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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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What the...? I didn't walk it back, the way the campaign reaffirms hypohidrosis is simply by releasing her medical records or just a statement from her physician saying she overheated because of hypohidrosis.

Gezus, calm down.

Clinton’s apparent imperviousness to heat has been noticed and documented before. The writer of a 2012 feature in Conde Nast Traveler pointed it out in detail after spending nine days traveling with Clinton through China, Bangladesh, and India in early May.

“She does not sweat. Literally. She does not even glow,” wrote Kevin Doyle. “No matter how high the heat, not a drop nor a drip nor a bead nor so much as the faintest glisten can be detected anywhere about her person.”
I said the same thing. The best thing for them to do is not say anything or just say they are glad she's better. That's the best way to play this.

Going ALL in right now would only serve to placate the base but show the rest of the electorate you lack sympathy. Outside of his crazy ass base. I don't think anyone is rooting for either one to die be seriously ill.

I don't think Trump can help himself, and he's never cared about expanding his base.

He might wait for a rally, but he's going to use this to his benefit.
I have often fainted with a blood rush to the head (particularly when getting up fast) and I have buckled and looked as bad as Hillary did on that video. I remember one time I fell like I was a ragdoll.

That said, the HRC campaign definitely needs to talk about this because they risk it defining her if they keep quite, as the usual Clinton instinct would be

What the...? I didn't walk it back, the way the campaign reaffirms hypohidrosis is simply by releasing her medical records or just a statement from her physician saying she overheated because of hypohidrosis.

Gezus, calm down.

Oh interesting, so the no-sweat turns into a disadvantage because she doesn't have a proper way to release body heat?


What the...? I didn't walk it back, the way the campaign reaffirms hypohidrosis is simply by releasing her medical records or just a statement from her physician saying she overheated because of hypohidrosis.

Gezus, calm down.



Guys GUYS!

There is literally shit circulating on twitter from Trump supporters that the woman who walked out of Chelsea's apartment was a body double.

FUCK. I think they've blown this whole charade wide open.

not fair, i was joking about that in the OT thread.






Wait, apparently Hillary does indeed have a condition that can lead to heat-exhaustion hot flashes:

She doesn't sweat. She suffers from Hypohidrosis.

Here's a Buzzfeed interview where she jokes about having the condition, saying she's actually a robot built in Palo Alto, lol.

So yeah, we can officially stop worrying. The campaign will probably just say it's this, previously known condition Hillary has and will probably joke about it.

Here's another article about it, from Yahoo News.

Man, this is so weird to me, didn't even think it was possible to not be able to sweat. Maybe Republicans can say she she can only cool down by panting like the dog she is?


I don't think Trump can help himself, and he's never cared about expanding his base.

He might wait for a rally, but he's going to use this to his benefit.

Yea at a rally he'll just do what he's been doing, but I think in the short term I think his staffers told him not to do or say shit right now or they took his phones.

Right now he's gotta play it cool.
So you're telling me there is a legit, medical condition that she has and is documented that would explain her having a potential heat related medical episode?

And that this isn't going to become the end of the Earth as we know it?

No way, I am shocked, I am truly shocked that this entire episode lasted like six hours.


Clinton's physician has already released a statement about her health.

But anyway, no. Full medical records are private. If she's on some medication, people will scrutinize the hell out of it. President Clinton takes Ability, is she mentally qualified to be president? Guarantee you that's a bad idea.
When was this released?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Clinton's physician has already released a statement about her health.

But anyway, no. Full medical records are private. If she's on some medication, people will scrutinize the hell out of it. President Clinton takes Ability, is she mentally qualified to be president? Guarantee you that's a bad idea.

You mean Abilify*. And yes, I think it actually would warrant discussion if the president was taking an antipsychotic. Not to disqualify them, mind you, but because people should know.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Dudes. This health shit is freaking me out. I get that its probably nothing, but Fox News et al are going to have a field day with this, and it only serves to reinforce the trump = strong narrative that he is pushing. Ugh. It just looks so bad.

Edit: top of page. Ignore my diablosing
Undecided voters don't watch Fox News


Professional Schmuck
Listen I'm not saying this is a disaster, but having a 4-minute coughing fit followed by literally fainting on camera and falling into a getaway car while the nutjobs on the right are predicting imminent death is just the worst possible thing. Ok, I'm saying it's a disaster.

I make fun of diablos basically every single time I post but the health of your candidate is basically 2nd only to 'do i trust them with the nuclear button?' on the Most Important Things About Your Candidate.

That the brietbart set have their own conspiracies and this fulfills it is basically the worst possible thing. It's the equivalent of catching Obama on camera shouting "allahu akbar!"

I dunno. If this doesn't shake your confidence in Hillary -- even if it's just from 100% to 95% -- I don't believe you're being honest.
Listen I'm not saying this is a disaster, but having a 4-minute coughing fit followed by literally fainting on camera and falling into a getaway car while the nutjobs on the right are predicting imminent death is just the worst possible thing. Ok, I'm saying it's a disaster.

I make fun of diablos basically every single time I post but the health of your candidate is basically 2nd only to 'do i trust them with the nuclear button?' on the Most Important Things About Your Candidate.

That the brietbart set have their own conspiracies and this fulfills it is basically the worst possible thing. It's the equivalent of catching Obama on camera shouting "allahu akbar!"

I dunno. If this doesn't shake your confidence in Hillary -- even if it's just from 100% to 95% -- I don't believe you're being honest.

Confidence in her as a leader? I can 100% say it didn't shake that.

And if there ever was a problem she's chosen an excellent VP who everyone loves and could take over immediately
Listen I'm not saying this is a disaster, but having a 4-minute coughing fit followed by literally fainting on camera and falling into a getaway car while the nutjobs on the right are predicting imminent death is just the worst possible thing. Ok, I'm saying it's a disaster.

I make fun of diablos basically every single time I post but the health of your candidate is basically 2nd only to 'do i trust them with the nuclear button?' on the Most Important Things About Your Candidate.

That the brietbart set have their own conspiracies and this fulfills it is basically the worst possible thing. It's the equivalent of catching Obama on camera shouting "allahu akbar!"

I dunno. If this doesn't shake your confidence in Hillary -- even if it's just from 100% to 95% -- I don't believe you're being honest.

Don't know what to think since every day is something new in this year of madness.


I just don't see anyone being swayed by this who wasn't already swayed by DIGITAL MAIL and FOUNDATION. And similarly, I feel like anyone who would be swayed by this would have already been swayed.

Feels like the negatives are so baked in for both candidates at this point that I don't expect a severe change in the aggregate in either direction barring an absolute meltdown at the debates.
Wait, apparently Hillary does indeed have a condition that can lead to heat-exhaustion hot flashes:

She doesn't sweat. She suffers from Hypohidrosis.

Here's a Buzzfeed interview where she jokes about having the condition, saying she's actually a robot built in Palo Alto, lol.

So yeah, we can officially stop worrying. The campaign will probably just say it's this, previously known condition Hillary has and will probably joke about it.

Here's another article about it, from Yahoo News.

Huh. My wife has anhydrosis. Like they put her in an oven and she doesn't sweat. She can easily overheat in 70º weather. If Clinton has a similar condition she is fucking tough as hell.


Watch the damn video! They are literally dragging her so far the tops of her feet are behind her, like a goddamn Weekend At Bernies.

Yea she fainted and the video doesn't look good. Wish it didn't happen, But that's what happens when a person faints.

She came out 2 hours later looking fine, and she has a healthy issue they may have aided in this. Let's see what tomorrow brings.


Listen I'm not saying this is a disaster, but having a 4-minute coughing fit followed by literally fainting on camera and falling into a getaway car while the nutjobs on the right are predicting imminent death is just the worst possible thing. Ok, I'm saying it's a disaster.

I make fun of diablos basically every single time I post but the health of your candidate is basically 2nd only to 'do i trust them with the nuclear button?' on the Most Important Things About Your Candidate.

That the brietbart set have their own conspiracies and this fulfills it is basically the worst possible thing. It's the equivalent of catching Obama on camera shouting "allahu akbar!"

I dunno. If this doesn't shake your confidence in Hillary -- even if it's just from 100% to 95% -- I don't believe you're being honest.

Time to Diablos # 100

I'm having a blast.


Guys, I appreciate the fanon effort here, but there is no documentation for her having hypohydrosis. There are just a bunch of anecdotes that she doesn't sweat.
yes that is because when you faint you do not have control of your muscles
Fucking lol

Anyway, the youngins in here don't remember that this exact same situation happened to George H. W. Bush. In fact, it was even worse! He projectile vomited onto the Japanese Prime Minister and then fainted and collapsed.

Imagine the coverage today if Hillary Clinton, on 9/11, had projectile vomited onto the crowd due to having a Taco Bell Extreme Burrito with extra hellfire hotsauce from her purse and then fell off the stage and onto the crowd. What would the headlines be?


Guys, I appreciate the fanon effort here, but there is no documentation for her having hypohydrosis. There are just a bunch of anecdotes that she doesn't sweat.
It's too late. We've finally uncovered the truth. She's a shapeshifting reptillian with a body double

Fucking lol

Anyway, the youngins in here don't remember that this exact same situation happened to George H. W. Bush. In fact, it was even worse! He projectile vomited onto the Japanese Prime Minister and then fainted and collapsed.

Imagine the coverage today if Hillary Clinton, on 9/11, had projectile vomited onto the crowd due to having a Taco Bell Extreme Burrito with extra hellfire hotsauce from her purse and then fell off the stage and onto the crowd. What would the headlines be?
If Hillary did that I'd be voting for Trump


Listen I'm not saying this is a disaster, but having a 4-minute coughing fit followed by literally fainting on camera and falling into a getaway car while the nutjobs on the right are predicting imminent death is just the worst possible thing. Ok, I'm saying it's a disaster.

I make fun of diablos basically every single time I post but the health of your candidate is basically 2nd only to 'do i trust them with the nuclear button?' on the Most Important Things About Your Candidate.

That the brietbart set have their own conspiracies and this fulfills it is basically the worst possible thing. It's the equivalent of catching Obama on camera shouting "allahu akbar!"

I dunno. If this doesn't shake your confidence in Hillary -- even if it's just from 100% to 95% -- I don't believe you're being honest.


Yessssss, this is the DIABLOS I seek.


Listen I'm not saying this is a disaster, but having a 4-minute coughing fit followed by literally fainting on camera and falling into a getaway car while the nutjobs on the right are predicting imminent death is just the worst possible thing. Ok, I'm saying it's a disaster.

I make fun of diablos basically every single time I post but the health of your candidate is basically 2nd only to 'do i trust them with the nuclear button?' on the Most Important Things About Your Candidate.

That the brietbart set have their own conspiracies and this fulfills it is basically the worst possible thing. It's the equivalent of catching Obama on camera shouting "allahu akbar!"

I dunno. If this doesn't shake your confidence in Hillary -- even if it's just from 100% to 95% -- I don't believe you're being honest.

It doesn't.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
There are stories about her sweat condition from years ago and it makes complete sense.

It doesn't shake my confidence at all and I wouldn't even be surprised to see attacks on the issue backfire.
Keep calm, friends.
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