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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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She's a stunningly caniving, sharp-toothed fighter who's maybe not progressive, but I love her tenacity and honesty.

Yeah. Shes at least playing for the right team. I'd hate to deal with her as a Republican.

Both true statements. Like I said, I'm glad we have the seat. I'm glad she's on our side, but she's still not my favorite Senator. I'm not entirely sure why I feel that way, though. I was rolling in the streets when she beat Akin, though.


Besides an America that's respected in the World again? An America that puts Americans first? An America that returns to its roots of Made in the USA besides Made in China? An America that negotiates from a position of strength instead of leading from behind?
See? There's still open conservatives on GAF.

During a congressional trip to Estonia in 2004, the New York Times reported that Hillary Clinton initiated a vodka-drinking contest with Graham, Arizona Senator John McCain, and Maine Senator Susan Collins. “She can really hold her liquor,” McCain later told Green. When asked to comment, Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines told the Times: “What happens in Estonia stays in Estonia.”


Comey needs to step down or Obama needs to force him to resign (I assume that's possible). I don't think the agency can be trusted to investigate the SC Spring Valley school incident given his views on the video taping of law enforcement misconduct.


No.. that has to be a drinking reference. She's a prolific drinker. She could probably challenge Putin in a high-stakes drinking match and end-up the victor.




User 406

Well damn, if Hillary is that much of a boozehound, I'm kind of sorry Boehner is leaving. Could have been some real bipartisanship in the making. Although maybe she could get some black ops guys to spike Ryan's juice box.


Was it like this during the Obama vs. Clinton days? The animosity seems sharper this time around.

I want to trust you, Hillarita.

No, PoliGAF in 2008 was well over 90% Obama-stans. But it was VERY bitter. Who are all Hillary-stans this time. Progress! PD and I kept predicting Hillary was going to make it a close race even after Iowa and we got eaten alive for it though. We turned out right there.

PD predicted Hillay was going to win NH after the "likable enough" moment. He was mocked endlessly.

User 406

Was it like this during the Obama vs. Clinton days? The animosity seems sharper this time around.

It was worse. It was the time of hillaryis44.org and the PUMAs.

And even that was just a lot of over amplified noise from a small contingent of jerkwads that didn't amount to anything in the final contest. It's no different now.
No, PoliGAF in 2008 was well over 90% Obama-stans. Who are all Hillary-stans this time. Progress! PD and I kept predicting Hillary was going to make it a close race even after Iowa and we got eaten alive for it though. We turned out right there.

I remember PD predicting Hillay was going to win NH after the "likable enough" moment. He was mocked endlessly.

lol I was a hardcore Clinton supporter back then (mostly because I was less politically aware) I guess I am just easily enamoured by lost causes.

This is child's play compared to '08.


Registering bernieis45.com as we speak.


Don't the Hillaryis44 people hate Hillary now for some reason?

lol I was a hardcore Clinton supporter back then. I guess I am just easily enamoured by lost causes.

Now this makes NO sense. Hillary is running a 100x better campaign and is more to the left than she was in 2008, yet now you aren't a fan?

User 406

Don't the Hillaryis44 people hate Hillary now for some reason?

Well yeah, she ended up endorsing Obama after she dropped out of the race, coz she's a good Democrat. And so the Democratic party lost at least a few dozen IP addresses for a generation. Or at least until IPv6 is fully rolled out.


Was it like this during the Obama vs. Clinton days? The animosity seems sharper this time around.

It's nowhere near as bad. Hillary supporters in 2008 were Palin-level crazy, and Clinton's campaign stoked the same fires Republicans have been running with ever since (Obama's pastor supports Hamas, Hillary doesn't know if Obama's a Muslim, Obama's bffs with a terrorist, etc.), and her supporters started the birther thing.

Thankfully it all culminated in one of the best race related speeches of our time:

Ran across this story of a "pro-life" group that forgot to try to hide their main point:

The Students for Life Right to Life group at the University of Utah is outraged over an explicit Sex Week (February 9-15) which is sponsored by the Center for Student Wellness at the University, Students for Choice and Planned Parenthood (of course). The Right to Life group, led by Lauren Keeling and Sullivan Hughes, are asking that the Sex Week agenda be defunded and relocated off campus. They are also petitioning to defund and relocate an April event called Sexapalooza, a carnival-themed day that will take place on campus with vulgar events like a lube tasting booth and a dildo ring toss.

Particularly offensive at Sex Week in Salt Lake City, Utah, is a giveaway for free birth control for a year to some “lucky” winner. Among various birth control items, this could include 365 condoms, an IUD, a vasectomy, or a diaphragm.

We all know you just hate sex, but this is just terrible political strategy here. Almost Kevin McCarthy tier.
Don't the Hillaryis44 people hate Hillary now for some reason?

Now this makes NO sense. Hillary is running a 100x better campaign and is more to the left than she was in 2008, yet now you aren't a fan?

I just like Bernie better. I dont dislike Clinton (not a lot, at least lol), she will be a great president. I just wish she was less hawkish and more consistent with her critique against neoliberalism. Also she was kind of dirty during 08 so theres that too.
House Republicans move to impeach IRS head
Washington (CNN) A group of House Republicans moved Tuesday to impeach the head of the IRS, the tax agency struggling to recover from scandal.

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee introduced a resolution calling for the ouster of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, who became head of the agency after an official there acknowledged targeting conservative nonprofit groups during the last presidential campaign.

The Justice Department recently closed its investigation of the matter, with no charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner or anyone else at the agency.

Republicans have said Koskinen has not complied with their investigation.

"Commissioner Koskinen violated the public trust. He failed to comply with a congressionally issued subpoena, documents were destroyed on his watch, and the public was consistently misled," House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz said in a statement. "Impeachment is the appropriate tool to restore public confidence in the IRS and to protect the institutional interests of Congress."

Chaffetz and his 18 fellow Republicans said Koskinen had destroyed backup emails from Lerner, gave the committee false testimony and then did not notify immediately investigators that Lerner's emails were not available.

"Unfortunately this was earned. The IRS commissioner provided false testimony and he destroyed documents that were under subpoena," Chaffetz said on Capitol Hill Tuesday. "If you did that to the IRS, what would they do to you? It's unfortunate to have to get to this point. But its appropriate and necessary."

Chaffetz, a Utah Republican who recently considered launching his own bid for speaker, did not say whether the presumptive next speaker, Paul Ryan, supported the impeachment push.

Koskinen testified earlier Tuesday in front of the Senate Committee on Finance, where he said the IRS would do better at preserving records like emails.

The IRS said Tuesday it did not have an immediate comment on the resolution. But Rep. Elijah Cummings, the committee's top Democrat, bashed the impeachment attempt.

"This ridiculous resolution will demonstrate nothing but the Republican obsession with diving into investigative rabbit holes that waste tens of millions of taxpayer dollars while having absolutely no positive impact on a single American," he said in a statement. "Calling this resolution a 'stunt' or a 'joke' would be insulting to stunts and jokes."
Nancy Pelosi on Bernie Sanders (today?):
He's fabulous and he's a very important tonic for the country and the Democratic party, because he has ideas... And he has done a terrific, terrific job of bringing people out... He might win the nomination, I don't know that...

Yes, she started by saying "it would be fabulous to have a women President", but then immediately qualified it "You can't ask someone to vote for someone because of their gender, but I think this is a very qualified person, that happens to be a women".

Along with Bernie, she said she voted against DOMA and hasn't yet endorsed anyone in the race.

It would be nice to have at least Nancy's and Elizabeth's endorsements, although, given that Bernie's is very much a grassroots campaign, I'm not sure that endorsements (from establishment Dems) are particularly important (please feel free to enlighten me, if there are political ramifications).


Daniel B·;183214121 said:
Nancy Pelosi on Bernie Sanders (today?):

Yes, she started by saying "it would be fabulous to have a women President", but then immediately qualified it "You can't ask someone to vote for someone because of their gender, but I think this is a very qualified person, that happens to be a women".

Along with Bernie, she said she voted against DOMA and hasn't yet endorsed anyone in the race.

It would be nice to have at least Nancy's and Elizabeth's endorsements, although, given that Bernie's is very much a grassroots campaign, I'm not sure that endorsements (from establishment Dems) are particularly important (please feel free to enlighten me, if there are political ramifications).

You do realize she isn't gonna come out and say "he'll get destroyed!". That isn't how you play politics.


Please give me a detailed list which makes Rubio the GOP Obama cause I'm lost.

Off the top of my head...

-Charismatic and well-spoken; not at Obama levels, but compared to what he's up against (including Hillary), absolutely.
-Attractive and has a beautiful family.
-Nothing much to brag about in terms of legislative accomplishments at this point in his career, but has strong principals that speak to how he would work to craft policy etc. if he wins the Presidency.
-Used to be a lawyer.
-Short Senate tenure; elected to the Senate largely in part because the opposing party fucked up really bad and didn't catch an electrifying politician flying under the radar from winning a Senate seat. THANKS CRIST AND MEEK FOR NOTHING
Marco Rubio is charismatic?

Warren and Harry Reid are probably the biggest remaining names from the Senate that haven't endorsed Clinton.

From the comments on Cohn's Upshot piece, you'd think he had defended the Monmouth methodology.

Also, the idea that the House Minority Leader would endorse Sanders is basically cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

On the importance of endorsements; these current and former party leaders essentially have a direct vote in the nominating process as superdelegates alongside their signalling to undecided constituents. But they're probably not going to sway any voter already committed to a candidate.
You do realize she isn't gonna come out and say "he'll get destroyed!". That isn't how you play politics.

Wat? That video was practically a love letter ("Fabulous", "Terrific" etc). Also, she was positive on Hillary, but, she was considerably more enthusiastic talking about Bernie.
Can't believe the debate is here. I'm more excited than a Sony E3 press conference.

Expecting Trump to finally perform his Shang Tsung fatality on Jeb and steal his soul.
Great news everyone
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal will participate in CNBC debate
Despite his misgivings, and despite losing his case for prime-time billing, Gov. Bobby Jindal will participate at 5 p.m. Wednesday in the third nationally televised debate among Republican candidates for president, his campaign confirmed this week.
Relegated for the third time to the so-called undercard — the “happy hour” debate among also-rans that precedes the main event among better-polling candidates — Jindal has argued that the criteria used to sort the field are misguided. Instead of using national poll results, the cable networks televising the event should look instead to the candidates’ standing in the states that decide early in the nomination process, he has said.
His supporters were cheered by a mid-September poll that put him in a three-way tie for fifth in Iowa at 6 percent. But in five subsequent polls there, he has averaged 2.8 percent.

awww yeah boi we in this

Even if so, Bernie's also having some good press coverage with the Jake Tapper, CNN and Charlie Rose interviews, not to mention his warm reception on The View.

I'm not exactly sure what expression Jake Tapper was going for there (worried or bad burrito, perhaps ;) ), but Bernie was in good spirits.

EDIT: I see that article was back in April. Perhaps she's #feelingthebern ;).
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