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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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I'm disappointed that the media has ignored the real story from yesterday: that Clinton went with the ugly John Lennon glasses. What the hell was she thinking with those?


Tressie Mc ‏@tressiemcphd 1h1 hour ago
Literally nothing. A fair share of our nation wants Trump no matter what he has done, would do, hasn't done. Period.

Jamelle Bouie Retweeted
Tressie Mc ‏@tressiemcphd 1h1 hour ago
The media has fallen down on the job a lot but we may need to face this truth: there's nothing they could report on Trump that would matter


FGC Waterboy
You guys thinking Axelrod was playing some type of chess move trap for Conway are kidding yourselves. Yes he's a key Democratic strategist and friend of Clinton's but he's also an analyst now giving a hot take of a typical Clinton criticism.

If anything, he's critiquing them to hopefully get across to them to be more transparent and quick than they have been.

I think folks from inside the campaign / some of Obama's staff have been fighting with Clinton about being more transparent and wasn't winning and probably reached out to Axelrod to try to prod her from the outside.

Exactly. But there's a better way to critique -- how about calling Mook?

I promise you they've been calling Mook. If Axe-man went public with the critique, it's because they can't do it privately.

We'll see how much any of this actually matters.

I kind of expect Clinton to start climbing in the polls once protest voters realize that Trump could win.

Yeah - there's probably +1 or +2 overall gain sitting in the Johnson and Stein voters if things actually get close. Probably closer to +1 because there's a lot of youth vote in that gain, and, uh, we're really bad at voting.

She doesn't drink a lot of water. No big deal, she drinks a lot of beer.

Last I remember she's totally into wine. Then again, being married to Bill means she's probably quite happy with any and all versions. :p


Counter: Khantroversy

If they stick with what he is saying and just follow up, the attacks hit.

He was still getting between 35 to 40 % in the polls after the khan traversed. There really is a sizeable part of the USA that will vote for that monster no matter what. Like Brexit in my country, this election is revealing some very unpleasant things about ourselves and our country folk.


Kills Photobucket
How about that Liberal Media Bias?




This is the big takeaway of election, and the entire point behind #BasketofDeplorables.

There is a large group of people in this country that support Donald Trump and KNOW he's full of shit. Who KNOW he won't do even half the things he's promising, but don't care because he's speaking to their hate and their longing for a sense of superiority, and that's all that matters to them. Period.

And for this group no amount of ignoring them, or "educating them" is going to make them go away


He was still getting between 35 to 40 % in the polls after the khan traversed. There really is a sizeable part of the USA that will vote for that monster no matter what. Like Brexit in my country, this election is revealing some very unpleasant things about ourselves and our country folk.

well yeah. Every nominee D or R since the two party system began has gotten atleast 30% aside from unique elections like 1916. The Republicans could have nominated David Duke in the flesh and still gotten 30-40%..

He got 38.8% vs Edwards in 1991.
I do. I hate calling out sick.

But then, I now work one of those jobs where the work will be waiting for you, and growing for every day that I'm out.

Uh, yeah. I haven't taken a sick day in over four years now. About ten years ago I was out sick for an extended period of time (like 4 weeks or whatever it was) and it was horrible horrible horrible. I totally wanted to get working again.

You guys are playing into the lazy liberal not wanting to work just wanting to get paid for doing nothing stereotype.

If Trump sees this he's going to win now. For shame.
No. I don't think that this will impact the election in the end, but this is objectively the nightmare scenario of most campaigns.

Having your candidate collapse or feint on camera, regardless of what precipitated it, is a terrible image for any campaign. I'm a die hard Clinton fan, but I feel like this week has gotten away from her in a terrible way. The coverage of the deplorable comment has, IMO, been very negative and following that up with the health incident felt like a one-two punch.

Polls have been solid this week and I still think this is noise and the debates will be the big events coming up, but this just hasn't been a good couple of days for her.

Also, Axe is spot on IMO. She needs to be more open and proactive and less reactive. Remember when people were saying any press conference would be terrible and how she should avoid them like the plague? She crushed all of the pressers last week and they did wonders for her immediate coverage in the press. Most of the time, Clinton doesn't do anything wrong, but hiding information or be overly cautious just comes off as shifty and constantly feeds to narrative that she is subversive. This whole cycle has felt like she's reactive and not proactive (not in terms of campaign infrastructure or get-out, but in terms of personal narrative).

I disagree with most of this.

For one, I simply don't believe anyone who logically thinks admitting pneumonia is the right call. To use a metaphor, that's like saying in a game of football that you should try to kick an 80 yard field goal AFTER your hail mary failed. In hindsight, you think it looks better, but there's a 0% chance the kick works. There's a nonzero chance the hail mary works. Announcing pneumonia without being prompted is the textbook definition of an unforced error.

Second, her deplorable comment was getting good press. Most of the headlines were of the "Is She Wrong?" variety. I'm not sure how you got the opposite read here. I'm living in hardcore Trump country and people here think Trump took a hit on that one.

Third, your point about press conferences is contradictory, at least with your own read. If the deplorable comment was bad, how has she been killing it on her recent appearances? I'd argue that she should do more events specifically because they've been good, deplorable included.
I think folks from inside the campaign / some of Obama's staff have been fighting with Clinton about being more transparent and wasn't winning and probably reached out to Axelrod to try to prod her from the outside.

I'd imagine this is the case. I've talked to former-Obama staff folks on the campaign who are baffled by the way the Clinton campaign botches even the most simple things, turning one day stories into week long affairs by not being open.

Axelrod is not a dick, nor is he playing this up for media attention. Clinton literally coughed for 2-4 minutes on live TV and the campaign had nothing to say about it; if she really has pneumonia it should have been made open before or immediately after that situation. Instead they waited and here we are.


Lol, Trump campaign got handed perhaps the easiest Monday cycle they're gonna get and they're already flubbing it. I'm not surprised.

They are forever tripping over themselves, all they had to do was shut up for a few days.

Can you imagine if Obama was running this cycle? I bet we would see 70 points in some states


This is why "deplorables" needed to be said.

I know some here thought it would be negative for Clinton. Maybe so. BUT the simple fact that Blitzer can ask Pence or Trump for that matter about it and ask them to repudiate a racist and classify him as deplorable. They can't do it.

Now you bring up Duke and what he is and you say the Trump campaign can't even repudiate the worst in our society. They are actively giving that segment a voice in the republican party.
Part of the problem is that Trump only had the JV team to pick from, and Pence has an issue going off of talking points when pressed. We saw this during the RFRA debacle where he struggled in most TV interviews.
Why is it so hard to just throw David Duke under the bus. Why oh why is this such a difficult thing. Can we get some flashcards here? Something like:


So when he comes up, you just short circuit your brain to the flashcard. "David Duke is a very bad man who believes bad things".
This is why "deplorables" needed to be said.

I know some here thought it would be negative for Clinton. Maybe so. BUT the simple fact that Blitzer can ask Pence or Trump for that matter about it and ask them to repudiate a racist and classify him as deplorable. They can't do it.

Now you bring up Duke and what he is and you say the Trump campaign can't even repudiate the worst in our society. They are actively giving that segment a voice in the republican party.

This is why I was hoping she wouldn't walk it back. The whole statement is sound and can be quickly supported with facts.
So, since Clinton said "deplorables," Donald Trump Jr. tweeted a meme with Pepe and Pence declined to call David Duke deplorable.

I'm old enough to remember when Republicans told me this was supposed to be a campaign ending gaffe.


Ali Vitali ‏@alivitali 3m3 minutes ago
Trump says Clinton is "running a hate-filled and negative campaign with no policy, no solutions, and no new ideas."

She literally released a book of policy. Everything this guy says is projection.

I can't wait until the debates.
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