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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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So, like, I agree with everyone who said what Chuck Todd did was stupid. I think it's fine to have conversations about what the electorate is going to look like. I think it's less fine to then "fix" them based on your model. : cough IPSOS state polls and 538 cough : Also, I need the media to grow a pair and start not being trash for a few weeks. K thnx.

Also, straight guys? You're very lucky you don't have to date men. Because, from time to time, I'm reminded that men are basically worse than children who never listen to you when you're right, and then you end up having to go to the ER because your bf thinks he's still 20 and can play basketball with college kids (hint he can't).

: cough :

I'm a straight, white male in my 30s and I play basketball 2-3 times a week with college kids.

What are you saying, Adam???
Trump's extremely good numbers about white evangelicals aren't really being talked about in terms of white evangelicals actually liking him and that's being ridiculously kind. They liked Cruz more, but most polls I've seen have white evangelicals as the group most strongly supporting Trump.

I don't think people want to admit that the most politically powerful religious group in the nation is fully on board with a white nationalist who has no interest in religion and probably paid off mistresses to get abortions and imports young women to be slave models.

Because the white evangelical voting block has never actually been about religion.

Were you the one who made the argument that the Evangelical identity is just code for soft white nationalism?

That was pretty interesting, I hadn't heard anyone raise that point before.

It's an accurate point though in my opinion, and I do still think it's a bit about religion. The whole point is teaching the savages about Jesus, and then you get the nationalism from that. They're intertwined.
Were you the one who made the argument that the Evangelical identity is just code for soft white nationalism?

That was pretty interesting, I hadn't heard anyone raise that point before.

I don't know about it being a direct codeword for White Nationalism, but Evangelical has definitely becoming a cultural identity marker that is only tangentially related to religion.

This was brought to my attention during the Primaries.
Just received tonight's pollster phone call. Gaaahhhh all the questions sound the same and they ask so many of them... I don't know how pollsters get any sort of good data when they bore their respondents to the point where we're no longer paying attention to what the questions actually are...
I joined a gym today!
Who was the qt that made that dream a reality?

Also, I haven't visited Electoral-Vote in years. I forgot how snarky they are.

How Trump Might Do on His Campaign Promises
Like all politicians, Donald Trump has made many promises. Politico decided to look at some of the big ones and make an estimate of the probability they would be enacted under a Trump administration. Here are nine of them, with the probability of enactment in parentheses:

Making America great again (100%). He would simply claim that his election is proof that America is great again.

We're going to say "Merry Christmas" again (100%). He will just say "Merry Christmas" on Dec. 25th every year.

Oreos will be made in America again (99%). Since Oreos are already made in America, this is easy.

Serving McDonald's food to China at a state dinner (45%). He could do it, but reprisals would be certain, so maybe he wouldn't.

Repeal Obamacare (33%). If Republicans control the House and Senate and Democrats don't filibuster, yes, otherwise no.

Be the greatest jobs president ever (5%). Bill Clinton's economy created 23 million jobs. Currently only 21 million are unemployed.

Build a wall with Mexico (3.8%). He'll have to convince Congress to cough up $20-30 billion, figure out how to build over Indian reservations and waterways, and deal with sit-ins.

Deport 11 million illegal immigrants (0.01%). He's not even trying any more. Already the number has dropped to 6 million and going lower every day.

Get 95% of the black vote in 2020 (0%). The last time a Republican got even a majority of the black vote was 1932.


Should have eaten the orange, she needs all the Vitamin C she can get. #HackingHillary

Alternative Post:
By rolling it back, she turned away the juice. #badforisrael
Were you the one who made the argument that the Evangelical identity is just code for soft white nationalism?

That was pretty interesting, I hadn't heard anyone raise that point before.
I may have.

Evangelical religions arent Republican. Blacks are very evangelica, there is a large Hispanic evangelical movement they are Democratic. Plus church's like Jehovah witnesses are super evangelical but they're not listed under that banner.

Evangelical Christian in polling is a overtly political group lead by southern a rural white churches who spoke of God to defend small and racist government.

And white evangelicals aren't very evangelical. They don't often do missionary work like Mormons, they don't spread the gospel or even really live by it. It's using the idea of God to preach conservatism.
Oh god:


Press corps rolls orange to Clinton with a q on it: dinner with Trump or Putin? She (and/or her staff) circled Putin https://twitter.com/elysepg/status/773292017426268160/photo/1


Hillary saw the pic of the Obama death stare and wants dibs on the next death stare to Putin.

But don't worry, she'll get the opportunity to humiliate Trump in the 2017 White House Correspondents Dinner.

Trump thinks Hillary, well... just read it.

Great, now I have to add the 5th to the list of amendments Trump doesn't respect.


You could also point out that the youth vote probably was abnormally high during the Obama elections, and that expecting a 50% turnout from 18-29 (or 18-35) is insanely optimistic.

Could also point out that 50% of the Latino population of the entire country is in Texas and California.

Could also point out that Clinton might not generate the same amount of AA turnout as the first AA president did (and adding in happy fun voter suppression laws).

Could also point out that there's a noted enthusiasm gap on the side of Clinton that could manifest in turnout issues, especially in a race that many folks expect Clinton to win and thus have stopped caring. Especially in a race that I think has the two least liked candidates in modern history.

Your demographics aren't particularly useful if your turnout is shit. As long as Trump doesn't go completely off the rails (which admittedly is not the highest probability considering Trump's propensity to do so); you may not get that Obama level turnout.

All noted. But if we do get all these things in November, can I make fun of you?
That CNN poll made Reddit go nuts. It's like we're back in the primaries. So many Bernie posts. Even saw someone criticizing old Millennials/Young Gen-Xers for not doing anything in the past 10 years.

Ugh why am I at the top?
Had a coughing fit reading this.
You know what's funny? My local news (Cleveland where Hillary was) was bitching all evening about how bad the pollen is. Danita Harris (who is bae) was the most vocal.

/random weather information in Ohio that explains Hillary's coughing
It's unskewing! He literally reweighted the poll according to a different demographic breakdown because he didn't agree with their voter model! And he did so based on exit polls, when as discussed, exit polls simply aren't comparable with pre-election polls!
That's pretty bad.


truly, the great Wang is an integral part of our media environment in this season.

I know youre kidding around, but can i use your post to point out a problem we in poligaf often do have? We dont unskew polls as such but we have a tendency to nominate tribal leaders during a given season which can tend to narrow our focus/limit discussion to this perpetual hand wringing we do.

In 2008 it wad Chuck Todd/Chuck Godd, in 2012 it was Nate Silver and now in 2016 it is "In Wang We Trust.". I even agree Wangs analysis is the most level headed, and ive done this too but maybe we should try to be more cognizant of this behavior.


Joy Reid talking about how garbage the poll is. Curious to see if any Hillary surrogates on CNN will give them crap... anyone know if one has yet?


We all had a good laugh last week when Marco Gutierrez, the co-founder of a group called Latinos for Trump that is definitely legitimate and not at all just a thing that exists purely on paper for the purposes of helping a few people book cable TV appearances, warned ominously that there would be "taco trucks on every corner" in the United States if Hillary Clinton wins this November.


Meanwhile, the conservative blog Quinton Report has found a court filing in which it's revealed that Gutierrez and his wife have filed for bankruptcy a combined 14 times. A woman involved in the case testified that the family seems to use the practice of filing and then not following through on bankruptcy proceedings as a delaying tactic:

Ms. Macias stated in her Declaration: During the time I was working with [Debtors] they explained to me how they were using the bankruptcy court to prevent foreclosure on their home and to prevent other collection efforts, since they had no money. Mrs. Gutierrez explained to us that the way they were preventing a foreclosure was by filing for bankruptcy and then not following up on a legal requirement and the case would be dismissed. She explained to us that sometimes there was a three month period between the filing and the dismissal and that interfered with the foreclosure.​

Birds of a feather...
I know youre kidding around, but can i use your post to point out a problem we in poligaf often do have? We dont unskew polls as such but we have a tendency to nominate tribal leaders during a given season which can tend to narrow our focus/limit discussion to this perpetual hand wringing we do.

In 2008 it wad Chuck Todd/Chuck Godd, in 2012 it was Nate Silver and now in 2016 it is "In Wang We Trust.". I even agree Wangs analysis is the most level headed, and ive done this too but maybe we should try to be more cognizant of this behavior.

Just goes to show that believing in Gods is a natural tendency, even among the atheists and agnostics.

By 2024 we will be smashing our golden Wang statues so we can erect platinum Cohn ones.

By 2028 we will be born-again Silver worshippers.


I think it's at this moment that I realized that he might have actually cracked..

From what I've seen today, I think Trump loses it either because he is suddenly confident about his campaign, or insulted by people he seeks approval from (something that is already well known and talked about).

Which means, Hillary won't be able to make Trump lose control if she judges him personally, he won't care about Hillary's own attacks against him.

Instead, she will have to get under his skin by using criticism from others against Trump and comparing him to others Trump admires but are opposed to him as president.

That's my (unqualified) take.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Who was the qt that made that dream a reality?

Also, I haven't visited Electoral-Vote in years. I forgot how snarky they are.

It was me, honey! I decided I'm tired of sitting around watching CNN and watching people squabble about CNN so I decided to make a change in my life. I am going to get jacked and go around protecting the Women of Fox News. Fuck diablosing!


Just goes to show that believing in Gods is a natural tendency, even among the atheists and agnostics.

By 2024 we will be smashing our golden Wang statues so we can erect platinum Cohn ones.

By 2028 we will be born-again Silver worshippers.

Haha. God in 2028 i will be fucking old :(

But yeah. We want someone to confirm our biases deep down and lash out when someone doesnt. Just look at the mess that are game review threads. People lashing out at poor scores for games theyve anticipated even without playing anything (watch how bad The Last Guardian topic gets ho ho ho). The way we talk about Chuck Todd now you would think PoliGAF wasnt regularly obsessing over his nuanced electoral break downs in 2008 lol.
It was me, honey! I decided I'm tired of sitting around watching CNN and watching people squabble about CNN so I decided to make a change in my life. I am going to get jacked and go around protecting the Women of Fox News. Fuck diablosing!
Rich and a hot body?
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