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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Also applies to their arguments for freedom of speech. If an employee says, "Black Lives Matter" online, they believe it should be okay to fire them, but when someone like Donald Sterling got caught saying racist shit, they were all "What about his freedom of speech!?!"

Freedom of speech to these people means they can say whatever they want, and no one else can use the same freedom of speech to negatively respond to them.

Oh that reminds me, he tried to use what happened with the NHL as proof that the Kaepernick stuff will backfire on those taking the knee.

My immediate response was to bring up that no one watches the NHL, but also that a better predictor would be what happened when the NBA players threatened to strike if Sterling didn't get fired for his racist remarks.
Bullish Senate Democrats target North Carolina, Missouri

The campaign arm for Senate Democrats is launching television ads in North Carolina and Missouri, a sign of their bullishness about winning seats in conservative territory, according to a source familiar with the ad buy.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is spending $2.5 million in North Carolina to wrest a seat from GOP Sen. Richard Burr and $1.5 million to knock off Republican Sen. Roy Blunt. The cash infusion for television and possibly digital ads comes from the DSCC's independent expenditure unit.

The move marks a significant expansion of the Democratic campaign to take back the Senate, which Republicans now control with 54 seats to Democrats' 46. Until now, the party had been concentrating on traditional battlegrounds like Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Hampshire and Nevada. Republicans are defending 24 seats, many in blue and purple states, compared with just 10 for Democrats.

Mixed feelings about this.
To make a long story short my girlfriend's father passed away in April and we have been getting the house ready to sell. He was a registered Republican, and we never told the GOP he passed away and to take him off their mailing list.

This is, maybe, over the span of a month. As near as I can tell they have been sending this crap in triplicates. The four envelopes to the left of the Trump envelopes are from GOP.

My girlfriend and I couldn't stop laughing at all this crap. Hopefully they have wasted several dollars for each mailer they sent to her Dad.

The GOP campaign patronage machine is so decrepit-relying heavily on 80s-era direct mail efforts and most of the money goes right back to the consultants running the direct mail campaigns. Many of those consultants have fed on campaigns for over 30 years and the value they bring to the table now is a net negative.

The next GOP candidate would do well to box them out and run the entire operation in-house. Trump leaving a lot of work to the RNC meant that these people-with entrenched power in the party-continue to do nothing to actually help their candidates win.

I mean, world's smallest violin here because the GOP is just awful, but it's almost comical how little value the average donor gets for their money. It's a big part of the reason big-donor interests continue to dominate the party platform.
Does anyone really believe Trump will "release the numbers" from his physical? I don't think that's necessary at all, and a written statement (protecting patient privacy) alone will be fine.I also think that's what we'll get, and his statement that he'll show more transparency is just hot air.
Why wouldn't you be happy about this? McGinty and Hassan look like they have small, if durable leads, and Strickland isn't performing. They're not moving money away from anywhere but OH.

Probably giving up on AZ (expected) and I'm not convinced about the Hassan lead.

Not convinced the Missouri senate race is close either.

As part of the shift in advertising, Democrats are also scaling back their advertising in Florida by $700,000 during the last week of September, from about $1 million to $300,000. While GOP Sen. Marco Rubio holds an edge there over Democratic Rep. Patrick Murphy, Democrats said that Senate Majority PAC will provide more than adequate air cover for Murphy that week and still believe the race is winnable.


IT still fucks with me mentally their slogan is "Anti Racist is Anti White" do they not know what they are saying?

The white supremacist theory is that the idea of racism was invented by Jews to convince the white race to to stop struggling against the other races and allow itself to be destroyed. It's in Mein Kampf and everything!
I'm for this but didn't they pull money from Murphy too?

Yeah, but to spend at the last week of his campaign.

Probably giving up on AZ (expected) and I'm not convinced about the Hassan lead.

Not convinced the Missouri senate race is close either.

They're still spending in NH, and I agree on MO. I also don't really understand why you wouldn't believe Hassan has a lead when she's been leading most polls?
The weirdest thing about political journalism is the instinct to excuse bullshit by saying "hey voters might dig it, who knows?"

OT does this too. Its frustrating it was all over the Hillary thread yesterday morning.

We have no examples of it to base off of but lets definitively say it will based on my feelings

Axelrod's tweet is getting play on each CNN segment.

Smooth move, Axe.

He's needs the steady income now that he doesn't have obama to rely on

@daveweigel 2m2 minutes ago
Area reporter realizes that a “here’s how the DNC could replace Hillary” take would get more traffic than any actual news today
For reference, so you know I wasn't exaggerating or making up anything in that story, here is the beer bottle I mockingly poured:



The amount of beer that was left for the pour was up to that bottom line "Margaritaville Brewing Co., St Louis, MO"

It sucked that by pouring, I was "wasting" what was left of a beer that I liked, but the sting I inflicted from mockingly pouring it made it absolutely worth it.


The white supremacist theory is that the idea of racism was invented by Jews to convince the white race to to stop struggling against the other races and allow itself to be destroyed. It's in Mein Kampf and everything!

being white supremacist seems so mentally tiring. You got to remember all this backwards logic, conspiracy theories, numerical codes, and symbols. Do they a cheat book?


The main reason that ad is so bad...Clinton literally explains who's shes talking about in that ad. She calls them Trump supporters and then goes on to list racists, sexists etc.

Also I don't know why the fuck is shows crowds of Trumps supporters clapping. And the music was terrible.


Unconfirmed Member
I feel like this works to energize his supporters but reenforces clinton's point with hers.

Which seems like a really bad idea when Hillary has a much bigger base to work with.

Please proceed, Trump.
They're still spending in NH, and I agree on MO. I also don't really understand why you wouldn't believe Hassan has a lead when she's been leading most polls?

Poll yesterday, tend to trust media polls (NBC/WSJ/Marist) more had +8,+7 for Ayotte.

Call it an outlier, I call it a warning sign TBH.
Poll yesterday, tend to trust media polls (NBC/WSJ/Marist) more had +8,+7 for Ayotte.

Call it an outlier, I call it a warning sign TBH.

Again -- ignoring that they're still spending in NH -- that IS an outlier! The last 4 polls have been Ayotte +1, Hassan +2, Hassan +1, Hassan +10, Hassan +3. You're free to ignore polling to fit your own anxieties, I guess.
I could feel the Trump campagin and GOP have a collective orgasm as soon as Clinton said the "deplorables" comment, and they predictable saw it as a meme they could focus the campaign on from here on out.
Obama's approval raiting is crazy right now. Whenever I feel nervous, I remember that he could probably drag Clinton across the finish line all by himself. Thank goodness he is going to start campaigning hard for her soon.
being white supremacist seems so mentally tiring. You got to remember all this backwards logic, conspiracy theories, numerical codes, and symbols. Do they a cheat book?

I find that the best way to humiliate neonazis and white supremacists is to explain to them what I like to call "reverse eugenics". It goes by (warning certain parts of what I am about to list are politically incorrect):

- Explaining that in biology the health of ecosystems, comminities, and species are measured by how much biodiversity they have and that less biodiversity means more vulnerability to extinction or mass extinction.

- Using the above explaination to show that by rejecting diversity, neonazis and white supremacists are only ensuring their own extinction.

- Explaining that by rejecting diversity, they are also rejecting evolution and that if they aren't evolving they can't even be categorized as part of any species (and that therefor they are ironically the subhuman ones).

- Explaining that by only wanting to mingle with those who as similar to them as possible, they are "basically inbreeding".

- Explaining to them that from an evolutionary perspective, the fact that they are so afraid of competition from other races shows that they themselves clearly feel inferior.

- Concluding by telling them "It's not white genocide, it's just your own political white suicide."

"Trained organizers" Clearly just means anyone that volunteers.

We all know that it terms of paid staff, Romney's campaign had a lot more people than Trump'a campaign currently has.

Plus we also know that graph is probably including RNC volunteers as well instead of just Trump campaign volunteers.

Edit: I misread the header. So it's literally just a graph that shows the RNC is desperately having to pull more weight due to a shitty Presidential Campaign team.
Again -- ignoring that they're still spending in NH -- that IS an outlier! The last 4 polls have been Ayotte +1, Hassan +2, Hassan +1, Hassan +10, Hassan +3. You're free to ignore polling to fit your own anxieties, I guess.

It's not about ignoring, but like I said, I put more weight in a NBC poll than PPP.
Shifting any sort of resources to Missouri is getting greedy, IMO.


Obama's approval raiting is crazy right now. Whenever I feel nervous, I remember that he could probably drag Clinton across the finish line all by himself. Thank goodness he is going to start campaigning hard for her soon.
He is Hillary's Trump card. Getting her elected would be sweet, sweet revenge for how he's been treated.
It's not about ignoring, but like I said, I put more weight in a NBC poll than PPP.
Shifting any sort of resources to Missouri is getting greedy, IMO.

You're welcome to do that, but it's also ignoring the bevy of polling that's come beforehand to confirm your own anxieties that don't really bear out in what we've seen in the data.



Trump is doing what Trump does. He's making someone else do all the work and then take the fall when it all comes apart. Then he takes home all the money from his campaign contributions by spending it with his own companies and raising rent at Trump Tower.

I kind of wonder if he's capable of bankrupting the RNC.
America like, "can't we change the term limit law?"


This is why Trump's constant harping of "obama has been a disaster, everything is a disaster" makes no sense to most sane people

(same dumb fatal mistake that Bernie made when he says Obama sucks and he's gonna be the real revolution)

Obama coalition be liek....oh no you didn't
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