I can't tell if I'm taking crazy pills with the weather discussion. I fucking HATE heat and humidity and NYC is super gross and hot all summer. This is not one of those days. It's a little warm but breezy and not humid at all. It is basically picture perfect and one of the nicest days all summer.
It's honestly legit concerning to me if she felt faint in this. Unless she has had a bad cold or something.
She's a 70 year old woman wearing a bullet proof vest. It's freaking hot.
Wasn't her CNN interview this morning live? Did she sound like she was fighting the flu?
What did the last poll say?
We weren't supposed to see him -WHO IS HE?
Abby D. Phillip Verified account
Clinton walking out of Chelsea's apartment to pool: "I'm feeling great, it's a beautiful day in New York."
8:47 AM - 11 Sep 2016
Seriously guys - she's fine.
So now we're corroborating right-wing memes because somebody who has been campaigning for the last 15 months suffered an episode of heat exhaustion?
Fuck, I've suffered heat exhaustion before. Fuck. FUCK.
Should press some lemons and make lemonade.
How do you know they didn't just deploy the Hillary bot?
I go away for a couple hours to paint a room and Hillary is dead
Thanks guys
You know it was also the 9/11 memorial. I could see people getting emotional about that and that could cause some stress.
Video is posted
Everyone at NeoGaf is now a seasoned doctor.
We're all dying if you really think about it.It is official; Fox News now confirms: *HRC is dying.
Guys. Let's not Diablos...................
Well, it looks really bad
You guys all need vacations.
I like how we already have confirmation of Clinton walked out of the apartment, completely fine, and then someone posts the video of the past event and are acting like the election is over.
I really do hate liberals
Well at this point Trump may win.
No I am not chicken littleing.
How the fuck are we letting this happen.
Yo.I'm full Diablos now, and anybody who doesn't think this is major is out of their minds
I'm full Diablos now, and anybody who doesn't think this is major is out of their minds
Trump can just say she had a stroke or heart attack and all his voters will believe himWhat could be "really bad" that she then emerges from 2 hours later looking fine? She probably fainted and they're propping her up. It's not great that she fainted, obviously. But it's not like she had some sort of stroke or has MS.