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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Oh shit, that is grand.

Yall can disagree with the AP, but I would push back on deleting it or isolating yourself from it. I worry about how polarized shit has become, and the media bubbles that form and encapsulate various different realities scare me immensely.
That's why I kept them for my breaking news phone updates, they were disciplined and not really biased with no BS in how they provided info.

Now it's increasingly turning into "oh let's just say it this way instead to help build a narrative because why not". Really not liking that.


I typically am not a big fan of rewatching bad events and whatnot over and over, but I think this is worth listening to if you want to be reminded of the immediate, permanent impact 9/11 had on everything:

1010 WINS radio 9/11 coverage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Q3m3tAS8o
(Ignore the fact that it has been uploaded by a 9/11 truth kind of person. Also it's 8 hours, no need to listen to ALL of it).

The broadcast speaks for itself. But yeah for some reason I think this serves as a good "time capsule" for how the mood of the day changed so fast and how terrified everyone was. The TV stuff had been so played out and woven into our brains as being seamless with news media as it had been and continues to be that it kind of doesn't matter as much.


Like, so maybe this is going to come off as a read. And it's not meant to be. Or maybe it is? But if it is, it's not directed at anyone. I've just had like a lot to drink this evening!

But, if you're nervous, if you're scared, if you're worried. Do something about it. Do a phone shift. SIgn up to canvas. Give a $1 every time you feel the panic well up inside of you like a fountain. (Except diablos, who would be broke in seven minutes). The two minutes you took to post something on here? You could call a voter in a swing state. it's easy. It's free. That way your nerves actually accomplished something other than pearl clutching. You're being proactive. You're making a difference.

If my 5 year old can make it through 30 minutes of Trump, surely we grown ass people can punch the terror down long enough to be productive with our worry.
Wait are you calling me poor, or are you saying I'd like donate my entire checking account in 7 minutes


I've maxed out my donations to Hildawg already...

I have tried phonebanking although I feel like I mostly get disconnected numbers or no responses, and even the people I actually get on the line often don't want to talk. Does this actually help with stuff? I worry that I'm just as likely to annoy potential voters as I am to help them. Does anyone have any positive stories from phonebanking to motivate me?

When you phonebank or canvass, there's one inevitable thing you're gonna do.

Annoy people. It sucks, but don't take it personally. I did it once and I wept like a baby.


The problem is that the media is constantly looking for any excuse to build up their narrative. We are seeing them use this new health issue as a way to lash out against Clinton for being secretive. I can't imagine how tiring and rage enducing running Clinton's campaign must be, let alone how Clinton must feel when every little thing you do or say is held to this impossible standard.


The problem is that the media is constantly looking for any excuse to build up their narrative. We are seeing them use this new health issue as a way to lash out against Clinton for being secretive. I can't imagine how tiring and rage enducing running Clinton's campaign must be, let alone how Clinton must feel when every little thing you do or say is held to this impossible standard.

Lets try to stay calm. The majority of coverage that I've seen today has been pretty fair. It's an unfortunate thing that happened, the media HAS to cover it, but the media so far has refused to take it overboard like the email shit. And the only people giving her shit are the same people who are always looking to give her shit. Most sane Americans know what it's like to be sick and still have to go to work, take care of family, deal with obligations, etc..

We'll see tomorrow what the coverage looks like. The Clinton campaign has an opportunity to turn this into a real moment of strength, but they'll need to be aggressive, and hopefully they've learned that lesson. Frankly, if they bury their heads in the sand and let Team Trump frame this (basically, their August strategy), they deserve the fallout, because they really should fucking know better by now.


I mean, this sickness thing is honestly a whole lot less controversial than even the deplorable comment. Getting sick isn't her fault and she didn't willfully contract anyone with a disease. The campaign can definitely manage this fiasco. Clinton worked her ass off.




You'd think this should start showing up in the polls, then, with only two months left.

I don't think the polls would have the same issues tracking muslim voters like they do with some hispanic voters, but at the same time their may be a language barrier like with hispanics that may prevent some muslims from answering some of the polls that are mostly english only.Muslim voters will only have a small impact on this election but they may prevent trump from winning or coming close to winning in some of the rust belt states and in diverse states like Florida.


...who's to say it hasn't?

Yes, that's true. Pollsters don't/can't break down samples into these small subgroups with any reasonable MOE, so we can't tell if they're voting at higher rates or proportions.

Could also be that they haven't registered yet but will.

This may also apply to Trump supporters (unlikely or unexpected voters voting) although the lack of ground game is likely to have some effect on this.
Yes, that's true. Pollsters don't/can't break down samples into these small subgroups with any reasonable MOE, so we can't tell if they're voting at higher rates or proportions.

Could also be that they haven't registered yet but will.

This may also apply to Trump supporters (unlikely or unexpected voters voting) although the lack of ground game is likely to have some effect on this.

To leap off here about something different, if Republicans ever figure out how to appeal to minority groups, this could lead to a bad surprise in a future election for Dems. The groups that are difficult to poll will still be difficult to poll if they're leaning R, so a close election may fall the other way.

Granted, this depends on the largest minority group that is difficult to poll (Hispanic voters) not turning into the monolith that black voters are because of the Right running them off. Trump could very well have that effect, but we'll have to see.


Black Sabbath is playing their last ever show in Utah on a Sunday on 9/11.

Well, that's interesting, lol.

Holy shit, they opened with a CGI video of Satan destroying a city with Satan bursting out of his egg representing them coming on stage.

They didn't even go with "look at how brave we are for showing 9/11-like images for ourselves on 9/11," they just didn't give a fuck, omg.

Iommi, Butler, and the rest were still great even at their age. Great playlist too.

Their opening act was the worst band I've heard in a long while though and not even a metal band, what a confusing choice.
This is cool.


For first-time voters, the process can be new and unknown — “just like having sex,” said Erika Reinhardt, co-founder of VotePlz, a nonpartisan nonprofit that launched today. “Your parents don’t sit you down and tell you, ‘this is how to vote.’”

VotePlz aims to make the process easier for young voters, a powerful demographic that now rivals Baby Boomers. VotePlz’s four cofounders all hail from the tech industry and wanted to approach voter registration like a startup: looking for ways to make it digital, frictionless, and game-like.

The organization is funded a lot like a startup too, with money raised through cofounder Sam Altman, whose day job is president of Y Combinator, a marquee startup incubator. Altman told BuzzFeed News that he has raised funding in the “low single digit millions” from other, unnamed tech industry insiders who also want more young voters to have a voice in the presidential election.

Altman and Reinhardt are both directors of VotePlz. Up until three weeks ago, Reinhardt was in product engineering for Planet Labs, a global imaging startup.

“We came together to think about what we could do to bring what we’re good at — which is consumer software — to voting registration and turnout,” said Altman.

“I want this to be the TurboTax of voter registration,” Reinhardt told BuzzFeed News. “You come in, you’re faced with this crazy set of rules that vary by state, you just don’t know what those rules are, and you often don’t know your own information.” Ten percent people surveyed by VotePlz, she said, didn’t even know if they were registered.

According to Altman, “Every year it’s gotten more and more difficult for young people to vote.” Many states require registrants to sign a form and mail it in “and most young people don’t have printers or stamps anymore.” What’s more, he added, with young people owning cars as a lower rate, they may have a hard time driving to the polls.

The nonprofit spent the past three weeks building the software and brushing up on the rules. Using the VotePlz website, young people can check if they’re registered to vote by entering their name and address, then register online in states that allow it, or get registration forms and a stamped envelope mailed to them for free, which costs VotePlz about $1.20 per person. There are also features to check if you’re entitled to time off of work to go to the polls and a way to send an automated message to your boss if you are.

The site: https://www.voteplz.org/


So, Nate (bad?) Silver just weighed in on Pneumoighazigate, and I actually think he has a good point:

Clinton's win probability fell by 4-5% at betting markets today on pneumonia/"overheating" news. A strong reaction, as these things go. 1/

But less than half of the decline was to Trump. Instead, Kaine/Biden/Sanders gained ground. Gamblers speculating Clinton could drop out. 2/

That speculation is probably silly, but it illustrates a potential limitation for Trump. If there's nothing more to the story... 3/

…then it probably devolves in a few days to a big partisan food-fight. Trump and/or media could overreach, motivating Clinton supporters. 4/

Trump is older than Clinton, not in obviously great shape, and even less transparent. Not in a great position to press the health issue. 5/

Clinton has the bigger base. She might not mind a big partisan fight. Polling suggests some of her recent slide is due to enthusiasm gap. 6/

But on the remote chance Clinton has SERIOUS problems, as fewer swamps allege, she could drop out, which probably doesn't help Trump. 7/

Trump benefits if there are recurring problems, more serious than disclosed so far. But can't be so serious they force Clinton to quit. 8/

It's all a bit unpredictable. Certainly ways it could turn out badly for Clinton. But also not obvious how it motivates votes for Trump. 9/9
It will be a sad day when Clinton will release her medical records only for people to say that the doctors were bribed or something shady happened. Besides if something were to happen to Clinton then we would get Tim Kaine which is still a 100 times better than any other candidate running for president. Heck he has the fortune of being someone without a long political career in the national spotlight for the media to attack as well as being a white male veteran.


Still reading back through posts during the night, so not sure if this has been posted already.

An image linking Trump to the alt-right is shared by the candidate’s son

Donald Trump Jr., an adviser and surrogate for his father's presidential campaign, told followers on Instagram this weekend that he'd "made the cut" as one of the "deplorables" denounced by Hillary Clinton — and shared an image that portrayed Donald Trump and his running mate alongside fringe radio host Alex Jones and a cartoon icon associated with the white nationalist alt-right.

The Trump campaign literally walking into the bad-press by sharing those images. Well, okay, it solidifies their base, so it's not bad-press in that sense, but to everyone else... It's exactly what the "Deplorables" comment was designed to do - taint Trump and his campaign amongst the non-alt-right voting demographics.
Finally, it's time to bridge the gap between my talking about politics and metal by posting news about how Fenriz of Darkthrone got elected to office in Norway.

What is life like in Kolbotn these days?
Nowadays, I’m the neighbor that really takes care of the lawn. But now I’m in the local papers because I got voted in as a politician — involuntarily, I might add. So, I’ve got some support, I guess. But Kolbotn is a tiny place, maybe 9,000 people.

You got voted in involuntarily? Couldn’t you just decline the position?
No, if you get voted in, you have to stay in that position for four years. And then you can pull out. But I’m used to these sort of long-term commitments. [Laughs] Basically, they called and asked if I wanted to be on the list [of backup representatives]. I said yeah, thinking I would be like 18th on the list and I wouldn’t really have to do anything. They just need a list to be able to … well, it’s hard to talk local politics in another language. My campaign was a picture of me holding my cat saying, “Please don’t vote for me.” But people just went nuts. After the election, the boss called me and told me I was a representative. I wasn’t too pleased, and I’m not too pleased about it. It’s boring. There’s not a lot of money in that, either, I can tell you!

So, you’re on the town council, basically.
Yep, that’s it. I’m a local politician. But Norway is very small, so when you’re a local politician, you’re local, man. [Laughs] I’m a pillar of my community.

Woah, Sally Hemmings (the slave Thomas Jefferson raped for decades) was the half sister of Thomas Jefferson's dead wife.

What the fuck was wrong with this guy's head.


Seems like he's just going in circles. Could do this but it could do that but then again it could do this.

Nate is a bad writer.
Tldr: if she drops, most of her support would not go to Trump.

They should just put out the full medical report. Send simple enough.

A full medical report is probably a ton of pages with a lot of information. Not only is it not simple to parse, it's also tricky because it discloses a lot of "shameful" information. Especially for a woman, there's a lot of shit in there that can be misinterpreted.
Robert Costa ‏@costareports 10h10 hours ago
Two Trump advisers told WaPo tonight that the candidate & aides are closely monitoring HRC news. But he's not planning to tweet.

Robert Costa ‏@costareports 10h10 hours ago
If asked abt HRC health, aides say Trump expected to tread somewhat carefully, may raise transparency Qs. Week's focus will be "deplorables"
Oh well, I miss uncontrolled Trump

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 8m8 minutes ago
I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:00 A.M.

Seems like he's just going in circles. Could do this but it could do that but then again it could do this.

Almost like his "opinions" and "punditry" are based on statistics, all of which could be proven or disproven by future circumstance, basically the essence of what stats actually are and how they actually work.

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