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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Or you know, reasonable. A majority of the "amazing" games on the Wii U are either prettied up versions of older releases, or the same ideas for a 3rd/4th/5th/nth time. At least the Wii took chances, the Wii U is the most Generic Nintendo Console I've ever seen.
I love my Wii. But, I still think Wii U has some better iterations of Nintendo's franchises.

Mario Kart 8 is better than Mario Kart Wii.
Wonderful 101 is brilliant, and does a decent enough job of making the gamepad essential.
Super Mario 3D World is technically a better Mario game than Galaxy games. (although we can argue those are better experiences).
NSMBU is the 2D Mario perfected.
Splatoon is the best shooter in quite a while, definitely the best multiplayer game ever from Nintendo.
Super Mario Maker is a wonderful take on 2D mario.
You already mentioned Captain Toad.

Then we got Bayonetta 2, which wouldn't have existed without Wii U.
Hating on Shenmue is like hating on Mr Rogers. It's not right.

that is one of the Wude,
I agree with Adam about a video game... I don't know who I feel about this.
You should take it as a sign you're on the wrong side. Shenmue is revered for a reason.

And as for the dreamcast library blowing wiiu's away, they are mostly different genres so its comparing apples and oranges, and I don't like the use of the phrase blown away because it is way too dismissive of the wiiu's classics, of which there are a not insignificant number, and it also feels a little wrong to say a bunch of old school, much simpler to develop games, no matter how great, blow away titles a decade later with more extravagant production values and advances made in game design. Respect to both sides, both are great machines critically, if not commercially.


shenmue is not good. it's the part in the rpg where you start off in your home town just doing menial tasks before the adventure begins, except sega spent $80 million on it and turned it into a full game.

shenmue ii is fucking rad though.
Hi poligaf! I haven't been around for a while but it's good to back.

After what this place was like in 2007 it's surprising to see it going full hil, but I approve. I def went from full hater then to supporter now myself.

Are there any conservatives that venture over anymore?

Edit: dreamcast wise the system was good because it was weird. she mien was such a slow quiet game I dunno it impacted me. The second was much more traditionally good, but the first was far braver.

Jet grind radio is still one of my favorite games ever, and I replay it about every year.


The one thing I don't understand is that why she doesn't have a glass water when she's doing long speeches.

Unless...she's a robot...

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I love my Wii. But, I still think Wii U has some better iterations of Nintendo's franchises.

Mario Kart 8 is better than Mario Kart Wii.
Wonderful 101 is brilliant, and does a decent enough job of making the gamepad essential.
Super Mario 3D World is technically a better Mario game than Galaxy games. (although we can argue those are better experiences).
NSMBU is the 2D Mario perfected.
Splatoon is the best shooter in quite a while, definitely the best multiplayer game ever from Nintendo.
Super Mario Maker is a wonderful take on 2D mario.
You already mentioned Captain Toad.

Then we got Bayonetta 2, which wouldn't have existed without Wii U.

I will add to that list, which I absolutely agree with:

Nintendo Land: One of the best local multiplayer experiences this generation.
Lego City Undercover: Sounds like a third party game, isn't. Is the best family friendly/comedy GTA type game ever. Much better than the already good Simpson's GTA clones.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: The one game I've played that truly delivers on the massive scope of modern world games. Not as interesting story wise as XC, but a good improvement in every other way.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions: My sleeper hit for best game of 2016. I was shocked by how quality this game actually was.
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U: 8 player mode is a gas. Worth buying for its soundtrack alone.


Old games are historical curiosities. I've played a lot of them for that reason, but let's be real - even timeless classics like Ocarina of Time are travesties by any real standard. 240p. 20fps. Huge difficulty spikes (water temple). Unnecessary dialogue (Kaepora Gaebora). Conflicting rules for 3D navigation (Hyrule Castle vs everywhere else). Unacceptable camera (Z-targeting).

Shenmue is famous for pioneering the now oft-ridiculed game mechanic of press X to live.
I will add to that list, which I absolutely agree with:

Nintendo Land: One of the best local multiplayer experiences this generation.
Lego City Undercover: Sounds like a third party game, isn't. Is the best family friendly/comedy GTA type game ever. Much better than the already good Simpson's GTA clones.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: The one game I've played that truly delivers on the massive scope of modern world games. Not as interesting story wise as XC, but a good improvement in every other way.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions: My sleeper hit for best game of 2016. I was shocked by how quality this game actually was.
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U: 8 player mode is a gas. Worth buying for its soundtrack alone.

Lego City Undercover is amazing. And it's only $19.99 now. So you should all get on that. Such a great game.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Shenmue wasn't any good back then. It's certainly no easier 15 years later when the quality of open world experiences has improved dramatically.
The ideal of Shenmue is good. Like, what people want to remember. But, objectively, it's just not. It's the same reason Mario 64 is only good, not great.
Shenmue was not a good game.
There I said it.

Actually, I think it's an amazing game, but it's also quite niche in many ways and not for everyone. It's definitely great at what it does, though.

I like Nintendo and all, but they just don't make games I like anymore, I guess. Except for BotW, which is exactly what I want from them.

I do miss getting excited about Mario platformers and stuff, though. I still like all their old stuff and I'm a big fan of them from their NES, SNES, and N64 days, but I don't know what happened to them (or to me) that I think most of their modern stuff is competently made, but not actually fun or compelling.

I mean, I bought a Vita over a 3DS because I had a DS and it bored me out of my mind after a few months. That's about where I am with Nintendo right now.
Actually, I think it's an amazing game, but it's also quite niche in many ways and not for everyone. It's definitely great at what it does, though.

I like Nintendo and all, but they just don't make games I like anymore, I guess. Except for BotW, which is exactly what I want from them.

I do miss getting excited about Mario platformers and stuff, though. I still like all their old stuff and I'm a big fan of them from their NES, SNES, and N64 days, but I don't know what happened to them (or to me) that I think most of their modern stuff is competently made, but not actually fun or compelling.

I mean, I bought a Vita over a 3DS because I had a DS and it bored me out of my mind after a few months. That's about where I am with Nintendo right now.
Like, I'm not judging. I was mostly kidding. :)

Like, I'm cautiously optimistic about BOW. That's not my kind of game, really. There's a lot of crafting and stuff. That's going to be a hurdle for me to get across. I love platformers. That's my jam. 2D, 3D, doesn't matter. Love them. Open world things....not so much. I get overwhelmed, and I just can't focus. I've only ever beaten one GTA game and that was GTA V. But, if there's any game that sell me on open world gaming, it's going to be that, because it has just enough focus to keep me going.

I will defend until my dying breath, though, that 3D World is the greatest platformer of all time, and probably one of the best games of all time. Playing it with the boys has made me fall in love with it all over again.

Also, I'm LIVING for the IT Crowd gifs. Love that show.
Shenmue wasn't any good back then. It's certainly no easier 15 years later when the quality of open world experiences has improved dramatically.

15 years later, it's hard to find examples of games with unique core game design/concepts with the type of production value/polish Shenmue had. Even today you can feel the care that went into pretty much every detail of the game. I love how cohesive the world is. And how pretty much every NPC is at least seemingly aware of where you are throughout the course of the game.
Saying Shenmue wasn't a good game is an understatement. It's basically a menial task simulator held on a pedestal by insane Sega fanboys who were desperate for the "next big game". Fucking people should be embarrassed and castrated so they can't reproduce.
15 years later, it's hard to find examples of games with unique core game design/concepts with the type of production value/polish Shenmue had. Even today you can feel the care that went into pretty much every detail of the game. I love how cohesive the world is. And how pretty much every NPC is at least seemingly aware of where you are throughout the course of the game.
Dont even bother trying to talk sense into these heathens dawg they dont wanna listen. Mario 64 is merely good lol
Adam drunk off his ass.

Look I dont like Nintendo and thought Dreamcast was a failwhale. But if you're someone who's really passionate about games, you will stand up and salute everytime someone mentions Shenmue, Mario 64 and FF III. It's like shaking Sinatra's hands. Once you do that, you're class. You gotta have class, respect and most importantly the code of honor.
Splatoon is definitely the best multiplayer shooter of all time.

Anyway, why is Facebook trending also showing me stories about Hillary coughing.

Shut the fuck up, Facebook Trending.
Adam drunk off his ass.

Look I dont like Nintendo and thought Dreamcast was a failwhale. But if you're someone who's really passionate about games, you will stand up and salute everytime someone mentions Shenmue, Mario 64 and FF III. It's like shaking Sinatra's hands. Once you do that, you're class. You gotta have class, respect and most importantly the code of honor.
Like, I have a ton of respect for Mario 64 and Shenmue. I do. 100%. No question. But, as games, and what I consider the purpose of gaming, they're just good (Mario 64) and a bit of a mess (Shenmue). I respect what both games did/do, but I still get a bit annoyed by the praise that is heaped on them while ignoring their flaws. It's nostalgia, I think. But, at the same time, part of it is because I didn't play Mario 64 until a lot later. So that's on me.

I'm not touching Final Fantasy. Because, y'all would turn on me faster than the Right will turn on Trump after the election.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Adam drunk off his ass.

Look I dont like Nintendo and thought Dreamcast was a failwhale. But if you're someone who's really passionate about games, you will stand up and salute everytime someone mentions Shenmue, Mario 64 and FF III. It's like shaking Sinatra's hands. Once you do that, you're class. You gotta have class, respect and most importantly the code of honor.

I'm fine with the second two. And I do respect Shenmue's hustle. It's like one of those boring ass Sword and Sandal movies that cost hundreds of millions in today's money and had like 50 deaths during the production of. But then I sit down and explore the world and find myself bored off my ass.

Doesn't help that by today' standards it controls like ass, doesn't look good, and has a terrible dub, not even a funny terrible dub either. Just a bad one! A total mess!
Saying Shenmue wasn't a good game is an understatement. It's basically a menial task simulator held on a pedestal by insane Sega fanboys who were desperate for the "next big game". Fucking people should be embarrassed and castrated so they can't reproduce.

What the fuck is this shit...

Man God

Non-Canon Member
There's a lot of Shenmue posers out there who think the game is some all time classic but have never actually played it. It's kinda like the Libertarian Party of video games. Sounds good on paper but doesn't hold up under real world conditions.




Internal Democratic polling obtained by The Hill shows Rep. Patrick Murphy (D) is tied with incumbent Republican Sen. Marco Rubio in the pivotal battle for the Florida seat.

Polling conducted by Civis Analytics for Senate Majority PAC, a Democratic super PAC, shows Murphy in a statistical dead heat with Rubio. He has 45 percent support compared to Rubio’s 44 percent; 9 percent of voters are undecided.

Civis’s modeling shows undecided voters are more likely to break toward Murphy, projecting him to win with 51.6 percent of the vote.
The poll surveyed 1,436 likely voters in Florida Aug. 9-Aug. 15, more than two weeks before both candidates cruised to victory in their respective primaries last Tuesday.

Recent public polls show Rubio with a comfortable lead, however. An average of six surveys conducted in the month of August shows Rubio with a 5.7-point lead, according to Real Clear Politics.

Democrats are touting the internal data because it shows Murphy performing strongly with more conservative voters as well as with white and older voters.

Senate Democratic leaders recruited him because of his centrist appeal and weighed in heavily on his behalf during the primary.

Coming out of the nasty primary contest with Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), who challenged him from the left, Murphy is running behind Democratic benchmarks among non-white and Millennial voters.

Democratic strategists think Murphy can make up ground with the party base over the next two months.

“Murphy has room to grow among several Democratic leaning groups that should be responsive to communications. He is well positioned to win this seat in the fall,” Civis Analytics wrote in a memo to Senate Majority PAC.

Democrats think Rubio is close to his ceiling.

The survey shows the freshman Republican senator underperforming with traditional parts of the GOP coalition.

His favorability among Republican voters has dropped 5 points over the past month, the Civis poll found. His favorability has declined 9 points since he announced his candidacy in late June, according to Civis.

“Rubio’s support is also inflated by his temporary advantage in name ID, as he is winning voters who haven’t heard of Murphy, by 2-to-1,” the memo states.

Outside groups aligned with both parties plan to spend heavily in the race over the next eight weeks.

Internal polling, but still.
Hi poligaf! I haven't been around for a while but it's good to back.

After what this place was like in 2007 it's surprising to see it going full hil, but I approve. I def went from full hater then to supporter now myself.

Are there any conservatives that venture over anymore?

Edit: dreamcast wise the system was good because it was weird. she mien was such a slow quiet game I dunno it impacted me. The second was much more traditionally good, but the first was far braver.

Jet grind radio is still one of my favorite games ever, and I replay it about every year.

I love JSRF myself. I have grind on PC and really need to play it.

And I think Tarkus, Retro, and Meta are all conservatives who post semi-regularly (though you gotta say something that's slightly off semantically to summon Meta, or mention FOIA).
Anyway, the canvass bros that came by today had been at it all day. Got a bunch of commits to Hillary. Which, considering where they were going was kind of surprising to me. I need to man up and go to the local Dem office instead of forcing my bf to drive me like an hour out of the way.....but phone banking helps too....


Anyway, the canvass bros that came by today had been at it all day. Got a bunch of commits to Hillary. Which, considering where they were going was kind of surprising to me. I need to man up and go to the local Dem office instead of forcing my bf to drive me like an hour out of the way.....but phone banking helps too....

Bless them.

Like, I have a ton of respect for Mario 64 and Shenmue. I do. 100%. No question. But, as games, and what I consider the purpose of gaming, they're just good (Mario 64) and a bit of a mess (Shenmue). I respect what both games did/do, but I still get a bit annoyed by the praise that is heaped on them while ignoring their flaws. It's nostalgia, I think. But, at the same time, part of it is because I didn't play Mario 64 until a lot later. So that's on me.

I'm not touching Final Fantasy. Because, y'all would turn on me faster than the Right will turn on Trump after the election.

Mario 64 is all about mastering the controls and physics. Many of the missions themselves are dated now, or very simplistic; but what isn't dated about the game is the control scheme.

It is by far the best control scheme in a 3D platformer despite being pretty much the first. There is no game that allows the players themselves to unlock the level design by circumventing what the developers probably intended for you to be able to do in order to figure out faster/alternative ways to get stars

Platforming and using the physics to traverse the levels is about as good as it gets. The stuff people do with this game is out of this world. LITERALLY

Case A:


The Green Demon Challenge; this game within the game these guys discovered. Basically you activate a 1 up that slowly follows you throughout the level, and you have to collect all 8 red coins and the star before it touches you. It's fucking amazing.

Case B:


I'll let you make your judgement as to what this is.


Yeah, Mario 64's controls hasn't been successfully replicated to this very day. I prefer Galaxy and SM3DW but damn Mario actually moved like a champ.


Watching Rubio go down in flames for a second time this year will be one of the best things on election night.

Him and Ron Johnson. And Ayotte. And Toomey. And Burr.
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