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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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I wouldn't mind seeing some "true conservatives" blast the candidates from the "right."

Hugh Hewitt was a waste of time.

Kick out Hannity though, too much of a ballwasher.

Limbaugh, Michael Savage (ne Weiner) and Coulter plz.
Jesus. "Rubio, you ice cream man, why are you destroying america from within? *Starts foaming at the mouth and screaming* WHAT ABOUT BORDERS LANGUAGE AND CULTURE DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND, I COINED THE TERM COMPASSIONATE CONSERVATIVE"


Rubio isn't Jeb bad, but he's still bad. Worse than Romney, even.

No way. I'm not Diablosing, but I definitely think a lot of Dems are underestimating Rubio. Yes, the demographics are heavily in the Dems favor. Yes, Rubio will be defending shitty GOP positions. Yes, Hispanics still support Hillary by a fairly wide margin.

All that said, Rubio is young and pretty damn crafty with his answers. Watching his CNN interview over the weekend, this debate, and any other performance, he is pretty damn adept at weaseling out of a tough question and flashing a smile to deflect the questioner. Never underestimate how shallow the American public can be.


Romney has the charisma of a wet fart. Rubio is not that bad.

You're underselling Romney here. Matter of fact, it's a robbery. Rubio and Romney are worlds apart, one is a kid, the other actually looked presidential. Rubio total and complete exposure will come in due time. Can't deal with his Congress voting record and attendance - deflect deflect on liberal media - yeah that's going to work out in the general NOT..... flip flopped on his own emigration bill etc etc (no wonder he can't rile up the base unlike Trump, Carson etc).... he gets by with soft scrutiny but it's just that soft scrutiny. He has that young personality appeal with sharp eloquence but he's not as sharp. The rape/abortion stance will be golden in the general too....I assume he will flip and flop on that one. The current GOP field makes him look like an all-star.
That narrative that the Democratic debate was nothing but softballs is hilarious. The first question was about Hillary flip flopping and if she will say anything to get elected.


That narrative that the Democratic debate was nothing but softballs is hilarious. The first question was about Hillary flip flopping and if she will say anything to get elected.

Not to mention Cooper destroyed Chafee's candidacy on the spot with his questions about the bank bill he voted for.

East Lake

Um, pretty much any clip that doesn't involve him grabbing his water bottle is better than Romney talking about something.
Rubio is boring wimp. There was nothing in there that didn't sound like he hadn't rehearsed it a dozen times. Romney has that wheeling and dealing wall street confidence to him like cocaine fueled Mcconaughey does in Wolf of Wall Street.
Rubio is boring wimp. There was nothing in there that didn't sound like he hadn't rehearsed it a dozen times. Romney has that wheeling and dealing wall street confidence to him like cocaine fueled Mcconaughey does in Wolf of Wall Street.
Best description of Romney I've heard ever :lol
In all cases, Rubio would be the last preference for Hillary to face in 2016. I also think people are always underestimating him and that gives him a big strength over others.

I expect Rubio to now consolidate and move in front of the rest of the pack over next month.


In all cases, Rubio would be the last preference for Hillary to face in 2016. I also think people are always underestimating him and that gives him a big strength over others.

I expect Rubio to now consolidate and move in front of the rest of the pack over next month.

I am on the opposite side of that view. He's a paper tiger. Always has been, always will be. It will take more than a month to send Jeb to 1%, to send Fiorina to 1%, Cruz is not going to drop from his current position and neither will Trump or Carson by big percentage points. So where does Rubio get the bump from? Jeb only? That's not quite enough. Dude just literally "won" by smacking down Jeb (Trump has done this plenty of times...) and deflecting on a poor record. When it comes to establishment candidates sure he "won" the supposed establishment fight (a no-substance back and forth) but he didn't do anything for the crazy base.
In all cases, Rubio would be the last preference for Hillary to face in 2016. I also think people are always underestimating him and that gives him a big strength over others.
Meh. I don't know. I think people are overestimating him as some sort of GOP Obama, when he's not really shown any of the soaring rhetorical flourish and ability to engender followership that he did.

He was outstaged by Clint Eastwood talking to a chair and the only thing anybody remembers about his other major speech is that he dehydrates easily.
He gets flustered when pressed by journalists seemingly.

He can smack down Jeb! because Jeb! is! useless!

But he'd probably look like a child against Clinton's experience and grasp of policy.


Meh. I don't know. I think people are overestimating him as some sort of GOP Obama, when he's not really shown any of the soaring rhetorical flourish and ability to engender followership that he did.

He can smack down Jeb! because Jeb! is! useless!

But he'd probably look like a child against Clinton.
Yeah, do you guys remember Biden vs. Ryan? It will be like that except Rubio will get more flustered.
I am on the opposite side of that view. He's a paper tiger. Always has been, always will be. It will take more than a month to send Jeb to 1%, to send Fiorina to 1% in order to allow Rubio to get above Carson and Trump.

Which is why he always outperforms expectations, people look at him and go really?

He has the uncanny ability to weave right wing policies into sounding saner, his fly below the radar persona all help him.

Clinton would still start out strongest, but if anybody in this field can give her a good fight its Rubio.
Yeah, do you guys remember Biden vs. Ryan? It will be like that except Rubio will get more flustered.
Going into that debate i thought ryan was going to dig biden and consequently obama's dreams of a second term a shallow grave. He was the policy wonk, the whiz kid! And he looked american as fuck, like politician material.

Anyway, since nobody I root for is bound to win all I want is ted cruz and rubio to flame out and dive off a cliff in spectacular wile e coyote fashion


Which is why he always outperforms expectations, people look at him and go really?

He has the uncanny ability to weave right wing policies into sounding saner, his fly below the radar persona all help him.

Clinton would still start out strongest, but if anybody in this field can give her a good fight its Rubio.

Expectations? Those seem to be pretty low. Dude is stuck at what? 10%? You would think after all his "great performances" he would be leading the pack. The bar is too damn low if all you have to do is sift through soft scrutiny and benefit from being a fresh face.


Rubio's not making it to Hillary, though. This dude's past defense of undocumented immigrants makes him unelectable in this primary.


Professional Schmuck

This shit is nonsense. Dude's trying to argue that the GOP isn't necessarily in disarray and can't even look up at the scoreboard. Benjamin Fuckin Carson IS LEADING THE PRESIDENTIAL POLLING. And behind him, Trump. The GOP is broken and this isn't even remotely up for debate. 538 is shockingly bad.

As for polling and actual data, Rubio looks like he'll be the one to come out of this mess. Primary voters just going through their "maybe I like Newt Gingrich?" phase.
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