Happy this Bondi story is (finally) get deserved coverage.
The kid is awesome as hell. My mom says he's just like me when I was little. And, ya, I see it. Ya, it was some kick as burgers. He also made some with bacon in them. He wants a smoker for his birthday so he can do ribs and stuff.The 5 year old sounds adorable.
Also, goddamn why couldn't you live in NY and make that shit where I can get at it.
I know how to cook!Everyone to Adam's place on election night. Regardless of the outcome, we gonna eat good.
This is true. You can pick what I cook too. And you can have one ice cream. Just one, though.Adam told me he's gonna feed me on election day as long as I vote 10 times
The kid is awesome as hell. My mom says he's just like me when I was little. And, ya, I see it. Ya, it was some kick as burgers. He also made some with bacon in them. He wants a smoker for his birthday so he can do ribs and stuff.
I know how to cook!![]()
The kid is awesome as hell. My mom says he's just like me when I was little
Hahaha, well, fine. I'll wear a pantsuit and a wig.If I come over to your house to eat on Election Night and you look anything less than Hillary I'll be disappointed.
Only because I've associated you with that avatar.
I mean, he's 5...but ya. Totall, 100%.Incredibly gay?
David Folkenflik@davidfolkenflik
NYMag confirms to NPR reports that atty Charles Harder, who won big case agst Gawker, has warned of defamation suit on behalf of Roger Ailes
I'm not really sure I can tell if someone is very gay at 5 though.
Ailes is suing Fox? Using the Hogan lawyer? Trump TV is really happening isn't it?
Ailes is suing Fox? Using the Hogan lawyer? Trump TV is really happening isn't it?
Is he sewing Swastikas?
I'm not really sure I can tell if someone is very gay at 5 though.
Suing NYmag for that story
There are thousands of Nazis that Twitter refuses to ban, what a joke service and website.
Twitter and Reddit are probably the main bases of Antisemitism in the United States right now.
The Sanders/Clinton stuff is doing my head in as much as the rest of you now. I wish people would drop the names involved and start talking about the policies/principles they represented instead. It'd lead to more constructive discussion, I think - recognizing that the differences between the candidates will continue to be important, just not the candidates themselves.
"omg Hillary doesn't have any policy positions, she's just running as anti-Trump"
Ben Garrison has some thoughts about Hillary coughing:
pourmecoffee ‏@pourmecoffee 4 minutes ago
It's time once again for "Underrated Trump Tweets."
Clinton has been doing plenty of campaigning, has rolled out a number of new policies and proposals over the past few months, etc. People just aren't paying attention because the Trump shitshow is more entertaining, but if voters simply don't pay attention then whose fault is that?I mean Sanders should have won because he was a better candidate but let's just agree to disagree and not go down that hole.
It's kind of difficult to see what the other topics are because politics seems relatively inert at the moment. It's always easier to engage in discussion when elections are actually happening and there are reasons to chose either candidate, because then you have the art of persuasion and so on. Clinton vs. Trump is not only an immensely straightforward choice, it's not even really that important a choice (from an individual perspective) because in all likelihood it will be am blowout. If we're not just talking about shitty Garrison strips or commenting on the various endless Trump gaffes that all merge into one big long gaffe by the end, there's not really much to have critical discussion about that is also contemporary.
I guess the variable element in US politics at the moment is whether the Democrats can retake the Senate and (possibly) the House or not. If they are aiming for a Senate retake, I think Clinton is taking the wrong strategy. She's far too quiet, and really not trumpeting (heh) about her policies or not. Like, I think there are much better policy manifestos out there, fine, but in terms of policy manifestos that appeal to me and can also win elections, Clinton's is better than not, and should be so to most people. As it is, I would bet good dollar that say half of millennials (or any American demographic, really) couldn't name more than one or two Clinton policies. Consequently, of course they're not enthused about her, and that's going to hit turnout, which will be the crucial element to retaking the Senate. The later she leaves it, the harder it will be - these things have a tendency to accrue momentum and she's wasting all the good vibes that were floating around from the convention.
People think Clinton is running as anti-Trump because she's acting like that. She's been coasting the last month and I don't think it works. It's all well and good having policies that work, but it doesn't win elections. Sanders had much better policies than Clintonand he didn't win his election because he didn't do a good enough job of evangelizing them. Clinton's going to fall into that trap too if she isn't careful (at least, she'll suffer a setback in her Senate ambitions).mwahahaha
Shut it down, The Donald is the best at everything. Everything.
I'm taking an OT break for awhile, Christ.
I often wonder what would happen to these people if those sites just crashed. Like, one day 4chan goes down permanently, can these guys even function without checking it?
Clinton has been doing plenty of campaigning, has rolled out a number of new policies and proposals over the past few months, etc. People just aren't paying attention because the Trump shitshow is more entertaining, but if voters simply don't pay attention then whose fault is that?
Like this election has only convinced me that the average person is a fucking moron.
Clinton has been doing plenty of campaigning, has rolled out a number of new policies and proposals over the past few months, etc. People just aren't paying attention because the Trump shitshow is more entertaining, but if voters simply don't pay attention then whose fault is that?
Phyllis Schlafly has died. I don't have anything nice to say about her.
This is a pretty poor response, IMO. Are we really pretending that Clinton has been doing lots of campaigning lately? A variety of different liberal publications have pointed out she's had a scarcity of campaign events and press conferences over the last few months: here's an NYT article referencing it: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/04/us/politics/hillary-clinton-fundraising.html and an MSNBC video: http://www.msnbc.com/weekends-with-...paign-quiet-on-press-conferences-757936195745 and that's from a random Google rather than me bothering to spend 15 minutes hunting down anything more specific.
Imagine I posted "Sanders has been doing plenty of black outreach, but if they simply don't pay attention then whose fault is that?" (note: I'm not trying to bring this back to Sanders/Clinton, I'm just shifting your argument to a different context). You wouldn't accept it at all in this context and I could probably find posts in your post history calling it out if I wanted to, so why are we excusing Clinton for her rather poor efforts to get the attention of voters?
This is a pretty poor response, IMO. Are we really pretending that Clinton has been doing lots of campaigning lately? A variety of different liberal publications have pointed out she's had a scarcity of campaign events and press conferences over the last few months: here's an NYT article referencing it: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/04/us/politics/hillary-clinton-fundraising.html and an MSNBC video: http://www.msnbc.com/weekends-with-...paign-quiet-on-press-conferences-757936195745 and that's from a random Google rather than me bothering to spend 15 minutes hunting down anything more specific.
Imagine I posted "Sanders has been doing plenty of black outreach, but if they simply don't pay attention then whose fault is that?" (note: I'm not trying to bring this back to Sanders/Clinton, I'm just shifting your argument to a different context). You wouldn't accept it at all in this context and I could probably find posts in your post history calling it out if I wanted to, so why are we excusing Clinton for her rather poor efforts to get the attention of voters?
EDIT: And remember, I'm team Clinton now. I want her to do well; I think it's really important she retakes the Senate and ideally the House. This isn't faux concern, I actually find her lethargic campaign worrying at this point.
I have to agree with Crab on this issue, I really don't know what her campaign was thinking with this. While she shouldn't of gone Trump crazy with events during this last month, she should of at least held a few rallies or something during the slow period. There is no reason why the campaign needed to basically disappear from the public eye for a damn whole month, its a beyond idiotic choice that makes me quite anxious about the campaigns potential inability to react. This is not something that is the medias fault (they hold some blame yes, but nowhere near as much as some are trying to push on them), but rather due to the Clinton Campaign and whoever is running the show and okaying such choices.
Why the hell is #TrumpCantSwim trending?
The Sanders/Clinton stuff is doing my head in as much as the rest of you now. I wish people would drop the names involved and start talking about the policies/principles they represented instead. It'd lead to more constructive discussion, I think - recognizing that the differences between the candidates will continue to be important, just not the candidates themselves.
Is Crab the Cenk Uygur of PoliGAF? ��
Lol, figures. It and #HackingHillary goes to show how much of a mess this election is.I think it originated from Trumpsters claiming that if he walked on water the MSM would say he couldn't swim. Seems like it's gone off in a different direction.
This is a pretty poor response, IMO. Are we really pretending that Clinton has been doing lots of campaigning lately? A variety of different liberal publications have pointed out she's had a scarcity of campaign events and press conferences over the last few months: here's an NYT article referencing it: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/04/us/politics/hillary-clinton-fundraising.html and an MSNBC video: http://www.msnbc.com/weekends-with-...paign-quiet-on-press-conferences-757936195745 and that's from a random Google rather than me bothering to spend 15 minutes hunting down anything more specific.
Imagine I posted "Sanders has been doing plenty of black outreach, but if they simply don't pay attention then whose fault is that?" (note: I'm not trying to bring this back to Sanders/Clinton, I'm just shifting your argument to a different context). You wouldn't accept it at all in this context and I could probably find posts in your post history calling it out if I wanted to, so why are we excusing Clinton for her rather poor efforts to get the attention of voters?
EDIT: And remember, I'm team Clinton now. I want her to do well; I think it's really important she retakes the Senate and ideally the House. This isn't faux concern, I actually find her lethargic campaign worrying at this point.
The local campaign rallies are more important. As you noted earlier, this election is about turnout, and people getting the chance to see her and meet her is way more important than having another big speech. Besides, why should she hold a bunch of national events when she doesn't have anything important to say? I'm not sure what a national event without a big policy rollout or speech would even be like.I don't think local campaign rallies are the most useful thing for her to be doing, though. If they're not headlined as significant in advance, they're usually only covered locally and even then only in passing. That makes their main benefit rallying the people who did attend, which is great and all if we were in the final month and we needed to be able target specific key demographics with an enthusiasm-booster to make sure they vote, but is... underwhelming this far out where you can't guarantee enthusiasm-boosters last all the way until election day, and where you're passing over the chance to get national coverage when doing so.
It's going specific-details at a stage in the campaign where we're big-picture still. Which is... very Clinton, and why I worry.
That article makes is sound as if Hillary has been cooped up in fundraisers since the convention without doing a single campaign event, when that's obviously false, when one quick look at her schedule shows she's been doing plenty of small events grabbing local headlines.
yeah, but this is what I'm talking about. These events don't seem to be very effective - they're too local.