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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Will the Republican candidates discuss the Oregon shooting or will they pussy out and just go back to talking about Planned Parenthood and Benghazi?


Will the Republican candidates discuss the Oregon shooting or will they pussy out and just go back to talking about Planned Parenthood and Benghazi?

If history's anything to go by, it'll only be spoken of in the context of "if only there were more well-armed citizens nearby, we could have stopped this tragedy".


This Louisiana gubernatorial debate is a goddamn embarrassment. Half an hour gone, and not a single question about the existential issues that the state faces. Kim Davis, marijuana, Planned Parenthood.. I'm half-expecting a question about Trump at some point, or maybe a Coke-vs-Pepsi question.


Might has well be since you giving no context to it whatsoever and I was only few people you was continuously arguing with you. The people you was arguing with; that poll you posted has little to do with anything when it was showing registered voters of the three main political groups of how they view Hillary and Bernie.

It shown pretty clearly that he has a large portion of voters that aren't familiar with his policies and character. You can talk about the possibility of people that don't know Bernie are in the republican/independent spectrum but since there is no data on the breakdown. Like I mentioned people are downplaying the factor of national recognition due to the debates and all the exchanges that proceed and follow such occasions. Myself I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of registered Democratic voters are unfamiliar with Bernie. Just two months ago only a third of African Americans knew who he was.

And like I keep pointing out, likability has no bearing on actual support. If it did Joe Biden would be the front runner.

I'm not talking about likability - just the amount of people who have no opinion or are undecided?


No Scrubs
It shown pretty clearly that he has a large portion of voters that aren't familiar with his policies and character. You can talk about the possibility of people that don't know Bernie are in the republican/independent spectrum but since there is no data on the breakdown. Like I mentioned people are downplaying the factor of national recognition due to the debates and all the exchanges that proceed and follow such occasions. Myself I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of registered Democratic voters are unfamiliar with Bernie. Just two months ago only a third of African Americans knew who he was.

And like I keep pointing out, likability has no bearing on actual support. If it did Joe Biden would be the front runner.

I'm not talking about likability - just the amount of people who have no opinion or are undecided?

And like I point out, those numbers have little to no bearing on actual support.


Wait, the media and Evil Queen Hillarybot are friends/in cahoots/up a tree now?

I don't remember where I read it, but there was a theory floated that the media are being mean to Hillary right now so that they can point to the Summer of 2015 and say, "see? We can be tough on both sides!" when they're accused of helping her during the general.

Made me laaaaaaaaugh..
It shown pretty clearly that he has a large portion of voters that aren't familiar with his policies and character. You can talk about the possibility of people that don't know Bernie are in the republican/independent spectrum but since there is no data on the breakdown. Like I mentioned people are downplaying the factor of national recognition due to the debates and all the exchanges that proceed and follow such occasions. Myself I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of registered Democratic voters are unfamiliar with Bernie. Just two months ago only a third of African Americans knew who he was.

I'm not talking about likability - just the amount of people who have no opinion or are undecided?

You don't get it. The poll you showed that is polling of most likely of the three groups, but it makes no difference, because national favorably does not matter for a democrat party primary . Use favorably polls when it goes to dem primary voters. But that itself does not mean people will or not vote if someones favorably is low.


No Scrubs
You don't get it. The poll you showed that is polling of most like of the three groups it makes no difference, because national favorably does not matter for a democrat party primary . Use favorably polls when it goes to dem primary voters.

Even then it doesn't really matter. Those numbers are only useful for analyzing the corresponding poll numbers and their trends. They aren't a single choice, they ask everyone's opinion on all candidates.
Wouldn't Bush's Super PACs go super, super negative on the frontrunners before he drops out?

Why would they do that?

Trump is the frontrunner, period. Way in front of everyone else, has been for quite some time. negative attacks don't work on him. They've tried everything. nothing works. It just gives him more media exposure, which he thrives on.

Better to simply pull your funding and back a candidate that's actually competitive than risk damaging them to the point where they aren't electable after Jeb! drops out.


Wouldn't Bush's Super PACs go super, super negative on the frontrunners before he drops out?
Aww yeah. We're about to see a war break out.

I'm looking for Rubio's third quarter fundraising numbers, but for some reason can't find them..


30 minutes of the debate spent on Kim Davis, medical marijuana, and Planned Parenthood. The other half had really fluffy references to our Jindalized budget, no references to coastal conservation, maybe a tiny bit of vague guesturing about infrastructure, and a short section on education costs. The local news station is taking a beating for its selection of questions. Vitter did not look good.


Why would they do that?

Trump is the frontrunner, period. Way in front of everyone else, has been for quite some time. negative attacks don't work on him. They've tried everything. nothing works. It just gives him more media exposure, which he thrives on.

Better to simply pull your funding and back a candidate that's actually competitive than risk damaging them to the point where they aren't electable after Jeb! drops out.

Oh I'm not saying it would work, just that they may try and do it. Sheldon Adelson dropped a huge amount of money on negative ads against Romney before supporting him in the General IIRC. Is there a chance that self destructive behaviour happens again (though I doubt Adelson would).
Oh I'm not saying it would work, just that they may try and do it. Sheldon Adelson dropped a huge amount of money on negative ads against Romney before supporting him in the General IIRC. Is there a chance that self destructive behaviour happens again (though I doubt Adelson would).

not really comparable, I think.

1.) Adelson isn't quite all there- he was backing Gingrich of all people prior to Romney- even Gingrich didn't think he was a serious candidate there. I wouldn't be surprised if he donated what he did just to give Romney a hard time.

2.) Romney was actually quite vulnerable. Got bodied by huckabee and Mccain of all people four years earlier- the base was clearly looking for ANYONE else- just about everyone spent at least a week or two at the top of the polls with mitt at #2. It was only the ability to outspend everyone else 10-1 that kept Romney in it.

Can't really say the same for Trump. He's been way in front from the start, completely immune to negative attacks, debates don't matter, money doesn't matter. You take him out by culling the field of weak candidates and consolidating the establishment vote. And right now Bush is the weakest establishment candidate there is. Having him drop out and endorse rubio or cruz in exchange for a VP spot means Trump actually has viable competition. The longer you don't do this, the harder it becomes to actually get him out of the race.


You take him out by culling the field of weak candidates and consolidating the establishment vote. And right now Bush is the weakest establishment candidate there is. Having him drop out and endorse rubio or cruz in exchange for a VP spot means Trump actually has viable competition.

Is Jeb gonna want to do this though? Isn't there a strong sense from his campaign it's his "turn"?

I guess what I'm asking is, its reported Jeb has raised something like $100 million along with his Super PAC. What are the mechanics of his donors rescinding that money?


Unconfirmed Member
My "bush out after the next debate" prediction isn't looking too silly now, is it :D The dude has cratered. there's no coming back from this.

It still looks silly. Jeb's PACs still have a ton of money to try to turn that around, and I doubt he leaves the race until they spend that money.
Is Jeb gonna want to do this though? Isn't there a strong sense from his campaign it's his "turn"?

I guess what I'm asking is, its reported Jeb has raised something like $100 million along with his Super PAC. What are the mechanics of his donors rescinding that money?

Jeb has raised jack shit from small donors and grassroots.



It's all the superPAC, and at least half of that is from ultra-wealthy donors giving more than a million- some of which are corporations and not actually "people.". This makes him EXTREMELY vulnerable, since if any of them decide to pull their support his campaign is done...and there is already a bit of noise being made about exactly this.

The PAC itself is technically independent and not controlled by Jeb at all- they could spend that money pretty much anywhere.
Trump will take out Rubio. JEB! is in this for the long haul. In the end it will be Trump vs. JEB! for the nomination.

I can see this happening. Rubio looks to be very "flavor of the month" here to me, and Trump could completely slaughter him on the immigration issue.

Interesting that Carly seems to have hit a ceiling at 3rd/4th place though- that post debate narrative had her taking the lead from Trump.
It's not, Biden jumping in is literally the worst thing that could happen to Bernie short of him losing his voice the day before the debate.

Biden and Clinton compete for similar voters, Sanders wont lose much from Biden running, since he has his base assured due to antagonism. He would need less gains/converts to become number one in polls with Biden in. Being mediatized as "first on polls" can have a major positive impact in his campaign.

The Washington Post made a dissection of the latest USA Today poll, which had a rich analysis of trends with black voters. The results are pretty interesting and positive for Sanders, actually:

Part of the shift in support for Clinton might be due to the decline in her net favorability among blacks. Opinions of Clinton have dropped among all Democrats as we've seen before. Among blacks, the decline has been greater -- and the increase in favorable views of Sanders has been stark. Clinton is down 16 points in net favorability, and Sanders is up 31. (The margin of error here, we would reinforce, is 8.5 points.)

Again, this is just one poll with a signficant margin of error and that has Sanders with very high vote awareness. I am sticking to my guns though, if Sanders has a good debate performance and he wins with a commanding lead both in Iowa and New Hampshire, black voters and other minorities will respond as any other demographic would.


I can see this happening. Rubio looks to be very "flavor of the month" here to me, and Trump could completely slaughter him on the immigration issue.

Interesting that Carly seems to have hit a ceiling at 3rd/4th place though- that post debate narrative had her taking the lead from Trump.
Maybe she shot herself in the foot with fetusgate.


Carson has something to say.

“Obviously, there are those who are going to be calling for gun control,” Carson said of the event, which left at least 13 people dead. “Obviously, that’s not the issue. The issue is the mentality of these people.” He said instead of focusing on guns, we should be looking for “early warning clues” to prevent incidents such as this one.

Listen to audio below, via The Hugh Hewitt Show:

“What I worry about is when we get to the point were we say we need to have every gun registered,” Carson said. He continued, “we have to know where the people are and where their guns are, that’s very dangerous. And that I wouldn’t agree with at all.”
You guys are underestimating Rubio. If people settle on a candidate at this point it will be Rubio.

I think Rubio has a good shot at eventually being the candidate- but we haven't yet see him take any heat or negative attacks in the race. I think his recent numbers are higher than they should be- and if anyone attacks him next debate they're going to come down to earth a little.

As a politician, he's not very impressive. No real record to run on, and his immigration position is a giant weak spot with the republican base. He has charisma and gave a good debate performance in the second though, so there's that. The first wasn't good for him at all though- so we'll see which Rubio shows up in a few weeks.

Maybe she shot herself in the foot with fetusgate.

I said as much a few pages back- the "carly is a liar" narrative is definitely hurting her, but this is faster than I would have thought if the yougov poll is accurate (I'm not 100% on this). I think she's probably 3rd/4th and not as low as yougov has her down with Cruz. Either way though she's polling WAY below where someone who was widely considered to have "won" the last debate should be.
Wouldn't Rubio offer more to the electoral table? At least he has a higher chance of picking up Florida, and a higher turnout of Hispanic voters.

Rubio actually doesn't do well with Latino voters- at least not better than the rest of the GOP. There is a very big gap between the interests of Cubans and the rest of US hispanics.

Latino Decisions, founded by professors Gary M. Segura and Matt A. Barreto, said Mr. Rubio carries a negative rating among Hispanics into a presidential campaign, and said he also will suffer because of his opposition to Obamacare and to President Obama’s executive actions granting a deportation amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

“We find no evidence that Rubio’s candidacy will draw significant Latino support for his candidacy or for his party more generally,” the pollsters wrote Friday.


If Jeb does become the nominee it will be quite a feat. Expect to hear lot of "comeback kid" in news.

that would be something, but I can't conceive of how this actually happens. The guy sticks his foot in his mouth constantly, has awful stage presence at rallies and just gets dominated on the debate stage. The only positive he has at all is his last name. If he was "jeb smith" he'd be polling in the basement with Jindal.
The thing i don't get about Rubio's appeal is why one would make him the frontrunner, given that you can get all of his (dubious) positives by simply running with him as a VP. Wouldn't even be seen as a defeat for him, given how young he is.

Whereas that isn't an option for Jebbo.

If jeb sticks around and his donors don't bail out, wouldn't be surprised to see a Jeb/Rub ticket.
Bush has way too much PAC money to drop out now. Someone posted a WaPo article last week about donors basically giving him one more chance to impress them before they move on (to Rubio).


No Scrubs
Biden and Clinton compete for similar voters, Sanders wont lose much from Biden running, since he has his base assured due to antagonism. He would need less gains/converts to become number one in polls with Biden in. Being mediatized as "first on polls" can have a major positive impact in his campaign.

You're looking at polls of all respondents, not of only registered dems. You need to be looking at only registered dems, independents won't help him as most primaries are closed, if you did you'd see there's more than enough room for Biden to jump in and marginalize Bernie. Bernie's down by like 30 points among registered dems, even counting current Biden votes. He's not going to squeak through with a gap like that, there's more than enough room for Hillary and Biden to duke it out without needing to worry about Bernie.

Plus Biden jumping in would steal all his hype. He'd be sent to third place almost instantly. Part of the reason he's doing well is there's no other candidate for people to get hyped up over, Hillary's too pragmatic for that so Bernie's filling that role at the moment.
The only positive he has at all is his last name. If he was "jeb smith" he'd be polling in the basement with Jindal.
Ted cruz is trying to escape the basement, poll-wise, but jindal is pulling him back down and Santorum stands in the corner smiling, his face wreathed in shadow, his sticky fingers clutching a bottle of maple syrup


Under pressure, Jeb Bush is hitting harder than ever against Sen. Marco Rubio, as Bush’s onetime protégé surpasses him in the polls.

On the trail in New Hampshire Wednesday, Bush compared Rubio’s campaign message to that of President Obama and warned of a similar result if Rubio was elected. Pressed on his comments today in an interview with MSNBC, Bush went further.

Bush said Rubio lacked the “leadership skills” and said that Rubio would not be able to “fix things” in Washington.

It comes at a difficult moment for Bush as Russian strongman Vladimir Putin has, ahem, “reset” the 2016 presidential race.

spoke too soon. Taken from faux news.

What most concerns Bush’s donors is that if things don’t turn around soon, the financial advantage will erode. Hence, the necessity of diminishing Rubio before more support — billionaires Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer, for example, remain on the sidelines — coalesces around him.
“If Marco Rubio has equal money or even close to Jeb, Jeb will lose,” the Bush bundler said. “The way they hurt Marco is by keeping his money away.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/10/jeb-bush-marco-rubio-game-on-214326#ixzz3nNO9154i


If Trump hadn't shat on Rubio so much, he would have made an excellent VP for the Donald. Trump/Rubio would be very dangerous for Hillary/Huma


If Trump hadn't shat on Rubio so much, he would have made an excellent VP for the Donald. Trump/Rubio would be very dangerous for Hillary/Huma

Who hasn't Trump unloaded on so far in the field? Ted Cruz?

Would he even pick someone in the field as a VP?
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