What's he saying?
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The white electorate has also been shrinking little by little with each presidential election. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing!Assuming way too many white non-college voters, in a scale never seen before (50%, in 2012 around 1/3).
Shouldn't have done it during Labor Day.
If adjusted to 2012 demographics, Clinton up +4 (46-42).
Gretchen Carlson got fucking paid. I'm taking a vacation of epic proportions if that was me.
Part I caught
Terrible to poll over a holiday weekend because higher educated are more likely to be on vacation.
I feel gross about our media, and I feel like I'm part of the problem.
What's he saying?
Gretchen Carlson got fucking paid. I'm taking a vacation of epic proportions if that was me.
Assuming way too many white non-college voters, in a scale never seen before (50%, in 2012 around 1/3).
Shouldn't have done it during Labor Day, rich folks out of town.
If adjusted to 2012 demographics, Clinton up +4 (46-42).
Trump in big trouble with white college voters, both female and male. Romney won that group bigly and still lost.
nyt said:The exit polls have a series of subtle biases that depict a younger, better-educated and more diverse electorate. Mr. McDonald tentatively reached this conclusion in 2005, and the pattern has been seen in a broader set of data.
The evidence for a whiter, less-educated and older electorate comes from two main sources.
The first and longest-standing source of alternative data is the Current Population Survey, known as the C.P.S. Conducted by the Census Bureau, it is the same monthly survey that yields the unemployment report. After elections, it includes a question about whether people voted.
A second source is the so-called voter file: a compilation of local records on every American who has registered to vote, including address, age and whether the person voted in a given election. The voter file data used for analysis here comes from Catalist, a Democratic data firm that offers an academic subscription. Researchers have found that the data is unbiased and more accurate than public voting records.
Overall, the exit polls suggest that 23 percent of voters in 2012 were white, over age 45 and without a college degree. Catalist puts this group at 29 percent, and the census at 30 percent implying 10 million more voters than the 23 percent figure.
Note that the article goes on to say that Trump can't lose nonwhites and college-educated whites as badly as he seems to be and win the election. But exit polls simply aren't comparable to pre-election polls, and they are not that reliable. For obvious reasons! Their methodology is extremely messy!
Note that the article goes on to say that Trump can't lose nonwhites and college-educated whites as badly as he seems to be and win the election. But exit polls simply aren't comparable to pre-election polls, and they are not that reliable. For obvious reasons! Their methodology is extremely messy!
Chuck Todd/NBC now unskewing polls?
Don't like it.
The CNN poll is most certainly wrong, but it's not worth unskewing. If Hillary is up 5, then you're going to get a random Trump +2 in there.
The media's treatment of polling is so fucking bad.
Yeah. I think you're seeing a combination of: tightening, which would lead to some polls with Trump up, a Labor Day sample, or just random outlierness. Or a combination of all 3! But let's not, you know, reset a poll with 2012 exit poll demos.
Ultimately, this is what the taco truck election is about. Notice how much better America is than all European countries.
No, unskewing is using feels to change the poll result into something that confirms one's preconceptions.
Ultimately, this is what the taco truck election is about. Notice how much better America is than all European countries.
Ultimately, this is what the taco truck election is about. Notice how much better America is than all European countries.
The whole adjusting for past electorates is dumb.
I don't need a poll to know who will win if the electorate is the same as 2012. Spoiler: It's Hillary.
Pollsters have to guess the electorate and we have to live with that because we don't know what the electorate will be (though, we can laugh at really bad ones or disagree with their model).
At the end of the day, the election comes down to this. Will enough of the Obama coalition show up to vote? if yes, Hillary wins. End of story. People who voted Obama twice are not voting Trump.
There are no missing white voters. If the Obama coalition turns out, she wins. If it doesn't, she can lose. If it turns out AND she gets a bigger bump from minorities in turnout alongside a lack of enthusiasm for Trump, it will be a slaughter.
So here's something that's been tickling me but I've been unable to find any good resources on the subject so I was wondering if you guys had an answer.
People talk about the urban/suburban-rural divide between the parties but are there any examples of rural areas that will elect like, non-conservative Democrats? This got brought up when I was meeting with one of the people at the campaign I'm interning for now that even in Idaho Boise elects almost entirely Democrats and has almost all of the Democratic representation in the state legislature, but the state party still almost entirely is incapable of appealing to any of the rural voters.
I know someone like John Bel Edwards is really popular right now in Louisiana even though mostly got elected because of how badly Jindal's tenure hurt the state. Are there any examples of Democrats selling their policies well to a rural district and winning a seat there?
Edit: Aside from obligatory pictures of the candidate on a horse, which is apparently a necessary component of winning an Idaho election.
Hillary just can't win. Lady on Chuck Todd saying that she handled bringing up Pam Bondi horribly and she had to be careful about what she said because she has no moral authority on the subject and the stories of her own scandals are so bad. Then Chuck chimes in with even though there's no evidence of wrongdoing on her part she has to be careful because... optics. Ugh.
Ultimately, this is what the taco truck election is about. Notice how much better America is than all European countries.
The original Unskewed Polls website was literally what Chuck Todd did -- they rebalanced a poll by changing the demographic weights according to an opinion about what the electorate would really look like.
As Mamba notes, it's the same thing!
Hillary just can't win. Lady on Chuck Todd saying that she handled bringing up Pam Bondi horribly and she had to be careful about what she said because she has no moral authority on the subject and the stories of her own scandals are so bad. Then Chuck chimes in with even though there's no evidence of wrongdoing on her part she has to be careful because... optics. Ugh.
The original Unskewed Polls website was literally what Chuck Todd did -- they rebalanced a poll by changing the demographic weights according to an opinion about what the electorate would really look like.
As Mamba notes, it's the same thing!
These anti-Trump ads need to be balanced by pro-Hillary ads. She's not selling herself.
So Trump's gonna win right?
I don't know anything. Someone explain what is wrong with this.Cable news is dead, please everybody stop watching it forever
So PoliGAF can unskew but NBC with some good pollsters can't?
I don't know anything. Someone explain what is wrong with this.
I'm serious, while you can debate putting up that graphic, if the CNN poll has demographic issues (you had a REPUBLICAN pollster on MTP Daily questioning the demographics) why shouldn't it pointed even if it's a rival network?I can't tell if this is serious or not.