I'm serious, while you can debate putting up that graphic, if the CNN poll has demographic issues (you had a REPUBLICAN pollster on MTP Daily questioning the demographics) why shouldn't it pointed even if it's a rival network?
NEWS: @dscc cancelling one week of ads backing @PatrickMurphyFL in #FLSen, per two media-buying sources.
Why dammit...Uh oh.
I don't think it's unreasonable to assume a higher percentage of uneducated white turnout, considering the Trunk campaign is targeting them with its rhetoric more directly than any Republican candidate on modern times.
I dont believe this. Who is this Chuck Godd's doppleganger? He's the epitome of bubu both sides rodeo.Part I caught
Terrible to poll over a holiday weekend because higher educated are more likely to be on vacation.
NBC in general shitting bed this cycle. They're getting flak from other outlets for covering the Coughghazi in a negative manner.
'So, uh, we did the green study again and got no link. It was probably a--' 'RESEARCH CONFLICTED ON GREEN JELLY BEAN/ACNE LINK; MORE STUDY RECOMMENDED!'
UPDATE: @dscc official says $$$ is being moved to the final weeks of the campaign. "Florida is a competitive race." #FLSen
Diablos are you ok, are you ok DiablosAh.
So white voters are going to become a larger part of the voting electorate this year despite historical trends showing the latino vote growing every year?
You forgot the hover text, which is perfect:
I don't know anything. Someone explain what is wrong with this.
I don't think it's unreasonable to assume a higher percentage of uneducated white turnout, considering the Trump campaign is targeting them with its rhetoric more directly than any Republican candidate on modern times.
OT more obsessed with polls than PollGAF.
This I will agree with.
Here in Philly over the weekend I saw the "Hillary: this is my jobs plan" ad exactly once. But the "*Night shot of White House* Trump is dangerous!" ad runs pretty much nonstop.
Hillary needs to be more forceful in selling herself, because the media has made it clear they aren't going to do it for her.
I dont believe this. Who is this Chuck Godd's doppleganger? He's the epitome of bubu both sides rodeo.
Holidays are over. I see that journalists, including poll aggregators, are still focused on the Presidential horserace. As Electoral-Vote.com has pointed out, sites such as FiveThirtyEight are under economic pressure to attract traffic. And there is nothing to attract eyeballs like a crazy Presidential race. Still, from a substantive standpoint, it might be more appropriate to spend efforts on, I dunno issues? See this excellent critique of media coverage by Jeff Jarvis, which includes a good hard whack at the media obsession with balance and polls basically, tricks to let reporters escape engaging head-on with substantive issues. If journalists insist on horserace coverage, at least focus on downticket races in Senate, House, and even state legislatures and maybe write about some issues along the way. These races will determine the power dynamic in 2017 under the new President, whoever she may be.
Just to remind everyone, variations in this years race are quite narrow, consistent with the last 20 years of partisan polarization. Polarization has made both the GOP and Democratic nominees unacceptable to nearly all supporters of the other party. In addition, Donald Trump is radioactive to about one-fifth of his own party. As a result, this years race is full of melodrama, but numerically stable. In 2016, the Princeton Election Consortiums state poll-based aggregate has only varied between a median outcome of 310 and 350 EV for Hillary Clinton.
The Meta-Margin, which is defined as the front-runners effective lead using Electoral College mechanisms, is a very low-noise and stable measure as opposed to single polls, which can be all over the place. You should generally ignore single polls, especially ones that surprise you. The Meta-Margin has varied between Clinton +2.5% and Clinton +6.5%, and is now at Clinton +4.0%, close to the season average of 3.8%. If it left the 2.5-6.5% range, that would be interesting. That has not occurred yet.
in 2017 under the new President, whoever she may be.
Also I get Obama is a busy man, but we are going to need more campaigning and stumping from him than there has been since the convention.
We could use Bernie too but I've given up on him.
Also I get Obama is a busy man, but we are going to need more campaigning and stumping from him than there has been since the convention.
We could use Bernie too but I've given up on him.
This I will agree with.
Here in Philly over the weekend I saw the "Hillary: this is my jobs plan" ad exactly once. But the "*Night shot of White House* Trump is dangerous!" ad runs pretty much nonstop.
Hillary needs to be more forceful in selling herself, because the media has made it clear they aren't going to do it for her.
Trump's extremely good numbers about white evangelicals aren't really being talked about in terms of white evangelicals actually liking him and that's being ridiculously kind. They liked Cruz more, but most polls I've seen have white evangelicals as the group most strongly supporting Trump.
I don't think people want to admit that the most politically powerful religious group in the nation is fully on board with a white nationalist who has no interest in religion and probably paid off mistresses to get abortions and imports young women to be slave models.
Depends. What did you have to eat with Wang?Am I doing the innuendo right?
Depends. What did you have to eat with Wang?
I bet Sam Wang has a massive cock.
I'm pretty sure its pigeon.He must post on here then
Obama cleared October to do this. That's the absolute best time to use him imo.
Because the white evangelical voting block has never actually been about religion.
Were you the one who made the argument that the Evangelical identity is just code for soft white nationalism?
That was pretty interesting, I hadn't heard anyone raise that point before.