vitter leaving too.

Those are pretty much the two big political days, along with the Obergefell ruling.

Now that I think of it, I need to file for time off at work for politics events. Taking off the day after Iowa and the day after New Hampshire (NH falls on Mardi Gras day, so I'll have to come home early from the festivities to enjoy the returns. That'll be a biggie.)


Meanwhile, Trump continues to get tons of free coverage on TV. He snaps his fingers, and two of the three cable news networks jump to put him on during the sweet prime time viewing window. The man is damn good at manipulating them. Daaaamn good.



has calmed down a bit.
Reminder, with Pataki out, Christie is now the most moderate AND establishment candidate according to 538. And yet, we are supposed to believe he has a serious chance.


Man, Perry was sitting in the primary sweet spot, hitting all the right notes. That "oops" moment changed republican history.
Those are pretty much the two big political days, along with the Obergefell ruling.

Now that I think of it, I need to file for time off at work for politics events. Taking off the day after Iowa and the day after New Hampshire (NH falls on Mardi Gras day, so I'll have to come home early from the festivities to enjoy the returns. That'll be a biggie.)


Meanwhile, Trump continues to get tons of free coverage on TV. He snaps his fingers, and two of the three cable news networks jump to put him on during the sweet prime time viewing window. The man is damn good at manipulating them. Daaaamn good.

Trump embodies those CEO images on facebook where they say corny pop quotes like "Act like the person you want to be instead of trying" or "If you start acting like a CEO you will become one".

Trump acts like the frontrunner and gets treated lile one.


No Scrubs
Those are pretty much the two big political days, along with the Obergefell ruling.

Now that I think of it, I need to file for time off at work for politics events. Taking off the day after Iowa and the day after New Hampshire (NH falls on Mardi Gras day, so I'll have to come home early from the festivities to enjoy the returns. That'll be a biggie.)


Meanwhile, Trump continues to get tons of free coverage on TV. He snaps his fingers, and two of the three cable news networks jump to put him on during the sweet prime time viewing window. The man is damn good at manipulating them. Daaaamn good.


There hasn't been a politician as good at playing the press since Reagan, the stories some of the older reporters who covered him at the time tell sound a lot like the ones who have written about Trump tell.

Also, he's just announced a huge ad buy in the early states. He said he's like 35 million under budget right now and is going for a blitz.


McCain's entire STRAIGHT TALK MAVERICK schtick came about because he didn't banish the press to the fringes of his campaign bus so they could all mutually masturbate.
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