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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Also, completely missed this with the McGinty announcement:

Plus EMILY'S List (unsurprisingly). It's going to be an interesting primary for sure -- it seems like McGinty is the DSCC favorite since they wanted her to run.

She'll also most likely have the backing of Wolf behind her.


aka andydumi
According to Business Insider (I visited their frontpage and this is literally the story at the top), Trump's campaign is a 'civil war'. Original source is New York magazine:

It's strange to think that his campaign would actually favor CNN over Fox...

Not at all. A place like CNN is likely to continue airing Trump stuff "equally" if he has a falling out with the GOP and pushes for a third party run. If GOP turns against him, it's almost guaranteed that Fox will start to minimize their Trump connections and exposure.
If you're under 25, I'll let this transgression pass.

At least we have Jack in the Box's awfully greasy tacos. Of course, we also have taco trucks and other things open till 2am!

(true story, haven't had a McD burger in maybe a decade).
I missed this. Would a McD burger exclude salads and sandwiches? I understand that this food is toxic sludge, but when you're out of options and the time is short (lunch break for example), what would jesus do? In these situations I always grab a fillet o fish from there, which happens every now and then. I dont think there is a ranking of fast food chains when it comes to food. All is sloppy, greasy, and all is handled by kids that just wanked in the restroom.


Not at all. A place like CNN is likely to continue airing Trump stuff "equally" if he has a falling out with the GOP and pushes for a third party run. If GOP turns against him, it's almost guaranteed that Fox will start to minimize their Trump connections and exposure.
Except about two weeks ago, apparently Fox was spiraling out of establishment control too.
One reason Murdoch is taking to social media and deploying his publishing properties to attack Trump may be the simple fact that he hasn’t been able to control his most powerful media organ: Fox News. According to sources, Murdoch has tried — and failed — to rein in Fox News Chairman and CEO Roger Ailes, who, insiders say, is pushing Fox to defend Trump’s most outlandish comments. This week, Ailes told his senior executives during a meeting that Murdoch recently called him and asked if Fox could “back off the Trump coverage,” a source told me. Ailes is said to have boasted to his executives that he told Murdoch he was covering Trump “the way he wanted to.” The implication was that he wasn’t going to budge.
I thought this was hilarious then. Not sure if much changed over the past two weeks. Given that Trump's numbers have only kept rising, I imagine he's still receiving a lot of attention from Fox.


aka andydumi
Except about two weeks ago, apparently Fox was spiraling out of establishment control too.

I thought this was hilarious then. Not sure if much changed over the past two weeks. Given that Trump's numbers have only kept rising, I imagine he's still receiving a lot of attention from Fox.

That's now because Trump is leading GOP polls. But in the long run, if GOP turns on Trump, and say Jeb becomes the conservative darling, then Fox will focus on praising Jeb and vilifying Trump. And Trump needs someone to cover him long term.


For what it's worth, Katie McGinty the former top aid to Tom Wolf announced like yesterday that she is running against Sestak.

ah, there is hope! I'm debating on moving back to PA, we shall see how Wolf does dealing with the dimwits in the state legislature.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Noticing on RCP that no candidate has dropped as much as Walker over the past two weeks. Isn't that about when Trump slammed him on Twitter?

I'm also curious to see a new Iowa poll. The last major ones were from July 24 and Walker's lead was down to 2.
I missed this. Would a McD burger exclude salads and sandwiches? I understand that this food is toxic sludge, but when you're out of options and the time is short (lunch break for example), what would jesus do? In these situations I always grab a fillet o fish from there, which happens every now and then. I dont think there is a ranking of fast food chains when it comes to food. All is sloppy, greasy, and all is handled by kids that just wanked in the restroom.

I don't mind someone eating fast food but man McD just tastes so bad to me. I'll occasionally grab In N Out, but that's pretty much the only chain I'll go to these days (and even that isn't very often).

As for lunch, pack your own, man! I basically only eat lunch out when I'm with friends on the weekend. Going Stand Up Paddleboarding this weekend. Packing my own lunch! Even if you don't have time to pack a lunch, go buy salads at Trader Joes or something. Leave eating out to dinner! And not McDs!
10 seat? impossible. 5 at best. 10 would require a massive implosion from the Republican nominee or a Trump nomination.
6 is my realistic-but-still-best-case scenario. WI, IL, PA, FL, OH, NH.

Add NC, AZ, IN and MO on top of that for a 10 seat pickup which yes would require a massive fail on the GOP's part.


I think from Most to Least likely to flip from R to D:

1. Illinois
2. Wisconsin
3. Florida*
4. Ohio
5. New Hampshire
6. Pennsylvania
7. North Carolina
8. Arizona
9. Indiana
10. Missouri

And Most to Least likely to flip from D to R:

1. Nevada
2. Colorado

End of list.
Noticing on RCP that no candidate has dropped as much as Walker over the past two weeks. Isn't that about when Trump slammed him on Twitter?

I'm also curious to see a new Iowa poll. The last major ones were from July 24 and Walker's lead was down to 2.

I don't expect too much tonight. My guess is mostly everyone will say the same damn stupid thing only in their own stupid way. The truth is, all the GOP candidates are pretty much the same (Trump and Huckabee being a bit different at times).

But if 2 things can happen, I'll be happy.

1. Someone(s) attack Trump and he gets a chance to fire back in Trumpian fashion.

2. Walker fucks up badly mostly because I really can't stand Walker. I can't stand others too, but they're not a threat and I want Walker to fail.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

“You simply can’t drink every time one of these guys says something silly,” said Surgeon General Vivek Murthy during a Wednesday morning press conference. “We’ve got three candidates who are prone to gaffes — Jeb Bush, John Kasich and Scott Walker — and then a half-dozen obscure goofballs vying with Donald Trump for a little media attention. It’s just a formula for disaster.”

Murthy suggested that people play a safer variation of the traditional debate drinking game by only consuming alcohol when one of the candidates says something reasonable.

“We’re not saying that people shouldn’t have fun participating in the rotting vestiges of our once-great democracy,” he said. “Just do it responsibly. Instead of, say, shotgunning a beer when Ben Carson compares abortion to a planet-killing meteor wiping out humanity, consider taking a shot if Jeb Bush acknowledges that human activity is contributing to climate change,” he said. “And that drink might even have some therapeutic value when he goes on to argue that we shouldn’t do a damn thing about it.”


I like this new surgeon general.

edit: DAMN IT. It's satire. :/


Maine Supreme Court: LePage botched the vetoes:


The justices -- issuing a 47-page opinion in what is known as a "solemn occasion" that was requested by the governor -- said the state constitution was "ambiguous" on the issue, but that "context, governmental tradition and practice, and judicial precedent" had guided their decision.

"Having considered the filings, the factual background and legislative record, the constitutional context of the language at issue, long-held traditions and practices of Maine Governors and Legislatures, and the analysis and precedents of other jurisdictions, each of us is of the opinion that a temporary legislative adjournment does not prevent the return of the bills with the Governor’s objections to the Legislature," the opinion said. "During such a temporary adjournment, the Governor may return the bills and his objections to the officers and agents of the originating House."

"This was not about winning or losing; it was about doing things right," LePage said in a statement Thursday. "We are fortunate to be able to seek legal opinions from the Judicial Branch, and we're thankful the Justices came to a fast and fair resolution to this issue. We look forward to moving on and continuing to work for the Maine people."

Opinion at the link.
That's a very... Measured response from LePage after being made to look like a fool.

I agree. I was expecting something more like the statements we read after the Gay Marriage ruling from SCOTUS. After reading his statement, I had to re-read the article because he was talking like a guy who won. I'm impressed.


1. Illinois
2. Wisconsin
3. Pennsylvania*
4. Florida*
5. Ohio
6. New Hampshire*
7. North Carolina
8. Arizona
9. Indiana
10. Missouri

my list pending Hassan getting in, Murphy beating Grayson & McGinty beating Sestak.




On Thursday, Sergio Gor, the communications director for presidential candidate Rand Paul, tweeted a picture of what appears to be another presidential candidate's closing statements that he says were left in the hotel printer:


Underlined, is the sentence, "We need a nominee who will throw every punch, not stumble before he gets in the ring." Though it is unconfirmed, the closing statement is likely Carly Fiorina's, who used a similar line Monday:

"In order to beat Hillary Clinton or whoever their nominee turns out to be, we have to have a nominee on our side who is going to throw every punch..."
What was it and his response? I'm still at work.


Your approval rating is in the toilet in Louisiana. In Louisiana polls Hillary Clinton is beating you. If Louisiana doesn't even like you, how do you expect to win nationwide?


Blah, blah, credit ratings, blah blah most pro-life state, blah blah job creation, blah blah.


That's... not how it works?

A Kentucky county clerk is fighting back after being sued for refusing to issue marriage licenses to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples in the wake of the Supreme Court's legalization of same-sex marriage.

On Tuesday, Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis filed a lawsuit against Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear, accusing him of infringing on her religious freedom for not allowing her and other officials to opt out of issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples if they feel morally opposed to marriage equality, The Lexington Herald-Leader reports.

Davis, who is reportedly a Apostolic Christian and attends church three times a week, claimed in the lawsuit that Beshear has made officials such as herself vulnerable to lawsuits by requiring them to obey the Supreme Court's June 26 ruling. Davis argued that the governor be held accountable for any damages that may be incurred in the ongoing lawsuit brought against her by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on behalf of two gay couples and two straight couples after she refused to issue them marriage licenses.

The governor is "forcing clerks like Davis to choose between following the precepts of her religion and forfeiting her position, on one hand, and abandoning one of the precepts of her religion in order to keep her position, on the other hand," a copy of the lawsuit cited by the Associated Press reads.

A lawyer for the couples who are suing Davis was even more to the point, arguing that the clerk is hypocritically portraying herself as a victim of discrimination, according to The Lexington Herald-Leader.

"She swore in her oath of office to uphold the Constitution, and the Supreme Court has decided what the Constitution says here," Joe Dunman said. "She doesn't get to ignore it just because she doesn't like it."

Stay losing, bigots. Do your fucking job or quit.
I posted on the debate thread, but I was startled by my unconscious racism, in that I had never heard Jindal speak and was mentally imagining an Indian accent, not a Good Old Boy accent.
Neil Paine ‏@Neil_Paine 1m1 minute ago Manhattan, NY
Are these the commercials that usually run on Fox News?


daveweigel ‏@daveweigel now9 seconds ago
This is the ultimate Graham answer. “What do I think about abortion? SEND TROOPS BACK TO IRAQ.” #GOPDebate

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