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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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I think it's possible that Matt Lauer shifted the narrative and woke up the media a bit.
Amazing that that shitball, of all people, may save the election.

I think Clinton is going to gain support any time her and Trump are on the same stage even back to back like that, however awful the moderator or interviewer may be.

Plus, it's game on now. People are starting to tune in.

And wait... the oversight committee are having another three e-mail hearings because... yeah of course they are.

Anyone who asks 'golly imagine how things might have been without this e-mail scandal' just has their head in the sand. Then it would have been Benghazi. Or it would have been cattle futures. Or some other consipiracy / controversy / whatever.

You know, like every other time she was in line or running for something.
I can't imagine spending money on that kind of thing. Like...going somewhere with (barely) attractive people who don't give two shits about me and just see me as pathetic or a way to make a buck? I already experienced that. It was called high school. And college. An my early 20s. And my mid 20s.:p

It's still worth going at least once. It's interesting to see everything. I don't know how to describe it. It's not my cup of tea and can count on my hands the amount of times I've been, but I'm glad I've at least seen it in person but would rather not go again.

I only go if I have to for a bachelor's party. Although, my last one in New Orleans we went into one for shits and giggles on a Thursday night at like 2 am. THAT was an experience.

Also, anyone who has hangups with their SO going to one for a party has insecurity issues, IMO. I mean, if it's something you did routinely, then yeah I can see an issue. But a bachelor's party? grow up.


: insert gag reflex joke here :
My mom made a nice dinner and I wanted to taste it, so I use a fork and take out a piece of chicken, and I somehow end up inhaling the sauce and choking on the sauce and chicken. I couldn't breathe and I kept choking and choking and I was sure I was a goner because I felt like I was beginning to fade out of consciousness before my mother heard the unholy sounds of my attempted breathing and swooped into the rescue. thanks mom.

My sister came home and she asked how the dinner was and I told her that it took my breath away
It's still worth going at least once. It's interesting to see everything. I don't know how to describe it. It's not my cup of tea and can count on my hands the amount of times I've been, but I'm glad I've at least seen it in person but would rather not go again.

I only go if I have to for a bachelor's party. Although, my last one in New Orleans we went into one for shits and giggles on a Thursday night at like 2 am. THAT was an experience.
I'd be open to going, I guess. I just can't imagine enjoying it, but maybe I would. I have really bad allergies, though, so if they smoke in their, I'm fucking dead. I'm sure that would be an attractive client for people lol.

Wait! I kind of did see a slightly stripy thing at a gay club once. But, it was just a contest they were doing. That probably doesn't count, though.

My mom made a nice dinner and I wanted to taste it, so I use a fork and take out a piece of chicken, and I somehow end up inhaling the sauce and choking on the sauce and chicken. I couldn't breathe and I kept choking and choking and I was sure I was a goner because I felt like I was beginning to fade out of consciousness before my mother heard the unholy sounds of my attempted breathing and swooped into therescue thanks mom.

My sister came home and she asked how the dinner was and I told her that it took my breath away
Awww, girl, I'm sorry. That's what I get for being shady when I should have been loving. Come to Mother Adam. : hugs :
The Republican has never heard that birtherism is an issue anyone cares about....because he's never spoken to a person of color.



I think it's possible that Matt Lauer shifted the narrative and woke up the media a bit.
Amazing that that shitball, of all people, may save the election.

Brooks and Shields mentioned this on the PBS News Hour. Basically saying that the moderators in the upcoming debates have been put on notice by the negative reaction to Lauer and that they are not entitled to sit there while somebody says something that's untrue. Given the stakes of this election and the candidates involved, fact checking is now part of the job description. I sure hope so.


Trump! Trump was ha. They dragged the fuck out of Trump going on Russian TV. Even kind of were shady when the campaign said it was an "accident." They dragged ha. They even showed clips of Trump surrogates defending Putin, and then showing that his approval rating in the us is 8%.

Hehehehehee. DRAG HA.

But what is ha? Is that a word?

Who tried to interrupt Katy?
Brooks and Shields mentioned this on the PBS News Hour. Basically saying that the moderators in the upcoming debates have been put on notice by the negative reaction to Lauer and that they are not entitled to sit there while someday says something that's untrue. Given the stakes of this election and the candidates involved, fact checking is now part of the job description. I sure hope so.
Someone tell Chris Wallace.


It really feels like there been a major shift in coverage the past few days.

Like Kary Tur just went off in a way i've never seen. It feels qualitatively like the media is done with Trump.

Or just another swap in the cycle. idk.
Even if I was in murica, why would I waste my valuable time watching Chris Matthews exhale.

Like if you're going to write about what's going on on TV, maybe make it coherent.


It really feels like there been a major shift in coverage the past few days.

Like Kary Tur just went off in a way i've never seen. It feels qualitatively like the media is done with Trump.

Or just another swap in the cycle. idk.

Maybe people are getting tired of Trump supporters just lying all the time and are giving up on treating them like their opinions are just another part of a reasoned discussion.

Do you know who really started Birtherism? Hillary. And Trump was always against the Iraq war have been the most back and forth things lately from surrogates.
Why do you all livetweet whatever random show you're watching in here with single lines that are completely meaningless to anyone else?

Cliffsnotes summary:

On Hardball a Trump Surrogate claimed that he had proof in his briefcase that Clinton invented Birtherism. Mathews, Reid, and Tur spend the next 20 minutes tag teaming the fool.


Ya'll wanna know why I make interesting drink combinations? A case study.

My bf is going on a bachelor party weekend to Cbus to...well drink a lot but also to see Ohio State play. His friends came over and told me "You know we're taking him to a strip club right?" Which, I literally couldn't care less if he goes to a gay strip club let alone a straight one.

But, my mom is listening to this whole thing.

Mom: Wait, you boys are going to a strip club?
Colt (my bf): Uh, ya, that's what they tell me.
Mom: You got money?
Colt: Sorry?
Mom: You got money? Cash. Them girls like cash.
Colt; I don't think I really need--
Mom: What if one of them girls has nice ta-tas and you don't have cash?
: queue up my bf's friends trying not to lose their shit :
Mom: Get me my purse. Adam? Get me my purse. (Which still has a fucking Hillary bumpersticker safety pinned to it, fyi)

She proceeds to open her purse and pull out a wad of $1 bills bigger than my fist.

Me: Where in the hell did you get all those ones?
Mom: I got them when MaryLou (90 year old neighbor!) and I went to the drag queens. Only a few had p-ssys that were on fire, so I had a lot left.

: shoves the wad of Dollar bills into my bfs hand :

Mom: Here you go, sweetheart. Share it with your little friends. You boys have fun.

OMG your mom is awesome.


get some go again
I'm not actually kidding, so umm, don't test me?
Is that a question?

It really feels like there been a major shift in coverage the past few days.

Like Kary Tur just went off in a way i've never seen. It feels qualitatively like the media is done with Trump.

Or just another swap in the cycle. idk.

Like I said before, Lauer was the final straw.

The media now knows that pushing for a horserace is actually HURTING their ratings, not helping them.


This seems like the perfect storm. Hilary invites press on her plane starts doing more gaggles/interactions with them.

Lauer shits the bed during that forum and gets called out. Media was slowly getting called out before then but that was the nail in the coffin. Now it seems networks are being a bit more critical.
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