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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Without Florida there is no path. None. It gets into the "flipping the entire rust belt" fantasies.

Wow, you're right. That's almost impossible for Trump. VA is gone. Wisconsin looks too far apart. I'm looking at that map and I can't see one realistic scenario he wins without Florida.

Hope Hillary's ground game is on point and the Latino community comes out to vote in full force.


Wow, you're right. That's almost impossible for Trump. VA is gone. Wisconsin looks too far apart. I'm looking at that map and I can't see one realistic scenario he wins without Florida.

Hope Hillary's ground game is on point and the Latino community comes out to vote in full force.

She has 34 field offices in Florida to Trump's one. She's also bought a ton of ad time in that state (waaaaay more than Trump). All of the tracking sites and pundits have Florida leaning Clinton anyway but when you break everything down Florida looks like a long-shot for Trump.
Meanwhile, in crazyland...

Trump Adviser Michele Bachmann Warns That ‘This Is The Last Election’

Former congresswoman and regular predictor of the impending apocalypse Michele Bachmann said in a Friday interview that the 2016 presidential race would be the country’s “last election.”

“I don't want to be melodramatic but I do want to be truthful,” the evangelical Christian said in an interview on the Christian Broadcasting Network’s “Brody File.” “I believe without a shadow of a doubt this is the last election. This is it. This is the last election.”
“It's a math problem of demographics and a changing United States,” she said. “If you look at the numbers of people who vote and who lives in the country and who Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton want to bring in to the country, this is the last election when we even have a chance to vote for somebody who will stand up for godly moral principles. This is it.”

Yes, when I think of godly moral principles, I think of Donald Trump.
West Virginia started so late on the "wait, we're registered as Democrats, but we hate the Democratic Party now" thing that the Confederacy started on in 1964 that their local Dems are still winning elections.

The South actively rejecting most Democrat policies while continuing to vote for Democrats decades afterward is kind of fascinating.

WV dems are decent dems besides the whole culture stuff and EPA


Just adding Florida to Clinton on 270towin's 2016 Competitive map gives her 268 electoral votes. This does not even include New Hampshire, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Goddamn, these people are nuts.

Bachmann is legitimately, dangerously crazy. The fact that she was ever in a national government position at all is really hard to wrap my head around.
WV dems are decent dems besides the whole culture stuff and EPA

I mean....eh? Like, my mother's entire family is from West Virginia. I'm not hating on "country bumpkins" or people who live down in the hollers. There are differences, and they are quite stark. There's the gay issue, the environmental issues, racial issues, etc. While a lot of these are covered by culture stuff, they are still out of step with us as a national party. The area we have in common, though, is the idea of protecting the working class. I'm not saying they're bad people, but "Democrat" in West Virginia doesn't mean the same as in Florida, New York, Ohio or Nevada.
Then if I am her campaign manager, I say you need to start attacking him directly. Again, it might be that is what all of the September/October ad buys are for.

I wonder if the Clinton camp is having the thought that I've had about Trump. I think Trump has gotten us conditioned to his garbage so that each new scandal just washes off. If I thought this was true (confidently), then I would hold back until late September (for early voting), run my attacks through October, and then hopefully win in early November before that wears off.

If the DNC had happened a week before the election, then this would be 400 EV territory. But those punches heal, and I wonder if the Clinton camp doesn't want to waste time in August where it largely doesn't affect Trump.

The "taco trucks" comment thing was pretty bad, but that's not the worst thing that Trumpeter said yesterday. He said that Mexican "culture" is very "dominant". Joy should have focused on that part a lot more, imo.

This taco truck thing is further evidence on the pile that Trump's movement isn't actually concerned about crime at all. There is literally no possible way to read this comment other than, "If immigration isn't curbed, you might have brown people named Sanchez in your neighborhoods!"

West Virginia started so late on the "wait, we're registered as Democrats, but we hate the Democratic Party now" thing that the Confederacy started on in 1964 that their local Dems are still winning elections.

The South actively rejecting most Democrat policies while continuing to vote for Democrats decades afterward is kind of fascinating.

Mississippi's state House of Reps only flipped to the Republicans in 2011, which was the first time that happened since Reconstruction.

Michelle Bachmann said:
“It's a math problem of demographics and a changing United States,” she said. “If you look at the numbers of people who vote and who lives in the country and who Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton want to bring in to the country, this is the last election when we even have a chance to vote for somebody who will stand up for godly moral principles. This is it.”

This can also be read in one way. She's straight up saying that after this year, you can't win elections without white evangelicals. Like, actually saying it directly and everything.


contribute something
I think you once made the point in this thread that the difference between liberals and the left, is that liberals would be content with an elite still existing if said elite was representative of the diversity of the country, while the left, you included, will not abide any elite.

I agree that that is probably the distinction, though I feel you may be missing the point. If the elite are a microcosm of their larger society, doesn't that mean, by definition, that everyone has an equal chance of elevating themselves to that elite, and everyone in that elite has an equal chance of falling from that position? Isn't that fair? Why is it necessary to rid society of an elite entirely, rather than create equality of opportunity?

But why should there be an elite? Why do some people deserve to have so much more power than others, and have the ability to pass this onto their children who did not earn it?

Even if we somehow make sure that every poor child has the possibility of getting rich, the elite will invariably work to stop other people from reaching their status. Just look at how hard Republicans work to abolish social welfare programs.
I mean....eh? Like, my mother's entire family is from West Virginia. I'm not hating on "country bumpkins" or people who live down in the hollers. There are differences, and they are quite stark. There's the gay issue, the environmental issues, racial issues, etc. While a lot of these are covered by culture stuff, they are still out of step with us as a national party. The area we have in common, though, is the idea of protecting the working class. I'm not saying they're bad people, but "Democrat" in West Virginia doesn't mean the same as in Florida, New York, Ohio or Nevada.

That's kinda what I'm saying

They like unions

dems in alabama and miss didn't even have this.


If the only thing that had been released was the report, not Comey's press conference/testimony, people would have a vastly different opinion of Hillary's actions.
There is an actual taco truck on my corner. It's pretty good. Nice carne asada.

I live in a pretty multi-cultural area, and I think it's fantastic. You get to meet different people and try new food, and it's pretty neat seeing people's different dress or place of worship. Maybe my status as a minority makes me less scared of being swamped by another culture - I already am, after all - but it's so weird to me that people are actually scared of other cultures. It's totally illogical in every way.

I've also been raised in cities, specifically, and so the idea that maybe for many people, they just haven't met many others like themselves, is totally foreign to me. Like, I know that this is actually true for millions of people, but I just can't comprehend it.

I guess that being the one black kid in class for many of your formative years and your first four friends in kindergarted were Puerto Rican, Cambodian, white, and half-white, half Vietnamese might be one of the most important things to happen for my own social development. Which means only one thing - we need to actually do more forced bussing at schools where the population of students is a monolith.

(I'm not serious about that last sentence.)
That's kinda what I'm saying

They like unions

dems in alabama and miss didn't even have this.

I actually would like to see some research on the union thing, because, speaking from limited experience, I'm not sure that's true anymore. My great grandmother was the oldest of 16. We had a family reunion in Huntington a few years ago. Most of the males on that side of the family had worked union jobs their whole lives. I can say, with 100% certainty, that not a single one of them would vote for a Democrat. Obviously, the plural of anecdote is not data, but there was union slurring going on something hard core. This was especially true among the younger, non-college educated guys.

We see this in Ohio too where people, specifically blue collar workers, happily turn against the unions because they now protect brown people. A few cities away from me, a GM plant closed down a few years ago. The locals were tearing the unions a new asshole over it. I personally know people who were getting a union pension who were adamant that if we had gotten rid of the unions, GM would have stayed.

If the GOP was smart, they could easily fight the unions away from Democratic hands. I don't think they're smart enough to do it, but there is an opening here, particularly in the rust belt.
I actually would like to see some research on the union thing, because, speaking from limited experience, I'm not sure that's true anymore. My great grandmother was the oldest of 16. We had a family reunion in Huntington a few years ago. Most of the males on that side of the family had worked union jobs their whole lives. I can say, with 100% certainty, that not a single one of them would vote for a Democrat. Obviously, the plural of anecdote is not data, but there was union slurring going on something hard core. This was especially true among the younger, non-college educated guys.

We see this in Ohio too where people, specifically blue collar workers, happily turn against the unions because they now protect brown people. A few cities away from me, a GM plant closed down a few years ago. The locals were tearing the unions a new asshole over it. I personally know people who were getting a union pension who were adamant that if we had gotten rid of the unions, GM would have stayed.

If the GOP was smart, they could easily fight the unions away from Democratic hands. I don't think they're smart enough to do it, but there is an opening here, particularly in the rust belt.

They can get white blue collar workers but they aren't getting the unions beyond a few locals, not while attempting to pass right to work


People should stop caring about the email she sendt and care more about that she used friggin APPLE servers for email. That's plain grotesque.
They can get white blue collar workers but they aren't getting the unions beyond a few locals, not while attempting to pass right to work

That's another interesting one, at least in Ohio. Like I said, they're not getting the union bosses, but they're often getting rank and file. (Which has probably been true for a while). If Trump wasn't a fucking racist POS and actually believed the shit about protecting American workers, I think he could have made a case for winning union support. In Ohio, unions have been throwing money at Republicans as well. Portman, for example, has a decent relationship with the unions, insomuch that Strickland has been hamstrung in trusting them for GOTV and other things.

Personally, I think the years of unions being Democratic supporters as a blanket statement is over. You're still going to have the vast majority supporting Democrats, especially in service, healthcare and education, but your manufacturing/automotive/etc are going to continue to break more for the Republican side of the aisle. Especially if they kept this rhetoric on trade up, which I don't think they will. Of course, that's probably because these are, by and large, non-college educated, white men.'

ALSO, unrelated

Joy Reid is at the Star Trek convention dressed up like Uhura. <3


Has there been some sort of redemption for Chris Wallace that I missed? Otherwise, I'm not sure why people are celebrating the news of him moderating the third debate.

I'm not Plinkoing about the pick or anything, I just don't get the praise for someone who is at best only marginally above the Fox News average.


Was anybody just listening to Rush Limbaugh and the caller who said she talked to some immigrants from "Urania" who supported Trump, and then the substitute said that whenever he goes abroad, everyone he talks to supports Trump?

Because that's probably true.
Has there been some sort of redemption for Chris Wallace that I missed? Otherwise, I'm not sure why people are celebrating the news of him moderating the third debate.

I'm not Plinkoing about the pick or anything, I just don't get the praise for someone who is at best only marginally above the Fox News average.

Trump has no excuse to skip the 3rd debate. That's why he was picked.


Looking at that Latino poll. Trump is so fucked. Like, so incredibly 100% fucked.

In 2012, Romney won the Cuban vote 52/48. This poll has Hillary winning Cuban voters 52/40. Like, that's not good. (And, yes, I know exit polls vs pre election polling).

Also, people that voted GOP before this election prefer Hillary 53/37.

Like, if these numbers are accurate, Florida is essentially a lost cause, unless they pay to move a few hundred thousand white people from Alabama into Pensacola.

You can also just look to the elections this past week for more bad signs for Trump in Florida. Liberal justices on the whole won out, and liberal reforms did as well. "Traditional Democrats" beat out the more edge ones as well.
Wallace isn't even that bad to be honest.Then again when your news network has Sean Hannity it's not like the bar is very high to begin with.


the news media is the worst

More proof that health education is important. Memory loss following a concussion is normal and if everything goes right there are no long term effects.

Seizures are not funny and you cannot converse and make jokes afterwards.
I was on vacation the last two weeks so I wasn't paying attention to things that well, but considering Trump and his back-and-forth on immigration and now this Mexico trip, why did he rise almost 3% in the Huffington Post head-to-head aggregate especially since Clinton hasn't fallen that much?
I was on vacation the last two weeks so I wasn't paying attention to things that well, but considering Trump and his back-and-forth on immigration and now this Mexico trip, why did he rise almost 3% in the Huffington Post head-to-head aggregate especially since Clinton hasn't fallen that much?

We're supposed to have an answer to this question?
Personally, I think the years of unions being Democratic supporters as a blanket statement is over. You're still going to have the vast majority supporting Democrats, especially in service, healthcare and education, but your manufacturing/automotive/etc are going to continue to break more for the Republican side of the aisle. Especially if they kept this rhetoric on trade up, which I don't think they will. Of course, that's probably because these are, by and large, non-college educated, white men.'

Isn't this a trend that really started with Nixon though? He was the first Republican who got blue collar white men to vote based on 'values' instead of economics. We're just fortunate that this is a demographic that is slowly shrinking over time.
Ha, I guess maybe not. Just curious if I missed something.
Probably just some undecided Republicans coming home. Clinton's number hasn't really changed that much, like you said.

Post-Labor Day is when elections really start to solidify, so Clinton essentially starting with a 6 point lead is pretty good. Clinton just has to make sure not to blow the debates.


No Scrubs
I still think it's the most hilarious 'story' that has come out of this election. Hey this woman her late 60s likes to have a cushion for back support, she obviously must be terminally ill.

I dunno the so obviously faked "Hillary has a hole in her tongue from a biopsy so she's dying of cancer" is funnier to me, if only because all it takes is 10 seconds to discover it's fake.
That's another interesting one, at least in Ohio. Like I said, they're not getting the union bosses, but they're often getting rank and file. (Which has probably been true for a while). If Trump wasn't a fucking racist POS and actually believed the shit about protecting American workers, I think he could have made a case for winning union support. In Ohio, unions have been throwing money at Republicans as well. Portman, for example, has a decent relationship with the unions, insomuch that Strickland has been hamstrung in trusting them for GOTV and other things.

Personally, I think the years of unions being Democratic supporters as a blanket statement is over. You're still going to have the vast majority supporting Democrats, especially in service, healthcare and education, but your manufacturing/automotive/etc are going to continue to break more for the Republican side of the aisle. Especially if they kept this rhetoric on trade up, which I don't think they will. Of course, that's probably because these are, by and large, non-college educated, white men.'

ALSO, unrelated

Joy Reid is at the Star Trek convention dressed up like Uhura. <3

The republican party calls for right to work.

Unions are shifting farther left, because the unions you're describing are perhaps the least consequential unions in todays world

and grizzled old white dudes aren't the majority of unionized workers.

Flashback to 2012 when The Daily Caller (the 2nd most important NeoNazi blogger site in politics currently) said that Hillary was faking having health problems:

We&#8217;re told she collapsed and hit her head and got a concussion, and that&#8217;s why she can&#8217;t testify about Benghazi this week. And we&#8217;re supposed to just take her word for it.


Latino favorability:

Obama +52 Clinton +39 Kaine +34 Pence -14 Trump -53
The Disgusting Breitbart Smear Campaign Against the Immigrant Owner of Chobani

Chobani yogurt head Hamdi Ulukaya is a wildly successful capitalist. So what did he do wrong, by alt-right standards? He hires Muslim refugees.

For his humanitarianism and thinking outside the traditional corporate box, Ulukaya now stands at the center of a vicious smear campaign. Earlier this year, in a piece originally headlined “American Yogurt Tycoon Vows to Choke U.S. With Muslims,” a writer for the far-right conspiracy-mongering website World Net Daily falsely claimed that refugees were being sent to Twin Falls specifically for the purpose of working at the Chobani plant and that Ulukaya was “call[ing] on [the] biggest American companies to join [an] Islamic surge.” (That line was later removed from the piece, as was the headline, since changed to the slightly less inflammatory “U.S. Yogurt Billionaire Asks Businesses to Hire More Foreign Refugees.”) The allegations have since migrated to the similarly paranoid precincts of Breitbart.com, the “alt-right” repository of white nationalism and xenophobia whose former executive chairman, Steve Bannon, recently merged seamlessly into the Trump campaign as its CEO. At Breitbart, the story of Chobani’s refugee employees has taken on new life as the centerpiece of a broader intrigue. For the past month, Breitbart reporter Lee Stranahan has been filing dispatch after dispatch from the Idaho town alleging a nexus of disease, rape, and jihad—all with Chobani and Ulukaya at its center.
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