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Jesus Christ, I can't even watch a David Bowie video without having to suffer a full length Donald Trump ad on Youtube about how The System Is Rigged. There's something deeply destructive and horribly crude about this campaign that I can't even laugh at anymore.
I just can't believe the Secretary of State of the administration that invaded Iraq turned out to be a liar.

This is blowing my mind and the big story of today.


This is a trend with Healy. NYT needs to do something about it or else journos will keep pounding on them (including many of their own staff).


Lauer is getting dragged to the moon and back, which is nice.

This is a pleasant surprise. I hope that this serves as a cautionary tale for future event moderators.. but then I smack myself back to reality.

Some are just going to be continue being email-obsessed (really, we could replace certain folks with See-n-Says; just pull the string, and a reheated email comment/question will come out), others will continue to lob softballs at the imbecile/bullshitter.
What happened?
They had an initial article up that was a factually accurate assessment of the forum. It was replaced with a piece that ignored everything Trump said about Putin, his lying about Iraq and quite a few other things. A few minutes ago they heavily re-edited the article to put some of the truth back into it. And they've done this on multiple occasions.

CNN buried Matt Lauer

Twitter has a memo for NBC News: Don't send Matt Lauer to do a political journalist's job.
Critics blast Lauer's 'Commander-in-Chief Forum' performance
Lauer's handling of the NBC News "Commander-In-Chief Forum" with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on Wednesday night was widely panned by journalists and pundits.

The "Today" show co-host was criticized for spending too much time on Clinton's emails, lobbing softball questions to Trump, and neglecting to fact-check the Republican nominee when he falsely claimed to have opposed the Iraq War in 2002.

"This #NBCNewsForum feels like an embarrassment to journalism," New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote on Twitter.

"Lauer has done great interviews. But that's one of the weakest, least incisive performances I've seen from a presidential forum moderator," tweeted Will Saletan, a writer at Slate.

Liberals and conservatives were split about Lauer's decision to open his questioning of Clinton with the controversy over her private email server. But when the issue persisted ten minutes into the 30-minute segment, and he was later forced to tell Clinton to be "brief" on the subject of ISIS, he was slammed for dedicating so much time to the topic.

But the onslaught of criticism didn't really begin until Lauer's segment with Trump. Whereas Lauer had been aggressive in his questioning of Clinton, he seemed to repeatedly ask Trump open-ended questions that he easily ignored or evaded.

"I don't blame Lauer for asking the email question. But it's ABSURD that he started off with Trump, 'Why should you be Commander-in-Chief?'" Jon Favreau, the former speechwriter for President Barack Obama, wrote on Twitter.
Early in the segment, Lauer failed to fact-check Trump when he said that he opposed the invasion of Iraq as early as 2002, a claim that has been repeatedly debunked as false.

Twitter went wild.

"Trump lies about opposing Iraq war. Lauer lets it go. No follow up. Unreal," wrote Jonathan Chait, the New York Magazine columnist.

"Seriously -- everyone, and I mean everyone, knew this would happen," tweeted Paul Krugman, the New York Times columnist. "And Matt Lauer didn't have a follow-up planned?"

Perhaps most notable were the questions Lauer did not ask of Trump. At an event geared toward national security and military veterans, the NBC co-host failed to ask a single question about Trump's controversial remarks about Gold Star parents Khizr and Ghazala Khan, Sen. John McCain's prisoner-of-war status or his deferments from the Vietnam War, among other issues.
Meanwhile, Lauer was very aggressive in his questioning of Clinton's emails and her decision to support the invasion of Iraq.

"If only Trump had attacked that Gold Star family in an email, then it would be newsworthy to Lauer," Paul Begala, the CNN analyst and Clinton loyalist, wrote mockingly.

But the greatest criticism was that Lauer asked Trump too many softballs.

"The way to show Trump isn't prepared is to ask him specific, detailed questions, not keep saying 'Are you prepared?' over and over," wrote Chait.

"Dear TV anchors. It's been 15 months. Change interview style for trump," wrote Tim Miller, a former spokesperson for Republican presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Jon Huntsman. "He needs: Yes/no qs. Multiple specific follow ups on topic. Trivia."

NBC spokespeople did not respond to a request for comment regarding Lauer's performance, or why Chuck Todd, the network's political director and host of "Meet The Press," was not asked to moderate the forum.

edit: Blah, messed up my bolding. I'll leave the whole thing bolded whatevs
The media is fucking embarrassing this election.

Forget establishment politicians it's the establishment media that's in need of a revolution against.


The media is fucking embarrassing this election.

Forget establishment politicians it's the establishment media that's in need of a revolution against.

I haven't seen the media be this blatantly biased in a race to keep up page views in a very long time.

This is absurd, and dangerous.

For the country and for journalism.


The media is fucking embarrassing this election.

Forget establishment politicians it's the establishment media that's in need of a revolution against.

Seriously. It is disgusting that this is happening in a year when arguably one of the best legitimate news channels (Al Jazeera America) went under. There are great journalists out there and there has been fantastic reporting this cycle, but the degree to which the media producers have pushed the horse race narrative and cowtowed to Trump to help stay on his good side and subsequently get more interviews/clicks/money is ridiculous.

As adam put it earlier, our media is not prepared nor used to an environment of political asymmetry. They see both sides as even because there are two political parties and therefore, to stay "unbiased", they must both be guilty of the same shit. They cannot operate in an environment where one side has standard political scandals and the other violates every norm, standard, and convention of modern society.
He deserved to be blasted. It was embarrassing.

"Are you ready to be CIC. No really, are you sure? Are you seriously sure sure.

Oh Putin has 80% approval rating in Russia.. wow Mr. Trump, you have been doing your homework!"
This is a pleasant surprise. I hope that this serves as a cautionary tale for future event moderators.. but then I smack myself back to reality.
I think this benefits in Hillary after all. NBC is now on the defensive for lobbing softballs at Trump and wasting holy shit 33% of Hillary's time talking about EMAILZZz. This is fact. If I were NBC I'd be having a sit down with Lester Holt to review his questions for the debate...
i think i saw someone on twitter put it best

trump said eight things tonight that would've ended anyone else's career, but because he has a feverish base of racist white assholes he's still going to stick around 35-40%


i think i saw someone on twitter put it best

trump said eight things tonight that would've ended anyone else's career, but because he has a feverish base of racist white assholes he's still going to stick around 35-40%

And because media needs their hits, the referees temporarily blinded and deafened themselves when needed.


So should we be concerned that the debates are going to be in a similar fashion to this forum? If not, why?

It's hard not to diablos a little after hearing about how differently the two candidates were treated by Lauer.


-Should an undocumented person who wants to serve (or has served) stay in the U,S,

Que? I guess that's the loophole?
-What are you going to do to prevent another ISIS

lol ok

Did he forget about the insurgency? It would have been a lot larger had Bush left the US military to occupy the oil fields. What kind of military force would you need to leave there to defend the oil and all the people working? Let alone all the other problems that would have caused

So should we be concerned that the debates are going to be in a similar fashion to this forum? If not, why?

It's hard not to diablos a little after hearing about how differently the two candidates were treated by Lauer.

I mean, not really? Because, Hillary will fact check him on the stage if she has to do it herself. If Trump gets a 90 second question, Hillary is given like 30 seconds or a minute to respond. She would have hit him hard on several of the comments tonight. I'm not 100% sold on Holt, but Lauer was just terrible. So...no, I wouldn't be worried about the debates. The structure is completely different.

I can also guarantee you that NBC is going to be looking at the questions before the first one after this, because Matt fucked up.


Kills Photobucket
I am honestly wondering if Trump having to approve questions and followups was a demand he made to come onto this event. This was a last minute thing, planned last month, not part of the real debates, right?


Anderson Cooper needs to do all of these. He's the only one who has even tried to hold Trump accountable for anything.

Are you kidding!?

Anderson is the guy who let Trump ramble about Hillary's "bigoted" policies for nearly 5 minutes, and didn't think to ask EVEN ONCE what policies he was referring to.

Anderson has been shit this election for much the same reason Lauer was shit tonight. He's tough on Clinton, which would be fine if he didn't let Trump steamroll him every single time.


In a normal election season where the media was operating normally, Trump's newly announced military spending would be under intense scrutiny:


Instead, the response is just ho hum. His plan would add $150 billion to the deficit, which would increase it by a third just from his military spending. That's to say nothing of his insane wall, or his surge in border troops, or his possible trade wars with other countries, or even his insane tax plan.

If the media were doing it's job, that would be one of the main questions tonight. Hillary certainly has some stretch policy proposals that probably won't be funded as precisely as she claims, but she's not even in the same ballpark as Trump.


According to this, she has about a $200 billion gap for ALL of her policy proposals over ten years which is about as much as Donald's military increase would add to the deficit in the same time.

But this shit won't be discussed because who the fuck cares about governing the country.


-What are you doing to prepare (research) for being president?
-Meeting with generals

-How long are you meeting with them?
-A lot

He said that he has a "common sense" about the issues. X_X
So you have a candidate sitting in front of a room of veterans. A candidate who has insulted a Gold Star family over and over again. Who has disparaged a respected former Prisoner of War. Who used his privilege to dodge serving himself many times.

And you don't ask him about any of it.



Trump just sounded like a con man that tried to BS his way through a lot of the answers. No real substance and no real answers to anything (except a lot of criticism for Obama and Hillary).

I very much doubt that he's engaging in any actual "research" or "preparation" substantively on the issues to be commander in chief. He just goes on what he already knows or what he has heard.


So you have a candidate sitting in front of a room of veterans. A candidate who has insulted a Gold Star family over and over again. Who has disparaged a respected former Prisoner of War. Who used his privilege to dodge serving himself many times.

And you don't ask him about any of it.


you also have a candidate who dodged the Vietnam draft for "bone spurts" who is also the "healthiest person to ever run for president"


Since Chris Wallace has already admitted that he doesn't see his role as moderator as someone concerned with facts or the truth, his debate is probably going to be a complete mess.
All those questions about classified briefings for trump were stupid. No one knows what he's learning so he's going to say whatever sounds most positive for him. Wtf?
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