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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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I mean, they probably should have told us she had pneumonia before being forced to by a public fainting spell. This is yet another hand in the cookie jar moment for a campaign that can't seem to avoid them.

Rebel Leader

Imagine if Sanders or any other man (especially a Republican) had the weekend she did.

Got pneumonia. Did a ton of campaigning. Struggled through to pay respects to the victims of 9/11.

If it was a guy we'd be talking how tough he is for fighting on and how patriotic and how brave he is and that this is evidence of how much he loves his country.
]Instead we get either Clinton is dying[

Or Clinton is an irresponsible lying fool who could have started the next plague.

It's fucking shameful.

Damn if she did, damn if she don't
I mean, they probably should have told us she had pneumonia before being forced to by a public fainting spell. This is yet another hand in the cookie jar moment for a campaign that can't seem to avoid them.

It is totally unreasonable to expect a campaign to announce every time the candidate is sick.
I'm not trying to attack this guy for his health issues but how can people say this so matter-a-factly

Had a stroke when I was born. My balance is always off. And I really don't understand not being transparent about medical issues.

I'm glad you feel the need to share every little thing. Others don't

Especially women.

This especially gets why this is so silly

@TeresaKopec 25m25 minutes ago
@nielslesniewski Is there a line tho? If she has a urinary track infection should she hold a press conference?

She doesn't have a chronic condition that will hurt her ability to be president, this isn't cancer or MS


I would've cancelled the California fundraiser too. Rest tomorrow and at most, have a press gaggle if she feels up to it.
Like, not being shady here, but why am I entitled to know if someone has a bacterial infection? I mean, you get better from that shit. It's not like it's cancer, or Alzheimer's, or stupid. Of course, that's just my two cents.
Like, not being shady here, but why am I entitled to know if someone has a bacterial infection? I mean, you get better from that shit. It's not like it's cancer, or Alzheimer's, or stupid. Of course, that's just my two cents.

I mean I get thinks that you mention or Bush's colonosocpy but this is just the press demanding a ridiculous standard for her


If it's Walking Pneumonia she needs to rest, but she's still able to do things as we've seen. It's likely just a bunch of shit caught up to her, dehydrated, a bit hot, and sick. It's the perfect storm of terrible.

It was a risk, but she wasn't going to miss this day.

I'm always of the mindset that not everything needs to be shared. Of course Trump and Clinton are older candidates and here is a rational discussion to be had on their health, but they deserve privacy on certain things.

If they disclosed this earlier guess what? Everyone would be made at the literal fact that she even got sick. She can't win. It's a shit sandwich. It's just about how long it sticks around.


I don't think the deplorables comment was getting that much negative traction from people who wouldn't be offended by it.

If anything it was having the media talk about Trump's rallies. No one was denying what goes on there and what many of his supporters have been saying, doing, and cheering. That was the most interesting thing. The actual substance of what she said could not be denied and I didn't really hear anyone trying to deny it. Just whether or not she should have said or put a number on it (which she did walk the half back but that's it). You could tell people wanted what she said to be big but like said before it's hard to make what she said really a negative without defending the racist, etc that they know is taking place.


I don't think the deplorables comment was getting that much negative traction from people who wouldn't be offended by it.
Time will tell. Yeah she only said "half" of Trump voters but that offends a lot of people and it makes it look like she's writing off American voters when she is simultaneously trying to run as a candidate who wants to deliver for all Americans. Also I would not be surprised if a lot of low info voters misinterpret her words and take it to mean half of all Americans or some other context. It can rev up the base on one hand but can turn off lots of other people on the other.

It seems like lots of commentators are lumping this all together as a "bad decision" weekend -- got the diagnosis on Friday, went against the wishes (I would think) of her doc at that time and pushed onward to make somewhat controversial comments and then fainted during a 9/11 ceremony. With video. This was a really, really bad weekend for her. It might prove to be on par with Comey's "political indictment" of Hillary.

So basically we now have all this bullshit up in the air to voters on the fence -- e-mails, Clinton Foundation, a campaign that can be inept at times and make things that may prove to be unforced errors (i.e. ranging from not enough time with the press last month to her deplorables comments) and a fainting spell due to pneumonia. It just sucks no matter how you spin it. Hillary has had to deal with so much baseless bullshit so any other kind of problem, even if mild in nature AND a subsequent fainting spell fueling alt right garbage is just not ideal. Not even close to being ideal conditions. A candidate can only fend off so many things and she basically has four different things working against her, PLUS Trump. It's just a lot to juggle with only 2 months left. Clinton is a political juggernaut but no one is invincible.

I mean, they probably should have told us she had pneumonia before being forced to by a public fainting spell. This is yet another hand in the cookie jar moment for a campaign that can't seem to avoid them.
Yeah, it would have made more sense. My only thought is maybe she would try to power through this week and then take the next one off and lay low to fully recover. If not, her campaign is nuts to think they could keep subjecting her to a relentless campaign schedule

CNN is already harping on the campaign for not coming out with this sooner. They'll whine and whine and point fingers. This is half the battle and the media is not being kind at all to her campaign.


It is bizarre to compare the Post's coverage of the election to the Times'... it's like night and day. I don't know what happened to the Times' politics team, if it's a clinton thing or a new staff thing, or what, but Krugman shitting on their coverage was completely justified and I'm surprised it took this long for someone to do it.
Latest conspiracy is Hillary had a body double.

Like, so maybe this is going to come off as a read. And it's not meant to be. Or maybe it is? But if it is, it's not directed at anyone. I've just had like a lot to drink this evening!

But, if you're nervous, if you're scared, if you're worried. Do something about it. Do a phone shift. SIgn up to canvas. Give a $1 every time you feel the panic well up inside of you like a fountain. (Except diablos, who would be broke in seven minutes). The two minutes you took to post something on here? You could call a voter in a swing state. it's easy. It's free. That way your nerves actually accomplished something other than pearl clutching. You're being proactive. You're making a difference.

If my 5 year old can make it through 30 minutes of Trump, surely we grown ass people can punch the terror down long enough to be productive with our worry.


Hildawg has been steadily ticking up over the past few days on all of the 538 models, FWIW

Her low was 67.3% on the 7th and now she's back up to 70.6%
Now-cast: 66.2% -> 74.7%
Polls-plus: 65.8% -> 68.8%

I'm thinking the race is going to go back to where it was in early/mid august in a few weeks where she is leading by 7+ points.


Canceling California isn't going to do much. We're not going red obviously. Also I guess Kamala Harris is getting shit from Sanchez for taking 5 grand from Trump U despite the fact she immediately donated that to charity and despite the fact Sanchez also too a shitload more from predatory for profit schools while in congress.

Sanchez isn't making any headway here.
Canceling California isn't going to do much. We're not going red obviously. Also I guess Kamala Harris is getting shit from Sanchez for taking 5 grand from Trump U despite the fact she immediately donated that to charity and despite the fact Sanchez also too a shitload more from predatory for profit schools while in congress.

Sanchez isn't making any headway here.
That bullshit where Sanchez implied Obama only endorsed Kamala because she's black lol. Go home sis.


After 2 years I'm seriously considering deleting my AP app.

I might do it tonight

Their headlines are turning into misleading clickbait bullshit. They have fallen really far, really fast.

What other app is good for breaking news updates?


Professional Schmuck
After 2 years I'm seriously considering deleting my AP app.

I might do it tonight

Their headlines are turning into misleading clickbait bullshit. They have fallen really far, really fast.

What other app is good for breaking news updates?

neogaf, twitter, facebook, your 4-5 favorite other sites

but i'd delete your account on all those as well

just in case

breaking news is bad for you and bad for america
If one of the Canadian party leaders had gotten sick during the last campaign I doubt it would be more than a footnote in the news lol, if anything most Canadians would have wished them well and carried on


Yall can disagree with the AP, but I would push back on deleting it or isolating yourself from it. I worry about how polarized shit has become, and the media bubbles that form and encapsulate various different realities scare me immensely.
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