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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
Wii U is Nintendo's Dreamcast. Oddly enough one of their best ever 1st party efforts.

Because of its tiny library it also has easily the best ratio of good to great games over pure garbage ever.
Well diminishing returns, I guess. Nintendo shouldn't be following lighting in the bottle successes.
That's the thing, Wii was a fluke. I don't mean that to dismiss Nintendo's business acumen or anything, it did extremely well and it was a very good product. It came out at exactly the right time and for the right price.

But Nintendo seemed to look at the success in a very superficial way, without understanding the context. Iwata was even talking up Wii Sports Club and Wii Fit U as system saviors, but fundamentally the console didn't have anything to offer over the Wii to people who just jumped on that train who were otherwise not interested in video games. They already have a Wii with those games, why plop down $300 to play those games but slightly better looking?

It's amazing how well Nintendo read the market in 2006 and then completely blew it in 2012.

And I love the Wii U's library of games. Just a really poor value if you weren't already going to compulsively buy every Mario and Zelda game.
I don't really game much more anyway.

But yes, Nintendo is great. Even when their consoles are terrible propositions. Everyone who signed off on the Wii U should have been fired or demoted.

Even just for minor stuff like the name. Iwata (RIP) correctly noted that the naming convention of the 3DS made it confusing to consumers because it wasn't enough of a distinction from the DS to make it clear it's a different product. And then they do the same thing with Wii U. They even released a new version of the Wii that looks just like the Wii U.
Like, I love the Wii U... but ya, probably. Shame some real greats like Tropical Freeze and 3D World are trapped on there. Hopefully those get ported eventually to the NX or whatever. Tropical Freeze, at least. Don't have much hope for 3D World.

And OMG, yeah, the name stuff. Like... I worked retail when the Wii U came out at a Toys R Us. And forget about the consoles and Wii v Wii U and DS v 3DS (which were both definitely things). People struggle with the naming scheme of their game series. Like, we're talking 2012, right? When the Wii U and NSMBU were out? You (not you specifically, but just a general you) wouldn't believe the amount of people who thought that NSMB DS was the latest version just because ithad the word "New" in the title (and it's the one that caught their eye first I guess). So many people thought it was like a label or advertising or something instead of just a part of the name of the series (because of all the contexts in which people normally seeing the word "new" and that being so contrary to that to see it used that way).

Obviously, that in particular doesn't seem to have really hurt the sales of the series (or maybe it partly did for NSMB2, but there were other factors going on at the same time with that like a deluge of Mario in general), but yeah, it was fascinating seeing firsthand just how much naming and branding matters and not to underestimate how much stuff like that can trip people up.
Have we noted Rodrigo Duterte is a disgusting idiot.
Good luck in the South China Sea if you can't even get a meeting with the US President because of your moronic bravado.


As an aside to what ya'll are talking about here, I am shook to the core, wondering what universe I am in when the Fox News website is actually talking about problems with the labor system regarding technology.

Granted, there are some stupid claims there - Obama has talked about this, as has his current Chief of Staff and former Economic Advisor - but the bit where they suggested to pay companies to slow down on technology had me laugh a few years off of my life. What a fucking American concept to even entertain, because we're so hoodwinked by dogma and social status quos that we really think that is an answer. A half-measure that does fuck all. Sounds very..Fox News, dare I say it?

It also ignores Hillary's willingness to expand the EITC, which while I think isn't enough at fucking all, it's more than Trump's "let's bring back jobs that won't likely make it to 2020" level of populism. All three have failed in not being fully honest to the likely climate, but they all fail by degrees. One of which fails by likely assuming it's not real, and we all know who that dude with the red hat is. ;)

And you didn't even find the quote where she doesn't think spousal rape exists.

I felt I saw and quoted enough of her. I was getting a bit miffed knowing people would feel the world lost a hero in her.


Have we noted Rodrigo Duterte is a disgusting idiot.
Good luck in the South China Sea if you can't even get a meeting with the US President because of your moronic bravado.

Good luck defending your territorial waters without Obama's help, you Duterte moron.

Can't believe (well, I do believe it, and quite understand it) people like him, Trump, Putin and Boris Johnson are surging in the world.



That's the thing, Wii was a fluke. I don't mean that to dismiss Nintendo's business acumen or anything, it did extremely well and it was a very good product. It came out at exactly the right time and for the right price.

But Nintendo seemed to look at the success in a very superficial way, without understanding the context. Iwata was even talking up Wii Sports Club and Wii Fit U as system saviors, but fundamentally the console didn't have anything to offer over the Wii to people who just jumped on that train who were otherwise not interested in video games. They already have a Wii with those games, why plop down $300 to play those games but slightly better looking?

It's amazing how well Nintendo read the market in 2006 and then completely blew it in 2012.

And I love the Wii U's library of games. Just a really poor value if you weren't already going to compulsively buy every Mario and Zelda game.
I wonder if the casual market is actually favoring high-powered consoles. I had a roommate who bought PS4 thanks to the hype, but he doesn't really seem to play it much...That's just my anecdote though.

The Wii U didn't really have a identifiable gimmick going for them. Everyone was pretty confused by their first presentation of it. It felt like Nintendo wasn't sure what to do next.

I remember reading even Nintendo was caught-off surprised by the wii's massive success, so much they understocked the consoles. It's too bad, that Splatoon or Mario Maker weren't at launch though. They still have interesting software, but it was too late.


OH MY GOD. I missed this.

If they made a Yarn Kirby I'd sell my soul to get it.




Did Hillary? Or was she coughing up a lung when they asked her to speak?

She was interviewed.

Actually had, again, a decent answer on the emails and transparency issue in those segments.

...but who knows what kind of pill regimen they had her on to get her through it.


I mean she's not wrong minus the religious angle. The nuclear bomb has been one of the best peacemakers in the history of this world.

The implicit pointing her quote makes isn't about peacekeeping, but American exceptionalism. God picked America as prosperous, hence why we took the country from those savage natives.
I wonder if the casual market is actually favoring high-powered consoles. I had a roommate who bought PS4 thanks to the hype, but he doesn't really seem to play it much...That's just my anecdote though.

The Wii U didn't really have a identifiable gimmick going for them. Everyone was pretty confused by their first presentation of it. It felt like Nintendo wasn't sure what to do next.

I remember reading even Nintendo was caught-off surprised by the wii's massive success, so much they understocked the consoles. It's too bad, that Splatoon or Mario Maker weren't at launch though. They still have interesting software, but it was too late.
I agree on Splatoon and Mario Maker. Especially when you consider how much Splatoon has sold on such a small userbase.

There's no obvious easy fix for the Wii U's follies, but I hope Nintendo does more to think outside the box for NX's launch. Zelda will be there of course, but they can't just slap on another mini game collection and another 2D Mario and call it good while waiting nine months to release anything else.

If there's a new 3D Mario and new Pokemon within six months of launch that'll be good to keep momentum going, but they'll need something original and unique too to define the console early on. Something like Splatoon without just being a Splatoon 2. (Although if they don't have a Splatoon sequel already in development for NX they're crazy)
Five bucks to whomever can guess which media outlet tweeted this out and has this an article title.

No looking at Twitter.

"A lot of questions about Hillary Clinton after a coughing incident. We'll talk more about it after these messages."

On my local news just now, too. I hate our dumb media and there's gonna be another 8 years of this nonsense.
"A lot of questions about Hillary Clinton after a coughing incident. We'll talk more about it after these messages."

On my local news just now, too. I hate our dumb media and there's gonna be another 8 years of this nonsense.

"These Messages" is my favorite program. (that's an Animorphs joke if anyone gets it I love you)

I'm drank
The failing NYT is too busy writing about Hillary letting reporters onto her plane, and how Bernie can't get the last of her bros #withher to talk about how Trump used money from his Foundation, which he doesn't put money into, to curry favour with an AG with an open case against him and then accidentally misdeclared it to the IRS.

They must not have enough reporters from the failing. Or Hillary has trapped them all on her plane.
There may also be a second major issue with FiveThirtyEight, which we will describe as one of economy. We start this part of the discussion by noting that every one of us who is writing about politics this year benefits from a horse race. "Things are the same as they were yesterday" is not a story. "Clinton extends her lead" and "Trump makes up ground on Clinton" are. Similarly, we also benefit from finding things that are new and different to talk about. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and his rallies tended to get relatively little media coverage; not because of any particular bias against him, but because they were all the same. You can only write, "10,000 young, mostly white people show up to cheer Sanders" so many times. Hillary Clinton, evenhanded and cautious as she is, also tends to give us relatively little to talk about much of the time. With Donald Trump, on the other hand, it's several new and outrageous and previously unheard of things almost every day. Hence his dominance of the headlines.

Point is, all the political sites have a certain bias towards "dog bites man." However, there is reason to believe the bias is unusually strong for Silver and his crew. Many political sites and prognosticators—NBC News, the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, Bloomberg Politics—are part of organizations for whom political coverage is part of their core mission. Others—Sabato's Crystal Ball, the Harvard Political Review—are part of (and are supported by) universities. Still others—HuffPo, Breitbart, Politico, The Hill—are already stable, self-sustaining businesses. And a few—this site, Sam Wang's Princeton Election Consortium—are side projects of academics who already have day jobs. The point is that while we all like page views and clicks, none of these sites is—as far as we know—facing an immediate existential crisis. Page views could go up or down by 50%, and most or all of the above would keep on trucking.

Nice to see one of the original people focusing squarely on 538 and Silver this election cycle.


Jonathan Martin ‏@jmartNYT 5h5 hours ago
Jonathan Martin Retweeted Sopan Deb
GOP nominee still holds out possibility he believes sitting president is lying about his birthplace >>

Sopan DebVerified account
Trump asked by @sppeoples about birtherism, Trump said he wouldn't go there because that's all reporters would write about.



Teknopathetic's posting style is exactly like Trump with the fake retweet/quote. Even has a rich, old real estate developer as his avatar.
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