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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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So are we not allowed to use Pepe now? Racists ruin everything.


"Pepe the Frog is a huge favorite white supremacist meme," Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty Law Center told NBC News of the meme.

This is why I was hoping she wouldn't walk it back. The whole statement is sound and can be quickly supported with facts.

She didn't walk anything back other than the "half" word. She stuck to her guns, and only regrets saying half of the trump supporters. You can't expect her to say half of trump supporters are racists and carry on. The media already loves shredding everything she does, and there was no way they'd have let her go on this. It was wise to walk back on the "half" remark, and insist that the crux of her argument hasn't changed. It would have been a disaster if she came out with "I misspoke" crap.


My internet's been shit today, so I'm kind of behind everyone; what did pence say on CNN?

EDIT: NVM, I just saw it. What the actual fuck?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Is it sad that I have no idea what Pepe is representing?
Hillary's mistake was definitely the use of the word "half."

She should have just said "there's some portion of his support; I don't know the actual number but it's large enough for concern, that are deplorable blahblahblah."

One word can cause a problem.


The softest of softballs. "Hey is this guy from the KKK deplorable, yes no?"

Well I don't really want to call him names so I won't answer, also mums the word on that birther stuff.

Pence probably sucks at t-ball too.

Hillary's mistake was definitely the use of the word "half."

She should have just said "there's some portion of his support; I don't know the actual number but it's large enough for concern, that are deplorable blahblahblah."

One word can cause a problem.
I think the half gets it talked about. Numbers get people's hackles raised because then they have to think about which half they are.


The softest of softballs. "Hey is this guy from the KKK deplorable, yes no?"

Well I don't really want to call him names so I won't answer, also mums the word on that birther stuff.

Pence probably sucks at t-ball too.

Seriously. Just say he's deplorable. Duke probably wouldn't even care and would think in his mind "ok they just have to say that"


will gain confidence one day
My assumption would be that Pence's #1 concern there was to not provide a soundbite for a future Clinton ad that has him labeling any Trump supporter as deplorable.

But... what he actually did is probably a worse outcome for him.


Hillary's mistake was definitely the use of the word "half."

She should have just said "there's some portion of his support; I don't know the actual number but it's large enough for concern, that are deplorable blahblahblah."

One word can cause a problem.

True but I don't think it would have been noticed by anyone if she hadn't. She pretty much said the exact same thing during the Israeli interview but didn't use the word half.


I disagree with most of this.

For one, I simply don't believe anyone who logically thinks admitting pneumonia is the right call. To use a metaphor, that's like saying in a game of football that you should try to kick an 80 yard field goal AFTER your hail mary failed. In hindsight, you think it looks better, but there's a 0% chance the kick works. There's a nonzero chance the hail mary works. Announcing pneumonia without being prompted is the textbook definition of an unforced error.

Second, her deplorable comment was getting good press. Most of the headlines were of the "Is She Wrong?" variety. I'm not sure how you got the opposite read here. I'm living in hardcore Trump country and people here think Trump took a hit on that one.

Third, your point about press conferences is contradictory, at least with your own read. If the deplorable comment was bad, how has she been killing it on her recent appearances? I'd argue that she should do more events specifically because they've been good, deplorable included.

1. I'll absolutely agree that hindsight is 20/20, but I'd argue the results are speaking for themselves. Again, I don't think that this will ultimately impact the race, but the Clinton campaign lost control of the narrative. The press isn't hitting her for her pneumonia today, they are hitting her and her campaign for not being open about it and for her campaign staff possibly not even knowing about the pneumonia before Sunday.

2. Her deplorable comment is not getting good press on CNN, ABC, and WADR. It is being called a gaffe, it is being panned as derisive, and it is being spun by many anchors as an attack on voters. That's not to say it didn't bring up racist voters to the fore of the conversation, but at least on the national media I've been watching, it's been widely criticized.

3. She had her last press conference on Friday before she made her deplorable comment. The highlight for her IMO last week was her press gaggles and her tarmac press conference. That came to a stop come Friday evening.

The point of my comparison was that, despite many saying she shouldn't do an open press conference, they've turned out quite well for her.
Personal diablos activated.

Inside the Mind of the Undecided Voter

Politics reporter, 42, Washington, D.C.

I cannot stomach Hillary Clinton. I just can't get with her. Maybe because I know too much. I find so much of her world hypocritical, reprehensible. I think the rest of the country sort of gives her a pass, like, "Oh, she's always been attacked by Republicans, it's not that big a deal, email shmemail!" But I'm like, "WHAT! This is a huge deal."

And then I also obviously struggle with Donald Trump. The things I like about him are: I believe that sometimes you just have to blow shit up to build it again, and I think that a Trump presidency would do that. But just when I sort of get there with him, like, Ohhhhhhkayyyy, he says or does something and I'm like, "No, I can't!" Like saying, "What do you have to lose?" to African-Americans. Like, WHAT? What?

I think I would just have to sort of give in to my chaos theory of Trump and just hope that he surrounds himself with the right people enough that it's not a total disaster? Or Hillary would have to do a really convincing and honest come-to-Jesus with the media. A real press conference.

I cover this stuff every day. So for me, four years of Trump, selfishly, sounds a lot more enticing, just because it's going to be a dumpster fire. And a Clinton administration would be more of what we're seeing now, which is carefully orchestrated speeches, behind-the-scenes Wealthy McWealthysons going in and out of the White House, and really horrible transparency with the press.

I weep.


I mean, maybe that sentiment would have some kind of merit when we were still playing with matches. Now it could literally be an extinction event.
Ultimately I think the deplorables statement is a net positive. The use of the word "half" may not have been the best (regardless of the truth of the characterization) but the statement, and Trump's immediate response to it, have forced the Trump into an awkward spot, as seen by Pence's interview.
Personal diablos activated.

Inside the Mind of the Undecided Voter

I weep.

Matt O’Hare, 28, middle school science teacher in Bellevue, Washington

I was a Bernie Sanders supporter. Now I'm kind of stuck. My thing is that a choice between classicism and racism isn’t a choice. It’s blackmail. And that's the choice we've been given, is to choose between Hillary's classicism and elitism and Trump's brash fascism. So I’m actually torn between Jill [Stein] or Gary Johnson. I see the benefits of both, and that there’s multiple ways to skin a cat. It's just which way would we like to approach it from? Do we want to approach it from an environmentalist/socialist viewpoint? Or do we want to view it as a libertarian, against-authoritative-government viewpoint? I think the [Libertarian and Green] parties, even though they're so opposite, should join together as a joint ticket to get us out of this problem.

"Why don't these two parties who are literally opposite on their ideas of government form one ticket"
Uh, yeah. I haven't taken a sick day in over four years now. About ten years ago I was out sick for an extended period of time (like 4 weeks or whatever it was) and it was horrible horrible horrible. I totally wanted to get working again.

You guys are playing into the lazy liberal not wanting to work just wanting to get paid for doing nothing stereotype.

If Trump sees this he's going to win now. For shame.

I am literally that stereotype. I've cut my hours down to 4-5 a day, and I'm still looking for ways out.



Ultimately I think the deplorables statement is a net positive. The use of the word "half" may not have been the best (regardless of the truth of the characterization) but the statement, and Trump's immediate response to it, have forced the Trump into an awkward spot, as seen by Pence's interview.


Every time an incident of this nature occurs, Hillary is proven right. This will be a part of the pattern for the rest of the campaign. His campaign supporters will not be able to help themselves.
Mike Pence is an extraordinarily stupid man, it's awesome.

In many ways, Pence is stuck.

He looks really stupid not saying he's deplorable.

But if he does says it, the follow up "well, since Duke supports Trump, that means some percentage of Trump supporters are deplorable. How many?"

A savvy politician would respond by nothing that every politician has some small amount of awful people supporting them, like Omar Mateen's dad supporting Hillary Clinton. All we can do is denounce and say we don't want their support, but ultimately you can't control them.

Pence is pretty bad at politics as seen by the RFRA debacle, so he can't be savvy.

The problem is the campaign is all about these people so they can't swerve. Have fun sinking in that ship, Pence.


2. Her deplorable comment is not getting good press on CNN, ABC, and WADR. It is being called a gaffe, it is being panned as derisive, and it is being spun by many anchors as an attack on voters. That's not to say it didn't bring up racist voters to the fore of the conversation, but at least on the national media I've been watching, it's been widely criticized.

I suppose we'll see when we get a fresh round of polls, but I honestly think the media (specifically cable news) are revealing themselves to be out-of-touch with the group this comment was aimed at. I've seen very little backlash from people who weren't already firmly Team Trump or leaning Trump.

Hillary didn't anger her base or people inclined to vote for her.
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