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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Sure as hell better than what we have now! I'd rather Hillary stayed home and got better while Trump ran his mouth, than go out and get humiliated like this.

She stays home on 9/11 and she gets dragged from hell to high water for this. You talk about "optics" that would have hurt her.

I mean this isn't ideal AT ALL. Don't get me wrong, but at least you have a reason as to why she passed out and what she's dealing with.

Going forward so can say she kept trucking along. She did the forum, fundraising and had the press with her. They didn't report on any oddities.

For today she can easily say my doctor told me to get some rest but I absolutely thought I had to be out there. This day is far too important to miss out on. and say she should have probably drank more water. Make a joke about it.

Again they announce this on Friday and people still would have flipped out, and she still may have passed out today. We'd be in the same spot.


Argh! I know. But that video man... that video. It was horrific. I wish this just didn't happen... A fall out of not showing up during the 9/11 memorial would have been preferable to that.


Kills Photobucket
How hard has Team Trump had to work to hide his phone from him today?

Argh! I know. But that video man... that video. It was horrific. I wish this just didn't happen... A fall out of not showing up during the 9/11 memorial would have been preferable to that.

I really don't think it would have been a story at all beyond the right wing nuts who would make a bid deal about anything.
Argh! I know. But that video man... that video. It was horrific. I wish this just didn't happen... A fall out of not showing up during the 9/11 memorial would have been preferable to that.

Again, I'm sure she didn't attend today's event knowing she was going to faint. It's just unfortunate that she did. She probably thought she would show up, be present, then rest afterwards.
I don't think there was any win for Hillary in terms of her options when presented to her on Friday.

You tell the press. It fuels the conspiracy claims against you. It becomes the story.

You don't tell the press. They may never know. Or, you may faint due to dehydration and now it's the story and now the press wants to know why they weren't told two days ago.

Maybe Hillary should've thought about this before getting sick.


I don't think there was any win for Hillary in terms of her options when presented to her on Friday.

You tell the press. It fuels the conspiracy claims against you. It becomes the story.

You don't tell the press. They may never know. Or, you may faint due to dehydration and now it's the story and now the press wants to know why they weren't told two days ago.

Maybe Hillary should've thought about this before getting sick.

Hindsight is always 20/20. she probably felt she'd be there for a few hours and then go home and rest.

I understand people are upset because we don't want Trump to win, but just calm down for a bit and maybe avoid the news these threads for a bit if it stresses you out.


i don't think the illness would hurt her in the long run. I just heavily sympathize with Clinton considering I contracted pneumonia twice when I was in 15. It's a very unpleasant experience and I'm almost amazed that Clinton could still act as if she was fine. If anything since she took antibiotics making her illness uncontagious, she should be rewarded positively for actually going to a 9/11 memorial.

I see her being selfless more than anything but instead we get annoying concern trolling in the OT thread.


Well, this has been one hell of a weekend. The polls were just starting to rebound in Hillary's favor, I wonder how this weekend will affect her.

And Trump is going on Dr. Oz's show this week in order to talk about "his health", give me a break. Out of all the shows, he chooses the despicable Dr. Oz to talk about his health, of course he does...


NBC News out with a on point article about walking pneumonia:

Hillary Clinton's wobbly incident Sunday is a near-textbook case of what can happen with "walking pneumonia" — patients don't feel great, but they're not sick enough to stay home in bed or to be hospitalized.

People often feel well enough to go about their business, especially once they start taking antibiotics. And once they've been taking antibiotics for a day or so, they are unlikely to infect anyone else.

But the infection can take a toll, making patients prone to getting tired and dehydrated. And since people often don't realize they have an infection, they can go for days or weeks before they seek treatment — all time for the infection to wear them out even more.

There you go.


She ain't mine! That's on someone else.

My local CBS station covered it perfectly. They showed the video, but they still covered it very well. Said that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia and told to rest, but she still wanted to attend the 9/11 memorial. That she was given antibiotics, and that her doctor says she's fine.

This really should be the narrative that is pushed by her campaign. Not only is it really what happen but it also is a good look for her that she pushed herself through the illness. Something most people at some point have had to do or end up doing or sadly have to do often. Also people can see her bouncing back from it. That's a sign of strength. Trying to attack that is going to look bad.


after this debacle, i think i'm going to escalate from dismissive to derisive towards "hillary's health" truthers, especially now that they are doing take-backsies into "her health is actually too strong and putting others at risk!!"

i won't let them take back their take-backsies


This really should be the narrative that is pushed by her campaign. Not only is it really what happen but it also is a good look for her that she pushed herself through the illness. Something most people at some point have had to do or end up doing or sadly have to do often. Also people can see her bouncing back from it. That's a sign of strength.

I wonder how it would play if she said in regards to all of this "I'll be out there fighting for you even to the detriment of myself." or something to that effect?

Maybe not too well huh?


my arm and wrist pains are back from all the diablosing today, too

i guess this is proof that they are mostly from tension and compression, and that if i chill out and am careful about not putting too much weight leaning on my forearms for a while i'll be fine

and proof that i really need to cut back on my #optics intake


Could someone please just cryofreeze Hillary?

We can revive her for the debates and the election, but I just don't want any other shit to go down until then.


Could someone please just cryofreeze Hillary?

We can revive her for the debates and the election, but I just don't want any other shit to go down until then.

Funny enough, if we did that and just let her surrogates carry the ball for the rest of the way (minus debates), she'd still win.
Dr. Jill Stein's understanding of the Soviet-Afghan war is... something.

She said the United States and Saudi Arabia armed and trained warlords and other rebels as a way to combat the Soviet Union and that led to the creation of today’s jihadist movement. “And boy, did it backfire; I mean, in a horrific and tragic way,” she said.

Yes, the Soviet backer leader of Afghanistan trying to unilaterally eliminate religious ideas in fucking Afghanistan wasn't part of this.

And she says she wouldn't have assassinated Bin Laden.

“I think assassinations … they’re against international law to start with and to that effect, I think I would not have assassinated Osama bin Laden but would have captured him and brought him to trial,” Stein said.



Dr. Jill Stein's understanding of the Soviet-Afghan war is... something.

Yes, the Soviet backer leader of Afghanistan trying to unilaterally eliminate religious ideas in fucking Afghanistan wasn't part of this.

And she says she wouldn't have assassinated Bin Laden.


I'm pretty sure that capturing Bin Laden would've been against several international laws too to get to him.
Dr. Jill Stein's understanding of the Soviet-Afghan war is... something.

Yes, the Soviet backer leader of Afghanistan trying to unilaterally eliminate religious ideas in fucking Afghanistan wasn't part of this.

And she says she wouldn't have assassinated Bin Laden.

Hey Jill, we weren't about to merely capture OBL with his men opening fire on us.

Welcome to the real world, sorry it isn't sunshine and farts.
Like, I hope she takes care of herself because pneumonia is not something to screw around with but this is literally the best possible explanation. I was diablosing earlier this morning because this really was not weather to just randomly pass out in! It was weird! I was less concerned with the optics and more with what the fuck was wrong. It's not good if she's just "given" to fainting. But walking pneumonia explains it perfectly.

She got sick. It happens. It's temporary. She took a gamble and went to the ceremony because it was the best of a bunch of bad options.


Some part of me really wishes that this is a creative distraction from the "deplorable" comments, but that those were also intended to take control of the narrative from Trump, which is what has happened.

That they are planning all of this would give me confidence that the campaign is is tight AF haha.

But, alas, I don't think they are that machiavellian. If they wanted to truly distract from the "deplorable" comments, they would've announced the pneumonia since yesterday and just not go to the ceremony. But, that would've been way too transparent also.

So yeah, just proves that Hillary really has pneumonia and nothing worse is going on.

Like, I hope she takes care of herself because pneumonia is not something to screw around with but this is literally the best possible explanation. I was diablosing earlier this morning because this really was not weather to just randomly pass out in! It was weird! I was less concerned with the optics and more with what the fuck was wrong. It's not good if she's just "given" to fainting. But walking pneumonia explains it perfectly.

She got sick. It happens. She took a gamble and went to the ceremony because it was the best option.

Yeah, that's what was more worrying about the video. The general public not knowing what was going on, and the weather speculation was out of control, with people debating the meaning of "humid" and "mild" in New York.


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Like, I hope she takes care of herself because pneumonia is not something to screw around with but this is literally the best possible explanation. I was diablosing earlier this morning because this really was not weather to just randomly pass out in! It was weird! I was less concerned with the optics and more with what the fuck was wrong. It's not good if she's just "given" to fainting. But walking pneumonia explains it perfectly.

She got sick. It happens. It's temporary. She took a gamble and went to the ceremony because it was the best of a bunch of bad options.

Same. Like, a defined illness that she can say "I got better from" is a million times better than vague "frailness"
lol the webmd


Cases of walking pneumonia are most common in the late summer and fall.
Cough that may come in violent spasms but produce very little mucus
Mild flu-like symptoms such as fever and chills
Sore throat
Lingering weakness that may persist after other symptoms go away

/takes off doctors cap.

btw she might also have cancer according to the site
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