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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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I'd not be so sure most of those are "liberals" most of them have been waiting for a moment like this.

Most of these are liberals freaking the fuck out because if ONE THING doesn't go their way, they act like the election is fucking over because reasons.

It's annoying, it's insufferable, liberals simply like to panic because it's in their blood to pretend the sky is falling because it's the easy way out if something bad does actually happen.
What is wrong with you? What are we letting happen? That we allowed her to faint? That we nominated a 68 year old?

Have you gone mad?
the 68 year old part, maybe. I don't know.

And I'm not talking about we as in us, more like we as America. This fucking boorish POS could end up being the most powerful man in the world. Everything leading up to this has been absolute insanity.
Trump can just say she had a stroke or heart attack and all his voters will believe him
A good chunk of his voters believe Hillary is literally the Biblical devil walking in human skin. It's the undecided fallout that makes this a potential big deal, not what the Trumpers think.


What could be "really bad" that she then emerges from 2 hours later looking fine? She probably fainted and they're propping her up. It's not great that she fainted, obviously. But it's not like she had some sort of stroke or has MS.

I think a video where she's clearly not able to stand on her own or walk is going to make a whole lot of people worried about her health and ability to be president. It made ME worried about her health.

Sure, she got better in two hours. Nuclear weapon launches happen in five minutes.

edit: This is going to come up in the debates now.


I just don't see how this event causes HRC voters to switch to Trump. If you didn't like Trump before, how is HRC stumbling into a van gonna sway your vote? This is just going to feed into the right wing hysteria and make them look petty & foolish when they're still frothing at the mouth over this two weeks from now.


Trump can just say she had a stroke or heart attack and all his voters will believe him

Who cares about his voters. They believe him anyway.

The video doesn't look great. Yea she was probably fainting. That said she literally walked out of the apartment fine.

The election isn't for another 2 months and some of yall are acting like it's over right now. I mean as long as nothing happens again we're good.

Seriously this will blow over.

Are you all goddamn serious?

Seriously. She walked out of Chelsea's apartment just fine. It would be bad if she were actually hospitalized for several hours and left in a wheelchair.

Having said that, I am bracing myself for weeks of bullshit with that video getting plenty of coverage and all of the "health truthers" out there to feel emboldened as hell.


I think a video where she's clearly not able to stand on her own or walk is going to make a whole lot of people worried about her health and ability to be president. It made ME worried about her health.

Sure, she got better in two hours. Nuclear weapon launches happen in five minutes.

edit: This is going to come up in the debates now.

Good. As long as nothing happens between now and then she can easily dismiss it.
Do you legitimately think it will blow over? The media will stop covering it? It won't be a topic during the debates?
A week ago Clinton's emails were still being talked about. Then it was the deplorables comment. Now it's this.

The media will find something else to latch onto in three days. Yes, someone will bring it up every now and then, but this isn't going to be the main discussion point for two months, be real.

Hell if it does come up during the debates from Trump's end I could see it backfiring in a major way.

Liberals losing their goddamn minds every time something mildly bad happens in politics smh.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Remember that poll from a few weeks ago that showed that most Americans could not care less about Hillary's health?

Today's "health" thing means nothing.


Not to pull the appeal to authority card, but as an EMT in southern Texas with high temps and high humidity who deals with elderly patients (and plenty of normal people) and heat exhaustion quite a bit each summer, people need to accept that this stuff happens.


Hillary's EMAILS are still brought up every damn day!

Well sure, and I think the emails and Benghazi are far more damaging than her fainting.

Only reason people are going crazy now is because Trump has been yelling about her health for fucking ever. If she's truly fine this is nothing and easier to manage than fucking emails every day.


Ok, F this; I'm going to go back to staring at Geralt's booty & saving the countryside. Will check the news tomorrow when it's stabilized.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I doubt the GOP has the restraint to play this hand properly.


And if I was Hillary, I'd make a joke during her next press conference that somebody had just whispered Trump's latest tweet into her ear or something and that's why it happened. Make it funny.
Oh please, I never lose my shit. Some of you appear to be too far in the bubble to realize how bad that video is

The video is bad, but consider how it plays out of political sphere. She had a fainting spell on a hot, muggy day. I think majority of the people can sympathize with that. This is not a crazy "electro shock therapy" revelation. The people caught up in in conspiracy theories weren't going to vote for her anyway. I mean, she is old and has a few medical conditions.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I absolutely guarantee that video makes it into Trump TV ads soon.


I would really like to freeze myself a la cartman so that I can just wake up with her already being president. The stress is killing me. Never have the stakes been this high with an ediot running for president with the potential to fill two scotus seats.


Ugh, what a rough week. The debates can't get here soon enough. And this is a time when they should be fighting back, not shitting the bed.


You know what? It's fine if it comes up in the first debate. Really.

Question to Hillary: "Some question that your health isn't great - for example, you said you overheated on 9/11. What say you?"

"Well, as a presidential candidate, I have to wear a bullet-proof vest, which I'm sure you can imagine is quite warm..."

etc etc.
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